Chapter 19

Two Is Better Than One


“Its so beautiful Donghae!” Sungmin exclaimed happily as he caught sight of the lake and the white snowy landscape. 

Its hard to believe that this was the same place last night when the storm took place. Rough winds, violent falling snow and the chilling cold made Sungmin hate winter even more. But he would have to reconsider. 

Right now, the snow had settled, the storm had came to a complete halt and everything was the way it was before the avalanche had strike. 

The couple had left the woodshed as soon as dawn came. The night before was spent catching up on lost time. Both lost in their little conversations, warm embraces and loving kisses. 

Donghae stood by his side in awe, mesmerized by the features of the younger. He doesn’t miss the soft pink glow tainting Sungmin’s cheeks and his round button nose due to the cold, to the composer, its like falling in love all over again. He would never want to look away, too afraid that the moment would end soon if he even blinks. 

“Donghae-yah,” Sungmin calls out in hesitant as his gaze remained locked to the vast lake beneath the hill. 

The composer hums in respond, eyes still never leaving the other. 

“What are we living for now?” 

Silence greets them uncomfortably as Donghae was too stumped for words to answer. 

Sungmin sighs, “Why are we still living in denial? Why are we still suffering for the mistakes we made four years ago?” 

“Because Sungmin-ah,” Donghae sighs in return, the low tone evident in the composer’s voice sending shivers up to Sungmin’s spine, “We will never have a fairy tale ending.” 

“From the moment we got together, we knew, we understand, we expected…” The elder paused as he tried to figure out for the right word to say, “That...we will never be blessed. Your father hates me, hates our relationship. But we fought against him and we were too foolish to do so...”

Sungmin cuts him off impatiently, “That’s the past. Its been four years Donghae-ah. We both grown. I admit, we were young and foolish back then, but right now, we both know what we desperately want and need now. What’s holding us back?”

Feeling the tension from Sungmin’s glares and desperate tone, Donghae closes his eyes and rubs his temples. He could see an argument coming.

“When we return down there later, you still have a wedding to attend. A fiancé to marry and your parents and in-laws to please. If it weren’t for me, you would already have married her. What were you thinking when you left the altar? How would your fiancé feel?”

“Why is it always about everyone else’s feelings?! Why is it always about your conscience?! When will it ever come to you that I have feelings too?! Huh?! When would you ever consider my feelings Lee Donghae?!” Sungmin was already in tears as he continued yelling at the older man, tugging his jacket violently as he continued shaking Donghae. 

Donghae could feel his heart break even more at the sight of tears falling down the younger’s flawless face. He slowly reached for the Sungmin’s hands that were still latched tightly on his jacket. 

“I’m sorry Sungmin-ah…” Sungmin gave no resistance as Donghae pulled him for a hug, gaze still hanging low. 

“I hate you. You said you would protect me…” Sungmin mumbled in between sobs as he buried his head in the composer’s chest. 

Donghae tightened his embrace as he continued whispering soft apologies towards the younger. 

They stayed like that for a while, until Sungmin pulled away to meet Donghae’s eyes. His eyes still puffy red and moist as Donghae gently wiped them away, his thumbs caressing the cheek ever so softly, as if they were fragile. 

“Why don’t we run away? Where no one would be there to judge us, to tell us what to do anymore?” 

He could see the hope in the latter’s eyes. Donghae didn’t want to disappoint Sungmin, but there were just so many things running through his mind right now. There was Sungmin’s fiance to think of, Sungmin’s parents, Heechul, Hankyung and Kyuhyun. Eloping would mean running away from their responsibilities and obligations, running away from people who cared about them, who loved them. 


Sungmin could sense the reluctance in Donghae’s tone, he regretted for suggesting something so naïve and selfish. What was he thinking? Donghae would never abandoned Heechul, Hankyung and Kyuhyun. They were important to him. 

But he was willing to abandon his own family, he did it once. He would do it again. It was then he finally realized his place in the composer’s heart, he wasn’t important enough for Donghae to forget about everything else. 

“Forget about it. It was stupid of me to suggest that. I understand.” Sungmin hung his head low and looked away. His tears begging desperately for release again. His heart clenched painfully. 

“Sungmin, I’m sorry…” He didn’t know what else to do besides to apologize. He used to promised the sky, the mountains and seas for him. But it hurts now that he couldn’t even fulfilled his simplest of promises, to make Sungmin happy. Donghae was just torn in between love and the bitter reality. 

Between Sungmin and everyone else. 

The kiss was slow, passionate and emotional in so many ways. Full of longing and reluctance as Donghae took in as much taste that Sungmin could offer. They knew silently in their hearts, this was their last. Sungmin kiss back with equal fire. 

The only thing that pulled them apart was their need for air, foreheads touching and gazes locked tightly. As if they didn’t want to let go. 

“I love you, always.” The confession sparked so many feelings in his heart. He tried pushing them away, so he could save this moment as much as he could. 

Sungmin’s tears were finally let loose. The pain was too hard to bear. “I love you too, Donghae” 

Sungmin wrapped his arms around the elder tighter, never wanting to let go as his tears seeped into the material of Donghae’s jacket. Donghae returned his embrace in Sungmin’s arms, his own tears falling miserably into Sungmin’s shoulders. 

He took a deep breath, taking in as much of Sungmin’s scent as he could before giving the younger man a peck on his forehead. 
Sungmin closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth that Donghae had provided him with. 



The echoes of their names rang through the hills urgently.

They immediately released their hold on each other as familiar figures begin to appear through the vast white snowy landscape. 

Heechul was waving his hands like a madman in fear that the couple would not see him. 

“Donghae! Sungmin! Thank God you’re safe!” Heechul made a leap to hug the composer. Donghae returned the hug weakly. 

Sungmin could see Hankyung and Kyuhyun following closely behind with a small smile of their faces. 

Hankyung took Sungmin into a bear hug. “Thank you, Min. You shouldn’t have sneaked up here last night. It was a very risky move. We were worried sick for your safety.” 

“It doesn’t matter Hankyung-ah. As long as their fine now,” Heechul beamed happily, something he find impossible to do last night. 

Everyone was trudged and pushed into a tight hug by Heechul. Even for the usually stubborn and cold hearted Kyuhyun, he gives in and hugs his band mates back, missing their warmth after so many years. 

Finally, after four years. 

Super Junior were once again reunited. 

Even if it was for the briefest moment. 

They were family again.


“Oh my God Sungmin! Thank heavens you‘re safe!” Mrs. Lee exclaimed in relief as she pulled her only son into her arms. Sungmin slumped into his mother’s embrace, too tired to do anything. 

“What were thinking when you ran away yesterday? Your mother and I were worried sick,” Mr. Lee laughed as he plastered on a fake expression of happiness and relief. 

Sungmin forced himself for a quiet smile instead. He couldn’t bring himself to look at the man that had caused Donghae and him four years of heartbreak, the man that lied to him. His father was a hypocrite. 

All those smiles, those advices of ‘what’s best for you’ had made Sungmin’s boil with anger. He was angry at himself for not believing Donghae. For not having faith in the elder. Images of the past begin flashing through his mind, reminding him of how foolish he had been. 

“Lets go son. The car is waiting for you at the bottom. Shinae would be worrying about you now. We‘re having an apology dinner with her family tonight, and perhaps a ‘better‘ planned and well secured wedding ceremony” 

Shinae. How could he even listen to his father’s advice to propose? Shinae had been with him during his time overseas, often providing him a shoulder to lean and cry on. He thought it was love he felt and with much persuasion from both his parents, he managed to pop the question before returning to Fairview only to realized he felt nothing but gratitude towards his best friend. The love he felt for Shinae was not the same love he felt for Donghae. 

After their marriage, two companies would merge, two families would be united, two souls bounded by their vows, but it was impossible for his heart to be one with Shinae’s. 

For his heart had already molded tightly with Donghae’s. 

Sungmin nodded absentmindedly in respond to his father’s wishes. The only thing that was keeping him alive now was the silent promise he had made with the composer. He would move on, and face his responsibilities. 

No matter how much it would hurt.

Mrs. Lee draped another scarf over her son fearing he might catch a cold after the horrible storm the night before. Sungmin gave no protest when his parents ushered him out the lobby and into the car. 

With a gentle shut of the sedan door, the car slowly exit’s the lodge and far from the lobby where a figure watches silently with a very heavy heart. 


Donghae slips in his final batch of belongings and gives his duffel a zip. He then stood up and gives his room a clean sweep with his eyes - making sure nothing was left behind. The pictures, drawings and portraits were still hung neatly on the wall of his bedroom. He had decided to let go, staying here would be meaningless now. 

Staying would be too painful for him for there would be too much memories involved. 

He used to believe that if he stayed and hold on to the past, it would be better. But now, he needs to move on. 

It was what he and Sungmin had agreed on. 

The frame sitting on his nightstand table catches his attention. He carefully lifted the photo up. Sungmin had looked so happy and shy in the picture, just like the night the younger had rescued him. His thumb caressed Sungmin’s cheeks as if it was the real thing, he then decides to slip in the photo frame at the corner of his duffel before finally zipping it up.

At the corner of the room, a soft whine could be heard. Donghae chuckled as he spots Bada sitting up and staring at him with its blue liquid eyes, round and full of love. It was as if the dog understood. 

Donghae gave his best friend a pat on the head, “Thank you, boy. If it weren’t for you, I would have been dead by now.”

Bada closes his eyes and leans in to the touch, letting out an affectionate sound at the back of his throat. 

“You listen to Kyuhyun now okay? And his parents too, they’ll take good care of you.” 

Donghae then kneels down for hug, rubbing the big ball of fur gently, “I’m going to miss you, buddy.” 


The boarding hall was packed as usual, welcoming guests and sending off passengers flying abroad. 

Heechul, Hankyung and Kyuhyun were here to send their brother off and hopefully to persuade him to stay as well. For they couldn’t bear to watch two souls torture themselves for the sake of being selfless. 

“Donghae-ah…” Heechul began carefully.

“We saw Sungmin at the French restaurant the other day.” Hankyung added for his lover. 

“He looks no less as terrible as you do now, hyung,” The youngest of the band smirked as he folded his arms. As much as he loves his band mates, but when it comes to love, they are all blockheads. 

Donghae forced a smile, “Its good to know he’s finally getting married.” 

“Yea, and lets hope your plane doesn’t crash so Sungmin won’t miss his wedding again and we don’t suffer a heart attack,” Kyuhyun muttered in annoyance under his breath. 

“Ouch!” The ex-drummer rubbed the sore spot on the back of his head as he pouted heavily.

“Stop sprouting nonsense, Cho Kyuhyun,” The vocalist grinned in contentment after a blow to the ex-drummer head. 

Hankyung chuckled as he observes his lover and their youngest bandmate quarrel, “We’re glad you’re finally chasing your dreams, Hae.” 

The composer had been given another offer at a renown recording label company after his return from the mountains. They had heard him play numerous nights in Liquid and had liked his style of composing. Donghae had agreed immediately for leaving town would help him forget Sungmin. And to avoid seeing Sungmin and his future bride fearing the tug in his weak heart. 

Donghae smiles and nods in agreement, “Its about time I did. Sometimes, moving on is the best thing to do.” 

Heechul sighs heavily behind them as he drapes one of his arms around the composer’s shoulder, “Fight Donghae-yah. Be brave for once, you know you have us behind your every step. Fight for your happiness.” 

“Sungmin hyung needs you. He looks like he hasn’t slept in days, and his eyes are all red and puffy,” Kyuhyun adds enthusiastically yet carefully, afraid that more of his brain cells would perish with Heechul’s well aimed smack. 

“I don’t deserve him, guys. I don’t want him to go against his parents, letting everything go like he did years ago. It was selfish of me and I finally realized my mistakes, if I had pushed Sungmin home the night he ran away, none of this would happen. He wouldn’t be suffering like this.”

The group lapse into silence as Donghae continued, “I realized so much when we were trapped in the woodshed that night. I always promised that I would protect him, but in the end, I was protecting myself. I was always hiding in the shadows of our memories, always holding on stubbornly and believing that if I waited for him, everything would be fine.”

“But the fact was, he had already moved on. He was getting married and all I did think about was myself, my own pain and misery. The accident happened, Sungmin saved me and that’s when I realized, no matter how much I love him. You don’t know how tempted I was when Sungmin had suggested eloping. But we have been running away for too long, we have to set things right.” 

Heechul eyes were already b with tears, “You idiot, both of you. I should kidnap the both of you and never let you come back. And I‘ll scare the crap out of that scheming old bastard.” 

Hankyung laughed at his lover’s remark, despite pain in the whole situation. 

The announcement by the airport PA had forced their conversation into a halt. 

“Well, that’s me. Take care you guys,” Donghae gave each of them a tight hug before slinging his back over his shoulder.

“You be a good boy, Kyuhyun,” Kyuhyun pouted at the composer while the rest of the group burst out in laughter. 

“You too hyung,” They exchanged another strong handshake. 

He gave the couple another hug, “We’ll see you in the city.”

The three figures stood huddled together as they watched their brother leave everything he had ever hold on to for so long behind. 

On the other side of town, another person plastered his fake smile as he greeted and welcomed all of his guests to his engagement party. 

It was what they were supposed to do. 

But their hearts scream otherwise. 


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maefrancekim26 #1
Chapter 20: waaaa this is my most ff yet
eniluap #2
Chapter 20: omg! this is seriously one of the best fan fictions i have ever read! you captured all the emotions!! aweome job!
Chapter 21: OK... finaly done read all the chapter.... as a haemin love... me is really touch n feel soooo happy with this story... authornim... u not failed as a writer... i really feel all the moment in this story.... i cry together when haemin fight for they love... n the ending... is sweet n beautiful....keep writin k... now u have me as your fan... hwaiting!!
_chxnbxek #4
Chapter 21: awwwwww.... i love so much...... KKKKKKKKKKKKKKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! haemin!!!!!!
Bluecassy7 #5
Chapter 21: Wooow.....wonderful story ^^.
Great job for sure Author-sshi
bonchan #6
wow I like this so much ^^. I am crying ^^
Miji96 #7
I seriously enjoyed using my afternoon on reading this story~ O.O' <br />
It's amazingly written and it has a well-thought plot too! Keep writing! :D
eunna_c #8
hahahaha thanks all for coming back to read the epilogue ^^ but i afraid some anon reader won't notice u updated an epilogue here ....
OMG!!!<br />
It's soooooo nice to see super junior crash the wedding!!!<br />