Chapter 10

Two Is Better Than One


Donghae was the first to stir from their blissful slumber due to the first ray of morning light bursting through his room window without mercy. He smiled in contentment as memories of the night before wash through his mind blissfully and looked down to find his very own angel sleeping soundly on his chest. He could feel warmth enveloping his body in a comfortable manner. 

His hands automatically reached down for the younger’s head to his hair lovingly, occasionally leaning down for a kiss on his spiky hair, taking in as much of Sungmin’s scent as possible. His had unknowingly developed a habit of watching the younger sleep for the past two months Sungmin had moved in. 

It was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen, with the flutter of his eyelids, his cute nose, the pink rosy cheeks that blushes too often to all Donghae’s teasing, and finally the cute pout formed by his plump lips that had seem to swell in a fiery red color. 
Sungmin then stir before blinked several times trying to adjust to the brightness of the light before turning up to meet his boyfriend’s dreamy soft orbs which were now staring into his face with a daze. 

“Morning. You slept well?” 


Donghae groaned in annoyance when his phone rang. The elder then slipped out of bed lazily for his cell phone. 

Sungmin let his head rest on the soft pillows as Donghae answered his call. His tired and heavy eyelids were already lulling him to sleep. His lethargic body was also too weak to retort in any way. All he felt like doing was sleep. 

“Sungmin...“ He frowned and snuggles closer into Donghae’s pillow enjoying his scent. 

He then feels someone pulling his sides and meets Donghae’s hazy silhouette in his line of vision. He blinks a few time, “I’m going to be off to work okay? Someone’s car broke down and they needed it fixed as soon as possible. I’ll be back by evening.” 

Donghae chuckles when he hears Sungmin mumble incoherently in agreement, “You get some rest alright? Call me if you need anything.” 

He leans in for a peck on Sungmin’s adorable nose, “I love you” 

“Hmm… Love you too.” 

He smiles in contentment as he takes in the sight of his cute boyfriend which was now sleeping soundly as he hugs Donghae’s pillow before pulling the sheets over Sungmin. 

He made a reach for his bike keys on the desk before closing the bedroom door with a gentle click. 


Sungmin kept his eyes on the television screen but his mind seemed to be somewhere else. It was already past midnight when he stole a glance at the clock hanging by the wall. 

Donghae had promised he would be back by evening. He had tried comforting himself that maybe Donghae was held up with repair works. But even so, the elder would call to inform him, just like he always does. 

An uneasy feeling settles in his stomach, making him anxious and very much worried. Donghae never comes home late, he even gave Sungmin a call to check up on him in the morning. 

The rustling in the front door had startled Sungmin from his train of thoughts. He immediately rush towards to door to help Donghae. The elder was swaying dangerously before stumbling through the corridor. 

For the first time in their relationship, Donghae had pushed the younger roughly away, “Don’t touch me!” 

“You’re drunk, Hae,” Sungmin exclaimed calmly as he recovers from the push and holds Donghae’s arm instead. The stench of alcohol lingered heavily in the atmosphere as it stung Sungmin’s nose. Donghae had refused his help, rudely shoving the younger out of the way making Sungmin fall on the floor with a soft thud.

“I told you not to touch me!” 

Sungmin cringed at the tone of Donghae's voice. His scared eyes turned up to meet Donghae's glare, “What are you doing here? Get out from my house!” 

“Hae...” Sungmin bit his lip, trying to hold in the familiar moisture in his eyes. 

“Don't ever call me with that disgusting name!” 

There was a deadly pause in the atmosphere. Sungmin froze as his brain was trying to process the sudden turn of events while Donghae continued to glare at him menacingly. 

“Are you deaf?! I told you to leave!” 

Sungmin shook his head in denial, unable to accept the fact that his once loving boyfriend had turned into a monster. 

“I love you,” Sungmin said softly. He winced when he heard Donghae laughed. 

“Love? Why are you so naive Lee Sungmin? Do you honestly think I would love you?” 

“You're lying!” Sungmin shot back, his whole body was trembling from all the effort of trying to hold back his tears. 

The younger looks into Donghae's eyes with desperation, searching for any sign of love or comfort but he was only met with Donghae's cold and distant gaze. 

The composer scoffed, “I'd never loved you. All of this is just a lie, now leave my house!” 

Sungmin shook his head violently and ran to embrace his boyfriend tightly, burying his head in Donghae's chest, “Please don't leave me, Donghae. Tell me what I did wrong, I promise I'll change.” 

“You did nothing wrong. The problem was never you, it was me all along. I'd never love you at all!”

“Then, why did you said all those things? About teaching me music, writing me songs and about protecting me?!” he tugged Donghae’s shirt desperately, trying to make Donghae to look into his eyes. 

The elder had never bothered looking down to meet Sungmin’s eyes at all. Instead, the wall had seemed more interesting to him that moment. 

“Those are just I created to get into your pants. To me, you’re like any other spoiled brat that lives in Fairview. You know nothing about independence or suffering, because all you do is hide behind your rich parent’s !” (A/N: I’m sooo not good at cussing -_-‘)

Why is Donghae talking to him like that? He never talks to Sungmin like that. The elder had always been so kind, so understanding, and so caring. Never had he once raised his voice or cuss in his sentence to Sungmin like he had tonight. Donghae had spotted the tears in Sungmin’s eyes. 

He grinned slyly, taunting Sungmin, “And now that I got what I want, I can tell the whole neighborhood I ed one of St. Patrick’s innocent and holy boys. Just thinking about your school’s bull reputation makes me sick!” (A/N: I feel bad for cussing x_x') 

“What are you talking about?” He wanted to hear it from Donghae’s mouth, he wanted to make sure he was not dreaming. To make sure he had heard right. His whole body continued to tremble as his stomach churned uncomfortably just like someone had punched his gut. 

“Don’t you get it? The reason why I’d even bother looking at you is because I wanted to prove that your neighborhood is wrong. I thought it would take a little longer to touch your heart, but it turns out you’re just an easy catch.” 
Sungmin stuttered with his own words as his hands never left Donghae‘s shirt, even he was beginning to doubt himself, “I- I thought you said I‘m family?” 

Donghae scoffs, “My family is dead. I don’t need anyone. Especially a hypocrite like you. You think running away would make me approve of you? Would it make me respect you?” 

“You’re just like a dog. A ing pet that runs away from home and comes back soon after, begging for food and shelter because you had your fair share of fun but desperately needs someone to feed you, to lavish you with attention…” 

Before Donghae could even finish, Sungmin’s palm had already landed harshly on his cheek, the elder looked back at him with anger. Sungmin was shaking, shaking more violently than before. Donghae’s words had stung deep, he felt like a thousand of daggers had been pierced through his heart. It hurt so much that he wanted to dig his heart out and throw it away. 

“It’s all a game, you’re a game. And now that I got what I want, game’s over.” Donghae whispered softly but it was loud enough that Sungmin caught every word. 

“I hate you! I ing hate you!” Sungmin shoved the elder’s shoulder roughly before making a run through the front door leaving a huge slam behind. 

Donghae stood rooted to the ground. He counted the time, every agonizing second that had ticked by. To make sure Sungmin had ran far enough before fishing for his cell phone in his pocket. 

/It’s done. You will find him by the lake in the park/ 

As soon as his cell phone met the cold wooden floor, it smashed into pieces. Just like Donghae’s heart. 

The eyes that were b with tears had finally let its release. Donghae slumped heavily against the door for support as he continued crying. His weak knees gave way and all he could do was cry as he sat on the floor. 

*F l a s h b a c k* 

Donghae had head for the workshop immediately after an emergency call from the customer. He was confused when the sight of a brand new Mercedes was parked right in front of the workshop instead of the beat up old car describe to him on the phone earlier. 

“Lee Donghae,” an elderly man exited the car which Donghae know was Sungmin’s father. He had only spotted the man from afar a few times but Mr. Lee was standing right in front of him now, adorned in black business suit, tie and a very expensive pair of shoes. 

The elderly man removed his shades while his other hand reached for the cloth and was now polishing his shades patiently, “I’m a very straight forward person, Donghae-shii. Lets not beat around the bush. You know what I want, or who.” 

Donghae looked away and exclaimed coldly, “You drove him out of the house in the first place. I suggest you talk to him yourself.” 
“Aah, you see, he seems to claim that he’s in love with you. And as revolted I am by the idea, I think two months is enough for him to wander around. Its time for that boy to go home.” 

Donghae scoffed, “Like I said, you should tell him that, personally. You’re a smart man Mr. Lee. I’m sure you can come out with something.” 

The elder man sighed and for the first time, he had turned his gaze to Donghae, “Sungmin is my only son. And I’m not getting any younger, I expect him to take over my place in the future. But with that character of his, I never see him fit enough to run a company or my growing empire. I admit that I may have been a little to harsh on him. But you know Donghae-shii, in fact I personally belief you know how cruel this world can be. And Sungmin’s is just a small boy who needs to learn and experience more.” 

Mr. Lee shifted to put his hands into his pocket. 

“Would you let him follow you around with that unstable and unsteady life of yours? Tell me, Donghae-shii, what are you going to do? You expect my son to become a mechanic like you? Or a bartender? And while you live your silly dream with your music, you expect Sungmin to tail you around? When you know he has a future lined up in front of him, when all he has to do is to study obediently and excel?” 

“I understand your life of hardship, and you wouldn’t want that for Sungmin, would you? Knowing that he has a choice. Are you going to take it away from him because you didn’t have the same? I’m sure your parents would have wanted the best for you as well.” 

The elder man had let out a sly smile when he caught the abrupt change in Donghae’s expression as soon as his parents were mention. He had did some background research on the band and especially Donghae, none of them were from a decent or noble background. In fact, Donghae and the other one were orphans. 

“If you love Sungmin, you would do what’s best for him.” 

Donghae had his head down in embarrassment, his fists rolled tightly by his sides as the cold reality and truth of Mr. Lee’s words seeped slowly through his mind. 

“You can call me if you change your mind, Donghae-shii” a name card was into his line of vision and the composer had reluctantly took it. 

And so his whole day was spent pondering around at the bar located at the far end of town. Glass after glass, bottle after bottle, and shots after shots could not even stop him from thinking. Thinking about Sungmin and his future. He loves the younger with all his heart, soul and being. He wasn’t willing to let go. Part of him was selfish now that he already had a taste of Sungmin by his side. 

But the part of him that loves Sungmin had overpowered his own selfishness. He didn’t want Sungmin to be like him, to wander aimlessly in life when he obviously had a choice of a better future. Donghae had decided.

For Sungmin’s parents, Sungmin’s future and Sungmin’s happiness. 

He had decided to let go. 

*E n d o f F l a s h b a c k* 

Strong, warm arms were wrapped around him like a blanket as Donghae continued to sob. He didn’t know that the younger would have such strong determination and so much trust on him. He was happy at that fact but more harsh and painful words were needed to pull the act. 

“Chullie, tie me, lock me up so I wouldn’t go after him.” 

Heechul hugged his best friend even tighter, “Shh.. Donghae-ah. Get some rest. It would be okay.” 

The lead singer had heard the commotion in living room but had chose not to interfere. He was startled at how rough and cold Donghae was at first to Sungmin. But knowing Donghae for almost his whole life had him bet and trust everything he had own and believe in, including Hankyung, that his best friend was only putting up an act to hurt the younger. His instinct was proven right when Donghae had cried immediately after Sungmin had left. He had never seen the composer shed his tears since so many years ago.

Growing up with Donghae, Heechul had come to know that Donghae only cries when something dear or important to him was gone. 

And now the lead singer had witness the extent of Donghae‘s love for Sungmin. And he was touched. 

The questions and the worries could come later. All that matters now is his best friend. 


Sungmin rubbed his eyes as he continues to cry. He had left Donghae’s house moments ago, the house that was his home for the past two months. He thought it was a complete bliss, until he found out that everything he had ever believe in was just a lie. 

He had never felt so hurt, so humiliated before. 

Their memories, their song, their love. It all turned out to be a complete lie! Just when he thought he had met someone different. Someone that cares and loves him dearly and he would love Donghae back. 

He had even gave himself to Donghae, because he trusts him. And he loves Donghae very much. 

The elder had stomped on it like it was nothing. 

He was lost, he didn’t know where to go. 

His parents left him, and know Donghae left him. He hugged his knees as more tears continued to flow. What did he do wrong? Was he that gullible? Was he that innocent and naïve like everyone had described him to be? 

“Sungmin,” he froze. Sungmin could never expressed how he had missed that voice and relief began to wash over him. 

“Appa!” he hugged his dad, tears never stopped flowing as gratitude and love for his father had grew so much in such a short time. He hugged his father for the first time in so many years but he was too tired. Too tired to care and think anymore. 

“He left me. He said it was all a game.” 

“I told you not to trust them, Sungmin.” 

“I’m sorry, dad.” 

The elder man smiled, “It’s okay son, now, lets get you home” 


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maefrancekim26 #1
Chapter 20: waaaa this is my most ff yet
eniluap #2
Chapter 20: omg! this is seriously one of the best fan fictions i have ever read! you captured all the emotions!! aweome job!
Chapter 21: OK... finaly done read all the chapter.... as a haemin love... me is really touch n feel soooo happy with this story... authornim... u not failed as a writer... i really feel all the moment in this story.... i cry together when haemin fight for they love... n the ending... is sweet n beautiful....keep writin k... now u have me as your fan... hwaiting!!
_chxnbxek #4
Chapter 21: awwwwww.... i love so much...... KKKKKKKKKKKKKKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! haemin!!!!!!
Bluecassy7 #5
Chapter 21: Wooow.....wonderful story ^^.
Great job for sure Author-sshi
bonchan #6
wow I like this so much ^^. I am crying ^^
Miji96 #7
I seriously enjoyed using my afternoon on reading this story~ O.O' <br />
It's amazingly written and it has a well-thought plot too! Keep writing! :D
eunna_c #8
hahahaha thanks all for coming back to read the epilogue ^^ but i afraid some anon reader won't notice u updated an epilogue here ....
OMG!!!<br />
It's soooooo nice to see super junior crash the wedding!!!<br />