Chapter 2

Two Is Better Than One

“Sungmin!” Eunhyuk had managed to catch up with Sungmin during lunch. Their busy time table wasn’t helping and the fact that talking in class was strictly prohibited leaving Eunhyuk’s question about the night before to a halt. 

Sungmin and Eunhyuk are currently attending the ‘All Boys’ School. The most prestigious and elite school in town. And of course, residents of Fairview were all given priority when it comes to enrolling. 

Students were normally well behave because they were taught that the rich and upper class were to put manners on the front line, contrary with the opposite class. Their classes were more hectic than the usual as well, normal class were to be conduct before lunch break, followed by extra- curricular activities and extra classes soon after. 

The talented and smart were treated like royalty. They attend private lessons from the most fine and well known teachers, professors, lecturers and coaches. 

Sungmin was one of the talented. 

“What happened last night?” Eunhyuk asked worriedly, knowing that his friend’s dad would over react when it concerns his son. 

“Nothing much. My mom came to the rescue again.” Sungmin shrugged. He would prefer that last night’s incident be left behind. He had went home to find his dad’s constant questioning and harsh tones about wandering off when he could stay home and study. His mom had on the other hand protected him. 

“He’s still young. He needs to have friends and to have fun.” 

His father scoffed, “Those are not friends. They pretend and at the end of the day, they are only after one thing. Our money. We don’t need friends. They’re just a burden, one more burden we have to put up with!” 

Sungmin tried to shoved last night’s memory away, only allowing himself of the earlier memory. His first time singing and learning a song and it was with Donghae. He couldn’t help but smile. 

“Tell me more about Super Junior, Hyukkie-ah” 

Eunhyuk eyed him suspiciously as he stole another fries from Sungmin’s tray. “Well, you met them right?” 

Sungmin nodded. 

“The band was formed by Heechul and Donghae. Both of them are orphans and their bond are tighter than brothers itself. Donghae loves to compose while Heechul…” Eunhyuk let out a whistle, “his voice is just…” 


“Then they met Hankyung, his family runs the biggest gang in town. In other words, don’t mess with Hankyung. That guy has 3 black belts and a master in various martial arts and tons of thugs right behind his back.” 

“Kyuhyun is the smartest of them all. All of them are attending Clintwood High by the way. That kid is on his way to a full scholarship offer in Yale” 

Sungmin was confused, “Why is he a drummer then?” 

“His parents owns Liquid. A bistro slash bar in town. The four of them usually jam there every Friday and Saturday night. Normally, its just how Kyuhyun releases stress. I think you need an outlet too, man. With that kind of pressure on your shoulders, even I would snap” 

“Besides…” Eunhyuk smirked, “You and Donghae are hitting off pretty well.” 

Sungmin laughed nervously, “He’s only being friendly.” 

Eunhyuk scoffed, “Yea, right! I’ve known that guy for years and he never taught me anything. Other than to smoke of course.” 

Sungmin’s eyes widen in horror.

“I’m joking! Which I didn’t, definitely!” 

Eunhyuk took a sip from his soda before continuing, “Anyway, I suggest you stay away from those guys if you don’t want your dad to kill you. They’re nothing like you Sungmin. It was cool seeing them play and everything but those are the guys that plays truancy, fight, smoke and a bunch of other stuff that you only seen in TV.” 

“Do I look like I will, Hyukkie-ah?” Sungmin rolled his eyes. His dad would not allow it. He had never disobey his parents before, but the thought of doing it scares him. To see his dad’s eyes burn with anger and raising his arm to slap Sungmin? He shuddered at that thought. 

His best friend shrugged, “Donghae likes you. I can feel it!” 

Sungmin couldn’t ignore the fluttering in his stomach, “Stop joking around Hyukkie.”

“He really does! I’ve never seen him so… so... The way he looks at you! Gosh, during the performance!” Eunhyuk shook his head a little. 

“You mean, he isn’t like this before?” 

Eunhyuk was in a deep thought for a while, “Nope, not ever. He usually talks the least and he’s always so emo.” 

Sungmin raises his brows in confusion, “What’s emo?” 

“It’s a slang for moody, Min,” Eunhyuk sometimes wonder if Sungmin was living in this world instead of the 19th century. 

“Anyway, its like been forever since Donghae smiled,” Eunhyuk shudder at the memory of Donghae beating up his bullies. During his days in Clintwood, Eunhyuk remember seeing Donghae, he was thin and frail. And was an easy target for the bullies. And when Donghae finally snapped, all hell broke loose. He would always remember the bullies nursing their wounds in his uncle’s clinic, one with a broken hand and the other with a broken nose. 

“I’m just warning you Sungmin, but aside from that, they’re like any of us. I really like them, I think they play good music,” Eunhyuk clapped his hands as he stood up. 

“Well, I have to go. My plant in the botanical garden is wilting to the point of no rescue. I’ll see you around Min, be safe” 



He took faster steps as his feet pounded harder and harder against the ground, expressing his anger and discontentment. 

Why couldn’t his father be a little more understanding? Or a little more supportive? 

“Music? You know you don’t have time for that. And with you taking over my company some day, why is there a need to learn such nonsense?” 

Sungmin made a left turn as he entered his favorite park. His tears threatening to pour out anytime as he thought about the conversation – no, more like the ‘lecture’ from his dad earlier. All he wanted was his dad give him permission so he could put in a little more time into his piano lessons, and maybe learn to play the guitar. 

Just like Donghae. 

Instead, his father had been lashing out at how music is non-beneficial at all. How worthless and insignificant it was. 

But it was music that bonded his soul with Donghae.

It had made his life a little more bearable. Before this, Sungmin had been already set as the heir to his father’s growing business empire. It has always been his responsibility to do his best and excel in everything he does. Every little mistake he made along the way would be heavily punished while every success would be only a mere nod or silence as his encouragement. 

As he grew older, he no longer hoped for the hug, pats and encouragement from his father, as they never came. He had live his life like a machine, with no feelings or anticipation towards his future. Even if it was driving a luxurious car, or living in a mansion or running a multibillion dollar business. 

Because none of it included love. 

Sungmin crouched down when he had reach his hiding spot, a hole in between the thick bushes. He carefully inched passed the bushes, trying to avoid getting caught in between the branches. 

When he had finally reached the end, Sungmin quickly stood up and walked towards the shore of the lake. 

It was as breath taking as usual. This was his favorite hiding spot. 

From his school. From his dad. From his life. 

He could no longer hold his tears in. He then let them flow freely now. 

He was envious, envious of the people at Clintwood. And envious of Eunhyuk, who’s parents seemed so carefree and loving even when they’re living in Fairview. He knew he sould be thankful. God would have wanted him to be thankful. But he needed more. 

“Sungmin?” A deep familiar voice had startled him from his train of thoughts. 

He quickly used his sleeves to brush the away the stray tears flowing down his cheeks. 

“Are you okay?” The voice was laced with concern and Sungmin would have recognize it anywhere. 

Sungmin had his head real low, embarrass that he had been caught in such a fragile state. It didn’t help when he felt Donghae inched closer and his cloudy and wet line of vision of the grass had been replaced by Donghae’s concerned face. 

Acting on reflex and mostly embarrassment, he looked away again. 

“Are you okay?” 

He wasn’t. 

“I’m fine.” Sungmin managed to squeak out. 

Sungmin was glad that Donghae had gave them some personal space again. This time, Sungmin caught something blue with black checks floating in his line of vision. “Here.” 

He reluctantly took the piece of fabric from Donghae’s hand and dried his moist eyes. 

Silence enveloped the atmosphere as both of them took a seat on the grassy ground, Sungmin noticed Donghae was looking into the horizon. Where the sun seemed like it was touching the water. 

He had Donghae’s handkerchief tight to his cheek as he hugged his knees. He could smell Donghae. It was mint with a dash of tobacco. 

For the first time, Sungmin broke the silence, “What are you doing here? Aren’t you living in Clintwood?” 

Donghae chuckled, his gaze never left the lake, “I know my way around Sungmin. This isn’t the first time I’ve been here.” 

Sungmin blinked. It wasn’t Donghae’s first time? It means that this wasn’t the first time Donghae had seen him tearing. 

As if Donghae could read his mind, “You come here often too. Sometimes, you cry silently to yourself. Sometimes you throw pebbles into the lake.” 

“And sometimes, you sing.” 

“Lost strands of lyrics and melody here and there. I was surprised when you told me you didn’t know any song. Your voice is perfect. And beautiful.” 

Sungmin looked away shyly, “I’m nothing.” 

Donghae gently took hold of his chin and meet their gazes, “When I saw you at Eeteuk hyung’s house the other day, I knew I wanted to hear that voice again.” 

“This time, singing to my song.” 

Sungmin played with his jumper nervously and was glad that Donghae finally let go. He looked simple today, clad in only a t-shirt and jeans and a hoodie to keep him warm. 

“Every time I see you here, it would be all tears and sorrow. So unlike the mask you put on the other day.” 

Donghae chuckled, “It was good seeing you smile. And blush. Heechul loves seeing you do it. He thinks it’s better than makeup.” 
“Can I see you play, Donghae?” Sungmin asked Donghae shyly. His cheeks tinting pink again. 

“I would love to, Sungmin.” he smiled genuinely. 

Sungmin felt his heart pounding fiercely when Donghae’s warm hand took his smaller ones. 

“Come on!” 

Sungmin blinked in confusion, “Where are we going?” 

His touch was so different from Eunhyuk. His best friend would usually drag him all over the place ignoring whether Sungmin would even follow his lead or not. But Donghae, he was gently and encouraging, something that melted his heart. 

“You want to hear me play right? I need my keyboard though. And Heechul would like to be BFFs with you” 

Donghae’s heart melted at the sight of Sungmin pouting, “What’s a BFF?” 

Just like the other day, Donghae burst out into laughter wondering if there was such person in the world that was as naïve and cute like Sungmin. 

He then concluded that Sungmin was an epitome of all things innocent and cute. 


Sungmin gaped widely at the sight before him. 

“Oh my gosh!” 

The apartment wasn’t as big as the room in his house but it was cosy. The room was painted with cream color and on one of the walls, there were little splashes of multicolored paints. On the other sides of the wall, the room was hung with posters which Sungmin assumed was posters of other bands. There was also a rack jutting out from one side of the wall in the room, displaying the number of neatly hung guitars, from electric to acoustic, Zapelin to Gibson to Yamaha. The colors were also arrange in order and had ranged in sizes. 

Sungmin was amazed by the number of guitars hanging over the rack and was even more amazed when he saw the drum set shinning at one corner of the room. Besides guitars, the were also a couple of bass hanging on the other side of the room. 
There was also Donghae’s keyboard, sitting on its stand. There were music notes everywhere beside the keyboard. Sungmin admired Donghae’s passion in composing. 

Rugs and carpets were neatly laid on the floor, protecting warm feet from touching the icy cold floor. Finally, a red couch set sat facing the drums and the keyboard. Sungmin could also see a number of speakers arrange and left randomly around the room. 

To sum things up, the studio is wonderful. 


Super Junior’s music studio is awesome! 

“It isn’t much, but its home. At least, to me and Heechul.” Donghae shrugged. 

Sungmin took a moment from gaping at the room back to look at Donghae. “What do you mean not much?! This place… this place is awesome! Its – its… its nothing like I have at home!” 

Donghae laughed, “Well, I’m glad you like it. Heechul and I took our time decorating this place. That drum set you see there, is our latest addition. Kyuhyun’s addition at least. He’s been eyeing on that set ever since last spring.” 

“How did you buy all these instruments?” Sungmin dash excitedly towards the hanging guitars for a closer look. 

“Part time jobs.” 

Sungmin froze. He had never worked in his entire life. Eunhyuk was right, they are nothing like him at all. 

Donghae had sensed Sungmin’s silence but he continued, “Heechul and I work in the workshop downtown. Kyuhyun helps his parents at Liquid while Hankyung helps manage his family business.” 

The older of the two had decided to keep Hankyung’s ‘business’ in the dark. At least for now. Sungmin was too pure and innocent to know of such things. Things that Hankyung is capable of doing. 

Donghae was thankful that Sungmin did not press on as the boy was too busy admiring and squealing at everything in the room. 

Donghae smiled. 

“Wow, what’s in this room Donghae? More instruments?” Sungmin was standing very near to his room door. His hand was reaching for the knob. 

Donghae had panicked at that moment, Sungmin wasn’t supposed to find his room. He didn’t want to scare the boy away, “Yah Sungmin. Its nothing important.” 

He had also in a flash, appeared beside Sungmin and was shielding the door from the younger’s view “I’ve haven’t been tidying up. Its kinda messy in there. You won’t wanna go in” 

Sungmin had a pout on his face and had wanted to persuade Donghae for entry into his room, his secrecy all the more making Sungmin even curious. 

But the rustling on the front door had startled them both. Donghae was thankful yet again for the interruption.

“Ahh… Sungmin!” Heechul yelled excitedly as soon as he saw the other two at the far side of the living room slash studio. 

Before Sungmin could respond, Heechul had already pulled him into a bear hug. “I had told Donghae to bring you here earlier, Hankyung and Kyuhyun would be glad to have you around” 

Donghae slumped gloomily at the display Heechul was putting. “Where were you anyway?” 

“I was buying some groceries before you called. The thing you wanted is down stairs. On your bike.” Donghae winked making Sungmin more confused than he already is. 

“Stay with us for dinner Sungmin?” 

The three were startled by Hankyung’s sudden appearance looming behind Heechul. 

“Yah, Hankyung, I’m gonna get a heart attack, no thanks to you.” Sungmin flushed when he saw Hankyung leaning in for a kiss from Heechul. 

“I thought you already are.” Donghae roll his eyes at the cheesiness as Hakyung lean in again to steal another peck from Heechul‘s lips. As much as he loves his friends, this was too much to bear. 

“Get a room you two. We have a guess here!” Donghae muttered as he began to sense Sungmin’s uneasiness. 

Hankyung cleared his throat, “Where’s Kyuhyun anyway? We’re supposed to practice at 5.” 

“I’m here.” Kyuhyun slumped lazily to the couch and threw his bag casually on it. 

“Professor Lee bugging you again Kyu?” Heechul was all too aware of Kyuhyun’s stress. 

The youngest of the group rubbed his temples as he closes his eyes in relieve of stress. “Let’s not talk about him. All I wanna do I play.” 
“Let’s begin then.” Hankyung commanded in his leader-shii voice as he walked towards his bass collection, randomly picking one out to play. 

Donghae and Heechul had also head to the living room, connecting the speakers and instrument.


“Eat more Sungmin. You don’t have to be shy.” Heechul pushed more of his dishes into Sungmin’s bowl and filled it till it was full. 

“Hey, that’s mine!” Sungmin turned his head to the corner where he spotted Donghae and Kyuhyun childishly fighting for their share of food. Chopsticks battling and spoons clanking. 

Hankyung on the other hand, was too busy looking at Heechul and the latter were also the same. Their gazes were even more intense than the one Donghae gave him. 

But he smiled inwardly, he had never met a group quite like them. Serious when needed but much relax and playful during breaks. Just like a family. 

He had seen them play a while ago, personally. Heechul was a really good singer and Sungmin admired him a lot. He had also seen Kyuhyun’s drum solo in the middle of the song. 

They were definitely the best in town. 

He stole a glance at Donghae who was sitting right on the opposite side of the table. He noted that Donghae had a cute way of chewing his food, where his mouth would be slightly parted and one side of his cheeks puffy and full with food. 

Donghae was a good and dead serious composer. He could remember seeing him teaching and guiding the band when they ran off key or did their parts wrongly. He had also invited Sungmin to sing along with Heechul, something, according to Heechul, that Donghae had never done before. 

He was dead nervous at first, but as soon as Heechul began his speech of randomness, Sungmin had burst out laughing. He was glad that they did not throw up or anything to his singing. He wasn’t a very good singer. Being raised in a silent home that forbids music other than classical, he was honored at the chance Donghae and the band gave him. 

“So Sungmin,” Hankyung started the conversation, gaining attention from everyone on the table. 

Startled from his thoughts, he looked at Hankyung seriously. 

“What’d you say? Being Super Junior’s new vocalist and guitarist?” 

Sungmin almost choked on his kimchi when Hankyung uttered the last word. 

“I can’t sing. And I certainly can’t play the guitar,” Sungmin blushed. 

Heechul laughed and patted Sungmin’s shoulder. “Donghae would be here to help you. Right, Donghae? And don’t be silly. You sound great, that voice of yours is good for rock and when you hit the high notes.” 

Kyuhyun nodded in agreement, “He’s good hyung. We needed another vocalist anyway.” 

“You’re fine Sungmin-ah,” Donghae echoed their decision, gazing seriously at Sungmin. 

Before Sungmin could even blink or agree, Heechul clapped his hands loudly in confirmation. “Its settled then. All that‘s left is to get him a stage name!” 

He gulped. 

Sungmin had never sing a whole song in his life before, let alone perform in a band. 

And that band was Super Junior. 

The band he had begun to grow fond of. 


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maefrancekim26 #1
Chapter 20: waaaa this is my most ff yet
eniluap #2
Chapter 20: omg! this is seriously one of the best fan fictions i have ever read! you captured all the emotions!! aweome job!
Chapter 21: OK... finaly done read all the chapter.... as a haemin love... me is really touch n feel soooo happy with this story... authornim... u not failed as a writer... i really feel all the moment in this story.... i cry together when haemin fight for they love... n the ending... is sweet n beautiful....keep writin k... now u have me as your fan... hwaiting!!
_chxnbxek #4
Chapter 21: awwwwww.... i love so much...... KKKKKKKKKKKKKKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! haemin!!!!!!
Bluecassy7 #5
Chapter 21: Wooow.....wonderful story ^^.
Great job for sure Author-sshi
bonchan #6
wow I like this so much ^^. I am crying ^^
Miji96 #7
I seriously enjoyed using my afternoon on reading this story~ O.O' <br />
It's amazingly written and it has a well-thought plot too! Keep writing! :D
eunna_c #8
hahahaha thanks all for coming back to read the epilogue ^^ but i afraid some anon reader won't notice u updated an epilogue here ....
OMG!!!<br />
It's soooooo nice to see super junior crash the wedding!!!<br />