Chapter 23: Ratana

The Story Of Two Girls♡

Kim’s POV

What do you think of Pie?

Pie? Hmmm…. Pie is someone who can’t stand bullying and she stands up for them like what she did for Alvin. She can be quite picky in friends. I can see that she really doesn’t like toms. Errmmmm…. She really cute when she smiles and her eyes sparkle. I was really frustrated when she ignored me. My mind is in a mess, my heart feels heavy, and I felt as if I have done something wrong towards her. But well, now that we’ve talk about it, we’re okay now. The heavy feeling weighs on my heart, just disappears when she finally talks to me. *smiling*


What feeling do you have for Pie?

*Blushing* Feeling? It’s really hard to explain…. Ermm… When she smiles at me, my heart beats like there’s no tomorrow. Hmmm… How to explain that kind of feeling? It feels like winning first prize in a competition or striking jackpot. And when she grabs onto me, there’s a tingly feeling like a power of electric current that flows into my body. My brother told me that she’s someone special to me. Well, I guess he’s right about it. I kind of lost my defense when I’m around her. Things that I don’t do for other people, I’m doing it for her. Just like playing my guitar. Even when Jim or my father asked me to, or Boy or Jane who begs me to play for them, I won’t. I just don’t feel like playing because it reminds me of my memories with my mother. But when Pie asks me to play with those bright eyes, I kinda melted in front of her and yes, I play for her. And also my room. I’ve never let anyone go into my bedroom, not even my father or Boy or Jane or Mike who I consider, my buddy before. What more to say sleep? Well, except for that pig brother of mine, who I can’t stop him from entering my room at all. Can anyone PLEASE tell me a way to stop him from sneaking into my room other than chopping off his leg or tying it up with some ropes?


Why do you kiss Pie’s forehead and how does it feels?

*choked* Oh, why do you ask me such a sensitive question? *blushing super red* It’s like having a heart surgery and my heart fell out flat on the floor with a plop sound which then burst and blood splashed onto your face! Hehe… Just kidding… Do you really believe that’s true? I would have been dead by then… Okay, I don’t… really… remember the full details.... The “during” I don’t quite remember but I remember the before-and-after effects. Before the little peck on the forehead, a huge wave of nervousness struck me when I’m approaching nearer and nearer to her. I tried my best to pull away from her but something in me seems to push me closer to her and I can’t control myself. I guess my lips just falls onto her forehead and I kiss it. After my lips departed, my heart just goes beating super fast and I felt a bit dizzy.


Do you have a great night?

I can’t sleep at all. It’s not because of my heartbeat or nervousness that I can’t sleep but it’s something else. I thought that pretty and beautiful girls sleep like an angel but well, that only happens in movies. Pie keeps kicking me off my bed, and I have to climb back onto my bed several times. She even punched me on the nose. Luckily, she didn’t use much strength and my nose isn’t a fake one or else I’ll have to make an appointment with the surgeon. I think she has a bad dream or something and she keeps mumbling. Miraculously, when I touch her, she stops mumbling and was soundly asleep. So, I decide to hold onto her hands while sleeping and that does the magic! She’s sleeping peacefully and no more kicking-me-off-the-bed thing anymore. *Yawning* Finally, I can sleep…



I think I like Pie…… though I’m still not quite sure in what way….. but ……for now, I hope that Pie can change her perception about me and perhaps gives us a chance to become closer or even best friends, maybe….. Huh…*sighing*

Oh right! There’s something weird about me… I can hear voices of other people’s thoughts. But somehow when I try to read into Pie’s mind, I can only hear my heartbeat and nothing else… Maybe it’s due to the after-effect of the hit that I experienced earlier on and perhaps tomorrow I’ll be okay and everything will go back to normal.


Pie’s POV

What do you think of Kim?

Kim’s a really nice and kind person. Although I slapped her hard on the face, she stills forgives me. I always thought that toms are heartbreakers and that they are harsh as what my mom told me. But I guess different people have different behavior. And when she told me about her being a girl instead of a tom, well, I guess it’s okay to be friends. If I unfriend someone just because of their looks or how they dress, wouldn’t that be unfair and it’s like discrimination against them?Just like what she says, even if she is a tom, I don’t think that it will change the fact that she’s still a decent and kind person. The only thing different would be her preference of gender on the issue of love and relationship. So that’s definitely not my business. Hmmm… What else? She can cook really well. I really like the spaghetti she cooked. Although it doesn’t taste that authentic, but I must say that the taste is very suitable for Thais. She can sing and play guitar very well too. She does what I always want my dream prince to do, to cook for me, to serenade to me but the problem is that SHE is not HE.

What feeling do you have for Kim?

I don’t know. It’s really weird. I just don’t know how to explain…. Sometimes I want to be know about her more but sometimes I feel reluctant to.

Do you have a great night?

It’s really a tiring night. I dreamed about the girl that I saw after the fainting and she’s asking for help. I tried to run away, yelled at her not to chase me, push her away, fight her but she keeps coming back pleading with the bloody face of hers. She’s really giving me the creeps. I woke up several times too and I can’t find Kim anywhere. Where did she go? But I don’t bother to find as I’m just too sleepy. *Yawning* But then after that there’s no nightmare anymore and I’m able to sleep in peace.

How long are you going to stay at Kim’s house?

Well, I don’t know. I don’t really want to stay in Kim’s house as I hate to interrupt other people. But Kim has been really kind to me and I felt welcomed by her family. So, I guess maybe a few days? Hopefully in that few days, my mother can persuade my father to cancel off the engagement. P’Van is a really nice guy but to me, he will always be a brother only. I mean, if it’s based on qualifications, I certainly agree that P’Van has it all. However, love is still love and it’s not tradable with money. Money can’t buy everything. Plus, I want to marry a prince that I really love and he loves me too. Daddy, can’t you just understand your daughter’s heart?



Just let nature takes its course and hopefully I can go home soon as I miss Actually(my fish).



Place: Kim’s house

Day: Tuesday

Time: 6:45 a.m.


Kim’s fingers feel a little numb. She opens her eyes a little. “Hmmm, who is this sleeping beside me?thinks Kim. She opens her eyes bigger. “Oh, it’s Pie. She’s sleeping on my hand….thinks Kim as she smiles at the sight of Pie curling up, resting her head on Kim’s hand. Kim turns her head and looks at the clock. “It’s 6:45a.m already! School! I need to wake up already…thinks Kim. Kim slowly pulls her hands away from Pie’s head and snuck out of her bed. Pie turns her head to another side of bed. Kim holds on her breath because she doesn’t want to wake Pie up yet. “Hmmm…” mumbles Pie in her sleep as she moves like she’s tasting something. Kim exhales her breath with relieve and smiles at Pie’s sleeping behavior. Kim then tiptoes to the bathroom and starts bathing.

Minutes later, after Kim finishes bathing, she reaches out her hands for the towel. “Opps, I forgot my towel! How am I going to get changed?thinks Kim. Her towel is inside her wardrobe. Kim opens her bathroom door ajar and peeks out. “Hmm, Pie is still sleeping with her face facing the other side. Yiiisshhh… Out of all the things, why do i forgot about my towel and clothes???? Maybe I can sneak out and grabs my towel. It’s just right there… So near yet so far…” Kim takes a breath in and exhales it. “Huuuhhh….. One… Twooo… Three!” counts Kim in her mind. Slowly, she opens the door, hoping very much that her bathroom door won' t creaks....


" A little.....



She's still sleeping......




Come on, just a little bit more.....




Ok, just big enough for me to pass through...

Can I???




Yes!!! One part done!" thinks Kim when she successfully accomplish her efforts of opening the great big door without a creak. She slips out of the bathroom door.

"Now, part two....." thinks Kim as she bite her tongue gently and slowly walks towards the wardrobe.

"One step at a time, Kim....











Three.............."counts Kim.



Just then,

"KRlNGGGGGGGGGG~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!"Kim freezes in shock when her alarm went off!!! Pie whom is awaken by the alarm, opens her eyes and turns around to look. Kim in shock and a just woke up Pie in confused and bizarre look.



"ARHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" both Kim and Pie shout. Pie pulls the blanket over her head while Kim rushes to her wardrobe and shuts herself inside the wardrobe. Kim almost suffer a heart attack, presses her hands against her chest and puffing her breath in and out of her lungs like someone who is suffering asthma. Pie blushes to the point where her face felt warm and is as red as tomatoes as the warmness she felt inside the blanket increases her body temperature even more, causing her to sweat.

As the boost of oxygen washes into Kim's lung, providing oxygen to her brain, she comes to realize something and starts to laugh while saying: "What are you screaming for???? I have what you have!!!!" Pie pulls down her blanket and fans her face with her hands while replying: "Then why do you screams like a freak for? And why are you in the first place?” Kim pulls down her towel in her wardrobe and wraps it around her body before going out of her wardrobe. Kim walks out of her wardrobe and looks at Pie. “I’m because I forgot my towel. By the way, are you blushing?” says Kim. Pie looks away and replies: “No, I’m not! It’s just that it’s suffocating inside the blanket.”

Kim smiles cheekily and teases: “Oh really? I don’t think the blanket is that thick to make you blush like that. Or is it because you just see the me?” Pie glares at Kim and Kim puts on a y pose cheekily. Pie grabs her pillow and throws it at Kim. Kim grabs hold of the pillow and Pie immediately lies down and turns her back at Kim. Kim laughs at Pie’s reaction and she throws the pillow back to Pie, which hit exactly on Pie’s head. “Ouch!”Pie complains but she doesn’t turns around to throw it back. Instead, she hugs it tightly, covering her head and continues to sleep. Kim walks towards the door and takes her uniform which is hanged there last night after she ironed it. She retreat to the bathroom and change into her uniform.

“Hey, you better get ready now. It’s 7:10 a.m. now. School’s waiting.” says Kim as she walks out of the bathroom and grabs a comb from the table. She combs her hair nicely and applies some skincare on her face before she notices that there isn’t any response from Pie. Kim raises her eyebrows and she smiles cheekily by herself. Kim slowly walks towards the bed and then, she grabs one of Pie’s legs and pulls it.

“Arh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please don’t come after me again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” screams Pie crazily, shoving Kim away madly. Kim realizes that Pie is scared and so she hugs Pie tightly to calm her down. “It’s me!!!! It’s me!!!!!! I’m sorry I scared you.”says Kim. Pie calms down and she hugs Kim back tightly as her tears starts to fall, rolling down her cheeks, dripping onto Kim’s back. “Shhh…. It’s okay…… It’s just me…. I’m sorry….” whispers Kim to Pie’s ears.

“Knock, knock, knock” someone knocks at Kim’s door. “Is anything wrong? Hello? Kim? What’s happening?” asks Kim’s father. Both Kim and Pie break free from their hugs and Kim answers: “It’s okay, dad. Nothing happens….” Kim turns her attention back to Pie and says: “Hey, I’m really sorry for that. I was trying to wake you up. I don’t know that you’ll be scared by that… I….” Pie cuts into Kim’s words and says: “I thought you are that ghost, coming after me, trying to pull me down to hell. *sob, sob*” Kim frowns and asks: “What ghost? There isn’t anything here in this room except you and me.” Pie remains silence. “Hey, you can tell me anything...” says Kim sincerely while looking into Pie’s eyes. Pie wipes her tears away and answers: “It’s the girl that I mentioned to you about, last night. Mike’s girlfriend. I’ve been dreaming about her the whole night. She keep chasing after me, pleading me to help her. Something must have happened to her. Her body is covered with bruises and her face is all bloody.” Kim smiles weakly and says: “It’s okay, it’s just a dream… I’m sure she’s fine in America. Don’t worry.” Pie smiles weakly back to Kim. Kim then says: “Go and take a bath, Teacher Sam will give us demerit points if we are late. I’ll go downstairs to prepare breakfast and also some tea to calm your nerves down.”Kim gives another comforting smile to Pie and Pie responds to it gratefully. Kim gives Pie a pat on the shoulder and then walks out of her bedroom and goes downstairs to the kitchen. Whereas Pie, pulls herself together, stands up and starts getting prepared.


Place: Kim’s bedroom

Time: 7:25a.m.

“Hey, your uncle or chauffeur came just now and passes this to me. I’ll put this bag here.”says Kim as  she leaves the bag outside her bedroom bathroom door. Pie is still inside the bathroom taking her bath. “Okay, just leave it outside. Thank you.” answers Pie to Kim. Kim then says: “Come down for breakfast when you’re ready.” Without waiting for Pie to reply, Kim walks out of her room and goes downstairs to the kitchen. Kim’s father is there reading the newspaper. Kim looks at her father who seems to be troubled by something and hears what her father is thinking about.

Kim’s father thinks: “This girl…. Where have I seen her before? She seems familiar….

Kim walks nearer to her father and looks at what her father is reading.



BANGKOK, THAILAND- Police are seeking for help to find a girl who has been missing since Saturday night. Ratana Suttikul, 17, have been reported missing by her parents, was last seen outside the Throne Hotel in Bangkok. Parents said that Ratana left after a phone call before going out for dinner together outside Throne Hotel. Ratana, a girl with dark long curly hair, last seen wearing a white dress, with height of 5 feet 8 inches. Anyone with information related to the girl is asked to contact the police station, 2103546987.  


Kim can’t believe what she reads. Pie is telling the truth. Ratana is in trouble. Kim snatches away the newspapers away from her father, reading intensely at the newspaper article over and over for several times. Kim’s father asks: “Do you know her?” Kim frowns and answers: “Yes, dad. She’s Mike’s ex girlfriend…..”



{Finally, my brother has gone back to his own place already. A short chapter for today, please forgive me for the long long wait... Will update again soon. :) }

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A love story between two young ladies with their destinies which has yet to be revealed.


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stafeniewan #1
Chapter 28: hey author, where are u?? please continue your story!
stafeniewan #2
Chapter 28: author, where are u??
Nivetha_nive #3
Chapter 28: Author pls come back links
stafeniewan #4
Chapter 28: hey author, where are u?? please don't abandon tis story, it's amazing story, please continue tis story and give us an ending!!
stafeniewan #5
Chapter 28: helloooooo.....where are u, author????? please continue your story!!
stafeniewan #6
Chapter 28: your story is very interesting and I really enjoyed reading it, please update, author, where are u??
Carhapitan #7
Chapter 28: Please continue, id like to know if what happened to ratana..unsolved case..
Chapter 28: Please don't leave the story behind Author! I love it because it's indeed good... Do it for us.. Wanna hear your updates VERY SOON!! :-)
rukipi #9
Dear author when you update your story ??
Meanco #10
Chapter 28: wow cooking lesson ... nice chapter Author :) ... Thanks for update :)