
Best Kept Secret

“I don’t want to go,” Yixing mumbles petulantly, as he lazily rolls around Kai’s bed. His hair’s messy from sleeping over, and there are probably dark bags underneath his eyes from the lack of sleep he had at his sleepover.

“You don’t,” Kai asks him, his voice light and teasing. “Stay with me then.”

“I want to,” Yixing says, “stay with you, but I can’t and I want to go to China too.”

“You sound like a kid,” Kai tells him as he stands.

“Where are you going,” Yixing asks getting up, and following him down the stairs of the boy’s room.

“Food,” Kai answers, and Yixing laughs a bit as he follows him, only to detour to Sehun and Luhan’s room. He steps into the open door frame, and stares curiously at the two in the room.

“What are you doing,” Yixing asks, as he steps in deeper into the room. Luhan and Sehun are both facing the screen of their computer as Luhan stands behind the younger, hissing excited barely audible words into Sehun’s ear.

Yixing can make out an animation on the computer screen and from the looks of it, they may be playing a computer game, or at least watching an action filled cartoon movie.

“Sehun’s playing this new game,” Luhan says, straightening up and turning towards Yixing. “Chanyeol showed it to him a few days ago, and it’s kind of fun.”

“You haven’t played,” Sehun retorts, his eyes never straying from the screen of the computer.

“I’m not good at computer games,” Luhan retorts. “I only like console games, besides I’ve been helping you since you started playing. If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t be on level 25.” Sehun mutters barely heard words underneath his breath, and Luhan hits him softly on the back of his head before grinning towards Yixing. “What’s up? Where’s Kai?”

“Getting lunch,” Yixing answers, shuffling over to the pair and peering over Sehun’s shoulder. “It looks complicated.”

“It is,” Sehun mutters, before letting a low curse leave his lips, he’d just lost.

“You’re leaving tomorrow morning right,” Luhan asks. “Are you excited?”

“I’m anxious,” Yixing admits. He was hesitant about speaking about his trip with Luhan and Sehun after what he’d found out on Thursday, but he wasn’t go to flat out ignore Luhan’s inquisitions. If Luhan wanted to know, then Yixing would tell him.

“Are you worried about leaving Kai,” Sehun asks, his attention has moved away from his computer game as he joined the conversation between Luhan and Yixing.

“It’s not like I don’t trust him or anything,” Yixing explains. “It’s just…” he trails off, and drops his gaze, doing his best to shield his embarrassment. Luhan grins then, a small laugh slipping pass his lips.

“Oh,” he says coyly. “I get it now.”

“I don’t,” Sehun mutters.

“Of course you don’t,” Luhan retorts. “You’re still young.” He ignores the playful glare Sehun gives him, and turns back to Yixing. “You don’t have to worry Yixing, Kai has a Skype, and you probably can’t tell because Kai always tries to be cool in front of you, but he’ll probably miss you more than you’ll miss him.”

Yixing grins slightly at Luhan’s reassurance just as Kai walks into Luhan’s room. “I heard what you said Luhan,” the younger states.

“Hyung,” Luhan tells him playfully. “It’s Luhan-hyung, and you and I both know I didn’t lie.”

Kai pointedly ignores him and turns towards Yixing. “Yixing-hyung,” he says, emphasizing the word hyung so much it almost sounds like he’s singing it. “I got lunch for you too.” Luhan is grinning as if he’s going to say something, but he doesn’t so Yixing leaves the two boys’ room and follows Kai back up to the younger boy’s room.

Despite knowing that he’s going to spend the whole summer away from his friends, Yixing remains strictly in Kai’s room. Kai’s not making any move to leave his bedroom, and honestly speaking Yixing doesn’t really mind.

Right now, Kai’s messing with Yixing’s cellphone, while Yixing tries to focus his attention on the movie that Kai had randomly put on 20 minutes earlier. He turns towards Kai.

“What are you going to do when you go to China,” Kai asks.

“Take pictures,” Yixing says. “Jongdae begged me to take a few pictures for him to see.”

“If you take pictures like this then I’m pretty sure he can do without it,” Kai teases, showing Yixing one of the many pictures he’d took of himself. In the background sits a store, it’s sign partially cut off.

“It’s perfectly normal to take pictures like that,” Yixing says, stealing his phone away from the younger. “I don’t even have that many. If you want to see selcas, you should see my cousin’s phone. I’m pretty sure he takes many photos in different angles.”

“I don’t have that many pictures of myself on my phone,” Kai says.

“What do you have pictures of them,” Yixing asks.

Kai opens his mouth to answer, but then he quickly pauses and closes his mouth, a smirk gracing his lips. “Can’t tell you,” he retorts. “What else are you going to do in China?”

Yixing gives him a playful glare, and continues with the conversation. “I’ll probably meet up with old friends, and my aunt will probably try and set me up with random girls like she always does. I don’t really do anything special while I’m away.”

“You’re aunt sets you up with random girls,” Kai asks, tilting his head curiously. “Like the ahjummas on dramas? Isn’t she your cousin’s mother, why doesn’t she set up her own son with girls?”

“What dramas,” Yixing asks. “It’s not a wedding thing or something. She just introduces me to girls from the neighborhood that I ‘would just adore.’ My cousin is really stubborn and would rather argue with his mother and then sit through an openly awkward dinner than just turn the girl down and make a friend.”

“You befriend the girls you reject,” Kai asks.

“Don’t you,” Yixing retorts, a grin on his lips.

“No,” Kai tells him. “I mean, it just kind of happens.”

“I was just joking,” Yixing tells him. “I’m not bothered by the people that you’re friends with. I know that out of all of them, I’m the only one that gets to be like this with you.”

Yixing huffs as he gathers the very last of his things. Zitao is lying on his bed, sleeping as Yixing finishes the last of his last minute packing. The sun hasn’t come up yet, and in another hour or so Kris will arrive to take them to the airport.

He has all his shorts, and t-shirts packed in preparation for the sweltering heat, and there’s not much more he needs to pack after that. He’s never been good at packing anyway, he’d underestimate what he needed, and then he’d be forced to buy unnecessary things.

Yixing and his family leave an hour later, it’s still really early in the morning so the traffic is not as bad as it would be later in the day, Sunday or not. His mother had managed to book the earliest flight she could manage and they were leaving at 6am to catch an 8:30 flight.

Kris drives them there, and on the way in their more than sleepy state, Zitao and Yixing listen to Yixing’s mother drone on about Kris’s life, in particular, his love life. Kris is really good at avoiding questions about his love life without lying straight to Yixing’s mother’s face, but his mother is still pretty persistent.

Yixing’s sure that if he was born a girl, Yixing’s mother would have tried to pawn him off to Kris at any chance she got, especially now that she’s asking Kris to introduce him to girls whenever he gets a chance. Thank God, he wasn’t a girl.

When they finally get to airport Kris helps them with their bags and stays with them for a little while longer, helping them get their things in order. Kris leaves after hugging each of them and wishing them a safe flight and then it’s just Yixing, his mother, and Zitao.

“We’re going to have fun,” Zitao declares as he carelessly wraps an arm around Yixing’s shoulder, leaning into the older male as they follow behind Yixing’s mother. “We’re going enjoy ourselves and not think back to Korea or anything that’s not a part of this vacation till we’re on the flight back to Seoul. We’re going to live in the now.”

Yixing can’t read Zitao’s mind, but he’s sure that Zitao is feeling slightly insecure about leaving as well. Zitao’s relationship with Kris had morphed out of something that would leave anyone insecure. Even though now, Kris had admittedly been doing his best to fully reciprocate Zitao’s feelings, there was also the fact that Kris clung to the role of perfect son, and that meant that Zitao would never ever be a permanent fixture beside him.

Zitao and Yixing had had long talks about Zitao’s relationship with Kris, on the days they weren’t fighting, and Yixing had giving his opinion on their relationship, but Zitao was a stubborn child and definitely not one to give up even if the odds were against him.

“You’re going to kick ,” Yixing asks with a grin at Zitao’s happy antics. He can’t see the younger’s eyes due to him wearing dark sunglasses but he feels a bit more at ease, and a lot more energetic. Tao’s right, it’s his vacation, of all the things he can worry about, at the moment his only concern should be thinking about how much sleep he can get on the plane ride.

“Of course,” Zitao tells him. “You don’t even have to worry about that, I’ll definitely get number one. All that should be on your mind is how to have as much fun as possible in a short time.”

So this is a lot shorter than what I wanted. Originally I was going to add a part of the next chapter to this but I don't want to overwelm you guys, so this is just a filler chapter. No actual title because my brain isn't really functioning properly at the moment. The next update will probably be a little late just because of a lot of things.

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I kept wavering between pressing the save chapter button because I didn't want this to officially end.


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khwunchanok #1
I read it again hahaha and I fall for it like I never read it before.

Thank you writer for the best kaixing fanfiction ever ! ♡
khwunchanok #2
I miss this ... and I read it again ! So cute ! I love it so much thank you writer for write the best kai xing ever !!!!

Love you
Chapter 33: It's the fifth time I read your story and I can't believe I hadn't left a comment telling you that I love it. This story made me love kaixing. The characters are amazing and their internal conflicts are so real.

I hope one day to read another story of yours with this shipp.
Kaixing. First time
Chapter 33: i read this kaixing fic around two years ago and it’s still the best kaixing fic i have read to date. this is my 4th time reading this. thank you so much for writing this!! i’ll be keeping an eye out for more stories from you
Chapter 33: holy shet I'm crying
Miorocks #7
Chapter 33: This is the best kaixing I've read
kpoplover1618 #8
Chapter 33: for some unknown reason I stumbled upon this story .. And I pressed it for Tue heck of it .. I thought it wouldn't be available like the other times I tried and to my surprise here it is!!!! I was sad cause I wasn't able to read this chapter.. But now I did and I'm in love
Chapter 33: kldsjflkajldfsjk




THE FEELS. KAI FINALLY ADMITTING HE LOVED LAY QQ. Words can't describe how much I loved this