February, 2014





A whole month had past since Jongin and I started dating. It was finally the month of Love and this was the first time having a boyfriend on Valentinesday. I was sitting at the Caffeteria, waiting for the others to arrive. Jongin was having a talk with the principle. I started to read some article about VALENTINESDAY.


"Buuh" a too familiar voice whispered into my ear. I quickly closed the magazine and turned around, beaming a smile unto my face. "Missed me?" Jongin flopped down beside me.


"Always." I replied and I know just by looking at his face that he was more than satisfied with my answer. "So what did the principle said?"


"Nothing special. Just another feedback about my Japan trip. What were you reading?" He pointed at the magazine, I was snickering secretly into my bag.


"Erm.. y-you mean this?" I pulled it out once again.


"Yups, exactly."


"Just some random articles. Flashing through the pages, looking for something interessting to read."


"And did you find something interessting?" I shook my head.


"Nope, not really.." I stood up "I'll get us our lunch" I said in hope he wouldn't ask further question and he simple nodded.






JONGIN POV (POV = Point of view)


"I'll get us our lunch.." I nodded. Actually I would have argued about him grabbing our lunch but the magazine that was lying in front of me told me otherwise.


I waited until he was out of sight, when I took the magazine and scanned through the pages. Curious of what he was hiding. I stopped turning pages to pages, when I saw all the orange mark at an article about..




I thought for a second and I suddenly remembered that it was February.


"Ah, I see.." I mumbled to myself.


"What do you see?" The Chanbaek couple sat down to the opposite of where I was sitting. Chanyeol quickly analized the magazine on the table and snapped it away. "Valentines huh?" He smirked.


"Yeah.. I cought Kyungsoo reading it."


"Well our dearest Kyungsoo never celebrated Valentinesday before." Chanyeol speaked up.


"Really? Didn't he have boyfriends before me?" Chanyeol nodded.


"But never on Valentinesday." Chanyeol added.


"Ask him to be your Valentine!" Baekhyun suggested "I can already see Kyungsoo's favorite day of the year." He joked.


"I've been thinking on doing that, but me myself never celebrated that kind of event before. So any suggestion?" I looked at the couple.


"Hey.." Sehun joined the table and I smirked. "What?" I knew he already asked Luhan to be his Valentine, since he would have been dead if he didn't. Luhan just happen to take those days serious.


"You need to help me!" I stood up and dragged him out of the canteen.


"Jongin-ah, where are you going?" Kyungsoo asked.


"Be right back babe. Just a minute!" I excused myself.






I saw Jongin dragging Sehun out of the canteen.


"Jongin-ah, where are you going?" I asked.


"Be right back babe. Just a minute!" I sighed and let him.


"Do you guys know what Jongin and Sehun are up to?" I frowned, placing our lunch on the table.


"Talking.." They both said in unison.


"And what's so important that they can't discuss it here?" they both looked at each other, knowing they knew something I don't.


"Ah.. I'm starving.." Chanyeol stated.


"Yeah me too.." Baekhyun followed along.


"I'll go get us food.." Chanyeol stood up and went, ignoring my question.




"Baekhyun?" I asked.


"I don't know.." He shrugged off, quickly grabbing the magazine and burried his face in it. Possibly to avoid my gazes.


Something's fishy here.








Ugh finally school's over.


I went towards Jongin, to ask him to be my Valentine.


I practised a whole week in front of the mirror how to ask him. I planned on going on a dinner and watch a movie at my place afterwards. I was nervous, I never did this before. I wasn't even sure if I should ask him or wait for him to ask me. But the week went by, there were no signs of him going to ask me.


Sure I was disappointed, but I knew Jongin never had a boyfriend and I wondered if he even knew what day it was. I waited for a simple text that never came. A text that told me he knew. A text with just a simple 'HAPPY VALENTINESDAY BABE.' but no, there wasn't any.


This is now or never. I mean what have I to lose? It's not like he isn't mine already. As the distance between us decreased, I felt my heart stabbing my chest, wanting to fell out due to the nervousity.


"Kai." Sehun patterned on his back.


"Oh right.." Kai stuffed all his belongins into his backpack and he was about to rush out of the class, when he spotted me. "Babe, we'll see each other at lunch okay? I'll be quick.." He smiled and exited the class.






"Woaah. slow down. You're hurting the poor broccoli.." Chanyeol and Baekhyun setteled down, joining me at the lunchtable and I kept on stabbing the green piece in front of me, lost in appetite.


"UGh." I let out a sigh.




"Spill the beans.." Chanyeol broke the awkward silence.


"Who in the world of Kimchi invented VALENTINESDAY?" I asked in frustration.


"Ohhhh.." The both of them gasped.


"OHHH?" I repeated in disbelief. "I was happy for ONCE in my lifetime, to finally have the chance to celebrate Valentinesday but NO... Life is a stupid motherer who has to--"


"Ahem.. mictest.. hem.." The loudspeaker of the school interrupted me "This song is dedicated to you. I hope you know who you are.." I raised an eyebrow.


"Jongin?" I looked around and out of nowhere our teamsong began to play.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOdlsS8Ic9k (No other)


"Soo.. behind you.." Baekhyun pointed behind me and I turned around and Sehun was standing there all in white and with little wings on his back. Chanbaek and I tried our best not to laugh.


"You better say YES hyung.." Sehun said embarrassed reaching out a rose and a card.


My world isn't complete without you in it.


"What's up with the outfit?" Baekhyun, who asked without bursting into laughters.


"I supposed to be a 'love god', don't ask me.. I'm just doing Jongin a favour." He scratched the back of his head. "What reminds me of you should head to the rooftop" and I didn't hesitate or thought twice as I made my way to the rooftop.


By the time I reached the rooftop, the song ended and I could spot Jongin facing me with his back.


"Ahem.." I tried to win his attention. He turned around and gave me a warm smile.


"Hey Princess.." I blushed by the nickname.


"Jongin-ah.." my eyes nearly popped out when out of nowhere balloons were seen behind jongin and I realized he had a red box in his hands.


"Open it.." He handed me the red box and I slowly opened it.




there was a cupcake in it with the words.. Will you be my Valentine? <3 written on it.


"And?" He waited for my answer.


"Yes." I felt like the first time he asked me to be his boyfriend.


"Happy Valentinesday my loves." He pulled me towards him and looked me deeply into my eyes, before he leaned in and gave me a sweet kiss.


The moment we broke the kiss for air, my eyes widen.


Where did this come from?


"Hungry?" Jongin asked and I kept staring at the table with delicious food, who decided to appear in front of us like magic. "What's wrong?" I shook my head.


"Are you a superbass?" I asked.


"Huh? Why?"


"Because you totally got my heartbeat running away.."


"Soo..." He said turning all red like a clown nose.


"I love you.." I giggled and he surprised me by pulling me back for a quick kiss.


"I love you too." He smiled.




A/N: This coupled is killing me with all the fluffs T__T Can somebody stop them? :o

                And how did you like this chapter? I know that Valentine is soon so I thought 'WHY NOT MAKE A VALENTINES SPECIAL?' hehehe
                Stay tuned for more fluffs and how it will continue with this two cheesy birds ^-^


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MsAmazing #1
Chapter 35: I want a bf like jonginnnn. Oh god he was so sweet ??
seranghaexo #2
Chapter 16: I am so mad at kyungsoo. Oh my god I cannot my heart is pounding way too hard
koreanpopfanforever #3
Chapter 15: Ok this story is really pissing me off
koreanpopfanforever #4
Chapter 14: ok seriously I'm going to kill someone
koreanpopfanforever #5
Chapter 13: Damn these dense people are trying to piss me off.
Chapter 35: Wow I just finished this, I spent all day reading it, this was so beautifully written!! I love it! So cheesy, crazy, classy, cool. LOL XD
So awesome! It was so sweet, it kills!
Chapter 18: This chapter pissed me off SOOOOO much, so much that I'm crying and laughing because FH he was so dense and dumb it annoyed me hardcore lmao XD but obviously the real Kyungsoo is very smart LOL
Anyway so far I love the crazy DRAMA! And all!
Chapter 35: Yahhhh so cheesy can't help it. Wow love it
Chapter 35: Thank you for coming back. I hppe it will be for good. Hope you're okay now.

Amd omg. I hope therr will be bonus chaptersss.

KaiSoo <3
Chapter 35: Omfg my hearteu~ (*´∇ `*) so many feels omf- this was sooooooo freaking adorable,I cried..because it was so romantic and cute and all that >w< huhu I loved it ^^