The Return of Tiffany

When the Playboy Married the Nerd

 ♪ Listen to (Chocolate Love by SNSD):

Jaejoong’s POV:

            Back up a few months and you’d see me and Tiffany Hwang on the red carpet, big smiles and so much kissing that it’d make your lips tired just from looking at us. However, my past relationship with her was all a façade, to lose my playboy image and to gain more publicity from the press. About 2 months ago she was sent off to America to follow her parents in further establishments of their hotel chains, leaving our relationship to the public undefined. But when my parents announced the marriage between me and ______, it seemed as if people already knew about the long departed relationship between me and Tiffany. I never liked nor loved her but she always clung onto me like I was her puppy. She did tell me her ‘I love you’s’ and everything but I never accepted it. Kind of like Tae Kyung’s relationship with Yoo He Yi in “You’re Beautiful”. Everything seemed platonic on his side after all.

            Because deep in my heart I knew that I was still keeping my eyes peeled out for…her

            Since my past public relationships were such scandals I pretty much expected Tiffany to return from America, wondering furiously about my little ‘marriage’ sooner or later.

            It was a Saturday morning. I haven’t slept on my own bed since that one time where I had to sneak and the couch was really starting to break my back. My parents were off on some conference meeting again, something I didn’t really want to know about. The doorbell was ringing loudly. I looked at the time: 7:45am. Who the hell would be at my house at this time?

            I was in a white beater and red plaid pants as I descended down the spiral staircase to the front door. The sunlight from the outside hit me first but then it occurred to me that her familiar face was in front of me, not looking too happy. In fact, she was fuming.

            She held up a magazine with a picture of me and ______ at the smoothie place a few days ago as the front cover. When the hell did people take that picture of us with one cup and two straws? Crazy fans…

            “WHAT IS THIS?!” she shrieked, stomping her high heels onto the marble flooring as she entered the mansion.

            “What I should be asking is why the hell are you back?” I asked, not surprised at her reaction.

            Her mad, furious face turned into a peaceful happy one. What were those acting lessons for?

            “Oppa, isn’t it obvious? I came back to congratulate you. Why, wouldn’t it be a shame if your past love weren’t here to support you?” she asked flakily.

            “Don’t call me oppa you low life ,” I retorted. “Obviously you came back just to get more publicity from the press. A picture of us two back together would make huge headlines and gigantic promotions for your new perfume line.”

            “Oh my gosh you know me so well,” she said quickly before moving onto another subject. “Is she here?”


            “You ing liar. Of course she is. Probably slept with her already,” Tiffany scoffed.

            “Think whatever you want.” I gestured her to leave. “This is my house anyways. I could call the police for your trespassing.”

            Tiffany got to the doorway before stopping to turn around and looked at me fiercely. “Kim Jaejoong don’t you dare forget what we had in front of the press. They loved us; they loved me, not her so don’t go on forgetting about that past. One picture of us together, one movement of us together, could cause a whole riot, don’t you forget that,” she threatened, as if it was a script that she had been studying.    

            “Whatever ,” I said as I pushed her out forcefully.

            *Get your ing out my house*

No One’s POV:

            Tiffany stood outside of the front door, angrier then ever.

            *How dare he call me a ! After I tell him I love him, this is what I get?!*

            Tiffany made her way out of the driveway to the exit of the gates and got into her convertible. As she drove back to her hotel she thought about the mystery girl that Jaejoong was always talking about during their fake dating period.


            “Didn’t I tell you to kiss me harder? I looked so unwanted out there!” Tiffany shrieked. She and Jaejoong had just got past a few reporters at their joint hotel promotions. The Kim’s were advertising their newly built penthouse suit while the Hwang’s were promoting their newly added hotel restaurants.

            *Why did I agree to this scandal in the first place?* Jaejoong thought.

            Deep inside Tiffany loved him, a lot, but she didn’t know how to win him precisely. Being mean and rude to him was the only way she could at least express half of her feelings to him.

            Jaejoong’s eyes suddenly landed on a couple of white feathered ducks waddling beside a small bush.

            “We used to feed the small ducklings by the pond…” Jaejoong softly whispered.

            “What the hell are you talking about?” Tiffany asked.

            Jaejoong turned his attention back to her. “Nothing that you would know.”


            Meanwhile, Jaejoong, still tired as hell, got back into his old leather couch by the bay window. You were still sleeping as peacefully as ever, not hearing a single word about Tiffany and Jaejoong’s argument downstairs. It was still too early to get up and even if he did he wouldn’t have anything else better to do.

            With that, Jaejoong got out from under the covers and scurried downstairs. Ever since the brief mentioning of his first love he hasn’t had the need to go to clubs anymore. There’s only one thing he does when he’s bored besides playing with girls and one thing only.

♪ Listen to (Fight the Bad Feeling Dance Version by T-MAX):

______’s POV:

            I opened my eyelids from a peaceful, good night’s sleep. That lullaby couldn’t have done a whole lot, right? I washed my face and lightly brushed my hair. Who knows if Jaejoong was in the mood to make fun of my bed hair this weekend morning?

            As I descended down the spiral staircase a strong scent of bacon and eggs flied up my nostrils.

            *Whose cooking at this time of day?*

            I peeked into the kitchen to see Jaejoong playing around with a black metal pan and a wooden spoon. Two individual plates were set up on the dining room table, each one with a piece of crispy toast, sunny side up eggs, and light brown bacon.

            “Whoa…” I exclaimed as I entered the room.

            Jaejoong looked up from his sizzling pan and kept his expression emotionless.

            “You’re awake?” he asked.

            “Yeah.” I walked over to the table of food. “This looks amazing! I didn’t know you could cook THIS well!”

            “Don’t believe it until you see it,” he replied as he placed three small hash browns on each plate as the finishing touch.

            I sat down on the dining room chair, anticipated for the meal. Jaejoong sat down opposite from me and pushed the second plate towards me.

            Without words I took the fork provided and tasted a bit of the bacon, toast, and egg. Smiling in contentment at the delicious food melting in my mouth, I really couldn’t believe that Kim Jaejoong made all of this.

            “Is it ok?” he asked casually. However, I could tell that he was waiting for a semi-bad reply from me. Hopefully, a good compliment.

            But today, I wasn’t in the mood to make fun of him or , especially since this breakfast was so warming.

            “It’s delicious, thanks,” I said, genuinely smiling.

            “Good.” Jaejoong looked down and briefly smiled before eating the food off of his own plate.

            Breakfast was silent except for the usual crunching of bacon and hash browns. I was done with my plate and threw it in the sink. I was going to leave and get washed up when Jaejoong said, “YAH!” I turned around.

            “You think I’m going to wash all these dishes by myself?!” Jaejoong cried.

            I felt guilty if I had said no after he made me or ‘us’ such a nice breakfast so in the end it was me washing while Jaejoong handled the soap.

            “You at washing dishes,” Jaejoong commented.

            “Look whose getting soap all over the countertop,” I retorted.

            Jaejoong took the water attachment from it’s holder beside the faucet and aimed it at me.

            “You’d better not shoot me with that thing!” I warned, now realizing his scheme.

            “Then you shouldn’t have retorted,” he come backed.

            Before I knew it, he was already spraying water at me. It came endlessly. I could hear his laughter behind my closed eyes as I tried to fight him to turn it off. When he finally did, I was soaking wet from head to toe.

            “YAH! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!” I shrieked.

            “I dunno, I just felt like pressing that magic button,” Jaejoong said as he continued to laugh like crazy. “HAHAHAHA! You should’ve seen your face!”

            I grabbed a handful of the fluffy bubbles lying on top of the dish water and threw it as his face, getting Jaejoong’s face white and soapy.

            “HA! TAKE THAT!” I said.

            “Why you-!” He chased after me as he continued shooting water bullets at my back. I had no weapon. Jaejoong had taken the water gun and all I had was soapy hands. The floor was getting wetter by the second and soon I tripped and then Jaejoong tripped right over me. My body went SMACK! Onto the floor and when I opened my eyes I looked to see Jaejoong’s big eyes staring back at me.



            Jaejoong, my husband, KIM JAEJOONG, was laying right on top of me….our faces so close that I swore that I couldn’t have seen anything but….HIM.

No One’s POV:

            The house was silent as none of you wanted to pull away from your positions. Jaejoong, on the other hand, has never had a big enough desire to….kiss you.

            He gazed at your face, your wet black hair, your sparkling eyes under your glasses, your lips, your everything, as his heart started beating faster and faster, something that has never happened before in his life.

            Except when he was with HER.

            His sudden desire to kiss you suddenly took over him as his lips leaned closer and closer to your lips. You didn’t know what to do. You were still in your stage of shock at what had just happened.

            It really seemed as if you guys were going to kiss until…

            “I GOT YOU~ UNDER MY SKIN!” your phone rang. (Mirotic is your ringtone XD)

            You quickly scrambled out of your position, grabbing your phone from the kitchen counter.

            “Hello?” you said.

            You didn’t see it but Jaejoong’s expression seemed a bit disappointed.

            “Hyun Joong?” you asked.

            *Why the hell’s the bastard calling my wife?*

            “The park by my house? Ok, sure, just give me 30 minutes.” You hung up after hearing Hyun Joong’s invitation to the nearby park.

            *The park?* Jaejoong thought. *No, she can’t be*

            “Where are you going?” Jaejoong asked.

            “To the park,” you answered. Grabbing a towel and wiping the floor with it. You opened the windows to give a chance for the water to seep out.

            “Right now?” Jaejoong asked.

            You nodded, silently leaving the kitchen and running upstairs to get changed.

            Jaejoong, on the other hand, knew that something fishy was going on. And he wasn’t going to leave it alone.

♪ Listen to (Love is Punishment by K.Will):

            The walk to the small park behind the neighborhood didn’t take long. When you arrived you immediately spotted Hyun Joong sitting on a wooden bench by the small pond, tossing a few pieces of bread to the white ducks floating above the crystal clear water.

            “Hey,” you greeted softly.

            “Hey,” he said; his eyes still on the floating ducks.

            You cautiously took a seat next to him and watched him throw a few more small pieces of bread.

            “What’s up? You said you had something to tell me,” you inquired.

            “Oh, right.” Hyun Joong turned to you. “Has Jaejoong told you about Tiffany?”

            “Tiffany?” you asked. “Whose she?”

            “So he hasn’t told you….” Hyun Joong mumbled. “So is it ok if I tell you?”

            “Whatever you please,” you answered.

            Hyun Joong took a deep whiff of the fresh air and continued. “You know how Jaejoong’s a famous heir right? Well, a few months ago, he had a girlfriend named Tiffany Hwang.”

            “Tiffany Hwang? The heiress who does all the perfumes and clothing lines and everything?” you asked.

            Hyun Joong nodded. “They dated and everyone really thought that early marriage was up for grabs for them, even a child, but she left for America because of recent hotel promotions and she and Jaejoong were no more after that.”

            “No more? What has she got to do with anything?” you timidly asked. You knew that he had to have some public relationships in the past.

            “Because today she came back to him. She visited Jaejoong this morning to beg him back and he said he’d think about it.”

            “R-Really?” after the incident this morning – being so close to him in reality – you were considering to change the way you acted around him. But if he had a waiting girlfriend…

            “Yeah. I needed to tell you ______, if I didn’t it would be eating me up inside,” Hyun Joong claimed.

            “But if it was just this morning then how do you know so much in detail?” you questioned, starting to grow suspicious of Hyun Joong.

            “Tiffany called me right after. We’re childhood friends,” He answered.

            “Oh…” you said. “Well I guess he would’ve told me this afternoon...”

            “If it were me, I would keep my secrets of my ex girlfriend whom I still love away from my wife,” Hyun Joong said.

            “Still l-love?”

            Hyun Joong nodded. “If you haven’t noticed, it’s a little too obvious if you ask me.”


            Jaejoong was hiding behind a bush, hearing every single lie that Hyun Joong has just told you.

            *That little bastard….and ______’s going to believe him only because he’s ‘nice’ to her*

            The image of you feeding the white ducks reminded Jaejoong so much of his past love. It then occurred to him that you gave him the same fluttery feeling that had happened between him in the past and that feeling was the only special feeling that he had with her.

            And no one else.

            And with that, you went home with many thoughts and questions with no complete answers. Jaejoong reached the house first and you came home a few minutes later, still in your train of thought. The thought of Jaejoong being your husband and loving another girl who was the one who was supposed to be his wife….hurt you.

            When you walked through the door Jaejoong had just finished cleaning up the wet floor. “You’re back,” he said, with almost a happy tone to his voice.

            All you did was look at him and retreat back to the bedroom. You were in no mood to talk to him. He was keeping inside such a big secret and yet he still dares to talk to you. You were mad but at the same time strangely sad that he still loved someone and was hesitating about it because of you. Or so you thought.

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YunaJi #1
Chapter 28: she is ing stupid oh my god jaejoong warned her a lot of times, this is annoying
YunaJi #2
Chapter 12: the orginal pimp in da house
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 36: This story is so cute ^_^
uvaida501 #4
Chapter 17: park jaebum as in Jay park!!!!!!! *-*
My first Jaejoong fanfiction!
The first story I read in AFF!
Oh! This is special!

I'm re-reading it now! :)
14 streak #6
Chapter 36: Awww the ending with the two kids bumping to each other (?) like how jaejoong and ____ first met XD. Such a cute story ^^
Chapter 36: Waah!! It is really cute n fluffy, enjoyed it!!!! :)
Chapter 36: Awesome story .Thank you love it totally (^_^)
Chapter 36: I ❤ heaaaaaaart it.