First Day of School

When the Playboy Married the Nerd

 ♪ Listen to (Are You a Good Girl? by DBSK):

______’s POV:

            Someone pulled the bed covers off of my body. “WAKE UP YOU LAZY !” the voice yelled. I groaned and sandwiched my head into a pillow.

            “What time is it?” I murmured.

            “Monday and it’s 7:45 and school at Seoul High starts at 8am!” Jaejoong cried.

            “Oh man!” I quickly scurried out of bed and washed up in the bathroom in ten seconds flat. When I came out a pair of clothes was tossed in my face.

            “Hurry up and get dressed in your uniform. I don’t want to be late,” Jaejoong commanded.

            I obeyed and got dressed as quickly as I could in the new Seoul High uniforms. At least Jaejoong was nice enough to give me a ride. When we got to school the bell had just rung. Jaejoong and I sped to the gates before they closed and hurried off to class. Because I had to get my schedule, I had a free pass for the morning. Entering the office, I asked for my schedule. The secretary gave it to me kindly and walked me to homeroom…

            …Where I found Jaejoong making out with some girl at his desk.

            *Ew…how disgusting…*

            They were tonguing and he was grabbing her leg and she had her hands on his chest and…*shivers* I don’t think I’d want to describe it any further. If I did then I’d feel sick.

            I didn’t feel jealous…YET.

            The teacher was no where to be found and everyone around the room was throwing either paper balls or pencils at each other.

            *Wow…THIS is a rich kid school?*

            Right then the teacher came in and interrupted my thoughts.

            “KIM JAEJOONG, STOP MAKING OUT WITH HER.” the teacher snapped. Jaejoong quickly scrambled around in his chair and got back into his original position and the girl practically cat walked back to her seat.

            “Class, we have a new student. Her name’s Lee ______ and I hope you’ll treat her well.” The teacher announced.

            “Yes teacher,” the class groaned in unison.

            “You may pick your seat.”

            Not wanting to sit in the back with Jaejoong, his buddies, and his ‘ladies’, I chose the seat in the front by the window. The teacher seemed pleased with my eagerness.

            Our parents must’ve arranged for me and Jaejoong to have the same classes because in the next class he was again sitting in the back, making out with a different girl from before.

            *he must really be bored*

Jaejoong’s POV:

When I got to homeroom that day my friends weren’t looking too happy.

            “Dude, you never told us!” Yunho said.

            “Yeah, we’re your best friends!” Changmin cried.

            “What?” I asked, puzzled.

            “Don’t ‘what’ us. You’re getting married man!” Yoochun shrieked.

            “SHHH! Keep it low! I don’t want her to get pummeled by my ladies,” I shushed.

            “So that means she’s here? WHERE?!?!” Junsu squealed.

            “You’ll be disappointed, I was,” I replied.

            Just then ______ entered through the door. “That’s her.”

            The other 4’s jaws dropped. “THAT’S HER?!”

            “Doesn’t look like she works at a club.”

            “She’s wearing glasses!”

            “Looks smart.”

            “Nerdy girls are in man.”

            “Without those glasses she’d be a total hottie.”

            I rolled my eyes. Seriously. That nerd? A hottie? Puh-lease.

            During classes I couldn’t believe how much of an overachiever ______ was. She answered EVERY single question asked, no doubt getting my attention. When the lunch bell rang I ran up to her.

            “Yah, you never told me that you were smart,” I said.

            “Well, you call me a nerd. Doesn’t that mean that I’m smart?” she asked.

            “I only called you a nerd because you’re annoying and you wear glasses but I never knew that you’re an oversized achiever.”

            “Well, news flash Kim Jaejoong, didn’t your mom say that I had the highest IQ in the school at SM High?” she dug her hands into her pockets. “I’m hungry I’m going to go get lunch.”

            I took out my wallet. I was hungry too. Making out with girls could waste a lot of energy.

♪ Listen to(In the Club by 2NE1): 

______’s POV: 

            I stepped into the enormous cafeteria. Everyone was in either a group or a clique and I wasn’t sure whether I should eat alone or read in a classroom and skip lunch to avoid humiliation. Today’s lunch was spaghetti. I grabbed a can of soda and looked for a place to sit.

            “Hey you.”

I looked around and pointed to myself. “Me?”

            “Yeah you.” the girl came up to me, her face looking not too happy.

            “Can I help you?” I asked.

            “Yeah and let me make this loud and clear: STAY AWAY FROM JAEJOONG OPPA!”

            I wiped the spit that she had blurted on my face. I wasn’t the type of girl like Geum Jan Di in Boys over Flowers who’d stand up to people. Jaejoong was different, he’s someone who I already hated in the first place but in situations where a girl is bashing me right in front of my face, I’m basically clueless.


            “I saw you and Jaejoong oppa getting out of his car AND talking just now. You’d BETTER stay away from him! Or else I’ll kick your !” the girl said threateningly. Behind her were other ‘followers’.

            “Uh…sure…” I tried to the use the fewest words.

            The girl turned back to walk away but stopped and turned back to me. “And THIS is a warning!”

            She tipped over my tray to dump the spaghetti all over me. The red colored sauce stained by new uniform and the noodle even hung onto the ends of the shirt. Everyone was laughing and all I could do was stand there and look like a mess. I hurriedly ran out of the cafeteria in tears to a place where no one could see or laugh at me.

            My first day just turned from ok to worse.

Jaejoong’s POV:

            Me and the guys were sitting at our table in the cafeteria and Changmin had already finished his 3rd plate of spaghetti.

            “Dude, stop. I know your stomach is like a balloon and everything but seriously,” I said.

            “Hey, isn’t that your wife?” Junsu asked, pointing over to the other side of the cafeteria.

            My eyes turned to ______ getting picked on by Jennifer, the leader of my fan club and also the most annoying b1tch I’ve ever met. She was just standing there, obviously letting Jennifer talk all the crap she wants about her.

            “Why isn’t she cussing her out? Why isn’t she doing anything?” I asked myself.

            Right when Jennifer was about to leave she suddenly turned around and dumped spaghetti all over ______. The cafeteria gasped and ______ ran out.

            “Hyung, you should go comfort your wife. It doesn’t look too good,” Yunho advised.

            “Psh, she can handle herself,” I said.

            “Doesn’t look like it. But then again you can be so stubborn,” Yoochun said.

            I didn’t care about her…YET. But then again, if I had gone after and comforted her…she never would’ve met…him

♪ Listen to(White Lie by DBSK):

______’s POV:

            I was sitting by myself on a bench in the school yard where no one was at currently. I kept my face in my hands. It was so humiliating; did Jaejoong see?

            “Do you need a hankie?”

            I slowly looked up to find a boy standing before me. He was holding out a velvet handkerchief.

            “T-Thanks…” I said.

            “No problem,” he sat down beside me. “Don’t worry about Jennifer. Everyone thinks she’s a b1tch.”


            “The girl who splattered spaghetti on you.”

            “Oh…you saw that?”

            “Yeah…you’re new right?” he asked.

            I nodded. “Lee ______.”

            “Oh, well I’m Kim Hyun Joong, one of Jaejoong’s friends.”

            Just then the bell rang for next class. He stood up and started walking. “Wait, your hankie!”

            He turned around. “Keep it.”

            “Are you sure you don’t want it back?” I questioned.

            He shook his head and left.

♪ Listen to (Still/As Ever You’re Beautiful OST by Lee Hongki):

*He’s so…mysterious…*

            After getting back to reality, I hurried over to the office to ask for a jacket uniform that I could wear until school’s over. The office lady tried to pry out why mine was so dirty and covered with sauce and in the end I told her about Jennifer. Looks like karma’s out to get her soon. I received a late pass for class and entered quietly. Throughout the rest of the day I merely focused on school.

            When dismissal bell rang I already spotted Jaejoong getting into his car and hurried into it. After clicking on my seatbelt, I quietly pulled the hankie out of my pocket. Feeling its warmth and softness, I couldn’t help but have Hyun Joong’s face flash in my mind. I also couldn’t help but smile.

            “Yah, what’s wrong with you?” Jaejoong asked.

            I quickly hid the hankie behind my back. “Nothing.” I changed the subject. “Hey Jaejoong, do you know anyone named Kim Hyun Joong?”

 “Kim Hyun Joong? Yeah, why?”

            “N-N-No reason…”

            “You’re stuttering again.”

            “No I’m not.”

            “Psh, whatever,” he retorted.

            The car pulled up onto the driveway and my stomach was literally calling to me. I had skipped lunch and didn’t even have time to eat breakfast this morning. I looked around for any microwavable meals but there weren’t any. I tried to make something simple, like fried rice. I got out already cooked rice with other veggies but didn’t know where to start.

            Jaejoong’s parents weren’t home; it was just me and him. I peeked into his room to find him struggling on homework.


            “Jaejoong…,” I started. “I’m hungry.”

            He looked up. “So?”

            “Aren’t you my husband? Can you cook for me?” I asked nicely.

            “Cook yourself.”

            “But I really can’t! If you cook lunch for me I’ll help you with your homework.”

            Jaejoong really did need help on his homework.

            “Fine.” He got up and I followed him downstairs with a smile.

            Seeing him cook really amazed me. How he flips the pan of veggies and chops everything up in small bitable pieces. How his muscles clench up when he holds the pan and his expression when he’s concentrating; he looked simply beautiful, not like the jerk that I know and hate. Even when the finished product appeared on the plate it’s simply perfection.

            “WHOA, Jaejoong, I didn’t know you could cook,” I complimented. “Thanks!”

            “I just really need help on homework, ok? And besides, I cook like this all the time,” Jaejoong replied.

            “Maybe if you keep your lips away from girls for 10 seconds maybe you’d learn.” I murmured. But he heard it.

            He glared at me and then said, “Changing the subject…I saw what happened at the cafeteria today.”

            “Oh…you did?”

            “Yeah. Why didn’t you do anything? I mean you at least could’ve called her a or while you’re at it.”

            “I was new to the school. It was my first day and suddenly some girl comes up and starts telling me to get away from you. She dumped spaghetti on me, I got shocked and humiliated, and ran out. No big deal,” I explained nonchalantly.

“My wife has to be as headstrong as me.”

            “Ok, Jaejoong, I’ll try to stand up for myself next time, ok?” I said, not wanting to get into this sour subject.

            After finishing my lunch I headed upstairs to help Jaejoong with his homework. I never knew that his eyes were that big and brown up close…and how big and pink his lips were…

            But then I remembered the images of Jaejoong making out with random girls during class and those thoughts vanished in an instant. Hyun Joong’s face still flashed in the back of my mind. Will I ever see him again?

A/N: I've also fixed any broken links :)

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YunaJi #1
Chapter 28: she is ing stupid oh my god jaejoong warned her a lot of times, this is annoying
YunaJi #2
Chapter 12: the orginal pimp in da house
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 36: This story is so cute ^_^
uvaida501 #4
Chapter 17: park jaebum as in Jay park!!!!!!! *-*
My first Jaejoong fanfiction!
The first story I read in AFF!
Oh! This is special!

I'm re-reading it now! :)
14 streak #6
Chapter 36: Awww the ending with the two kids bumping to each other (?) like how jaejoong and ____ first met XD. Such a cute story ^^
Chapter 36: Waah!! It is really cute n fluffy, enjoyed it!!!! :)
Chapter 36: Awesome story .Thank you love it totally (^_^)
Chapter 36: I ❤ heaaaaaaart it.