
When the Playboy Married the Nerd

 Listen to (Look at Me by Taeyang):

            Next week during school was when I talked to Hyun Joong again. I was getting some stuff out of my locker when he suddenly came up to me. Because of the last incident I had with him and Jaejoong’s theory of him and Tiffany, I turned my heels to walk away from him.

            “______, wait!” he said, running up to my side. “Look, I’m sorry about the other day, ok? I just seriously…couldn’t help it.”

            I turned around to face him. “But you’re working with Tiffany, aren’t you?”


            “C’mon Hyun Joong, I’m not that stupid and idiotic. You’re working with Tiffany.”

            “No I’m not.”

            “H-Huh?” now I was really confused.

            “I’m not. At least, I used to. She paid me to get close to you so you can divorce Jaejoong and he’ll come running back to her. But seeing how she almost killed you twice, I quit. The whole kidnapping thing was all her. And I really didn’t want to hurt you ______. Trust me,” Hyun Joong explained.

            *Both Hyun Joong and Jaejoong? She really needs a hobby*

            “Oh…” I said, although I still wasn’t sure if that was the case.

            “Do you believe me?”

            I looked up at him and then down at my shoes which were very dirty. “Yeah, I believe you.”

            Hyun Joong smiled. “Great! I was missing you as my friend you know.”

            I nodded. “Me too.”

            Suddenly, Hyun Joong pulled something out of his pocket.

            It was a necklace.

Hyun Joong’s necklace:

            “Here. It’s for you. I figured it’s the least I could do.” Hyun Joong took out my hand and placed his necklace in it, and then enclosed my hand.

            “Hyun Joong…I-I can’t-

            “It’s a gift and part of my apology. So accept it, ok? I hated using you for Tiffany’s own gain and all I got out of it was money, so I used the money to buy you something decent.”

            I opened up my hand and looked at it. When Jaejoong gave me his necklace it seemed to be one of the most meaningful moments of my life. But I barely even wore it. To think of it, I almost forgot about it since I kept it in such a safe place. But what will he say when he sees me wearing this?

            “Here, I’ll put it on for you,” Hyun Joong volunteered, taking it out of my hand. He stepped behind me and clasped it around my neck. I watched it roll down from my neck to above my chest.

            Déjà vu.

            “There we go. You like it?” Hyun Joong asked.

            I nodded. “Yeah, I do, thank you.”

            “Great. So I’ll see you later ok?” Hyun Joong kissed me lightly on the forehead before he left. I watched him as he walked down the hallway, and then turning the corner.

            After school, as I got into Jaejoong’s car, I knew what he was going to say next.

            “Yah, who gave you that necklace?” he asked.

            “No one,” was my automatic answer. “I’ve had it for a while, I just never wore it.”

            “Freaking liar. C’mon, who gave it to you? Yoochun? Shindong? Taemin?” Jaejoong started spitting out guesses and I shook my head to every one of them. I could tell that he was getting angry.

            “Wait…don’t tell me it’s….”

            He got it. Right on the money.

            “…Hyun Joong?”

            I bit my lip and then gave a small nod.

            “WHAT THE HELL? WHAT THE HELL, ______? Didn’t I tell you not to talk to him anymore?!” Jaejoong yelled.

            “Y-Yeah…but he apologized and he said he has nothing to do with Tiffany,” I replied calmly. I hated being yelled at.

            “Can’t you see he’s lying?!?! GET REAL, ______. Why do you always have to be so GULLIBLE AND NAIVE?!?!” Jaejoong’s voice rose.

            “WHY ARE YOU YELLING AT ME?!” I cried. “I’m not like you, ok? I actually forgive people, I give them second chances, and I believe what they say because it might actually be true. Have you ever thought for once in your life that maybe you could be wrong?! That what you think could be wrong?! Seriously Jaejoong. Just because he ing almost killed your past love you hate him that much? Have you ever thought of the fact that he could’ve changed? That was freshman year for god sakes! I have the right to talk to anybody. Remember that stupid contract you made up? Remember? You can’t stop me from talking to him. He’s actually one of my real friends ever since I came to Seoul High. So leave me alone, Jaejoong!”

            All of this came out in one breath and for a few minutes, it was silent. I didn’t want to look at him. I didn’t even want to be in the same car as him but I needed to get home. And as Jaejoong started the engine and I turned my head towards the window…I cried. I’ve always hated crying because it always made me feel weak and I hated looking at my red splotchy face in the mirror as I washed my face. And this time I was crying because I was so mad. I was so angry at Jaejoong. Did he really think he could just tell me who to hang out with and who to talk to? Did he always think that he was right all of the time? I was so sick of him and here I thought that I could’ve liked him. Maybe that was the real reason that I was crying. I actually thought that he liked me and that he actually cared.

            But no.

            When we got home I immediately ran to the bathroom and took a shower. I felt so dirty and disgusting, especially after my argument with Jaejoong. After a long hot shower I went into my room and took out my jewelry box. Inside was a sapphire ring that my grandma gave to me before she died, and Jaejoong’s necklace. My jewelry box wasn’t just for any jewelry you know. It only consists of the most important jewelry of my life. And these two were the only ones. At least, it used to be.

            I took out Jaejoong’s necklace and stared at it for a while, before throwing it into the trashcan.

Jaejoong’s POV:

            I pulled up my car to Pearl, a club which I’ve never even been to but I didn’t even care anymore. Sitting down on a vacant barstool, I immediately ordered a beer.   

            How could she? I mean, after all that I’ve told her. About my past and everything. I didn’t share that to ANYONE. And to think I trusted her! I told her to stay away from Hyun Joong for her own good and here she goes again, getting herself into trouble. But then there was that contract…

            I guess I have been violating it and all but I was doing it for the goodness of things. It wasn’t for evil at all.

            But ______ cried. I never saw that side of her before. Even the times when my yelling was even worse she didn’t even shed a single tear. But now that I’ve erupted again…is it possible that things have changed since the last time I yelled at her and now? Could it be…

            No. No way does ______ likes me. She hates me. At least, now she hates me even more…

            God dammit, why am I thinking of her so much? I seriously need to stop this…

            The only reason I’m mad is because she wore Hyun Joong’s necklace and not mine. She never even wore mine except for that night when I got it for her and the wedding day. I don’t even know where she put it…

            And with that, I ordered myself another drink. I drank until I could stop thinking about her. I drank until her image disappeared from my mind. I drank until my feelings for her vanished from my heart.

            But you and I both know that at this point in our marriage…

            That was impossible.

Listen to (Rainy Day by Z’Ta):

______’s POV:

            After spending some time in my room, I suddenly came to realize that Jaejoong wasn’t home. Not that I should care though. But when I went to bed he still wasn’t home. I lay snuggled under my blankets, wondering where he was. And soon, I actually started to get worried.

            That is, until my cell phone rang.


            “Hello? Is this Kim ______?”

            “Yes, it is. Is something wrong?” I asked.

            “Yes, actually there is. You see, your husband, Kim Jaejoong, is at Club Pearl right now, and-

            “Is he drunk?”

            “Yes. You were the first one on his speed dial so the manager thought that calling you would be best. Could you come pick him up?”

            I was the first one on Jaejoong’s speed dial?

            “Yes. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

            I got dressed quickly, but then I realized that I didn’t have a ride. I walked down to the nearest bus stop and took a bus to Club Pearl. People were still outside, waiting to get in, when it was like what? 1am?

            When I managed to get inside, I spotted Jaejoong immediately. His cheek was on the countertop, his eyes closed. His back was hunched over and a glass of beer was still in his hand. The manager was standing next to him and his face brightened when he saw me,

            “Great! You’re here! I’ll leave him to you then?” the manager asked.

            I nodded and the manager went away, leaving me and Jaejoong by ourselves.

            “Jaejoong, get up.” I shook his shoulder.

            Jaejoong moaned and turned away from me.

            “C’mon Jaejoong, GET UP.”

            “No…” he mumbled.

            “Jaejoong, seriously.” I took his hand and pulled him forward, sending him upright.

            Because of his loss of balance, he fell to the ground. He was WAY too heavy.

            But I still had to try.

            Therefore, with all my might, I slung his arm over my shoulder, and slowly made my way out of Club Pearl. His breath was hot and smelly against my skin, and people gave us weird stares as we passed, but I didn’t care at this point. I needed to get him out of here.

            Why was he out here drinking anyway? It couldn’t be because of me, could it? Did I hurt him that much for him to go to this extreme? Or did going out and getting himself drunk was a normal thing for him?

            When we finally got outside of the club I dragged him over to his car which could be easily found since it was so shiny and black, and took out his keys from his pocket.

            After clasping on his seatbelt for him, I started the engine and drove to home. Jaejoong’s head was pressed against the window while I kept my eyes on the road.

            Suddenly, I heard some mumbles and during the red light I looked at Jaejoong to see what was up.

            “Jaejoong, what’s wrong?” I asked, concerned.

            Jaejoong stirred around in his seat before leaning his head against the window again.

            “I only….wanted…her to wear…my…” His face looked pained and worst of all, sad, disappointed, hurt.

            And then I finally saw why he was acting like this. Why we were having this fight.

            Jaejoong got mad because I was wearing Hyun Joong’s necklace and not his. And I threw his necklace into the trashcan. I suddenly felt so guilty for having this fight at all.       

            When I got home I once again dragged Jaejoong to his room and plopped him down onto the bed. I took off his jacket, revealing his white beater underneath, and took off his shoes. I didn’t know what else to do and I didn’t want to look at him in this state any longer.

            So I exited his room and went over to mine. I took out Jaejoong’s necklace from the trashcan and dusted it off a little, before taking off Hyun Joong’s necklace and replacing it with his.

            I wasn’t precisely sure if Hyun Joong has been fully released from Tiffany’s grasp or if he was even telling me the truth that morning at all. I still had to be cautious and maybe Jaejoong was right. But he could also be wrong.

            And with Jaejoong’s necklace dangling on my neck, I slipped myself under the blankets and went to sleep.


            When I woke up the next morning I got washed up and changed into my uniform. As I headed downstairs I smelt something fluffy and buttery.


            I went into the kitchen to find Jaejoong putting the last finishing swirl of maple syrup on a pancake.


            Jaejoong looked up from his handiwork and grinned at me. “Hey.”

            I cautiously made my way to the dining room table where two plates of perfectly made pancakes were sitting.

            “Sit down. And eat,” Jaejoong commanded, taking a seat across from me.

            I nodded and sat down as well, not sure what to think of at the moment.

            “So…about yesterday…” but Jaejoong trailed off as his eyes landed on the necklace that I was wearing. HIS necklace.

            “Um…can you forget about yesterday? Not to mention last night too…please?” Jaejoong asked.

            I took a deep sigh and nodded. “Sure. Is that why you made these pancakes?”

            “No! I just felt like it,” Jaejoong denied, stuffing half a pancake into his mouth to prevent him from talking any further.

            I giggled and ate my pancakes as well.

            Maybe it was just me, or maybe Jaejoong’s superior cooking, but they tasted extra delicious.

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YunaJi #1
Chapter 28: she is ing stupid oh my god jaejoong warned her a lot of times, this is annoying
YunaJi #2
Chapter 12: the orginal pimp in da house
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 36: This story is so cute ^_^
uvaida501 #4
Chapter 17: park jaebum as in Jay park!!!!!!! *-*
My first Jaejoong fanfiction!
The first story I read in AFF!
Oh! This is special!

I'm re-reading it now! :)
14 streak #6
Chapter 36: Awww the ending with the two kids bumping to each other (?) like how jaejoong and ____ first met XD. Such a cute story ^^
Chapter 36: Waah!! It is really cute n fluffy, enjoyed it!!!! :)
Chapter 36: Awesome story .Thank you love it totally (^_^)
Chapter 36: I ❤ heaaaaaaart it.