Honeymoon Part 2

When the Playboy Married the Nerd

 Listen to (Give Me Your Love by TANK): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChRGVITm2jU

            There was something about that image. Me and him, walking hand in hand, on a beach on a starry night. Romantic, I should say? But after a while as Jaejoong was still holding my hand, it did start to feel awkward as I thought back to how I could feel about him. Did I like him that way? Was it just his instinct to hold my hand in this scene?

            “Hey oppa,” this was the first time I’ve called him oppa after the rules changed. He hadn’t seemed to notice that until now as well as he gave me an anxious look, “There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you. Why did you have to break up with Tiffany?”

            Jaejoong seemed stunned at my question and took a deep sigh, as if he was searching for the right answer. “It’s complicated. You won’t understand.”

            “What makes you think I won’t?” I let go of his hand. “Jaejoong come on, I deserve to know.”

            “It’s all in the past.”

            “So? Just tell me. What do you have to lose?”

            “_______, I-

            “Jaejoong. I’m your wife.” I did it. I used the magic card and now he had to tell me. Why I wanted to know so badly? He hated pretending to date her right? So what went wrong? Did she break up with him or did he break up with her? I wanted to know.

            Jaejoong took a deep breath and suddenly stopped walking. He stared out into the dark beach water, not meeting my eyes.

            “Remember my first love from freshman year?” I nodded. “Tiffany found out about her from Hyun Joong and asked me about her. I denied it and she got mad, telling me that I was lying and she should know if I still loved the girl. Tiffany had always acted as if she was my real girlfriend and then she started cussing the girl out, saying that all I’ve been loving is a piece of that drowned in water. I got so mad at her. You wouldn’t even believe it. I would’ve hit her if I could and I started telling her that she was being stupid for arguing to me about this. And while all of this was happening some reporter was catching all of it. One of T.O.P’s snitches I’m guessing, and our conversation got leaked. At a press conference I declared my relationship with Tiffany over. Of course my parents were mad, as being with her had gotten us both so popular. And after that was when my playboy streak was even stronger than ever. And then a month ago it was announced that I was going to get married to you.” Jaejoong paused, keeping his head down until he turned it upward, his eyes now meeting mine. My heart seemed to have stopped at that precise moment and I couldn’t tear my eyes away. “And my life changed.”

            I didn’t say anything after he finished his story. This was one of those rare moments that I had with Jaejoong that I saw his true self. Not playboy, not jerky, not mean and conceited. Moments like these I realized that he actually had a heart. And that it actually beats for someone. That sense of familiarity came over me once again whenever he mentioned his past love. She seemed so familiar; I couldn’t even believe the weird feeling inside of me. I seriously needed to find out why.

            Jaejoong and I didn’t say anything for a long time. All I seemed to see at that moment was Jaejoong’s eyes, staring back at me.

Listen to (On and On by DBSK): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3x9K8JVSwg

When we finally did break away, the wind was picking up, and it was getting cold as I realized that it was already 12:30am. In silence, the two of us headed back to the hotel. When I came out of the bathroom Jaejoong was already settled into the bed. The covers were pulled up and his eyes were closed. He looked so peaceful, so serene, and most of all so happy. I never knew that he even had tragedies in his life. From his first love to having to deal with Tiffany and now he has to be married. To me. I’ve always thought that he was the guy who had everything and never had a hard moment in his life. Looks can indeed be deceiving. After this night, my image of him changed. In a good way or bad way, I don’t know…but I started to have sympathetic thoughts about him. He acted so different today. On the first day of our honeymoon. Was he accepting reality? That I was now his wife?

            I didn’t feel like kicking him off of the bed and I surely didn’t want to sleep on the same bed as him. So I grabbed some pillows and headed towards the sofa on the other side of the penthouse, making myself comfortable there.

Jaejoong’s POV:

            That night I couldn’t sleep at all. One reason was because I kept thinking about her. And the other was because I was thinking about ______. How weird is that? I NEVER think about her. And now I start to? Something’s up. Plus, why did I open up to her so much tonight? And freaking hold her hand?! Something is definitely wrong with me.

            Of course I didn’t take the bed out of greediness. I was just so tired from the jet ride and the wedding yesterday that I guess I just crashed.

            The good sleep didn’t last long though. And here I was, wide awake, staring at the intricate ceiling, trying to get myself to sleep. And that was when I wondered, “Where is _______?”

            I got out of bed and went to the living area of the penthouse where the sofa, flat screen, and office desk were. Just as I expected, _____ was on the sofa, curled up in the neatest fashion, sleeping soundlessly. I bent down and naturally smiled, something that I have been doing a lot lately and pinched her nose. She stirred around for a bit and I seriously thought that she was going to wake up but she just kept sleeping. I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. Maybe it was my pure instinct or maybe this was something that I had intended to do. But I reached out and brushed ______’s bangs out from her eyes. This was something that I had never done to any girl before and yet here I was. And to my wife. I stopped myself, and got back to reality. What was with me today? SERIOUSLY?!?!

            I stumbled back to my bed and got under the covers, totally aware of my feelings right now. I didn’t like her, did I? DID I? I turned back to the direction of the couch but quickly turned away, positioning myself away from the sofa where ______ was sleeping.

            No. I didn’t like her. I can’t. And that’s final. After slapping myself multiple times, I quickly went back to sleep.

            Or at least tried to.

______’s POV:

            The next morning I woke up to the sunlight coming in from the doors leading to the balcony. Squinting before opening my eyes, I got off of the couch and slowly made my way to the bathroom. I didn’t know where Jaejoong was. When I looked at the bed the covers were thrown off at one corner and he wasn’t in it. He wasn’t in the bathroom either. Where could he have gone?

            After taking a quick shower and had brushed my teeth, I got changed into something suitable for whatever today’s vacation was.

Outfit: http://www.yesstyle.com/en/antic-beads-v-neck-puff-sleeve-dress/info.html/pid.1022438888

            I exited the hotel room and went to the lobby, where even more tourists were piled over the check in counter. To be honest, I didn’t know what I was doing. Mainly because I had NO IDEA where Jaejoong was and he usually was the one that led this honeymoon.

            Suddenly, I heard my name being called. “______!” I turned around to find him waving his hand by the elevator. I walked over to him, hands on my hips.

            “Where were you?” I asked.

            “Uh…the balcony?” Jaejoong said sarcastically.

            *Oh…never thought about that…*

            “Well anyways, considering the blind person that you are, I just want to have your input on what you want to do today,” Jaejoong said, taking out his cell phone.

            “What is there to do?” I asked.

            “Lots. Especially on Mica Island. Bike riding, water slides, parachuting, water skiing, swimming with dolphins-

            “OOO! Swimming with dolphins!” I cried.

            “Thought you’d say that,” Jaejoong murmured before heading out of the hotel lobby to the front.

            Another part of Mica Island consisted of the D-PM. A place where adults and children of all ages could interact with friendly dolphins and if they wish, swim with them while holding onto their dorsal fins.

            Jaejoong, being the son of the creators of this luxury island, didn’t even need to pay for any of this. I just followed him through the endless pools and pools of small children and smiling adults as they pet dolphins and fed them.

            “Hey! What’s up man?” some guy said as he gave Jaejoong a high five.

            “Hey Jaebum. Me and my wife here would like to play with some dolphins,” Jaejoong said, once again putting his hand around my waist. I felt a slight tingle go throughout my body and for some reason, I smiled.

            “Hello,” I said.

            “Hi. I’m Park Jaebum, D-PM’s head manager. So I see that you’re Kim Jaejoong’s wife. That takes a lot of commitment you know,” Jaebum said, giggling.

            “Right,” I said slowly. “But I’ve never petted a dolphin before so I figured that this should be fun.”

            Jaebum smiled and led us to a booth where we were supposed to change into wet suits. When I came out of the changing room in my wet suit and my hair in a ponytail, I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw Jaejoong in his wetsuit.

            “PUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!” I laughed so hard that my mouth and stomach was starting to hurt.

            “SHUT UP!” Jaejoong said, crossing his arms across his chest, stomping off to the pool where Jaebum was waiting for us.

            “So what’s first?” I asked.

            “Well, step into the pool calmly and slowly so that the dolphin won’t feel threatened,” Jaebum instructed.

            Now instinctively, I took hold of Jaejoong’s arm as we stepped into the water. I felt his muscles tense and he must’ve been surprised at my sudden gesture. I was too.

            Jaebum disappeared for a while, calling the dolphin over perhaps, while Jaejoong and I were left alone.

            “Have you ever petted a dolphin before?” I asked him.

            Jaejoong shook his head. “Never thought I needed to. Or wanted to anyway.”

            “Why not?”

            “I dunno…it’s kinda…feminine…” Jaejoong made a sour face.

            “Then why did you suggest it if you knew I was going to pick it?” I asked.

            Jaejoong looked down at me and once again, I was deeply immersed in his eyes. “Because I knew you’d like it.”

            I blinked. “Here we are!” Jaebum came back to us with an average sized dolphin behind him, swimming gracefully to his side. I got back to reality.

            “Awwwwwww, she’s so cute!” I said, clapping my hands together.

            “Yeah. Her name’s Kawaii. Cute in Japanese,” Jaebum informed.

            I softly petted the smooth surface of the dolphin and wowed in awe.

            “So cute!” I cooed as the dolphin swam around in small . Jaejoong smiled, as if he enjoyed seeing me so happy like this…

            After spending the morning and afternoon at D-PM and the water slides, Jaejoong and I pondered on what we should do next. The walk of thought turned to a walk on the beach. It’s strange how things turn out. But then you can’t really help it because Mica Island is 75% beach.

            “So what’s your favorite color?” I asked.

            “Why are you asking?” Jaejoong said, annoyed.

            “I dunno, I’m bored. Tell me what it is!”


            “Why? Is it because red is the color of love?”

            “No. Blood.”


            Jaejoong turned to look at me. “What?”

            “Are you emo?”


            “Emo. E-M-O,” I said, emphasizing every letter.

            “Hell no! Why would you think that?!” Jaejoong cried.

            “Red. Color of blood. You always exclude yourself from the bright side of things. Obviously, you’ve been emofied.”

            “Yeah, by you,” Jaejoong muttered.


            Jaejoong laughed and put his hands in his pockets, lifting his head up high in the air, as if he was soaking in this moment forever. I always thought of his laugh as almost kind of like a soother. No matter how much he made fun of me, his laugh would always end it, setting everything back to normal. Of course our relationship wasn’t filled with THAT much hate and there’s only so much hate that you can give to a person. Sometimes, you just have to love.

            And that’s exactly what I did to Jaejoong. I don’t know what made me do it. Maybe the small push in my heart that told me to. But either way I stood up on my tippy toes and kissed him on the cheek, just above his jaw.

            The sun was setting, and the only people on the beach at the moment were couples with small children running around playfully in the sand and water. I quickly pulled away and Jaejoong seemed to have been frozen with shock. Before I could think back to what I did I ran. Smiling foolishly to myself, I ran as quickly as I could away from him.

            “YAH! ______! You can’t just kiss me and run!” he cried, chasing after me.


            Our feet pounded lightly on the sand as the two of us ran, Jaejoong chasing me. I turned back to look at him and realized that he was catching up to me, and fast! I picked up my pace and I suddenly felt a strong pair of arms wrap around me.

            “Got you!” Jaejoong said as he wrapped his arms around me. My back was pressed against his chest, his head just above my shoulder.

            “Let go! I can’t breathe!” I cried, trying to break free from his grasp.

Jaejoong’s POV:

            I clung onto her even tighter, refusing to let go.

            “No.” Why didn’t I want to let go? “I’ll squeeze you to death.”

            “Seriously Jaejoong, I can barely breathe,” ______ said, trying to pry my arms off of her. I let go and stepped back from her.

            What were the feelings that I’ve been having for the past few days? The sudden urge to hug and touch her and leaning my face close to hers. Ever since this honeymoon started I started growing more….affectionate…husband-like….more open to my….wife…

            EW! What am I saying?! God, Kim Jaejoong, you’ve been watching too many dramas.

            Soon it was getting dark and we were leaving for the airport tomorrow to go back to Seoul. The walk back to the hotel was pretty much silent and awkward. I don’t know why though.

            The next morning the two of us boarded the plane and in less then 4 hours, we were back at the Seoul airport. As soon as I got off of the plane and out to the terminal I immediately spotted a crowd of reporters running towards us. Camera flashes were everywhere and so many voices were ringing in my ears at once.

            “How was the honeymoon?”

            “What’d you guys do?”

            “Is Kim Jaejoong really giving up on girls?”

            “Are you guys expecting a baby?”

            ______’s eyes widened and I was getting annoyed. I put my hand on her back and led her through the crowd. When the crowd got too big to handle and she was being pulled away, I grabbed her hand. She looked up, surprised.

            “Come on,” I said, leading her through the numerous amount of people. When the crowd of photographers got even thicker up front she held onto my hand even tighter and I didn’t mind at all.

            She was my wife after all.

A/N: KYAAAAAA!! so sorry that i haven't been updating everyday! even tho i have it all written out i still need to edit it n stuff but i can't go on the computer until i finish all my hw T________T hopefully my teachers will go easy on me tomorrow :)

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YunaJi #1
Chapter 28: she is ing stupid oh my god jaejoong warned her a lot of times, this is annoying
YunaJi #2
Chapter 12: the orginal pimp in da house
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 36: This story is so cute ^_^
uvaida501 #4
Chapter 17: park jaebum as in Jay park!!!!!!! *-*
My first Jaejoong fanfiction!
The first story I read in AFF!
Oh! This is special!

I'm re-reading it now! :)
14 streak #6
Chapter 36: Awww the ending with the two kids bumping to each other (?) like how jaejoong and ____ first met XD. Such a cute story ^^
Chapter 36: Waah!! It is really cute n fluffy, enjoyed it!!!! :)
Chapter 36: Awesome story .Thank you love it totally (^_^)
Chapter 36: I ❤ heaaaaaaart it.