The Bash Before the Wedding

When the Playboy Married the Nerd

 Listen to (Fire by 2NE1):

            I never really looked forward to parties. Mainly because I don’t really want to get drunk and end up on someone else’s bed the next morning. And when Jaejoong told me that there was going to be some party at Yunho’s place, I never wanted to go in the beginning. Plus, tomorrow was going to be my wedding day. I needed a good night sleep.

            That Friday morning I lost one of my contacts so I decided that just for this one day I’ll wear my glasses. I mean, how much of a difference could it make?

            Thanks to my adaptation to the couch, I actually wanted to wake up early. Waking up before Jaejoong, I washed up and slipped on my glasses, then headed downstairs for breakfast. I was watching some morning cartoons while eating a bowl of cereal and milk when Jaejoong suddenly came downstairs. He looked at me.

“Why aren’t you wearing your contacts?” Jaejoong asked.

            “I can’t find one so I’ll stop at the optometrist after school today to get a new pair,” I said, dipping the spoon into the soggy cereal.

            “Oh…” he sounded disappointed but I didn’t say anything.

            Upon the arrival at school I saw a huge white banner plastered across the school gates that read: CONGRATS TO YOUR FUTURE WEDDING!! A huge crowd was standing in front of the school, even if it was only the day before. Maybe it’s because on Saturday there’s no school and no one can celebrate like this.

            The girls ignored me as they all rushed up to Jaejoong, telling him how happy they are for him even though he’s getting married to a person like me. I walked to class on my own when suddenly I found Hyun Joong standing beside my locker.

            “Hey,” he said as I approached him.

            Since Jaejoong was busy I couldn’t help but stir another conversation with Hyun Joong. Even though Jaejoong did say that he was a lying bastard, and pretty much proved it already with the Tiffany lie, I should believe him right? But Jaejoong has made fun of me too many times and therefore, I still didn’t fully believe him.

            “Hey,” I greeted back.

            “So the wedding’s tomorrow huh?” he asked as I opened my locker.

            “Yeah. Going to be the worst day of my life,” I commented.

            “Heh, I can tell you’re not too excited,” Hyun Joong said with a smile.

            “You’re most definitely right,” I replied.

            I saw Hyun Joong’s eyes wander to whatever was behind me but let it pass.

            “Kay, so I’ll see you later,” Hyun Joong said. Then, he pulled my head closer and planted a soft kiss on my forehead which stunned me like crazy.

            “K-Kay…” I said as he walked past me.

            I turned around to see him and Jaejoong bump shoulders before moving onto their own business.

            “YAH!” Jaejoong’s voice echoed throughout the halls. But no one turned around to pay any attention to him. Maybe they were used to his crap.

            “What?” I asked flatly.

            “Didn’t I tell you NOT to talk to him?!?! And he freaking planted one on you too and you don’t do anything? Wow, you’re easier then I thought you were,” Jaejoong said.

            “He made the first move, ok? So don’t blame me. If you hate him so much then why won’t you go beat him up or something? And remember, THE CONTRACT? Ha, seems like someone’s jealous!”

            “I’m just trying to keep you from getting you smartass,” Jaejoong retorted.

Jaejoong’s POV:

“I don’t need your protection. I am capable of handling him myself,” ________ said, her head held high.

            Gosh, I was glad she had her glasses on today. Arguing with her was so much easier now.

            “I won’t say anything about this matter if you go to Yunho’s party tonight with me,” I bargained, not having the need to argue.

            “Didn’t I already say I wouldn’t go?”

            “Yeah, but I can’t show up without a girl, let alone my wife, so c’mon.”

            “Say please,” she said.

            “Hell no!”

            “Say it.”

            “No. I’m not that kind of person. And you know it.”

            “Then I’m not going.”

            “Then I’m going to beat up Hyun Joong.”


            I smirked. But then again, did she care about him that much?

            “I-I’ll go to the party…” she gave in.

            *YES!! Wait, why am I so happy that she’s coming with me?*

Listen to (Bo Peep Bo Peep by T-ARA):

            The party wasn’t anything fancy but the attire was considered semi-formal. At about 7pm I was waiting downstairs for ______, glancing at the clock every once in a while. What’s taking her so long?

            Suddenly, I heard a door shut and footsteps making down the stairs. I looked up to find…


Your outfit:


            NO WAY.

            There was NO WAY that the girl standing right in front of me was ______. The dress was so stunning, accented every part of her body, and her hair was styled differently, new contacts today.

            Wait, why the hell am I describing her like this?

            Must’ve been talking to Changmin too much today…

            I swallowed hard. “Um…let’s go then.”

            “Is it too much?” she asked, fixing her heels.


“No, I’ve seen better,” I lied. “C’mon, we’re going to be late.”

            ______ looked uncomfortable with her outfit but went along with it anyway. The drive was again, silent. ______ stared out the window, the bright lights becoming a blur as I drove along.

            *Even her side view looks…KIM JAEJOONG SHUT UP RIGHT NOW! Y-You can’t…think…thoughts like these…*

            Luckily, the drive to Yunho’s was a short one and the best I could do was keep my eyes and mind focused on the road and driving.

            The loud music was already earshot when my car pulled up by the curb. I got out and _______ followed me in.

_______’s POV:

I admit, I guess I thought that I was a little overdressed but when I stepped into the party I wasn’t the only one wearing a dress. In fact, every other girl’s was either strapless or WAY too low for that matter.

            Jaejoong smiled at the girls that walked by and again, that sudden pang in my heart came back to me. I’m not jealous, am I?

            I hope not…

            “YO MAN! WHAT’S UP?!” some guy screamed from the living room couch packed with people. They were watching the football game that was on.

            “Hey man! How’s life?” Jaejoong asked, popping down on the couch beside him, leaving me to stand on my own.

            “Not much. The usual, if you know what I mean. But let me guess, something’s always new with you huh? Like a marriage that you never told me about!” he cried.

            “Sorry man, I never even got to talk to you ever since summer ended,” Jaejoong said.

            The guy looked up at me and smiled. “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your wife?”

            Jaejoong turned to me and genuinely smiled; or so I thought he did. Then he stood up and slipped his arm around my waist.

            My eyes widened, my heart beating faster and faster at his sudden touch.

            “______, meet T.O.P. T.O.P, meet ______.”

            “Hi,” I said timidly.

            “Good choice man. I seriously thought your parents would choose one of those smart, goody girls,” T.O.P said, sipping his beer.

            I grimaced.

            “Hehe, good one!” Jaejoong said, arm still around my waist. “So I’ll see you later man, gotta look for Yunho and the guys.”

            “See ya.”

            Jaejoong pulled me out of the living room to the kitchen where he finally let go of me.

            “What was that all about?” I asked.

            “T.O.P’s a reporter for Hot Hotel Magazine and did a story on me and Tiffany last summer. So we have to look extra happy and mushy if we want to convince him that the marriage is running smoothly,” Jaejoong said, looking at the platters of food.

“Well you could’ve warned me you know. That waist thing does not suit us.”

            “Course not but it suits what the public wants.”

            I rolled my eyes and looked around the room of partiers. “I gotta go pee.”

            “Does it look like I need to know that?” Jaejoong asked, trying a French pastry.

            “Just telling you where I’ll be,” I said before leaving him with his platter of food.

            Like everyone else’s houses, Yunho’s was also grand and extravagant. But finding the bathroom was no hard task though.

            After doing my business, I opened the door to find a girl with her back leaning against the wall, on her phone. Her hair was short and brown, perfectly straightened.

            “Did you need the bathroom?” I asked.

            She looked up at me and then back down to her phone.

            “Guess not…” I said, walking away.


Listen to (Tired of Waiting by 2PM):

Jaejoong’s POV:

            I found Yunho and the guys in the backyard by the pool on the lounge chairs.

            “Where’s ______?” Junsu asked.

            “Somewhere,” I replied, taking a beer from Yunho’s hands.

            “Dude, I heard Tiffany’s here,” Yoochun said.

            “What? I didn’t invite her,” Yunho said.

            “Exactly, she crashed. Daesung told me that he just saw her by the hallway but thought that she was invited,” Yoochun informed us.

            “God dammit, now she’s stalking me?” I cried.

            *Wait…the hallway is where the bathroom is…and ______....*

            “Oh ,” I said as I scrambled out of the lounge chair and out into the house.

            Tiffany knew what ______ looked like, while with my guess, that _______ had no idea what Tiffany Hwang looked like. It was her mere instinct to find out dirt about my life and if she was here, ______ could be in trouble.

______’s POV

I turned around, surprised at her sudden respond.

            “Yes?” I asked.

            “You’re Lee ______ right? Kim Jaejoong’s new wife?” she asked.

            “Yeah,” I replied, not sure where this was leading.

            “Oh, my gosh, it’s so nice to meet you! I was wondering when I was going to meet you!” she said. “I’m Tiffany Hwang. I’m not sure if you know me but I’m Jaejoong’s ex.”

            “Oh, right,” I said, a little surprised. Tiffany was stunningly pretty and as I looked at my pink dress compared to her strapless, lean, black dress with sequins, I felt outshined.

            I wonder what she was doing here.

            “Well, anyways, you look really pretty up close. Do you want to grab a drink with me?” Tiffany asked.

            “Sure,” I said, happy that a person like her accepted and liked me.

            I followed her back out into the party, which was still going strong, and to the bar where a few cups of apple cider were placed.

            Tiffany picked up a cup and handed it to me. “Here you go.”

            “Thanks,” I said, taking a sip.


            I nodded.

            “______! ______! ______!” I suddenly heard a shout of my name. It then came to me that it was Jaejoong.

            “What?” I asked, annoyed.

            Jaejoong stopped in front of me and Tiffany, his glare directed right towards her.

            “What the hell are you doing here Tiffany?” he asked in a deep voice. “What do you want this time?”

            Tiffany just smiled. “Do you really think of me as THAT bad of a person oppa?” she glanced at the drink in my hand. “Because I’m not.”

            I was starting to feel a little dizzy.

            “C’mon Tiffany, I’m not that naïve, what is it that you want that you had to crash one of Yunho’s parties to achieve?” Jaejoong asked, still straight faced.

            “Nothing Jaejoong. My job’s already done.”

            And that was the last thing I heard before my vision blackened and I stumbled to the ground.

            What just happened?

A/N: lol a few of u guys were surprised that i'm only a freshman in high school XD but it's ok. although, i'm a little scared of the homework load i'm gonna be getting :/ i hope it's not gonna b too much. and omg geometry is so freakin complex!! i'm starting to like algebra WAY better -_-

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YunaJi #1
Chapter 28: she is ing stupid oh my god jaejoong warned her a lot of times, this is annoying
YunaJi #2
Chapter 12: the orginal pimp in da house
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 36: This story is so cute ^_^
uvaida501 #4
Chapter 17: park jaebum as in Jay park!!!!!!! *-*
My first Jaejoong fanfiction!
The first story I read in AFF!
Oh! This is special!

I'm re-reading it now! :)
14 streak #6
Chapter 36: Awww the ending with the two kids bumping to each other (?) like how jaejoong and ____ first met XD. Such a cute story ^^
Chapter 36: Waah!! It is really cute n fluffy, enjoyed it!!!! :)
Chapter 36: Awesome story .Thank you love it totally (^_^)
Chapter 36: I ❤ heaaaaaaart it.