Penguin Watching

Writing Compilation


Just as the sun went below the horizon and the sky was tainted with a pinkish, orange glow, the first of the tiny birds could be seen in the water.
The brave little creature did cute little  hops and glides in the shallow water, riding the waves that ebbed onto the shore. The ranger had mentioned something about it being high tide, but honestly, I was too captivated by the shy little thing to pay much attention.
The way the timid penguin moved was too cute for words, it was slowly waddling onto shore after it had come out of the water, only to get nervous and glide back into the sea, disappearing from sight once again. This happened repeatedly, until the 'scaredy-bird' finally reached the bank of the beach. The tired little penguin preened its feathers and continued on its long journey up onto the cliffs, to its burrow.
Before long, tiny navy heads popped up from the water's surface, appearing like miniature — not so elegant — swans. There were about seven of the world's smallest penguins right before me, sliding on their white tummies onto the shore, and gliding right back in. The most amusing thing about them was that if even one of them traveling in the group felt nervous and fled back into the security of the ocean water, the rest would follow suit. No, they weren't like sheep that blindly followed others, they just believed that there was safety in numbers and were — in a sense — loyal to not leave anyone behind until they were all ready. They left no penguin behind.
Eventually, all of them had ventured out of the water and started to make their way up with their unique little walk. Although they waddled most of the time, some times it would seem as if they missed a step and would do a little hop with both their feet. It was really cute, honestly. However the thing I loved most about them was how they seem as if they are about to trip any moment, but they never do. They actually seem to have better balance than me, for in the full forty-five minutes watching them return to their burrows I hadn't seen a single one of them lose their step or stumble. Amazing creatures, that's what they are.
A/N : Just wanted to write something about the adorable little penguins I saw on holiday :D
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Chapter 28: Oooo I like this one. The last line gives me goosebumps. I like how you built up the tension to that point.
Chapter 27: “You weren't by my side anymore, and would never be.” I felt that… this was a very well written emotional piece
Chapter 27: “The mere presence of each other was taboo.” 😭 wow
Chapter 26: When i get a really good idea but the more i think about, the worse the idea actually gets
Chapter 26: lol this is relatable
Chapter 25: At first, I thought someone died, but then I kept reading…
Chapter 25: Wow I’m not sure what to make of this because the writing is abstract in nature, but the sadness is very palpable
Chapter 24: This reminds me of a quote where it’s like “a monster is not a monster if you love it” (I’m getting it wrong lol but it was something along those lines)
Chapter 24: Wow 😯 beautifully written!!
Chapter 23: this was very nice btw!