
Writing Compilation

In the quiet of moonshine
Oh, how the robin sang
With freedom it rang, its promise of death, clearer than any man.

More clandestine notes filled the air,
telling my tale, but not what I've lost.
I stumbled across roots, the undergrowth lush, yet, the air carried a chill.
Taunting howls echoed, revealing thirst

All too close for comfort.

With bated breath I ceased my rest
arrows of stone I shirked in my wake.

In the silence of twilight,
the whistling thrush began — its lilting pace and carefree song, taunting me along and beyond.

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Chapter 28: Oooo I like this one. The last line gives me goosebumps. I like how you built up the tension to that point.
Chapter 27: “You weren't by my side anymore, and would never be.” I felt that… this was a very well written emotional piece
Chapter 27: “The mere presence of each other was taboo.” 😭 wow
Chapter 26: When i get a really good idea but the more i think about, the worse the idea actually gets
Chapter 26: lol this is relatable
Chapter 25: At first, I thought someone died, but then I kept reading…
Chapter 25: Wow I’m not sure what to make of this because the writing is abstract in nature, but the sadness is very palpable
Chapter 24: This reminds me of a quote where it’s like “a monster is not a monster if you love it” (I’m getting it wrong lol but it was something along those lines)
Chapter 24: Wow 😯 beautifully written!!
Chapter 23: this was very nice btw!