Fool's Gold

Writing Compilation

I was a wandering soul 
and found my mirage in him.
In that moment:
Hope ignited a spark.

The shackles at my feet no longer bound me, 
replaced by a duvet of roses.
My heavy-leaden burdens — lifted by his feathery touch.
Flickering to life, was my cobweb-ridden heart.

The twinkle in his eyes 
was absolutely enchanting. 
beneath the surface, 
lay embedded lies.

As I shriveled —
a battered leaf,
my eyes understood:

The jewel I had sought was pyrite, 
I'd just been too blinded to take note.

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Chapter 28: Oooo I like this one. The last line gives me goosebumps. I like how you built up the tension to that point.
Chapter 27: “You weren't by my side anymore, and would never be.” I felt that… this was a very well written emotional piece
Chapter 27: “The mere presence of each other was taboo.” 😭 wow
Chapter 26: When i get a really good idea but the more i think about, the worse the idea actually gets
Chapter 26: lol this is relatable
Chapter 25: At first, I thought someone died, but then I kept reading…
Chapter 25: Wow I’m not sure what to make of this because the writing is abstract in nature, but the sadness is very palpable
Chapter 24: This reminds me of a quote where it’s like “a monster is not a monster if you love it” (I’m getting it wrong lol but it was something along those lines)
Chapter 24: Wow 😯 beautifully written!!
Chapter 23: this was very nice btw!