Chapter Eight ღ

I Love You, Mr. Arrogant!

Suzy opens her eyes and look around. She's in her room.

"Am I dreaming?" Suzy asked herself and checked her phone to see whether if there's any message. Her eyes widen when she saw that she got a message from Kai.


From: Mr. Arrogant Silly Kai

8.00 A.M , Sunday

Meet me at the park, NOW, ahjumma


"Ahjumma?!", she exclaimed as she throw the phone on her bed.

"Wait... Did he just said, now? OMO!", she quickly went into her bathroom and took a quick shower. Then, she wear her clothes as fast as she can. She rush to the downstairs and don't even eat her breakfast.

"Don't you want to have your breakfast?", her mother asked.

"Later!", she said and leave.

"What's wrong with her?", her mother mumbled and clean the table.

She run to the park while look at her watch. It's almost 9.00 A.M and she know that she's really late. When she arrive at the park, she look around and see he sitting on the bench under a tree. He's just staring at his phone.

"Kai!", she shouted but she stumbles over a rock and fell on the ground. Everyone stares at her weirdly.

"Should I pretending that I didn't know her?", Kai face palm himself and felt embarrased.

Suzy's still on the ground and she even tried to hide her face. She felt shy after the fall. Kai shook his head and approached her.

"Hey, stand up, you silly ahjumma", he said as he standing in front of her.

She just shook her head. He rolled his eyes and bending his body.

"Until when you want to be like this? Stand up NOW", he said while poke her head.

"Until there's no one here", she said.

"Aishhh~ This silly girl", he face palm himself again. "Okay, I'm leaving now. Bye", he said and are about to go.

"Fine!", she exclaimed and stand up slowly but still hide her face with her hand.

He pull her hand and take her to the place that he sit a while ago. She still cover her face. He try to pull her out off her face but she refuse.

"Why I have to deal with a silly little ahjumma like you?", he muttered.

"Yah!~ You called me ahjumma?!", she stand up and give him a death glance.

"It's not really hard to make you angry", he said giggling.

"Yah!~", she exclaimed and bite her lips. "Why do you want to see me?", she asked.

"Yeah. I almost forgot about that", he said while looking at the sky. She still look at him.

"As you know that our parents had arranged a marriage for us. I want to know why you agree", he said as he curious with it.

"Oh~ I just want to help my father. I'm a fillial daughter by the way", she said proudly. He try to hold his laugh.

"So you never know the guy is me before we met at the cafe yesterday?", he asked curiously.

"Yeah. I never thought that Kim Jong In is your name", she said while crossed her arms.

He just nodded.

"And why you agree?", she asked curiously.

"Because I don't want to make my parents hurt. They were so excited and happy when they told me about this. So I just agree with it", he said, "...and I didn't know that the girl is you. If I know, I would never agree", he chuckled.

"Me too!", she exclaimed.

"Are you sure?", he said and smirked.

"Yes", she rolled her eyes.

"Aren't you the one who really likes me?", he said while raise his eyebrows.

"Stop it, Kai!", she yelled.

"Whatever, ahjumma", he said and stick out his tounge at her.

"You silly ahjussi!", she exclaimed but he just laughed. 

He keep teasing her on their way home. He had his good time to laugh and teasing her. 

"Ahjumma ~ Ahjumma ~ Ahjumma ~", he sing it like it's a song.

"Yah!~ Stop it! I don't want to hear it anymore!", she said while cover her ears with her hands.

"Ahjumma ~ Ahjumma ~", he continue and pretends that he didn't heard her.

"Silly Kai!", she shouted but he still do the same thing.


She slammed the door angrily. Her mother perplexed to see her like that.

"What's wrong dear?", her mother asked.

"He's really stupid! Always make me angry. Aishhh!~ What a life...", she complained and sat beside her mother.

"Is it Kai?", her mother asked happily.

"Yes. Silly Kai", she said while crossed her arms.

"Awwww~ You guys sooooooo sweeeeeettttttttttttttt!", her mother said excitedly while shaking her body.

"Mom!", she exclaimed.

"What? I said the truth", her mother stick out her tounge.

"There's no way that we're 'sweet' like you said", she said.

"Hey.... You likes him, huh?", her mother said while raise her eyebrows. Her face turns red suddenly and she didn't reply her mother's question.

"I know it! What are you waiting for? Win his heart!", her mother try to encouragement her.

"Mom!", she exclaimed as she feels shy. Her mother just chuckled.


[Author's note] :

Hello! I hope you like this chapter. Just a short chapter, maybe? Kekekeke >_<

Thanks for supporting me, thanks for subscribe, you're an angel! >< and as usual, sorry for the grammatical and spelling error >///< Love you !



Edited and checked.      InfinityGirl.

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[I Love You, Mr. Arrogant!] Chapter 18 updated! ^^


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26Sweetie #1
Chapter 4: WOW !!!!!!!!!! IS SO SO SO SO SO BEATIFUL "!!! I LOVE IT
kittysuzy #2
Chapter 27: l really love it
Why make Lay bad? Hes oike the sweetest and most humble thing ever. Srry, but i get absorbed in stories into stories.
Sevenmoon #4
Chapter 26: Aigooo T_T... Too cute kaizy ... Will miss your exozy fanfic ..
Suzyelfs #5
Chapter 26: best ending...n i like ur stories..write more good story in future,esp suzy as main character.i definitely subscribe.
cooleling #6
Chapter 26: So adorable.
Chapter 25: So adorable. Kai is willing to learn to cook and the new addition to the family, Chung Ae.
Sevenmoon #8
Chapter 25: Welcome kim chung ae.:D
Chapter 25: awww~the baby has born ><
kim chung ae~ :)
hope their marriage life will be even better with their 1st daughter :')
kkk~ >< gomawo for this update :)