Chapter Twenty-Four ღ

I Love You, Mr. Arrogant!

Both Suzy and Kai  enters the cafe and waved at their family members when they caught sight of them.

"Sorry for being late!"

"What's the urgent thing that  you want to tell us about?" Mr Kim smiled at the two of them as they took their seat.

Suzy sent Kai a secretive smile which Kai grins back. Everyone felt weird at the exchange.

"Why don't you say?"

"Me? Why not you?" Kai said, couldn't hide the huge smile he had on.

"What is it???" Mrs Kim asked, slightly impatient.

"Actually..." Suzy paused her words, waiting for Kai to continue.

"...I'm going to be a dad!" Kai annocunced happily, hugging Suzy in process.

"SERIOUSLY?" Everyone said in disbelief.

"Yah! What's with that response?" Suzy gave them a look.

"Sorry. We were just too shock."

"Congratulation, Suzy! I'll give you tips on becoming a mother!" Soo Jung winked excitedly.

"Finally, a cousin for my daughter." Sung Hyun chuckles, patting Mae Ri's head.

"I'll tell you what you should eat and what you shouldn't." Suzy's mother said happily.

"Because I'm going to be a dad soon, today's my treat!" Kai cheered, a huge grin plastered on his facial.

"Beef steak!"


"Since you're pregnant and all, you shouldn't do heavy works. Have enough rest. And most importantly, control your eating habits." Mrs Bae reminded her daughter,

"Don't feel stress. Control your emotion. Remember!" Soo Jung added, hitting Suzy's thigh in process lightly.

"Arasso, arasso... I know." Suzy mumbles.

"As a starter, I'll write a list of food that you should eat."

"Alright, ma'am!" Suzy salutes playfully.


"Since you're going to be a dad, I'm going to explain what you should do and what you should. You play a big role in this 'pregnancy' concept, you know?"

"And, it's hard. You can't let her stress over unecessary things. Pregnant ladies are very sensitive." Sung Hyun added, using his own experience.

"Arasso! I'll so everything for Suzy." Kai nods.



[A few weeks later]


"Yah! What are you doing?" Kai asked pulling Suzy out of the kitchen.

"Cooking? Isn't it obvious?" Suzy asked, still holding the spatula.

"No. Let me cook instead. Just go watch your favorite drama."

"You can cook?" Suzy raised a brow at him, crossing her arms on her chest.

"Don't you look down on me. I will cook tonight. And don't try to sneek in." Kai said pushing Suzy to the couch. Once settled, he walked into the kitchen.

"Aish." Suzy sighed, focusing her eyes on the television.

One hour soon passed and Kai is still in the kitchen, doing what seems to be cooking. Suzy felt weird and tiny bit of worry.

"Aish... Silly ahjussi..." Suzy stood up form the couch and heads to the kitchen to have Kai pushing her out again.

"What took you so long? Can you cook or not?"

"Shhh! Just relax and watch your show."

Suzy rolls her eyes at him. *It's only been a few weeks... How am I going to survive the next eight months?* Her eyes widen at the thought.


"Dinner's ready!" Kai said, admiring his masterpiece proudly.

Suzy took the seat at the dining table and sent him a look.

"What did you cook?" Suzy asked, frowning as she couldn't make out the food displayed in front of her.

"Chicken porridge. It's good for you."

Suzy lazily took the spoon and tasted the so called porridge. It tasted like... bleh.

"How is it?"

Suzy took the glass of water and made a disgusted look.

"You said that you can cook..."

"Nope. Today's my first. But don't worry! I'll learn." Kai chuckles awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Aigoo.." Suzy puts her head on the table and sighed in defeat.


Two months had passed and Kai had learn some basic in cooking. It's hard for someone who never enters the kitchen before. Poor Myungsoo being Kai's victim in tasting all his terrib- coughs cooking.

"Try this. I bet it's good." Kai said, putting a plate of fried rice in front of Myungsoo who stares at the food wondering if it's edible. He took a deep breath before inserting one tiny bit of rice in his mouth.

"Yuck! It's far from good!" Myungsoo exclaimed, gulping down a cup of water.

"Is it really that bad?"

"Kai, no offense, but it's been two months, bro. Why is your cooking skills still like this?" Myungsoo made a face.

"I don't know that it's this hard when it comes to cooking."

"I recommend you to buy food instead. I don't hope that your wife get food poisoning." Myungsoo said, earning himself a smack.

"No. I can't let her be disappointed."

Myungsoo rolls his eyes at his stubborn friend and thought of something. "Ask your stepbrother for help. He's good in cooking."

"What? Hell no... I'm not going to embarass myself in front of him..."

"Yah! Don't be stubborn. You need someone who is very good in cooking to help."

"Jiyeon? She's really good in cooking too right? Let's ask for help!"

"What? No. My wife is very busy with her catering. No time." Myungsoo shook his head.

"Don't say you want your wife to yourself? You selfish brat."

"Nope. Never. We're going to Lay's house now. Period."

"Urghhh." Kai groaned at the idea of entering Lay's house.


"How is your husband doing... cooking?" Soo Jung asked.

"He can't cook." Suzy said as a matter of fact and sighed.

"Don't worry. Your brother used to be like that too. He'll let soon." Soo Jung chuckles.

"He won't let me do anything... It's like I'm paralysed. Aishhh"

"Yah! Don't say that. It's because he loves you. He don't want anything to happen to both you and your child. Hey, I wonder if it's a boy or a girl. If it's a boy, he'll surely be like Kai. And if it's a girl, she will be pretty like her umma." Soo Jung chuckles.

"I just hopes for her to be a good kid." Suzy said patting her tummy.


[Author note]:

Hello! ^^ Hope you'll like this chapter >< Thanks for subscribe ! :D



Edited and checked.       InfinityGirl

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[I Love You, Mr. Arrogant!] Chapter 18 updated! ^^


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26Sweetie #1
Chapter 4: WOW !!!!!!!!!! IS SO SO SO SO SO BEATIFUL "!!! I LOVE IT
kittysuzy #2
Chapter 27: l really love it
Why make Lay bad? Hes oike the sweetest and most humble thing ever. Srry, but i get absorbed in stories into stories.
Sevenmoon #4
Chapter 26: Aigooo T_T... Too cute kaizy ... Will miss your exozy fanfic ..
Suzyelfs #5
Chapter 26: best ending...n i like ur stories..write more good story in future,esp suzy as main character.i definitely subscribe.
cooleling #6
Chapter 26: So adorable.
Chapter 25: So adorable. Kai is willing to learn to cook and the new addition to the family, Chung Ae.
Sevenmoon #8
Chapter 25: Welcome kim chung ae.:D
Chapter 25: awww~the baby has born ><
kim chung ae~ :)
hope their marriage life will be even better with their 1st daughter :')
kkk~ >< gomawo for this update :)