chapter 1

the Lee brothers

no pov

A small boy is walking with his mother on a long driveway. He is looking with big eyes too the castle like house infront off them.

"Mommy, where are we?"

"This is our new home."

They reach the front door and an older looking man opens the door.

"Welcome home." The man says while he bows down as deep a he can."The master is in his study."

"Thank you James." The woman says.

They enter the house. The young boy looking around with his mouth open as his eyes almost pop out off his head.

"I can't wait to show this to hyung. Can I mom????? When is he comming?"

"Why don't you look around the house a bit while I go talk to somebody." His mother answers. ignoring his questions completely.

She walks away leaving the young boy alone.




At the same time another boy comes home after playing at his friends house.

He opens the door and finds his father in the room with a beer bottle in his hands and empty bottles spread around the room.

He quietly walks up stairs to look for his little brother, but he can't find him anywhere.

"Daddy, where is Taemin?" he asks

"Where is Taemin?? Where is Taemin?? I don't want to hear that name ever again. He is gone with your mother."

"Why? Where are they???"

"Your mother left you, she doesn't want you anymore. She only wants that brat."

The man throws his now empty beer bottle across the room and opens another one.

The boy doesn't know what to say. Tears slowly welling up in his eyes. His mother left him and took his brother with her.

Where is his little brother? Is he okay? Is he a bad big brother now?

He turns around and goes to the room he used to share with his little brother.


--------------------- 3 months later. -----------------

" Mom I don't like my new school." The small boy whines at the dinner table.

 His mother just sighs and looks away.

" I don't like this house either." He pouts trying to get his mothers attention.

" I only see you at dinner, you never read me a story. You're always away with this old man and I don't like him. He always tells me what to do. He isn't my daddy." The young boy's voice is getting louder and louder.

"BE QUIET!!!" The mother yells, she can't stand his whining annymore.

The boy start crying. It's the first time his mother yelled at him.

"I....I....I.. want my hyung.." the boy cries.

"Your hyung doesn't like you anymore because you act like a little cry baby. He doesn't want to see you." His mother hisses.

The boy's eyes turn big as he runs from the table and to his room, crying because his brother hates him, because his mother changed and because he misses their old home.




The door slowly opens as a boy enters the house. He sneaks past his father, trying not to fall over the empty beer bottles scattered around the room.

He is already used to it.

His father changed after his mother left him. He doesn't leave the house anymore.

But the boy never gave up hope.

Everyday after school he wanders around town, looking for any information about his little brother.

He is worried and wants to make sure he is okay.

To see his silly smiling face again, his childish behaviour and his cute pout. He even misses the fact that the little boy annoys him at times.


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Serynyty12 #1
Chapter 21: Please update soon
Chapter 21: This is great!! Please update again soon....
Chapter 21: Im glad to hear that. . :D
MyeolchiHyuk #4
Chapter 21: Glad that key r caring and kind to tae...

Hahaha...minho sure are .. Hehehe...

Thanks for the update...
Chapter 21: Yay you're back :)
Hahaha minho is always a ert for taemin & i like he takes care of others^^
MyeolchiHyuk #6
Chapter 20: sure taemin will do his best..
minho already keep looking at taemin?

glad that taemin is getting better now..

thanks for the update..

Chapter 20: wow! next chappie please. it's getting interesting... :-)
MyeolchiHyuk #8
Chapter 19: Taemin please dun think like that.. hae sure care for euu...

Hyuk... if euu dun like hae.. euu wont response to his kiss...

Thanks for the update..

Chapter 19: Taemin should stop thinking like that & hyukkie definitely likes hae....i wonder how it will go between these two
MyeolchiHyuk #10
Chapter 18: heyy.. euu r back.. its okay..

yup2.. i saw the changes..

now minho and tae will be like bricking to each other? heheh..

thanks for the changes and the update..
