Busan-Part 2

Give me 100 days

It was the sunlight that woke me first. I was facing the window from my side of the bed and Jiyong nor  were in any state to remember to close the blinds before we went to sleep. 

What really woke me up was the body heat radiating from the person sleeping very close to me. Jiyong had an arm wrapped around my waist and a leg in between mine. I could feel his chest rising and falling and his breath brushing the back of my neck. I was also only wearing my underwear as was he. The butterflies were back, I fit so perfectly against him.

The rush of heat to my face and the dry mouth told me that perhaps it was not the butterflies making me feel this way but the repercussions of last nights  drinking. I disregarded any attempt not to wake Jiyong as I threw his body and the sheets off of me and made it to the bathroom just in time to hurl the contents of my stomach into the toilet. 

I cleaned my teeth and washed my face. I walked back in to the room and got into bed. 

"Are you ok?" Jiyong asked quietly

I just nodded my head

"I'm sorry about last night"

I opened my eyes and looked at him with a puzzled face

"How we slept, I normally hug something when I sleep. The first night it was a pillow, last night it just happened to be you." He said not looking at me 

"Did you sleep well though?" I asked, my eyes focused towards the tattoo on his navel peeking above the sheets. 

"I can't tell if it was the alcohol or you, but that was the best night sleep I think I've ever had"

I laughed and snuggled up to him, placing my head on his shoulder and my arm on his waist. 

"Lola?" He asked

"Yeah" I mumbled trying to get some more sleep

"As much as I love you cuddling me right now, could you out some clothes on first?" 

My eyes shot open at the realization that I was still in very revealing underwear. I got up and found my shorts and shirt that I was supposed to wear to bed. 

When I turned round Jiyong quickly closed his eyes pretending that he didn't see anything. I got into bed and hit him with a pillow.

"I saw you looking Jiyongie." I whispered laughing

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it" He said shifting away from me

"What's wrong? I thought you said we could only cuddle if I was clothed?" I asked

"I um need to go err to the bathroom, I need a shower" He said getting up placing a pillow over his underwear

"Are you shy Jiyongie?" I teased

"It's not that, I'm just active at the moment and I need to go relax" He said before running towards the bathroom

It didn't take long for me to realize Jiyong had a male issue that he needed to fix. I closed my eyes to go back to sleep feeling a little smug that I had brought it on.


We left Busan at midday, the journey back to Seoul was a silent one. I didn't know if it was because he was hung over or embarrassed but I didn't like the silence that was hanging over us. 

"Are you ok?" I asked deciding that I should be the one to break the silence.

"Yeah, just hung over" He replied, I had the feeling he was not telling me the truth

"Are you sure that's all?" I questioned him again, if he was feeling shy about this morning we needed to overcome it soon "You know you can tell me"

He remained quiet for some time

"I'm sorry for my behavior this morning. The cuddling, watching you put your clothes on and the subsequent morning wood" He sighed, running a hand over his face

I put my hand on his arm. 

"Don't worry about it, it's funny" 

"Are you sure you're ok with what happened?" He asked "I know you've never had a boyfriend before...." He trailed off

"I wouldn't want anyone else to see me in my underwear" I laughed "Plus your reaction was kinda cute, not cute but a compliment" Now it was my turn to be flustered with my speech.

"I'm glad we can be like this Lola, I really value our relationship" He smiled resting his head on my shoulder. 

Relationship, there went that word again. The more time I thought about it the more I thought about having something more with Jiyong. 


Jiyong slept for the rest of the train ride home, I however could not stop thinking about what me and Jiyong had. I would be kidding myself if I said I didn't want to be his girlfriend. I wondered when the right time would be to make it clear to him that I had these feelings. The fact that we had slept together almost didn't help add to the feelings I was having for him. 

We grabbed a taxi and headed towards my motel.

"I really had a great time this weekend Jiyongie" I said "Thank you"

"No problem, I'm glad you enjoyed it."

He gave me a hug, which was kind of awkward because we were in the backseat of a car.

"I have a surprise for you tomorrow" He said grinning.  

"You always have a surprise for me" I told him smiling back. 

"This is something that will really make you want to stay"

What would really make me want to stay is a confession from you.

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mikkydragon #1
Chapter 25: beautiful story
musicisbigbang #2
Chapter 22: i cannot with these revelations .. it breaks my heart
TwistedIceQueen #3
Chapter 25: me likey! didnt feel an ounce of sympathy for kiko...i mean you lay with dogs expect to get fleas. lola was a perfect example of a heroine for me. one who didnt wallow in despair but made things happen. jiyong? he was also perfect. thank you for not portraying him as an here.
michelle1 #4
Chapter 21: I can't wait to hear what he has to say for himself!
Chapter 19: I feel like there's some black-mail involved....I'm so curious about what's really going on!
lovis89 #6
Chapter 19: damn what reason is that jiyong?
man up!
Chapter 19: omg!!!!!!! I have no idea what to say right now. I don't know if I should be pissed,sad, or angry. but I have feeling that I know the reasons why he's doing it. I just hope I'm right on that reason :/

please update soon.....please
parkbommie_ #8
Chapter 17: Omg cliffhanger!!!! Update soon pls!
lovis89 #9
Chapter 17: wtf engagement????
i just finished reading all 14 chapters and I FELL IN LOVE with it SO FAST that its not even funny!!!! lol

Please update soon :D