Busan-Part 1

Give me 100 days

Jiyong tried his best to keep me from knowing where we were going but when I listened out for the train that we were going he had to tell where our destination was. 

"Busan? That's the beach right?" I asked

"Yep" He said hiding his face the best he could. 

It was late and the carriage we were on was empty but he still felt uneasy at the possibility that someone could recognize him.

When the train gained momentum, I could feel him start to relax. The only other passengers on our part of the train were an older couple, and he assumed they would not know who he was.

The train journey seemed to go too quickly, perhaps it was because I was finally back with Jiyong after what seemed like an eternity away.  I didn't want to imagine what a long distance relationship would do to me.

We exited the train and Jiyong hailed a taxi. The sea breeze made it feel colder than Seoul so I was glad for the extra layers I had put on. We arrived at a hotel and Jiyong told me to wait near the elevators whilst he checked in. I knew why, he didn't know the receptionist and therefore did not know if he could trust her. If she saw G-Dragon checking into a hotel room with a foreigner, it could be too juicy to keep to herself. Jiyong told me he cared too much about me to let rumors, the media and sasaeng fans harm me.

"I can take the criticisms Lola, I'm used to it. But the thought that you could get torn apart for just being my friend...I couldn't live with that" He had told me previously

"We're sharing a room..I hope you don't mind...I won't try anything...We should have twin beds....I requested twin beds....We can get another room if you want?" He stuttered trying to defend his actions as we entered the elevator.

"Don't worry Jiyong, it will be our little secret" I said rubbing his arm gently to reassure him that I did not mind that we shared a room. After all he was the one who was paying for everything and the one who had planned the trip. 

As I was unlacing my shoes after shutting the door to our room I heard Jiyong whisper something. He then came back towards me trying to put his shoes on in a hurry. 

"What's wrong Jiyongie?" I asked stopping his actions

"There's been a mistake, there are no twin beds. Just one big bed" He said looking panicked

I laughed "You can't go changing it now, they'll know you're not alone. That's why you have a double instead of two twins." 

"I'll sleep on the floor Lola" He said taking his shoes off and walking towards the main area

"No you won't, we will share the bed. We're just friends, have you ever shared a bed with a friend before?" I asked 

"Not a female friend" He replied looking sheepish

"We are two adults, if we have to share a bed for a couple of nights than so be it." I shrugged "What side do you want?" I asked

Jiyong pointed to the right of the bed and I jumped on the left. 

"You'll have to get really drunk tonight as to not think about what you're doing" I laughed as he sat next to me

"That might not be a good idea Lola, I might enjoy sharing a bed too much" He said grinning at me "I become more touchy when I drink"

"Okay, maybe just one drink then to calm your nerves" I laughed

We showered and ordered room service as the weather had taken a turn for the worse.

"I was hoping we could go for a walk on the beach tonight" Sighed Jiyong as he searched for a movie

"Don't worry about it, we can go tomorrow night. We've been traveling today and you were in another country this morning. You have done far better than me at staying awake. I would have been knocked out by now." I laughed

"You're right. Let's not worry about the weather or the bed situation. I'm here to show you a good time and that's what you'll get, no more moping around. Starting tomorrow Lola and Jiyong's fun weekend will really start." He laughed pressing play on the movie

"Jiyong what do you mean be showing me a good time?" I asked raising one eyebrow before bursting into laughter

He caught on what I was saying and laughed too

"Stop being bad and watch the movie or I might have to tickle you again!" He said trying to be serious

"Sorry Jiyongie" I said cuddling up to him as the movie started. 


The next morning the rain had gone and the sun was shining, although that would mean it would be a lot colder than yesterday when we arrived. Jiyong had insisted on creating a pillow barrier on the bed so there was no awkward morning ritual when we awoke. 

We visited Beomeosa Temple in the morning and then headed to the aquarium after lunch. Spending time with Jiyong was something that I now knew I had to do everyday. His presence was addicting and I could not get enough. We did a little shopping and then headed back to the hotel.

"What are we doing tonight?" I asked "I need to know what to wear"

"We're going out to dinner so wear something nice. But we're going for a walk on Gwangalli beach before so wear something practical." He said before getting in the shower

I decided on a black dress and a burgundy tights. I had just finished getting dressed when Jiyong walked in from the bathroom. I turned round and immediately regretted doing so. He was wearing only a towel and had a glow to him that happened after a hot shower. 

"I forgot to take in some clothes with me, sorry" He said smiling before picking up what was on the bed and returning to the bathroom

It was only when I heard my phone vibrate did I close my mouth and shake the images of his tattooed torso out of my mind. His body was perfect toned and lean but not too skinny nor to muscular. 

I opened the message and saw it was from SooJin:

'Minji told me about your trip, HaNa wants to know if you've boned yet?" I laughed at HaNa's crudeness and Minji's inability to keep quiet to her sister

"No boning has happened" I replied


"I forgot to mention that you look beautiful tonight. But then again, you always do" Said Jiyong as we walked along the beach.  

"Thank you Jiyongie" I said trying to hide my blush under my scarf "You look handsome but then again you always do"

He giggled and pushed me gently running off ahead. The walk along the beach was a great end to the day

"Do you like wine?" Asked Jiyong over dinner

"Yeah, but not red" I said "Also it goes straight to my head so I can't drink too much" 

"We have to finish the bottle" Jiyong laughed "It's not like we have to get up early tomorrow!"

I laughed at Jiyong insistence towards us drinking.


Three bottles later we were both giggling as we exited the restaurant. Propping ourselves up we got in a taxi and went back to the hotel. However, not to the room. The thought of a happy hour at the hotel bar was too tempting to resist for two people already well and truly gone.

After a mixture of champagne and vodka we decided to call it a night and head back to the room. We skipped down the corridor and fell through the door laughing at our inability to be quiet at three am.

"You're a bad influence. Before we met my ideal night would end at 1 am. Now I get home at three. At least it's earlier than last time" I said pushing him

"I'm a bad influence? Bad influence? You are the one who said we should have another drink" He said trying to get ready for bed "Lola is a bad influence"

I finally removed my tights but not after loosing my balance and dignity. I climbed into bed.

"Jiyong thank you for bringing me to Busan" I said wrapping my arms around his neck

"I'm so great aren't I?" He said leaning into the hug.

I pushed him over again and turned the lamp off.

"Goodnight Mr. Big head"

"Goodnight beautiful Lola" 


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mikkydragon #1
Chapter 25: beautiful story
musicisbigbang #2
Chapter 22: i cannot with these revelations .. it breaks my heart
TwistedIceQueen #3
Chapter 25: me likey! didnt feel an ounce of sympathy for kiko...i mean you lay with dogs expect to get fleas. lola was a perfect example of a heroine for me. one who didnt wallow in despair but made things happen. jiyong? he was also perfect. thank you for not portraying him as an here.
michelle1 #4
Chapter 21: I can't wait to hear what he has to say for himself!
Chapter 19: I feel like there's some black-mail involved....I'm so curious about what's really going on!
lovis89 #6
Chapter 19: damn what reason is that jiyong?
man up!
Chapter 19: omg!!!!!!! I have no idea what to say right now. I don't know if I should be pissed,sad, or angry. but I have feeling that I know the reasons why he's doing it. I just hope I'm right on that reason :/

please update soon.....please
parkbommie_ #8
Chapter 17: Omg cliffhanger!!!! Update soon pls!
lovis89 #9
Chapter 17: wtf engagement????
i just finished reading all 14 chapters and I FELL IN LOVE with it SO FAST that its not even funny!!!! lol

Please update soon :D