Lotte World

Give me 100 days

Work was torture, it just seemed to drag. I had very little time to talk to Minji about my evening with Jiyong. All I could tell her was that we went to Namsan tower and it was a good evening but I promised to have lunch with her tomorrow so we could go into detail about not only yesterday but also tonight.

Once again I did not know what Jiyong had planned, he had sent me a message to say wear something casual and warm. My only guess was that we would be outdoors. What I did know however was that the butterflies in my tummy were fluttering full force, I could hardly finish my lunch. I have had crushes before but nothing like this, wait this is not a crush. Any feelings that I develop towards Jiyong are due to him being one of the only friends I have here, nothing else. I had to tell myself that starting a relationship when I'm not sure how long I'll be living here is not fair on either person, especially someone as sweet as Jiyong. 

I wore black skinny jeans and a teal colored sweater underneath my coat to meet Jiyong. I waved when I saw him standing outside his car near the hotel. He opened the door for me and closed it once I had got inside.

"How was your day?" I asked as he started the engine? 

"Long, I think the amount of meetings I sat through today is a new record" He sighed

"We don't have to go out tonight?" I told him feeling guilty that he was pro rely overworked as it is and I was only adding to the pressure.

"What would make you say that?" He questioned

"I don't want you to over work yourself and if I'm adding to your work load then we don't have to go anywhere special" 

"I promised you that I would spend 100 days with you. That was the choice that I made knowing about my comeback. Being with you isn't a chore, it's fun and a way to unwind." He reassured me

"Only if you're sure" I said with a smile

He nodded a reply and turned his music on, a sign that he didn't want to continue a conversation in which I expressed guilt. That was one of his enduring traits, making me feel better. 

"This is my favorite album at the moment" I told him

"You like rap music? He asked in disbelief

"Why are you so surprised?" I slapped his arm playfully

"You just don't look like the type" He replied

"So a British White girl can't like rap?" I laughed

"It's not your race that is a shock, it's how you dress" He laughed

I had to agree with him on that one, when you're favorite designers are Kate Spade and Ted Baker you don't convey the hip hop style well. 

"Don't judge a book by its cover" I said

"What's your favorite song from watch the thrones?" He asked

"Paris" I replied 

"Good choice" He nodded in agreement as he changed it to my favorite song.

"Even if Kanye is a douche" I laughed


Jiyong parked the car in an empty parking lot. I was confused, it was dark and empty I had no idea where we were.

"Come on" Jiyong said opening the door for me

"Where are we?" I asked

Jiyong pointed to a sign 'Lotte World'

"We're at an amusement park? But why is it dead?" 

"I wanted to have fun at an amusement park with my new friend Lola, so I asked for them to keep it open just for us when the other guests leave" He said grabbing my arm and dragging me to the entrance turnstiles.

"Wait! You've paid for them to keep open the amusement park after hours?" I asked bewildered

"Yeah" He shrugged "But we only have two hours so you need to stop asking questions and start enjoying yourself." He continued walking towards the first ride "And don't even think of bringing up that conversation we had last night about money, unless you want to insult my culture" 

I should of guessed he knew what I was about to say next. I know that Jiyong wanted to do this for me but if each day will be as extravagant as this then we would have to bring it up at some point. Renting an amusement park isn't cheap, and I felt that same guilt from earlier creep up.

"Look let's not talk about money. I make enough to not have to worry about treating my friends. I'm doing this because I want to. I can't remember the last time I could enjoy myself at an amusement park at not wear a disguise, you're doing me a favor. Don't worry." He had his hands on my shoulders "Plus I have an endorsement with them so it was hardly anything"

I decided to push away any guilt I had and enjoy the night. After all, Jiyong did not get to do this often, especially without a disguise as he had said. 


"Wow! You sure scream like a girl" I laughed pushing him as we exited a ride. 

"Do not!" He pouted standing still and crossing his arms over his chest.

He looked so cute I couldn't help but laugh some more

"Jiyongie is adorable!" I said pinching his cheek "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone"

I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards another ride

"I like that name" He said with a wide grin "Say it again"

"No, I can only do it when you're being cute"

He placed his hands on either side of my waist

"You should say it or you will regret it" He said gripping tightly as to not let me escape

I shook my head

"Ok but don't say I didn't warn you!"

He then started tickling my sides, I was laughing so much my legs buckled and I fell to the ground. I couldn't take it anymore

"Please stop Jiyongie!" I shouted

He removed his hands and helped me up

"Now who was screaming like a girl?" He laughed running towards the next ride.


"So tell me about your family" He said sitting on the Ferris wheel

"Well my parents live in the country, about 100 miles west of London. That's where I really call home. They've lived in the same house since before I was born. It's a rural town so they were shocked when I told them I was moving to Manchester and then London, both big cities. I always felt like there was more to see out there than a small farm town in England. My father works in construction and my mother is a teacher. I have an older brother named Leo and a younger sister called Lily, I think my parents liked the letter L!" We both laughed, the Ferris wheel was getting higher "What about your family?"

"I grew up in Itaewon, I have an older sister called Dami. We don't live there anymore, we've moved to another part of Seoul. But I still live with my parents. I'm the opposite to you, I've always lived in a big city. I bought a pension last year for my parents to run, something for them to do as they get older. My dad especially loves it, he says the country is better than the city. I have two dogs that live at the pension Gaho and Jolie, they're shar peis. I didn't think they would get so big but they have. So the benefit from living somewhere were there's a lot of room for them. I miss them though"

"I'm surprised you still live with your parents" I said "You have enough money to move out"

"I used to live in the dorm and then something happened that made me realize how important family was. Fame went to my head and my relationship with my family suffered, I didn't see them as much. I came to see that I needed to keep those that are true to me closer because I meet a lot of people who don't want to know Jiyong, just G-Dragon. That's why I'm so keen to keep you here in Seoul with me. You're different to a lot of girls I meet, most try to have a relationship with me to boost their fame." He sighed

I rested my head on his shoulder, the butterflies making an appearance when he returned the gesture by resting his head on top of mine. It was cold up the top, thats why he was being so close. Body heat.

"That must really . Not knowing who to trust." I said "I hope I can show you that I am worthy of your trust and friendship" 

"I appreciate it" He replied "Now we're at the top we have to take a picture" 

"Again? You had a picture yesterday" 

"All I want is one picture so I can look at your beautiful smile and then you can go back to pouting" 

I agreed and took the picture smiling

"We look like a real couple" He said putting his phone away "Lola is my girlfriend" He shouted

"Stop that" I hissed slapping his arm, something that happened often. 

"Are you embarrassed? Why would you be embarrassed of dating me? Do you not want that to happen?" Jiyong asked poking my sides with each question

"Ow, stop Jiyongie" 

He stopped and helped me off of the Ferris wheel as it had come full circle and we were now at the bottom.

He put his arm around me and walked with me back to the car. The butterflies in my tummy had returned. The way he acted made me feel like we were a real couple. But I had to push that idea out of my head.

"I would date you Jiyongie, but you know the circumstances" I said once we were in the car

"What circumstances?" He asked

"I might only be here for 100 days, I don't want to start a relationship or give false hope when we would both know it has an end" I confessed

"You shouldn't think about the future too much. You always focus on the what ifs and maybes. You need to live in the present, in the here and now. That's what is important. But if that's what you're worried about then don't worry, i would have to wait until after the 100 days is up and you've made a decision" 

"Why is that?" I asked intrigued

"Because just trying to get you to stay is hard work, I can't imagine doing that and courting you at the same time." He laughed

I returned a smile

"Tell me if I'm out of line, but perhaps the reason you've never had a relationship is because you don't open yourself up to others in a romantic way."

"I think you're right Jiyongie. I just worry about being hurt"

"You wouldn't have to ever worry about that with my Lola" He said my hand gently 

"Thank you" I smiled

"I forgot to mention, don't make any plans this weekend" He told me as we approached the hotel

"No plans at all?" I asked 

"No, we will be busy all weekend" He replied stopping the car

"What are we going to do?" 

"I haven't told you before what we will be doing before we do it and I'm not going to start now" He grinned "All you need to know is that you need a weekend bag"

I turned to look at him

"We're going away together"



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mikkydragon #1
Chapter 25: beautiful story
musicisbigbang #2
Chapter 22: i cannot with these revelations .. it breaks my heart
TwistedIceQueen #3
Chapter 25: me likey! didnt feel an ounce of sympathy for kiko...i mean you lay with dogs expect to get fleas. lola was a perfect example of a heroine for me. one who didnt wallow in despair but made things happen. jiyong? he was also perfect. thank you for not portraying him as an here.
michelle1 #4
Chapter 21: I can't wait to hear what he has to say for himself!
Chapter 19: I feel like there's some black-mail involved....I'm so curious about what's really going on!
lovis89 #6
Chapter 19: damn what reason is that jiyong?
man up!
Chapter 19: omg!!!!!!! I have no idea what to say right now. I don't know if I should be pissed,sad, or angry. but I have feeling that I know the reasons why he's doing it. I just hope I'm right on that reason :/

please update soon.....please
parkbommie_ #8
Chapter 17: Omg cliffhanger!!!! Update soon pls!
lovis89 #9
Chapter 17: wtf engagement????
i just finished reading all 14 chapters and I FELL IN LOVE with it SO FAST that its not even funny!!!! lol

Please update soon :D