Namsan Tower

Give me 100 days

I could sense Minji's grin before I looked at her.

"So....I spoke to my sister yesterday" she said hinting at something "She said you had a good time"

"Yes I did thanks" I replied not wanting to give anything away too easily

We sat in silence, with Minji wearing a large smile and me typing on my keyboard.

"Please tell me what happened between you and G-Dragon?" Minji said, tired of my stubbornness 

"I guess you're referring to Jiyong?" I asked, not sure of his stage name

"Jiyong? You're on first name terms?" Minji teased "SooJin said you were getting on well together, but couldn't tell me much because you and GD left together" 

I laughed at what Minji was implying. 

"No, nothing like that happened. We went to a cafe nearby and talked some more. We get on well, there's nothing romantic going on."

"Are you seeing him again?" Minji asked

"Yes, tonight actually"

Minji gasped at the thought that I was seeing Jiyong again. 

"He's eager! That totally sounds like date. You met him on Friday and today's Monday! I can't believe you're going on a date with G-Dragon!"

"Stop saying its a date, we're just friends" I shrugged Minji's idea off. I was nervous enough about seeing him again, I didn't need Minji to add to the pressure. "And stop calling him G-Dragon, I'll never let you meet him if you keep calling him that!"

"You're going to introduce us!" 

"Yes but only if you're a good girl and stop day dreaming about a love story between us. I'm not here for long, and I can't spend what little time I have here committing myself to a relationship that I know will have to come to an end in less than 100 days. "

"Lola, I know you're having a hard time here but you just need to give it time to settle and dating the most famous guy in Korea is exactly what you need!" 

" I will listen to more of your foolishness later, but right now I have a meeting to prepare for." I said getting up and pushing Minji towards the door.

"Call me after you're date, I don't think I can wait until tomorrow!" She shouted as I shut the door on her.


"I thought I would start by bringing you to the most famous landmark in Seoul, Namsan tower" Jiyong said as we entered the cable car to take us up the mountain "You haven't been have you?"

"No but it was on my list" 

 We kept quiet whilst in the car as we didn't want to attract attention but once we exited and started walking towards the tower we talked about how our day had been.

"The view is amazing" I said to Jiyong as we stood on the observation deck. It was nighttime and the lights of Seoul city were glowing beneath us.

"So how do you like my city at night?" He asked

"It looks beautiful and yet still so busy" I replied

"I have something for us to do" Jiyong said breaking the silence "It's a tradition at Namsan tower"

He pulled out two two locks and two sharpies

"We have to write a message on these locks and then put them on the metal fence over there. It's something couples do but we don't have to write messages of love" He said shyly

"We should still write about each other. That's why we're here" I said taking a lock out of his hand.

"Ok, but you can't look until it's finished" He said turning his back to me. I laughed at his child like behavior. 

I thought about what to write carefully. I didn't want to sound to cheesy as to scare him off but I didn't want to be too cold with him.

"Have you finished Lola?" He asked

"Yeah, shall I read mine to you?" 

He nodded a reply

"Jiyong, one thing I like about Seoul is that I've met you. Here's to 99 more days as great as this. Lola" 

When I looked up he was grinning like an idiot. 

"Why do you have that look on your face? Was it too cheesy?" I asked slapping his arm lightly

"No, I liked it. But if you think yours is cheesy wait until you hear mine" He replied laughing

"Lola, the thought of your beautiful smile is what gets me through the day. Spending time with you is a reward I am not worthy of. 100 days is not enough Jiyong" 

We both looked at each other before bursting into laughter

"You're right Jiyong, that was definitely cheesy!"

"It made you laugh though and that's all I want for you to be happy" He said sincerely

I gave him my lock and pen and he linked the two together and found space for them on the fence. 

"You're supposed to throw the keys off of the tower but we're not allowed to do that now, so I'll just keep them" He said pointing to one of the many signs warning of the danger of throwing keys over the side of the tower. "But lets take a picture with our locks" He said taking his phone out

I smiled at his cute behavior, he had a child like innocence to him. We both took the first photo with a silly face but posed properly for the second. 

"We look just like a couple" He said putting his phone away "Lola is my girlfriend" He shouted

I put my hand over his mouth because he was causing people to look our way. He laughed and ran to the cable car while I hid my face in embarrassment. 

After we had made our way down the mountain and back into the center of Seoul we had Korean BBQ at a nearby restaurant which Jiyong frequented. He told me he had many different places across Seoul that he went to for privacy because he knew the owners and they would give him a private room or secluded area. 

Dinner was delicious and Jiyong told me that I had to get used to him paying because it was not only what he preferred but also a Korean custom, the oldest pays and if I did not accept that than I was insulting his culture. He was crafty, I knew that was just an excuse for paying for the meal.

"I would never mean to insult you Jiyong. It's just in the west it's different. We're friends so why can't we share the cost, you've paid for everything tonight." I sighed to him as we left the restaurant.

"So are you saying that if this was a date you wouldn't mind me paying?" He asked, raising an eyebrow

"No I don't think I would agree with that either. Although first date is fine because you would have asked me out" I replied

"Why would it only be fine on a first date but not second or third?" He asked again, curious to know my reasoning. I wasn't sure if I wanted to explain it to him.

"I just feel as though the guy would expect something in return if he kept spending money" I said quietly.

"What? I can't believe you would think that" He said shocked and then laughed "How many times has that happened to you?"

I went quiet, Jiyong did not need to know that at 22 I had never had a boyfriend. 

"Why have you gone quiet? Is it because its never happened to you?" He asked "Or is it because you've never been on a date?"

I remained quiet, trying to hide my face in my jacket. However, Jiyong caught on and grabbed my arm to stop me.

"You've never been on a date?" He asked

"No" I sighed trying not to face him "Tonight was the first time I had a one on one dinner with a guy who wasn't my brother or gay."

"It's nothing to be embarrassed of, I think it's cute" He smiled patting my head.

"No it's not Jiyong. I'm 22 and never had a boyfriend its pathetic" 

"Hey, don't say that. It's just that the right guy hasn't come along. You shouldn't settle for second best, you're to amazing for that to happen."

"Are you saying you're the right guy for me?" I asked teasing

"Look I didn't want to brag but I am considered quite a catch." He said straight faced

I started laughing at his boasting as I walked towards the direction of my motel. 

"Ya! I'm very in demand" He shouted catching up with me

I laughed all the way to the entrance of my hotel

"So this is where you're staying?" He asked

"You sound like you've been here before? Frequent customer" I giggled 

"I'm not going to justify that with a response" He said "I can't believe you think I would take girls somewhere like this. I stay in much nicer places" He joked

"So you're admitting that you take girls to hotel rooms?" I asked pretending to be shocked

"" He was trying to think of something to say to make things better

"Don't try to make an excuse Kwon Jiyong, I knew you were a playboy." I slapped his arm "Thanks for tonight, I can't wait to see what you have in store for me tomorrow. Good night playboy" I quickly hugged him and laughed as I entered the hotel lobby. I turned round to see him standing there with his mouth hanging open. I giggled all the way to my room. 

I got into bed and looked at my phone before closing my eyes. I had one new message from Jiyong:

'I really enjoyed tonight. I haven't had such a carefree night since I was a trainee. I hope to bring you as much laughter tomorrow. P.S. I'm not the playboy you think I am. I don't use women for and I would especially not want you to think of me in that way. Goodnight Lolaaaaaa, sweet dreams beautiful.'  

After reading that message I was confused, why would he care what I thought about his life? 

'I had fun too Jiyong. But you still have a lot of work to make me stay! I don't think of you in that way Jiyong I was just messing with you. I'm expecting big things after tonights activities. Good night Jiyongie Yongie'

I sent the message and laughed at the name I had just given him.

I had fun tonight but my heart was still heavy with thoughts of London and home. However when I thought of spending more time with Jiyong my stomach started doing somersaults and a wide grin appeared on my face.

Maybe if we dated I would stay, I thought to myself

I shook my head. We were friends and that was all we would ever be. Jiyong was not interested in me in that way. 


Thanks for reading guys. Please comment, this is my first story and would love to know what you think about my writing style, how I could improve etc.

Maybe comment with some possible activities for Jiyong and Lola? xoxo

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mikkydragon #1
Chapter 25: beautiful story
musicisbigbang #2
Chapter 22: i cannot with these revelations .. it breaks my heart
TwistedIceQueen #3
Chapter 25: me likey! didnt feel an ounce of sympathy for kiko...i mean you lay with dogs expect to get fleas. lola was a perfect example of a heroine for me. one who didnt wallow in despair but made things happen. jiyong? he was also perfect. thank you for not portraying him as an here.
michelle1 #4
Chapter 21: I can't wait to hear what he has to say for himself!
Chapter 19: I feel like there's some black-mail involved....I'm so curious about what's really going on!
lovis89 #6
Chapter 19: damn what reason is that jiyong?
man up!
Chapter 19: omg!!!!!!! I have no idea what to say right now. I don't know if I should be pissed,sad, or angry. but I have feeling that I know the reasons why he's doing it. I just hope I'm right on that reason :/

please update soon.....please
parkbommie_ #8
Chapter 17: Omg cliffhanger!!!! Update soon pls!
lovis89 #9
Chapter 17: wtf engagement????
i just finished reading all 14 chapters and I FELL IN LOVE with it SO FAST that its not even funny!!!! lol

Please update soon :D