All-Day Date

Vampire Palace

“Wake up, Babe. I have something for you.” L.joe said gently shaking you. You looked at him and smiled.

“Morning.” He smiled and kissed your cheek.

“Good morning. Here is your breakfast.” Your eyes widened when you realized L.joe was carrying a breakfast tray. You sat up and he set it on your lap. There were heart-shaped pancakes, a small bowl of chocolate strawberries, a bowl of fruit salad, a glass of fruit smoothie, and a single Tea-rose in a small vase.

“Breakfast in bed? What’s the special occasion?”

“There’s no special occasion except for the all-day date today. And I felt like I should make this memorable since we got graduation, the ball, and the wedding to keep us busy for the next two months. So this real be our last real date as fiancés then the big date as husband and wife away from everyone for a month. And I must say the honeymoon spot can’t be any more perfect.” L.joe said as you ate your breakfast.

“You aren’t having any?”

“I already ate.”  You finished the breakfast as L.joe got up and went to the door. He grabbed a bag and a box that was by it and handed it to you. You opened the bag and gasped. Inside was a teddy bear holding a fake bouquet of roses and a heart-shaped box.

 images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTboUd0N2c1PWuD_G-1sJo  “Open the box.” You did and gasped again.  There was a charm bracelet in the box. “Each charm represents something in our history together.” He then pointed to each and every one of them and explained their meaning.” He pointed to the tea cup.Cup & Saucer Charm, Sterling Silver ”When we first met. (The café)  When we became Friends.  When I confessed. sterling-silver-moon-sapphire-charm-char   Our first night together.  The masquerade ball. CF4321_lg.jpg    Our first real date. Our first dance.(at the club)     Our first kiss.   Our first valentine’s together.16th-note-music-charms.jpg    The first song I sang to you.   First Christmas.    The Talent Show. images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSQ4hSmrjtyLlmlYPtMhDa  Our 18th birthday together. Both of ours. images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTydaMJ2_BUmccnos4rGWA  When I proposed and our anniversary.  The first gift I got you. (i couldn't find a charm for this one. But what it's supposed to look like is a heart shaped cage with an opal inside((  The heart-cage is my heart and the opal is you. Just like the opal you are the only one in my heart. Always and forever.” With that said he kissed you with so much love that you knew he meant what he said. You smiled and kissed him back with all the love you have for him. When he pulled back the both of you were tomato red. He cleared his throat and pointed to the box. “I asked if the girls could go look for an outfit for you for today. I told them what I had planned. They agreed and went and bought this for you. I haven’t seen it so you’d be the first to see. I’ll let you open it and get changed will I go change as well.” He kissed your forehead and left your room. You opened the box and gasped for the third time today. **I have a feeling I’m going to be gasping a lot today.** You pulled the outfit out of the box and looked at the whole thing. There was a hot pink one shoulder top, dark skinnies, a black heart-shaped purse, a few bracelets, hot pink heels, pearl earrings, and a pink pearl necklace.

  images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSP51S8mG-J7xXfg1BQOBx    You put the outfit on and put light make-up and waved your hair and let it fall down your back. There was a knock at your door and you checked yourself before you opened the door. L.joe stood frozen once he saw you. He looked you up and down and thanked god that you were already his. You looked at L.joe and thanked god for making such a perfect guy for you. L.joe was wearing blue jeans, with a black Tee with a light jacket, white shoes with his couple ring on a chain around his neck.

white-jacket-black-striped-v-neck-tee-gr  You smiled when you saw the ring around his neck. L.joe pulled you close and whispered in your ear. “You look amazing, Babe.”

“So do you, Byunghun.”  L.joe smiled and kissed you.

“The girls want to see you in the outfit they picked out.” L.joe led you to the lounge where everyone was. They looked at you in amazement.

“That is the perfect outfit for you, ------.”

“Thanks for picking out.”  You guys talked for thirty minutes then left. You guys went to the mall and L.joe covered your eyes and led you somewhere. When he took his hands off your eyes, you smiled widely. “Come on. I want to build you a bear.” You pulled L.joe as he laughed at how cute you were when you saw the Build-a-bear workshop sign. You grabbed everything you needed along with L.joe and started to build your bears. You made sure none of you saw each other’s bears. When you were done you paid separately and walked out. You went to sat at a bench and you handed L.joe your bag. “Open it, Byunghun.” L.joe smiled and took the bear out and chuckled. You looked at him confused. He handed you the bag that had the bear that he made. You took the bear out and giggled. It was the exact same except a different gender. You made the female and L.joe made the male.   

“I’m going to call my bear, ‘little ------‘. And I will never leave her not for one night. She will always be with me when I sleep if you’re not.”

“Same with my ‘little Byunghun’. He will always be with me.” You smiled and kissed the bear’s forehead and L.joe’s lips.

“Come on. This isn’t the only reason why we came here. You get whatever you want and I’m buying. I will not take no for an answer.” L.joe pulled you up, intertwined his fingers with yours and walked to a store. You guys shopped for two hours. Then when it was time for lunch, L.joe put all the bags in the back of the car while you held the bears on your lap. L.joe drove to a nice river where there was a romantic picnic set up for you two. L.joe sat and pulled you on his lap. You fed each other and talked. When you guys were done, L.joe packed everything up and lied down on the blanket. You lied beside him and he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer. You rested your head on his chest and cuddled in a comfortable silence. L.joe played with your hair as you did the same to his brownish-blonde hair. You stared in each other’s eyes and there was no need for words. You lifted yourself up and kissed L.joe. He kissed you back. After a while you pulled away and smiled. L.joe smiled back as he twisted a strand of hair behind your ear. “There’s more to do. Come on. You’ll love this next one.” L.joe said as he got up.

“I love everything that happened so far.” L.joe smiled and led the way to the car after picking everything up. He opened your door and after you got in he closed it and put the picnic stuff in the trunk of the car and drove to the next destination. You gasped when you saw where he was driving to. After he parked the car, he got out and opened the door for you.

“I got a VIP Tour for us, so you’d be able to touch and play with the baby animals.” You were shocked at how much he had down for today and the day wasn’t close to being over it was only 2pm when you got the zoo. L.joe led the way to the ticket booth and told the person at the booth that he had a VIP tour scheduled. The clerk nodded and called one of the zookeepers to give you guys the tour. Then a feminine boy came. He smiled, bowed, and introduced himself as Minki, your tour guide. You and L.joe did the same and he led you all around the Zoo. When you got to the nursery, you were so excited. L.joe smiled when he saw your face light up when Ren opened the door to the nursery and let you in. L.joe step in and Ren closed the doors so he could let the animals out so you could play with them. L.joe stood by the door and watched you play with the baby animals and feed the birds. When it was 5pm, L.joe told you that it was time to leave. You pouted and got up. When you were in the door way you turned, smiled, waved, and said bye to the babies. L.joe opened your door and told you to wait there. He left and when he came back with a big bag and a box with holes. He sat in the driver’s seat and put the bag in the back with the shopping bag and put the box by your feet. L.joe told you that if you opened the box you wouldn’t get the rest of the gifts he got you. You pouted and stared out the window or L.joe anywhere but the box. L.joe silently chucked when he noticed you were doing everything you could to not be tempted to open the box. You noticed you were heading back home after a while. L.joe parked the car, grabbed the box, got out, opened your door, and got all the bags from the car. You took some bags and held L.joe’s hand. He led you to your room and opened the door. When you stepped in, you gasped for nth time. The only lighting in the room were the scented candles and the sunset just outside your window. On your balcony was a table set up with a romantic dinner. L.joe set the bags down but kept the box and bag from the zoo in his hands. He set those on your bed. He grabbed the bears that you were still holding and set them on the bed too. He pulled out your chair. You sat and L.joe sat. You two ate your dinner as you watched the sunset on the horizon. When the moon replaced the sun, L.joe led you to your bed. You moved the bears to lay on the pillows and sat down with the zoo bag and box between you and L.joe. L.joe handed you the bag.” There are hints in this bag to what’s in this box. You took everything out of the bag. There were little beanie babies of every animal the zoo had, a little igloo for an animal, food, toys, and other thing for two different animals. You looked at L.joe confused.

“There’s two different things but one box.” L.joe smiled and grabbed his phoned he texted something and a minute later Doojoon came in with two cages and Gina came in with another box. They smiled and Gina handed you the box and Doojoon set the cages beside your bed.

“Which one do you want to open first?”

“I’ll open this one since I already have on my lap.” You opened the box and gasped. You reached in and grabbed the little animals and held them close to you. “Ferrets?” you asked happily. L.joe smiled and nodded.

“That was picked out by everyone it’s your late birthday present since we’ve been so busy we never celebrated. So they thought that this would make up for it. And they’re babies. They’re only 8 weeks old so they nibble a lot but that’s just because they’re trying to nurse. The albino is a female and the Saber is a male. Here let me hold them and you open my early wedding present.” He said as he gently took the baby ferrets from you and handed you the other box. You smiled and eagerly but gently opened the box and looked up at L.joe in shock. He smiled at you and nodded towards the box. You picked up a baby bunny that you played with at the zoo, your two favorite bunnies out of its siblings and cousins. One was a female and the other a male. You held both of them close to you and smiled. The female,baby-bunny.jpg   the male,   the ferrets.baby_ferret-81002.jpg 

“Here, little guy go to daddy while I take the albino.” You handed L.joe the male and he hand you the albino.

“What are you going to name them?”

“The albino ferret will be named, Daisy, the saber will be called, Roxas, the male bunny will be, Keyowo, and the female bunny will be known as, Tesoro.” Yu smiled when you realized the girls fell asleep in your arms. You yawned and L.joe put the boys in their separate cages and carefully took the girls from you and put them in their cages. He put food in the bowl and made sure their water bottles were filled.

“Time for babies to sleep along with mommy and daddy.” You giggled when you heard L.joe say that. He smiled. “Go get ready for bed.”

“Okay. I’ll go change in the bathroom.” You said as you got up, grabbed some PJs and headed to the bathroom. When you were done you came out to see L.joe feeding Keyowo a piece of lettuce. He looked up and smiled. You walked to him and wrapped your arms around his neck. “You are the most perfect guy I could have ever met. I love you, Byunghun, with all my heart.” L.joe kissed you and pulled you to the bed.

“And, I love you more than my own life, ------. Now get some sleep. We have a conference with your dads tomorrow.” You nodded and buried your face into the crook of L.joe’s neck and fell asleep.

*The next morning you woke up first. You put fresh food in the cages and cooked breakfast. When you were done cooking, you changed into black skinnies, a hot pink blouse that you bought last night while the food cools. L.joe woke up not long after you were done changing. The two of you ate the breakfast and talked about what you dads could possibly want to talk about that made them call you last night to tell you to come to the conference room at 10am. You looked at the clock and it said 8:30. “We need to go. Bye babies. I’ll have Gina or the others check up on you guys.” With that you two left and headed to meet your dads.

When you got there, you started to worry. Because Minhyuk and ung had indescribable expressions on. “Whats wrong, Dads?”

“We’re having some trouble with a surrounding kingdom and they will not allow us passage.”

“Then how we going to solve this problem?”

“WE are not allowed but the future king is.”

“But ------ knows this area better than me sirs.”

“We know. We tried explaining that to them but they won’t listen they want the future king.” L.joe sighed in defeat.

“When do I have to leave?”


“Tomorrow? Why so soon?”

“It’s either today or tomorrow. I told them that it couldn’t be today because he has an important business to do that he cannot leave it to the future queen to do it alone. Now take the extra time I gave you to spend with your fiancé, L.joe. You have to leave at noon tomorrow wish there was something more we could do to help.” Minhyuk said.

“How long will I be gone?”

“A month at most.” ung said.

“A month?” You asked.

“What about my graduation?’

“We already checked you’d be back the morning of graduation so you won’t miss it.” Minhyuk said.

 “Thanks. We’ll be leaving now. Have a nice day.” L.joe pulled you out and hugged you tight as tears started to fall down your eyes. “Come on lets go back to your room. I’ll call the others and see if they’ll watch the animals for today. So we can be alone today.” You nodded. L.joe picked you up and put you on his back. You wrapped your arms and legs around him and kissed his neck. When you entered your room you noticed the cages were gone and a note from Gina saying her and Doojoon would watch them till 10am tomorrow. L.joe set you on the bed and you grabbed lil’ Byunghun and hugged him tight. L.joe lied down and you cuddled with him. You fell asleep to him humming ‘Back at one’, his steady heartbeats, and him rubbing your back. L.joe grabbed his bear put her next to yours and fell asleep. When you guys woke up, you spent the rest of the day in your room together talking and you help L.joe pack. The next day you two woke up early and spent the morning with everyone. When it was 11:30am all of you went to meet your dads who were waiting by the limo. Your eyes started to water as soon as you saw the limo. L.joe hugged you tightly.

“I wish I could go with you.”

“I know. Same here but you got the animals and everyone else to take care of. I’ll be back in a month. Then we’d graduate together then the month after that I’d married to the most wonderful girl in the world. Wait for me, okay?” You nodded. L.joe wiped your tears and kissed you.

“Be careful. Here.” You handed L.joe lil’ ------. L.joe smiled, kissed its forehead and kissed you again. You kissed back.

“I’m going with him since I am still his guardian till he’s crowned king. I’ll protect him, ------.” Minhyuk said as he got in the limo. L.joe got in the limo afterwards and as it drove away, you cried harder and lil’ Byunghun tighter. Gina came to you and hugged you.

“Come on. I’m sure the babies want to see you.” You nodded and wiped your tears. You all went to the lounge and everyone did everything they could to keep your mind away from L.joe for the whole month. It worked during the day but when you all went to bed, you’d cry yourself to sleep hugging your both bears he gave you during the date.

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elliptical #1
congrats x
Hey there, I was wondering if you were ever going to update this fic again? Because I'm clearing up my subscribed list, and I'd really look forward to another update for this story. ^^
yuxuan #4
Update soon
Isn't that Dara of 2NE1 for CL's picture?
I hope hyena-- I mean, HYUNA-- dies! >:D
mysteriousaura209 #7
her sis hyun-ah is a !