Meeting L.joe's Mom's Siblings

Vampire Palace

There was a knock on the door. IU opened it. "Aunt Sohee wants everyone downstairs." Junho said. Everyone nodded and went downstairs. When you entered the main living room there were three unfimiliar figures.

"Where's L.joe?" you asked looking around. He was nowhere in the room.

"Oh. I asked him to go do something. He should be home any minute.  While we wait, come meet my brother and sister. -------, this is my sister Songmi and her husband, Park Jinki." Sohee pointed to the couple on th couch. They stood and bowed. You bowed. "And this is my brother, Lee Joon." Just then the door opened. You looked at the door and smiled.

"L.joe!" you exclaimed as you ran to hug him. He luaghed and hugged you back. The others were shocked becuase he never luaghed and Sohee, Songmi, and Jinki was shocked the most becuase they never saw him smile before. Something crossed Joon face and he looked scarier and colder then before. You could see a whole lot of pain in his eyes. L.joe whispered something to Joon but you couldn't hear. Joon's expression softened but it was still scary. 

"Oh, mom. I dont know if you know this or not. But Minhyuk is -------'s dad." L.joe said.

"Oh? I'm sorry for taking your dad from you for so long." Sohee said.

"No. It's fine. I'm glad I finally knew the truth about my real dad. My mom had to marry my youngest sister's dad so my brother and other sister grew up thinking he was our real dad but i thought something was of. My mom cherished this ring more then her wedding ring but it wasn't given to her by her husband but by Minhyuk." you said showing them the ring that you never took off. "Now i know why. But i didn't meet him on the best of days."

"What do you mean?" Songmi asked. A tear fell down your cheek. L,.joe pulled you into a hug. Everyone looked worried. "What'd I do?" L.joe shook his head.

"It wasn't you." He looked at you. "Your still get worked up about. I understand. Do you want me to explain?" L.joe asked. You nodded. He looked at the others who were shocked. "Well, She was gone for two years at a school for coming up Queens though her brother was supposed to go he passed the title to ------- knowing she would have done a better job. The day she came home wasn't the best day. It was the day Hyunah her youngest sister showed that she didnt care about her own mother." Tears fell faster down your cheeks. L.joe looked at you. "Do you want me to stop?" You shook your head. "Do you want to leave the room?' You shook your head again. "Okay. Well, -------'s mom had cancer and the day ------- came back home was the day she passed. So that's why it wasn't the best day of her life." You looked up at him.

"But it wasn't the worst day either. That was also the day I meet you. That made it  better. Cause knowing me I would still be crying my heart out but with you beside me, I not crying as much as i would have been if you weren't there." You smiled. He smiled back and kissed your nose. You giggled and hugged him tightly. The others smiled as well. A maid came in and announced dinner was down.

"I'm glad he met you. His arua was so dark and dull. but now its white and so bright he's glowing." Sohee said as you guys walked to the dinning hall. After you guys ate L.joe led you outside and through the little woods and cross a little river beside his mansion (they stopped using palaces long ago). When you stopped you froze. In front of you was this gorgeuos huge garden. It had every kind of trees and flowers that you know of and alot more you had no clue existed.

"When i found it it was filled with weeds and trash all over the place. I decided to clean it up and this is the results. When i was younger i would always come here when i had time but as the passed and my dad died and i had to help my mom with fixing the place i just never had the time to come back here. Actually this is the first time i came here in six years. Your the first and only person i brought here." L.joe said as he led you to the middle of the garden where a huge pond was with a bridge crossing it. The two of you stopped in the middle of the bridge and watched the fish swim around. L.joe wrapped his arms around your waist and you laid your hands on his. "What do you think of my family?"

"Your mom is sweet and loving. The girls treat me like a sister already. It feels like I've known them my whole life. The boys remind me of Beast and Bigbang. Your Uncle reminds me of Onew with chicken. Your Aunt Songmi is really random." You laughed as you remember all the random she said and did during dinner. Then you stopped and said, "Your Uncle Joon scares me. But i can see pain in his eyes. Why is that?" L.joe phone rings but he ignores it. "You should answer it."

"Yobeoseyo?...Okay...Yeah...Okay...alright see you tomorrow. Tell the others that ------ and I said bye. Bye." He hangs up. "Uncle Joon wants to hang out with us tomorrow. He wants to apoligize for the way he acted. He said he'd explain everything tomorrow. We won't see him, my aunt or my other uncle when we go back becuase they'll be going home. The rest live here." Then his phone rings again. "Yobeoseyo?...WHAT!?...How'd she know I was back?..Great. I'll be there soon." He hangs up.

"What's wrong?" you said as you turned to look at him.

"It's this girl that is obessed with me. she's here. Somehow she found out i returned and when she finds out that your with me...I don't want you to get hurt." L.joe said as he hugged you. Then you two headed back to the mansion. When you entered, you saw a beautiful but y girl yelling at everyone. "Sohee, get out of my house. NOW!" L.joe growled. You flinched. He tightened his grip on your hand in apoligy. She looked at L.joe and smiled.

"Oh, you are back and you brought Se7en." Then she saw you. L.joe pulled you behind him. "And who is this?" She asked through gritted teeth.

"None of your business. Now get out. No one invited you."

"Dont tell me she's with you." Sohee whined. when she didn't get a reply she grew angry. "You'll be sorry you didn't choose me. My cousins will beat you"

"Go ahead. Bring your cousins' groups. Thats what five groups, ZEA, Super Junior, and three girl groups i can never remember not to mention your group. I've got seven groups behind me. She's got 12 groups and three solo fighters behind her. Thats not counting us but her own friends back home. And your cousins are three days away. Her groups are a day and a half away. So don't think about."

"L.joe she reminds me of Hyunah." You said to L.joe. Se7en heard and came next to you and grabbed your other hand.

"It's okay, cuz'. We will protect you." Se7en said and the others came behind you and Sohee looked furious.

"I will get my L.joe back." she said.

"I was never yours. and I will not leave her. EVER. NOW LEAVE." L.joe said in a very scary voice. Sohee ran out the door. The others laughed at her retreating figure. "I'm sorry if i scared you, babe. You want ice cream?" You nodded. He looked at everyone else. "What about you, guys?"

"HELL YEAH!!!" Everyone yelled which made you laugh. All of you headed to the ice cream store a few blocks away.

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elliptical #1
congrats x
Hey there, I was wondering if you were ever going to update this fic again? Because I'm clearing up my subscribed list, and I'd really look forward to another update for this story. ^^
yuxuan #4
Update soon
Isn't that Dara of 2NE1 for CL's picture?
I hope hyena-- I mean, HYUNA-- dies! >:D
mysteriousaura209 #7
her sis hyun-ah is a !