Bad things

Vampire Palace

When you entered your parents room, you froze. On the bed in front of you was a figure as thin as a twig. You walked closer to the bed, totally oblivious to everyone staring at you. You put your hands over your mouth to keep from crying out loud when you realized the figure was your mother. Your mother was lying down, she was so pale, just skin and bone. You walked closer. Your mother looked at you and smiled happily. You couldn't resist that smile, so you smiled back and sat in the chair your father pulled out and set right next to your mom. "Umma! How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, now that your home." your mother smiled. tears rolled down your cheeks.

"You wanted to tell me something?"

"Oh, yeah.CL, Chunji this involves you too. ------------, Teen Top, Hyunseung, Sulli, CL, Chunji, Minhyuk, ung, Minzy, you all stay everyone else can leave us. I already told Bigbang and the others that i trust." Everyone bowed and left other than the ones asked to stay. "Your father already knows this, well, actually his not your father." Your mother said.

"What!?" You, Chunji, and CL said at the same time. everyone looked at each other. "If that is true, then whose our real dad?" You asked. Your mother looked at the unfamiliar guy and motioned him over. When L.joe saw this he was shocked because the guy was his father's cousin twrice removed and his Guardian since the day he was born.

"--------, Chunji, and CL. This is your real dad, Minhyuk." He nodded with sad but happy smile. the three of you nodded back.

"Nice to meet you, dad." You said.

"If you want you can just call me Minhyuk, until your ready to call me dad. and i'm sorry for not being there for the first 16 years of your guys life." he smiled sadly. You smiled back feeling more comfortable around him than you have with your 'father'.

"I knew it. I knew we didn't look anything like dad, but i just thought it was in my head." said CL.

"Minhyuk? Is this true?" L.joe asked. Minhyuk nodded. "Did Dad know?" he nodded again.

"Hey. Wait. You two know each other?" you asked.

"Yeah. He's been my guardian since I was born. He's my great-grandfather's cousin's son. I'll tell you more, later. Your mom needs you now." L.joe said nodding to your mom who was coughing.

"Umma?" You said. Chunji and CL went beside you.

"I love you guys. I didn't mean for this day to be like this. I didn't mean to wait this long to tell you but everything was so hectic. I'm sorry. this is suppose to be a happy day. I'm so sorry for ruining it. " your mom said.

"Don't talk like that, mom." You cried. Chunji and CL couldn't speak cause they knew what their mom was talking about. The Teen Top boys were comforting them as L.joe went beside you and put his arm around you to comfort you. Your mother smiled at how caring he was though he just met you a few hours ago.

"Minhyuk. You need to know that i never stopped loving you. I've loved you since I first met you." your mother said grabbing his hand.

"I love you, too. I'm so sorry for not coming back. I left to see if I could get my title back, so i could marry you, but L.joe's father already had his coronation and everything. And his wife was pregnant and he asked me if i could guard his first born son. and i couldn't deny it. But if you told me you were pregnant i would have never left or even agreed to be L.joe's guardian. Sorry L.joe." Mihyuk said.

"It's okay. i would have understood. I wouldn't have left my unborn child if i'd known about it either even if the king, my father, told me to." l.joe said still with his arms around you as you silently cried.

"-------, Chunji, CL, be the queen, prince, and princess, i know you to be. and don't let Hyunah get to you. You know I'll always be watching." your mom said between coughs. Teen Top tried to pull you guys outside so you three wouldn't see your mom pass, but you would budge. you wanted to stay with your mom every second till the end so did Chunji and CL but they didn't want to see the lifeless body of their mother that was to come, so they left. the only ones left was both your dads, you, and L.joe who was still comforting you. "-------, be the great Queen i know you will be, okay?" You nodded afraid that once you open your mouth you'll scream and cry outloud. you don't want your mom to hear you like that. "That's my girl. You better protect her." she said looking at both your dads. "What's your name again? I'm sorry."

"It's alright. It's Lee Byunghyun. but i go by L.joe, Your majesty." L.joe bowed.

"Don't be so formal. Call me 'Umma'. You and your group are the first people that my son has ever trusted that isn't part of or close to this family when he met you. and your care so much for my daughters and son." Your mom said smiling. She started coughing nonstop.

"MOM. Lay down. stop talking and go to sleep. Now." you said as you gently pushed you mom down on the pilliws. you covered her up and sat back down in the chair.

"L.joe, can you come here?" your mother asked. L.joe stepped closer. She whispered in his ear and his eyes widened than he back beside you. "-------, can you sing for me one last time. I haven't heard you sing in over two years."

"Of course, mom." you said as you stood up. you starting singing 'In The Arms Of An Angel' When you were done L.joe and Minhyuk just stared at you wide eyed and mouths wide open. "You can close you mouths now, you know." You said smiling. you always feel warm when you sing even if you sing a sad song. your letting your feelings out and it gives you a sense of peace.

"You sound more beautiful the more i hear you. Can you sing it again. but with more passion. I know you were holding out becuase of L.joe and Minhyuk." Your mom said. **Holding out? How can she be holding out that was the best voice i've heard? Nothing can beat it.** L.joe thought as you closed your eyes and started to sing again. **I've just been proven wrong. She was holding back. It's like listening to Angels and Goddesses singing but better if that's even possible.** L.joe was pushed out of his thoughts when he heard a scream. he looked around and heard it again and realized it was you. While you were singing she passed, she knew that if you were singing with all your heart your eyes would be closed and you wouldn't see her pass. L.joe grabbed you and turned you away from the scene of your mother and hugged you tightly as you cried your heart out. L.joe knew that it was futile to try and calm you down. Chunji and CL heard you sing and smiled as the Teen Top boys were stunned at the voice than they heard you scream and Chunji and CL hugged each other and cried their eyes out. Niel, Ricky, and Changjo ran to the cafe to get more of that tea the waitress made for you guys. As they were returning, they passed by a lady who was walking towards Chunji and them with a 4 year old girl in her arms.

"Chunji, CL. Look it's Oppa and Unnie." the woman said. Chunji and CL looked up and smiled.

"Oh. Hi, Soungmi. Hi, Mikyung." Chunji said wiping his tears.

"This is a bad time, isn't it. i could come back at a better time." She asked realizing the tears.

"No. I think it's the best time." CL said as she opened the doors. Everyone was so confused.

"UNNIE!" yelled little Mikyung. You looked up and saw your favorite person in the world.

"Mikyung!" you said happily. You ran Mihyung and held her. L.joe walked over to everyone and closed the door when everyone was outside the room.

"What just happened?" L.joe asked as everyone looked at Chunji, CL, and your 'dad'.

"If -------- is crying like this or is sad or anything and needs to be cheered up. All she needs to do is see Mikyung and she's happy or at least happier. She loves kids. especialy this one right here. She's like our little sister." everyone nodded and watched you play with Mikyung. L.joe smiled at how happy you were though he could still see the sadness in your eyes.

"---------, i was wondering if it's not to much to ask and if it's not a bad time. Could you watch my little Mikyung?"

"I would love to watch her. And i thought i already said that all you need to do is just drop her off and i'd watch her anytime, Soungmi. I always have time for her." you said.

"Oh. I know but I have to ask anyways. Well, I gotta go. Bye. Thanks again."  Soungmi said as she walked away.

"Come on, let's go to my room and play. You wanna come too." you asked Teentop as Chunji, CL, Sulli and Hyunseung were already beside you.

" sure that's ok?." L.joe asked. You smiled and nodded and walked off. Everyone followed you. "--------, are you feeling better?" L.joe said after a while.

"Yeah, i guess. CL, i think she wants you." you said looking at Mikyung who was reaching out for CL. you handed Mikyung to CL. "I mean it still hurts like hell. But the more i see how happy others are and how happy i can make them feel, it helps me to get over all the bad things that have happened to me. you know what i mean?" L.joe nodded. You guys entered your room and played with Mikyung. You never saw teenage boys act like little kids except for Chunji.


Weeks passed. You and Teen Top got closer. Everyone was happy to have their princess back. Well, almost everyone.

"What are we going to do now, Hyunah? Everyone's forgotton all the rumors about them. and plus the super hot boys from Teen Top are bestfriends and it looks like one of them wants to be more than friends." Said a girl who was standing beside Hyunah as she watched you laugh and hang out with Teen Top, Beast, F(X), and 2NE1.

"Just shut up. I have a plan." Hyunah said with an evil smirk. The others laughed.

Kikwang noticed Hyunah and her. he whispered to Hyunseung, "Hyung, We're being watched." nodding towards Hyunah. Hyunseung looked at Hyunah without her noticing. than he told everyone except you, CL, and Chunji. he didn't tell you guys becuase he didn't want to worry you guys.


"Hey, --------?" L.joe asked as you guys were walking home after school. Nobody messes with you since you have all these groups and everyone loves you, except you-know-who. You looked at him. "Remember when you said that seeing people happy helped you forget all the bad things that have happened to you? What did you mean by the bad things?" L.joe asked.

"Well, for starters when Chunji, CL, and I were younger, we weren't that well known and what most people knew about us was lies Hyunah told them. Yeah, she's only two years younger than us, but people still believed her about us. she was the popular one, we were the nerds and plus no one knew that we were the royal triplets becuase we wanted to be treated like normal people we didn't like how people would act nice towards us just becuase we were royalty. i wanted to know the real people behind that mask of niceness. Anyways, becuase of that we were picked on and bullied. Most people were too scared to stop them. i don't blame them the bullies were pretty scary just looking at them. Thats when we realized that our own sister hated us and my mom. That lasted for like several years. but i'm kinda glad that it happened but than again i'm not. I'm glad becuase that was how I met Hyunseung and Sulli. We were being bullied and Chunji tried protecting us but that didn't help because there was 5 of them and one of Chunji. They were about to hit him again when Hyunseung and Sulli came. Hyunseung was very popular and so was Sulli. Everyone knew how good Hyunseung and Sulli were at fighting. Hyunseung hit all the guys and Sulli came to see if we were hurt. Me and CL weren't but Chunji was hurt a little. he had a few cuts and bruises but not much. Sulli brought us to her mom and she treated his wounds really well. When she was done it looked like he just fell. we talked about the rumors about us, somehow they knew that the rumors were all lies. Well, since then we've been best friends. My parents saw how they protected me from everything and how happy i was with them even though they were dating each other they protected me more then each other becuase they knew they could take care of themselves. i felt like a burden becuase i couldn't defend myself but they kept saying it was alright and that they liked protecting me that i was like their litte sister cause they are a year older then us. I still wanted to learned the basics of defending myself just in case they weren't around but never told anyone but you before. I don't even no why i'm telling all this to you. i'm pretty sure i'm annoying you right  now." You said as you walked faster to catch up with the others cause while you were talking you fell behind but L.joe grabbed your wrist.

"No. It's fine. I asked you about the things that happened to you. plus i don't think i can ever think you are annoying." L.joe said as he let go of your wrist. you smiled and continued with the story of your past. Every time you talked about the people who bullied you, CL, and Chunji, L.joe wanted to punch them so bad becuase they bullied a girl and because she was a girl who cared about everyone and didn't deserve to be bullied and they bullied his friend. no body messes with his friends even if he hasn't met them yet. The more you talked about what Hyunah has done to you the madder he got becuase a sister should not act like that to her own siblings even if they're half sisblings (but huynah doesn't know about Minhyuk.). Whenever you mention how Hyunseung and Sulli helped you he was happy that someone protected you, your sister, and his friend. He met Hyunah before and he didn't like the way he felt around her now he understands why he felt so mad around her. she had an evil aura and he could sense it and didn't like it.

"Well, that was all the bad things that happened to me. I'm so grateful to Hyunseung and Sulli for being with me all the time. But i still cant help thinking i'm a burden to them becuase they can't go on dates like a normal couple."

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sorry if this chapter is lame

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elliptical #1
congrats x
Hey there, I was wondering if you were ever going to update this fic again? Because I'm clearing up my subscribed list, and I'd really look forward to another update for this story. ^^
yuxuan #4
Update soon
Isn't that Dara of 2NE1 for CL's picture?
I hope hyena-- I mean, HYUNA-- dies! >:D
mysteriousaura209 #7
her sis hyun-ah is a !