Couple Night Out

Vampire Palace


“Would you all like to go out with us?” They looked at each other and nodded.

“We would love that. When are we going?”

"7 or 8. Hey, guys lets go in private decide where to go.” The guys nodded and they all left to go talk leaving you girls in the lounge. Then ung comes in. 

“Hey, ung Appa. What do you need?” You said as you hug him.

“I came to give this to you. It’s from your mother. She told me to give this to you when I feel that you are ready or before the ball whichever comes. Well they both happened at the same time. But anyways, here. I got to go. I’ll see you later.” He handed you a little box, kissed your forehead and left. You opened the box and inside there was a CD and three letters each one addressed to you, CL, and Chunji. You handed CL hers and opened yours and it read:

To My Future Queen,

My Dear, ------, If you are reading this then I had passed before I get to see you grow up to be the queen I know you to be. Chunji would have been a good king but I think he did the right thing passing the title to you. On the CD is a song I wrote that I wish we could have sang together. It’s for those times when you’re down and need something to bring you back up.  I recorded myself singing the whole song and ung told me to record myself just singing my parts so you could sing with my recording or you could sing with CL, if you wanted to. Well I should get going I need to write CL and Chunji their letters. Bye. I love you and I’ll be watching over you.

You turn over the letter and read the lyrics.

You put the CD in the CD player and listened to it. You started to smile and tear up since it had been over 3 years since you last heard your mother sing. You looked at CL and she came over to you. You hugged her as tears fell down your cheeks. “She said that if I want I could sing this song with her recording or with you.”

“I think you should sing along with her recording. You always wanted to sing with her. Now’s your chance. I mean, it’s not exactly how you imagined it but still. She would be on the stage with you as you sing.”

“Thanks, CL. When should I sing this?” You asked. Gina came up to you.

“I think you should sing it at the ball. A surprise ending.”

“Yeah Gina’s right. You should do it and no one outside this room should know except L.joe of course.” Woori said.

“Yeah. You got to start practicing. The ball is next month. So is your graduation. *gasp* Your wedding is in two months.” Yuri said.

“I’m so stressed right now. I have the ball, my graduation, wedding, and coronation all within four months. That is a lot of thing to do.” You said.

“Hey, you have L.joe to help you out. Plus you don’t need to worry about the wedding and the coronation. We have the wedding under control and the palace staff has the coronation under control. Don’t worry. Let’s just have fun tonight.” Sandara said.

“Hey, you want to have a girl’s night out tomorrow?” Yoona asked.

“I can’t. L.joe’s taking me out all day tomorrow.” You said apologetically.

“Hey, it’s alright. You need time with your fiancé. You haven’t really spent real alone time together.” Victoria said. Just then the boys come in. You smiled as L.joe wrapped his arms around you and you leaned your head on his shoulders. He told you what they plan on doing tonight. You nodded.

“Hey, what do you say if we invite Jonghyun Hyung, Yoseob, Jessica Noona, and Gayoon. I have a feeling they like each other.” L.joe said.

“Yeah. I know they like each other but just won’t say it. Especially Yoseob. I know he Gayoon but he won’t admit it because of what happened while she was with Hyunah. I’ll call the girls you call the boys.” You said as you pulled out your phone to call Jessica. L.joe nodded and took out his phone. After a few minutes they arrived.

“Why did you call us here?” Yoseob asked.

“We are having a couples’ night out and would like you guys to come with us.”

“But we aren’t couples.” Jessica said.

“I know but please come. I want to hang out with you guys, too. Please?” You showed your puppy dog eyes. Yoseob and Jessica gave in before you even did that knowing you would use your hidden weapon. Everyone else shook their heads. L.joe never saw this side of you before. You rarely used aegyo, only if you really wanted something. When you did nobody could resist. Jonghyun and Gayoon gave in not too long after.

“Fine. We’ll go. But don’t expect anything.” Jonghyun said.

“That was a cheap trick, ------. You know nobody can resist your puppy dog eyes.” Jessica said. You giggled.

“Yoseob, Jonghyun can I talk to you guys for a second on the balcony?” you asked. They nodded and went out the balcony door. “I’ll be right back, L.joe.” He nodded and sat next to Doojoon and Gina. You went outside and saw them leaning on the railing. Yoseob was looking at the waterfall as Jonghyun was leaning his back on the railing and looking at the sky. You closed the door and walked up to them. “I know you like her.” You saw them stiffen slightly but then composed themselves quickly.

“Who?” they said at the same time.

“Yoseob, you like Gayoon. And Jonghyun, you like Jessica.”

“What are you talking about?/I don’t like her.”

“I’m not blind, Guys. I know you’ve liked Gayoon since 3rd grade Yoseob but would never admit it because you thought I’d think of you badly or something. Don’t worry I like her she did take care of me when I was taken. And ever since she joined Hyunah I could tell she never wanted to do any of this just by her eyes. They always and an apologetic look in them when she looked at someone Hyunah was being mean to. She likes you too.” Yoseob looked at you. You smiled and nodded to the door. “So just go for it. Go tell her. Confess.” You could tell that he was fighting with himself. “Jonghyun, I could tell that you liked her the second you saw her. You act like a playboy but you’re not really one are you?” Jonghyun scratched his neck, chuckled and shook his head. “Why?”

“I’m just scared of getting close with someone and they leave me. I spent almost my whole life in an orphanage with Key and Minho or in and out of foster homes. My parents took care of me and I felt loved and out of the blue they left me at an orphanage and I never saw them again. They were my best friends at the time then they left me when I was 6. I met Key when I was 9 and Minho a year after that. I was already adopted 12 times. I don’t know why but I never lasted more than two months adopted. Then I became cold and I distanced myself from everyone. Only key would come near me than Minho. It took me a little over three years to fully trust them. Then when Key got adopted when I was 14, I thought he would leave me too but he refused go unless they adopted me and Minho too. They did and we’ve been foster brothers for 6 years now. They also had a blood related son who was Onew. I would only talk to Key and Minho but then opened up more. But I still didn’t trust a lot of people so I became a playboy. Onew introduced us to Taemin and then my friends list grew from there. But I still have some abandonment issues.”

“Sica Unnie likes you. But even if she didn’t she would always be there for you no matter what. But she does like you. So confess to her. You’ll regret it if you don’t.” Jonghyun smiled and nodded. “Dude. Yoseob, if-“

“Dude?” Yoseob and Jonghyun chuckled. “Never thought you of all people would say dude.” You moved your hand as if to swat what he said away and scoffed which only made them laugh more.

“Whatever. Anyways, why are you still thinking about it?”

“I don’t know. What if she rejects me? Or laughs?” Yoseob sighed. Jonghyun nodded. You sighed loudly and put your arm on their shoulders and gently squeezed them.

“You don’t need to worry about that. I’m 100% sure they like you guys too. You want help planning your confessions?” they slightly nodded. You smiled. “Come on let’s go inside. I can get the other’s to help me help you confess tomorrow.” Yoseob shot up. Jonghyun’s eyes widened.

“Tomorrow?” Yoseob slightly shrieked. He cleared his throat.

“Tomorrow?” Jonghyun whispered. You nodded.

“Yeah. Something wrong with that?” they shook their heads. “Well then tomorrow it is. Oh but wait I’m going out with L.joe all day. I could ask the others to help you guys. Right now we need to go inside.” They nodded and the three of you headed inside. “Come on. We can’t be late, can we?” Everyone shook their heads and headed to the theater. When everyone stepped out of the vans, Doojoon turned around and counted how many tickets to get.

“I’ll go get the tickets. The rest of you go get the popcorn, drinks, and other snacks for you and your date.” Doojoon said. “Jagiya, could you buy the snacks?” Doojoon asked.

“Sure.” Gina said.

“Here.” Doojoon said as he handed her the money. The others left to get their snacks except Yoseob, Gayoon, Jonghyun, Jessica.

“I’ll buy you your snacks, Gayoon.” Yoseob said. Gayoon shook her head.

“You don’t have to do that, Yoseob.” Gayoon said.

“I want to.” Yoseob smiled and pulled Gayoon to the snack counter as Jonghyun did the same with Jessica. You were watching them and smiled. L.joe came up to you after buying the snacks and handed you your drink.

“What are you smiling at?” L.joe asked. You looked at him and noticed that he had his drink and a large bag of popcorn with other snacks balancing on it. You giggled and took the balancing snacks and carried them.

“I was watching Yoseob and Jonghyun offer to buy Gayoon and Jessica their snacks. I found that cute since they like the girls.” You said as Doojoon came with the tickets.

“The lady at the ticket booth gave me a weird look when I asked for the tickets.” Doojoon said.

“Well, I would have, too, if someone asks for 42 tickets.” Gina said as she gave him his drink and snacks.

“Well I explained to her why I needed that many tickets and she still gave me a confused looked. All well.” Doojoon shrugged. “Come on, guys. The movie’s about to start.” Doojoon led the way to the movie room.

“What are we watching?” CL asked.

“Something that I think we all might like.” Everyone sat in the middle while you went up front. L.joe followed.

“Why aren’t you sitting with the others?” He asked.

“I don’t know. I’ve just always sat in the first five rows. Anywhere else just feels weird.” You whispered as the movie starts. The movie had the perfect combination of action, comedy, romance, and fantasy. Doojoon was right everyone did like it. Then you guys headed to a restaurant then after you guys ate you all went to the park and split up. You made Yoseob go with Gayoon and Jonghyun go with Jessica. **Maybe they’ll confess sooner this way instead of them confessing tomorrow.** You smiled at that thought. You wanted them to be happy so bad especially Yoseob and Jessica. Yoseob’s had a hard life before he met the rest of beast and you, and Jessica’s been there for you when no one else was. They helped you gain happiness now you can help them gain theirs.

“You want to follow them?” L.joe whispered in your ear. You looked at him and slightly shook your head. “I know you want to. Come on.” L.joe eagerly said and pulled you with him as he followed after Yoseob and Gayoon. You giggled at how excited he seemed to be.

“Why do you seem so excited?” You whispered as you two ducked behind some bushes. L.joe just shrugs.

**In front of the bushes.

“Hey, Yoseob?” Gayoon asked as they sat on the bench.


“Um..Do you know why ------ made us come and separate like this?” Gayoon asked, “Not that I don’t like it or anything. I’m just wondering.” Yoseob was quiet for a bit then sighed.

“Yeah. In fact, I sort of do. She said she’d help me and Jonghyun with something tomorrow but I guess she decided right now we’d get it off our chests or something.”

“What do you need to get of your chest?”  Gayoon asked.

“If it doesn’t go the way I hope, promise me it wont change our friendship.”

“I promise our friendship will stay intact if it doesn’t go as planned. It might or might not be awkward at first but I promise I will always be there for you.” Yoseob smiled and took a deep breath.

“The reason I asked ------ for help was because I wanted to confess to the girl I like. She said she help me tomorrow but I’m thinking I should confess tonight but I’m not sure if I should.”

“Do you really like this girl?” Yoseob smiled and eagerly but shyly nodded. Gayoon saw the smile and smiled at how happy he looked thinking of her. “Then go to her and confess. If she rejects then she has got some problems because any girl would be lucky to have even as a friend if you’re their boyfriend their super lucky. You’re an amazing guy, Yoseob. Now go to her.” Gayoon pushed Yoseob to stand up and go.

“But what if I’m already with her?” Gayoon’s eyes widened at the statement.


“I’m already with the girl I like.”

“Then why are you wondering when you should confess?”

“Because I haven’t confessed yet. Sort of.”

“You should confess when you feel that it’s the right time to.”

“Well, I feel that right now is the right time but I’m afraid that the girl in front of me right now will reject me.” Gayoon nodded like she understood then a minute later she froze and slowly looked at Yoseob.

“What? What do you mean by ‘the girl in front of you right now’?” Yoseob sighed, disappointed that she didn’t get what he meant.

“I mean you.”

“Me? You mean, I’m the…”

“Yes. You’re the girl I was talking about. The girl I like. Gayoon, liked…no loved you since the first day I saw you but then you became Hyunah’s friend and treated my friend badly I started thinking that I was wrong about you. Until one day after I had stopped Hyunah’s bullying. As she was walking away I looked in your eyes and I saw regret, concern, sadness, and hatred not towards others but towards yourself. I saw that you hated yourself for helping Hyunah harm someone who didn’t deserve to be treated that way. That’s when I started to hate Hyunah even more for making someone as beautiful and perfect like you into one of her minions and then when I found out that ------ was kidnapped I was worried but I also knew that you’d at least make her feel somewhat safe. And when I found out two more who knew nothing about her helped her I just wanted to jump on you three and hug you guys so tight. So let this make up for that.” Gayoon looked at Yoseob confused. Yoseob smiled and pulled her into a tight but gentle hug and as he pulled away he kissed her on the cheek. Gayoon’s eyes widen at what Yoseob did. “Sorry. I just had the urge t…” Yoseob was cut off when he felt lips on his. He looked and saw Gayoon kissing him. He smiled, closed his eyes, and kissed back. When they pulled away, they both were blushing hard.

“Don’t be sorry. And please don’t remind me of the horrible things I did to ------. Every night I have nightmares of it.” Gayoon said  as a tear rolled down her cheek. Yoseob wiped it with his thumb. “She must hate me so much.” Yoseob pull Gayoon into another hug.

“Hey, she knows the truth about you. And she could never hate someone she’s too pure for that. Plus she also saw your eyes that’s also why she can’t hate you. She actually knew I liked you since elementary school. So never have any more nightmares alright? Plus if you do no matter what time it is call me wake me up if you have to. I don’t care if I’m asleep or not let me know when you have nightmares or scared or just need someone call me and I’ll be there. I love you nothing will change that.”

“Iloveyou,too.” Gayoon quickly and shyly whispered.


“I love you, too, Yoseob. Since elementary school also.” She said. She shyly smiled with tomato red cheeks. Yoseob smiled the biggest smile he ever had and hugged Gayoon. Gayoon pulled back and cupped Yoseob’s cheeks and smiled. Yoseob grabbed her hands and wrapped them around his neck as he leaned in. He stopped a few centimeters away from her face and stared in her eyes. He smiled at what her eyes showed and closed the gap between them. They both smiled and were too into the kiss to hear a squeal come from some bushes.

**Back to you and L.joe when Yoseob hugged Gayoon and kissed her cheek.

“Oh My God, he kissed her cheek.” You silently squealed. L.joe looked at you and shook his head.

“You and your romance.”

“Hey you have nothing to say. Your romantic yourself.”

“Yeah because I know you like that stuff and I do them for you and only you.” You smiled and kissed him. The both of you kept watching. You silently squealed again Gayoon kissed Yoseob and he kissed back. You grabbed L.joe’s arm when Yoseob moved Gayoon’s arms to his necked and leaned. And when they kissed again you couldn’t hold it and squealed really loud. L.joe quickly covered your mouth. Your eyes widened and you covered your mouth with both hands along with L.joe’s hand that was already covering it. She looks at L.joe apologetically who sighed and smiled. He cautiously looked over the bush and sighed. “They’re gone.”

“What are you two doing?”  Came a voice from behind you. Your and L.joe’s eyes widened and slowly looked behind you and saw Yoseob and Gayoon looking at you two suspiciously. You awkwardly smiled and L.joe scratched the back of his head.

“W-w-well…Um… I-I-I j-just wanted to see if y-you’d finally confess to her b-but I didn’t want to leave Byunghun…”

“But I pulled her and followed you guys. Sorry.”

“Yeah we’re really sorry if we ruined it by me squealing.”

“I already knew you were there.”  Gayoon said.

“Same here but I tried to ignore it.”


“Let’s just say, you will never be a perfect spy.” Yoseob said.

“Dang. And that was my dream job.” You sighed and pouted. The four of you busted out laughing.

“Come on. I want to tell my step-cousins about this.”

“Who are your step-cousins?”

“Um…Sandara and Thunder.”

“What? Really?”

“Yeah my mom married their uncle. I tried to tell them that I never wanted this but Hyunah would call me or they would push me aside. I mean, I deserved it after what I did to such an innocent person. I hate myself for that.

“Hey, it was not your fault my sister threatened your brother.”

“Yeah but I should have remembered that my brother was leaving to visit his friends out of town the next week. But when I tried to leave her group she threatened me and my mom and that if I told someone she’d hurt my mom so I had to stay with her. But now I’m free and my mom as my new dad to protect her. I’m glad she found someone. Oh and my brother wants to meet the person you saved me from what he said is ‘the un-rightful punishment for what I did under capture.’ I don’t know. My brother is weird but I love him. But anyways, now Dara, Thunder, and I are on good terms now, I guess.” The four of you headed to the rendezvous spot and waited for the others when they got back. You all headed back and went to sleep while L.joe was planning what to do the next day for the all-day date.

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elliptical #1
congrats x
Hey there, I was wondering if you were ever going to update this fic again? Because I'm clearing up my subscribed list, and I'd really look forward to another update for this story. ^^
yuxuan #4
Update soon
Isn't that Dara of 2NE1 for CL's picture?
I hope hyena-- I mean, HYUNA-- dies! >:D
mysteriousaura209 #7
her sis hyun-ah is a !