
Vampire Palace

Sorry it for the long wait i had major writers block


You decided to have the wedding in a year or two after you graduate 'cause when you graduate you’ll be too busy with the coronation to be a bride and a wife. L.joe doesn’t care when he marries you just as long as he does. The girls decided to take care of everything for the wedding, every detail from the flowers to the dresses and the tuxedos, so you and L.joe don’t need to worry about a thing.

“Hey, -------? Why don’t you have the wedding and coronation at the same time?” Minhyuk asked you one day while you and everyone else was chatting in the lounge room.

“You know, that would save time, resources, and energy. Plus it would be double special.” Kahi said.

“True, my coronation is special. But, to me, my wedding is more special and I just want to celebrate that by itself. Plus the coronation is in about two years. The wedding isn’t going to be this year. We should worry about school and the ball and what Hyunah plans on doing next. Shouldn’t we?” you asked.

“Yeah. I want Hyunah dealt with before she hurts my fiancée.” L.joe said as he pulled you closer.

“You know, I still can’t get used to hyung being friendly.” Ricky said which earned him a smack in the head by L.joe. “Ow. Never mind he’s not that friendly.”

“Not to you.” L.joe grinned. Ricky pouted as everyone laughed.

“I think it’s time to go to bed, kids.” ung and Minhyuk said as they left.

“I’m going to go to bed, as well.” You said.

“I’ll walk with you.” L.joe and you walked to your room. He stayed until you got in your bed. He kissed your forehead and turned to leave, you than grabbed his arm.

“Stay? Please?” you patted the space by you. L.joe nodded and went under the covers. You laid your head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around your waist.

“I can’t wait to marry you, -------.” L.joe whispered. You smiled and looked at him.       

“It may not seem like it but I wish school and the coronation to be far behind us because I really want to be your wife. I never wanted anything more than the way I want you with me forever.” You said. L.joe smiled and kissed you.

“Forever is an awfully long time. But it sounds perfect as long as I share it with you.” L.joe kissed you again.

“Let’s have the wedding before the coronation.” You suddenly said. L.joe was surprised.

“You sure? The coronation is a big deal and you’ll be too busy and tired all the time.” L.joe worriedly said. You shook your head.

“Me marrying you is bigger than the coronation. And I won’t be too busy or tired for you. Plus when we’re married the whole kingdom will be yours as well. We’ll be by each other’s side the whole time.” You kissed L.joe’s nose. “More importantly I want to marry you as soon as possible. I didn’t know how soon ‘til you told me that you can’t wait to marry me and now you’re trying to hold off on the wedding?”

“No! If I could I’d marry you right now. But I want you to be happy more than me. I don’t care when the wedding is. Whether it’s tomorrow or in fifty years just as long as you’re by my side the whole time and you’re happy, I’ll be happy.”

“I will be happy if I marry you before I’m queen cause if I’m crowned before I’m married to you I’d be trying to protect this kingdom and be going everywhere, whether it’s the other side of the kingdom or to other kingdoms I won’t be able to see you that often and just thinking about it makes me miserable. Just imagine it’s real my imagination is good it’s just not that good. If I’m married to you before I’m crowned, you’ll be coming with me if you want.” You said as you rested your head back on L.joe’s chest as he played with hair.

“I see your point. But you sure you want to deal with being a wife and queen within a year or so after graduating?” You quickly nodded.

“As long as I have you by my side I’m willing to be a daughter, sister, friend, babysitter, teacher, singer, queen, an enemy and most importantly your wife all at the same time. I don’t care what I have to do in the future as long as you’re beside me. Helping me. I love you, Byunghun.”

“I love you, too, Baby. You know, I don’t really like being called by my real name but when you say it, I…I don’t know, it just feels right, and I can’t enough of it.” L.joe smiled at you. “You have no idea the affect you had on me since the second I first saw you. I still don’t know the basic effects of loving you, just that I’d do anything to keep you happy and safe. It’s getting late, you should sleep. We’ll continue talking tomorrow, okay?” You nodded and fell asleep to L.joe’s soft humming.

*The next morning, you woke up alone. “L.joe?” You looked around. “Byunghun?” you said a little louder.

“In here, babe.” L.joe said as he came out of the bathroom. He sat down on the bed beside you and put his hand on your cheek. “I love seeing you the second I wake up.” You smiled and kissed his palm.

“Me, too.”

“You really want to have the wedding before the coronation?”

“Yes.” You firmly said. “Come on, we still need to practice for the ball.” You went to your closet and grabbed your black sweatpants and tank top and went to the bathroom. L.joe was already in his black workout outfit.



After hours of practicing you and L.joe went for a walk after you guys changed. “Let’s rest my legs hurt.” You said. The next thing you knew L.joe was carrying you bridal style. “Put me down, L.joe. I’m heavy plus you’re already tired.”

“Nope, I’m perfectly fine. And you are not heavy. You’re lighter than a feather.” L.joe said as he sat you down on a bench under a big cherry blossom tree.

“We need to tell everyone we changed our minds on the date of the wedding.” You said as you rested your head on L.joe’s shoulder.

“Yeah. I think they’ll be excited to hear it. “

“I think so, too.” The two of you sat there for a while when your phone rang. “Yobosayo?”

“Is L.joe with you?” the person on the other line asked.

“Yeah, he’s here. Why? You need him, Doojoon?”

“Put me on speaker, please.”

“Sure.” You pressed speaker. “Ok. What do you need?”

“Your fan’s here, L.joe. At the tree house.” L.joe’s eyes widened.

“What?! How’d she find it? And when did she arrive. Did you tell her about me and -------?”

“She saw Taemin at the store and followed him. She saw him when she was in the taxi. And, no. We never talked to her only Teentop, SHINee, and your cousins talked to her. They told us about her and what she might do to ------- if she ever finds out but she especially will if she meets Hyunah.” L.joe sighed and stood up.

“We’ll be there.” He hangs up. “Come on.” He grabbed your hand and pulled you up. All the happiness in his eyes was now replaced with worry.

“Everything is going to be fine, L.joe.” You tried comfort him. He stopped walking and sighed again.

“No, it’s not. If she meets Hyunah there’s no telling when she’ll find out about us. And when she finds out she’d stop at nothing to get rid of you. Even if she has to kill you to keep us apart she’d do it. I can’t let that happen. If she ever harms even a single hair on your head that would kill me. Especially when I just found you.” He looked down. “I can’t lose you. I can’t.” He whispered. You could hear the pain, fear, and anger in his voice. You went in front of him. He turned his head so you wouldn’t see his face. You could see his body shake. You didn’t know whether it was from the fear or the anger.

“Byunghun, listen to me. Nothing is going to happen to me. Everyone is looking out for me, making sure Hyunah doesn’t do anything to me. I don’t want to think about being hurt by some jealous, conniving sister or a crazed, obsessed fan. All I want to think about is us, nothing more and nothing less.” You turned his face so he’d look at you. Your heart broke when you saw the tears in his eyes. Your eyes started to get watery. You wiped his tears and kissed him. “Byunghun. Don’t think about what might happen. Think about now. Think about us. We’re getting married. That’s all I want to think about right now. Okay?” L.joe nodded and wiped your tears.

“I’m sorry for making you cry. All I want to think about is our wedding as well and our future but I can’t. Not with Hyunah and Sohee wanting to hurting you. I need to protect you first.” L.joe said.

“Why don’t you teach me to defend myself so I can protect myself because I don’t want you to hurt yourself protecting me."

“I will protect you even if you were a better fighter then me. There is nothing that I will not protect you from. I love you.” You sighed.

“I love you, too. I also want to protect you as well. I don’t want you harmed in any way. Come on, there’s a pest in our tree house we need to take care of.” You grabbed his hand and pulled him to the tree house. When you were below the tree house, you heard a feminine voice yelling. You went up to the ladder but L.joe grabbed your hand and pulled you back. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I just don’t want her to know that you come here or live here and follow you. So please stay away from Sohee and her groups. I want you safe and out of harm’s way. Okay?” L.joe said. You nodded.

“Of course. I’ll be in my room.” Just then the yelling became louder.“I will not leave here until I talk to him.” You heard Sohee yell.

“She’s coming, go.” L.joe kissed you. You then ran to your room.

*L.joe went up the ladder and into the lounge. “Get out, Sohee.” Sohee turned around and smiled. L.joe rolled his eyes. “I said GET OUT.” Sohee pouted.

“Oh, come on. Is that how you treat someone who rode in a taxi for a day and a half just to see you.” She smirked.

“Well, you saw me. Now, go away.” Sohee stopped smiling.

“What? You worried I’ll hurt your girlfriend?” She said amused.

“She’s not my girlfriend anymore.” Sohee’s face brightened.


“Yep. But I still won’t be yours. I don’t like you. Now, get out of my sight. Now.” L.joe said coldly.

“What?” Sohee shrieked.

“You heard him. Leave. NOW.” Kahi said. Sohee groaned and stormed to the door she opened it and turned around.

“Bye.” Everyone said and waved. Sohee scoffed and stormed away. Everyone laughed. L.joe went outside to see if Sohee actually left and not hid behind a tree or something. Taemin came out. “She’s not hiding. She may be stupidly obsessed with you but she won’t be hiding somewhere ready to follow you. You should go see your fiancée now. I’m pretty sure she’s worried.” L.joe nodded and left.

*You were on your bed when the door opened, you jumped. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you.” L.joe chuckled. You smiled.

“It’s fine. How’d it go?” You asked as L.joe sat beside you.

“I told her you’re not my girlfriend and that I will never be hers. She thinks I’m single again. Which now that I think of it was probably not the best idea when she finds out you’re my fiancée.” L.joe said as he fell back on the bed. You laid next him.

“Don’t worry about it. We need to go tell the others.” You said as you got up. You and L.joe went back to the tree lounge. “Hey, guys.” You said as you entered. Everyone smiled when they saw you. “Guys, we have something to tell you.”

“What is it?” IU asked.

“We’ve decided to change the date of the wedding.” You said.

“Really? When?” Minzy asked.

“Before the coronation but after we graduate.”

“Really? That’s great.” Everyone cheered. You giggled. “Now we got a year at most to plan this wedding.”

“Oh, I have something to tell you guys as well.” Gina said.

“What?” You asked.

“Doojoon and I are getting married as well.”

“Omo. Really? That’s great. Let’s have both of ours together.” You exclaimed as you hugged Gina.

“It depends on the guys.” Gina said. You both looked towards the guys.

“As long as ------‘s happy, I’m fine with it.” L.joe said as he back hugged you.

“Me, too.” Doojoon said.

“Alright then, together it is. I guess I won’t be one of your maids of honor anymore.” Gina joked. Everyone laughed.

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elliptical #1
congrats x
Hey there, I was wondering if you were ever going to update this fic again? Because I'm clearing up my subscribed list, and I'd really look forward to another update for this story. ^^
yuxuan #4
Update soon
Isn't that Dara of 2NE1 for CL's picture?
I hope hyena-- I mean, HYUNA-- dies! >:D
mysteriousaura209 #7
her sis hyun-ah is a !