
Vampire Palace

You woke up and looked at L.joe who was still sleeping. You move the hair from his face and traced his features, from his eyes down his nose around his lips down his neck and stopped at his clothed chest. “That tickles, Babe.” L.joe said smiling. You giggle and laid your head on his chest.

“L.joe, want to go on a double date, later?” You asked.

“With who?” He asks as he plays with your hair.

“With Gina and Doojoon.”


“Just wondering…”

“What is it?”

“Don’t take this wrong way, but why do you still wear a shirt when it’s super-hot in here.” You felt L.joe’s chest vibrate as he laughed.

“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” L.joe softly says. You smiled.

“Do whatever you’re comfortable with. I don’t care. As long as you’re comfortable, I’m comfortable.”

“Good to know. Should I call Gina and Doojoon and ask them if they want to go on a double date with us?”

“Sure. I’m gonna go take a shower.” You said as you got up.

“Ok. I’ll call them.” L.joe said as he grabbed his phone. You grabbed an outfit from your closet and went to shower.

*L.joe dialed Doojoon’s number.

“Yobesayo?” Doojoon asked.

“Hey, Doojoon. It’s L.joe. Do you and Gina want to go on a double date with me and --------?” L.joe asked has he looked for clothes.

“Let me ask Gina……………………Sure. When and where do you want to meet?”

“10 am. The edge of the forest.”

“Okay. See you at ten. Bye.”

“Bye.” L.joe hung up and waited for you to come out the bathroom. When you finally did, he kissed your wet hair.

“What was their answer?” You asked as you finished drying your hair.

“They said yes. We’re meeting at the opening of the forest at ten.”

“Okay. Go take a shower and get ready. We need to leave in an hour then.” L.joe went to go take a shower as you did your hair, makeup, and looked for jewelry to go with your outfit. About thirty minutes later, L.joe came out of the shower fully dressed with his hair soaking wet. Drying his hair with a towel, L.joe came up to you and hugged you. You turned around, grabbed the towel, and finished drying his hair. He smiled at you making you stop and blush. “What?”

“Nothing. I just…I still can’t believe that you, the most beautiful, sweetest, and amazing girl in the world, would even give me, the coldest and meanest person before I met you, the slightest second of the day, let alone love me. Never in my wildest dreams have I ever thought that I’d meet someone as wonderful as you.” You smiled and blushed more. “I love you, Lee -------.” You cupped his cheeks and looked him in his eyes.

“You may have been the coldest and the meanest person before you met me, but now you are the most handsome, and the cheesiest.” You and L.joe laughed. “And just all around the best guy I have ever met. I thought I’d met a nice guy who’d care for me and love me, but you…you do that and much more. So much more than I could have ever thought possible. I love you, too, Lee Byunghun.” L.joe smiled and kissed you. The two of you talked about the wedding and the future. When it was 9:30, you and L.joe left to go meet Doojoon and Gina. When you got there, Doojoon and Gina were already there. Gina smiled and hugged you. You smiled at her. “How are you, Unnie and Oppa?”

“Wonderful.” Doojoon said as he hugged you.

“I’m fantastic. You?” Gina asked you.

“I’m amazing. You all ready?” The others nodded. The four of you went to the amusement park, then at 12 you ate at a restaurant close to the park, and then went to the mall, then you guys decided to split and then at 9 you guys will meet up at a restaurant. Doojoon and Gina went their own way for now.

“Where do you want to go?” L.joe asked you as you guys walked around town. L.joe saw a jewelry store and remembered something. He took your hand and pulled you to the store.

“What are we doing here?”

“There’s something I had custom made and totally forgot about it until now.” L.joe said. He stopped once you both were inside and told you to wait there. You nodded, confused.

*L.joe walked up to the counter.

“May I help you, sir?” The clerk asked.

“Um…Yes. Do you have the custom made jewelry requested from L.joe?”

She nodded and grabbed something from behind the counter and handed it to L.joe. He opened it and smiled. “She is a very lucky girl.”

“I’m the lucky one to have found her.” L.joe looked at you and smiled. You were watching him and smiled when he looked at you. “I’ll be right back.” The smiled and nodded. L.joe put the box down and went to you. He grabbed your hand, pulled you to the counter and handed you the box. You opened it and gasped. Inside was a necklace, and couple rings. The necklace had two hearts, a silver one and a gold one, that were connected by a tiny diamond heart, and the rings had engravings on the inside. Yours had ‘L.joe loves ------, forever’, L.joe’s had ‘------- loves L.joe, forever’. L.joe took the necklace you were wearing off and placed it in the box and grabbed the small necklace put it on you and put the small ring on your right ring finger. You then grabbed the other necklace and put it on L.joe and put the other ring on his right ring finger. You smiled and pecked his lips.

“The gold heart is you, the silver on is me, and the diamond one…I haven’t decided on it stands for.” L.joe rubbed the back of his neck. You giggled. You started to think of what it could represent. *The first day you two met, when he confessed, when you met his family, when he proposed. It could represent your upcoming marriage with him, or…* You gasped and smiled. L.joe looked at you. “What?”

“I know what it could represent.”

“What could it represent, babe?”

“Our first, future child.” You said. L.joe smiled.

“That’s perfect, Jagiya.” L.joe said as he hugged you and kissed your cheek.

“You are one lucky girl.” The clerk said. You smiled at her and nodded.

“It’s almost 9. We got to go.” L.joe said as he paid the clerk. She smiled and bid the both of you a goodnight. You and L.joe walked to the restaurant where Doojoon and Gina were already. “Hey, guys.” You all sat down at the table and ordered your food.

“-------, what’s that?” Gina pointed at your necklace. You touched it, smiled, and looked at L.joe.

“L.joe got it custom made. He had couple rings made as well. He is so cheesy now. The two big hearts are me and him and the small diamond one he couldn’t think of something for it to represent so I thought it should represent our future child.” You said.

“That’s so sweet. Doojoon did the same thing like that for our one year anniversary. But it wasn’t exactly like that but it was still cheesy enough.” Gina smiled at Doojoon and he smiled back and kissed her cheek. The food came and the four of you ate in a comfortable silence. When you were done, you and Gina went to the bathroom. While the two of you were at the sink, all the lights turned off except the dim emergency lights then you heard Gina’s muffled scream and looked back and saw someone grab her. Before you could help her you felt something wrap around you and covered your mouth then you felt dizzy and passed out. L.joe and Doojoon were waiting for you two for over half an hour.

“What’s taking so long?” Doojoon said. L.joe started to really worried. Just then they heard a loud scream coming from the girl’s restrooms. They ran and pushed through the crowd to see one of the staff members holding a passed out Gina in her lap trying to wake her. “GINA!!” Doojoon and L.joe ran to her.

“Who are you?” the staff member asked.

“I’m her fiancé.” Doojoon said. The staff member nodded and handed Gina to him. “Gina? Babe, wake up.”

 “Where’s -------?” L.joe asked the staff. They shook their heads and said that Gina was the only one there after the lights turned back on. L.joe fell on his knees. “Let’s take her to the hospital. Is your car here?” another staff member asked. Doojoon shook his head. “I’ll give you a ride. Come on.” The staff led the way. L.joe and Doojoon followed. “Hey, my name is Alexander. You can call me Xander, if you’d like” They got in the car and drove towards the hospital. Doojoon sat in the back with Gina laying on the seat with her head on Doojoon’s lap. L.joe sat in the passenger seat.

“I’m Doojoon, this is L.joe, and this is…” Gina woke up then. “Gina!” Doojoon hugged her. “Thank god you’re awake.”

“Where’s -------?” Gina asked as she looked around. She saw L.joe’s expression and then everything that happened before she passed out came back to her. She shot up. “They took her!” She yelled and her eyes started to get watery. L.joe looked at her.

“What happened? Do you know who took her?” L.joe asked.

“I don’t know. After the lights turned off, I felt a hand cover my mouth and I screamed. -------- turned around and she was about to help me but someone grabbed her and placed a cloth over as she struggled and then she passed out and then I felt something hit me hard on the back of my head and then everything went black.” Gina started to cry. “I’m so sorry. I couldn’t protect her. I should have known something was wrong when the lights turned off.” They arrived at the hospital and got out of the car and head inside.

“Hey. It’s not your fault.” L.joe said walking away.

“Where are you going?” Doojoon asked.

“To get my fiancée back.” L.joe said as he started to walk away but Gina grabbed his hand.

“We don’t know who took her or even where they’ve taken her. You’ll get hurt. -------- wouldn’t want you to just barge in like that. I don’t want you hurt. You’re like my brother. And I know for sure ------- doesn’t want you harmed, either.” Gina said as she hugged him. L.joe’s eyes started to water when he realized Gina was right. No matter how much he wanted you back in his arms, safe, he knew he couldn’t do it alone or else you both would be seriously hurt or…L.joe couldn’t think of what might happen if he went alone or else he’d breakdown right then and there. “Let’s go tell the others and plan.” Gina said. L.joe nodded.

“But first, we’ll get you checked just to make sure your 100%. Okay?” L.joe said.

“I’ll give you guys a ride to meet them.” Alexander said. Doojoon nodded.

“Thanks. If you want, you can come with us to meet the others.” Doojoon said.

“You sure?”

“I’m pretty sure they’d like to meet the person who helped us when he didn’t have to.” Gina said. The four of you went and the doctors checked Gina out and said she was perfectly fine. While the doctor checked Gina, L.joe called the others and told them to meet at lounge. He didn’t say anything about what happened. Then Alexander drove them to the forest and they got out. Doojoon led the way to the lounge. When they entered, the others smiled but when they didn’t see you and saw L.joe’s blank expression they knew right there why they were called to meet there.

“What happened?” CL asked. Gina explained everything. Hyungjoon looked at Alexander.

“Xander? What are you doing here?” Hyungjoon asked.

“I helped them go to the hospital. Plus I live near here. What are you doing here?”

“I’m here for my friends’ wedding.”


“And -------‘s.” Hyungjoon whispered.

“What do we do?” Alexander asked.

“We need to find out who and where exactly they took her. Then we make a plan to get her and all of us out safely.” Gina looked at everyone with a serious face that none of them had ever seen on her. “And we destroy them. Nobody messes my family and gets out unharmed or at all.” She gritted through her teeth. Everyone was shocked to see her like this. But they did understand why. You were Gina’s first real friend other than Beast. “F(x) go find out who took -------- than tell Bigbang so they can go find out where they hid her. The rest of us well plan. GO!” They nodded and everyone started on their jobs to find you. “Hey, Alexander. How far away are the others in your group?”

“Not that far. About a day’s drive?...Oh! I got you. I’ll call them and tell them to come immediately.” Alexander responded, grabbed his phoned, and dialed a number. He told them to come down when they do, meet at the main park in front of the high school. After a few hours of planning and waiting, Gina looked at L.joe who sat in the corner on the other side of the room with his head in his arms after Gina told him to rest. She walked up to him and sat beside him. She rubbed his back.

“Hey, we’ll find her.” Gina said in a soft tone. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at L.joe. “I promise you. We will find her and bring her safely home into your arms.” L.joe looked up and everyone was shocked to see tears in his eyes. Gina wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him to her in a tight comforting hug and tears rolled down L.joe’s eyes as he hugged her back. The others started to get teary eyed as well. Taemin came up to them.

“Everything is going to be okay. We will get her back. And whoever did this will pay for it.” Taemin said. IU disappeared and returned with a cup and handed it to L.joe.

“This will help you. You’ll start feeling dizzy but that’s normal. It means its working, then you’ll fall asleep. You need the rest. You’ve been up the longest. The others took turns resting but you never even blinked.” IU said worriedly. L.joe looked at everyone’s worried expression and grabbed the cup.

“Thanks.” L.joe said in a harsh voice from silently crying so much. Seeing L.joe like this broke everyone’s heart even K.Will, Brian, and Alexander’s, who just met him. Ae-young whispered something in Brian’s ear. He told her something. Then she and Youngmin walked up to L.joe and hugged him tightly.

“Come on. Let’s sit on the couch. Can I call you Appa?” Ae-young asked. L.joe looked at Brian to see what he thought. He smiled and nodded. L.joe looked back at her and slightly nodded. She smiled and pulled him to the couch. “Go to sleep, L.joe Appa.” Ae-young said. He sat down and the twins sat on either side of him and rested their heads on his shoulder as L.joe started to feel the effects of the drink IU gave him. He rested his head on the back of the couch and fell into a dreamless sleep. The others went back to work more determined to find her especially Taemin, Gina, Chunji, CL, your cousins, Hyunseung, and Sulli. L.joe ended up sleeping for ten hours when he woke up, everyone was there except Shinee, Bigbang, the rest of Teentop, Alexander, and Hyungjoon. “Well good afternoon, sleepyhead.”

“Where’s the others?” L.joe asked as he sat up.

“Shinee, Teentop, and Bigbang went to go check out the possible places ---------- might be. Alexander went to go get his friends with Hyungjoon.” Gina said. “We found out who took her.”

“Who was it?” L.joe asked.

“One of Hyunah’s men. But that’s not all. We also found out that she joined up with Sohee. And Sohee knows. Plus they joined up with a guy.” Se7en said. L.joe cursed under his breath. They started talking about the plan they were already discussing before L.joe woke up. Alexander, Hyungjoon, and 8 more guys arrived.

“Guys this is my brother, Kibum and his friends. This is Soohyun, Eli, Kevin, Dongho, AJ, Hoon, and Kiseop.” Hyungjoon said then introduced everyone else. “I already explained everything to them and they are glad to help.”

“------- is like my sister. She was always there for me when I needed help though she’s three years younger than me she is very mature and you could tell her anything and she help as much as she can. You can tell her any secret and she’ll keep it to herself. She’ll only tell those who can help if it’s better for you than keeping it to herself. She’s the best thing that ever happened to us.” Kibum said.


Please tell me if you dont like it. the action scene is coming soon. I'm not that good at fight scenes so dont be to disappointed please. I'll try my best to make it good enough for you guys.

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elliptical #1
congrats x
Hey there, I was wondering if you were ever going to update this fic again? Because I'm clearing up my subscribed list, and I'd really look forward to another update for this story. ^^
yuxuan #4
Update soon
Isn't that Dara of 2NE1 for CL's picture?
I hope hyena-- I mean, HYUNA-- dies! >:D
mysteriousaura209 #7
her sis hyun-ah is a !