The Annoying Tutor

Kwang Min's Lost-And-Found Doll
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The next day, Kwangmin taught Nami how to make different coffees. But for God's sake, Kwangmin was being impossible! He's annoying and hot-headed kind of tutor. And Nami just can't deal more of him. He's always like 'no, you're doing it wrong', 'what is this? what the heck is this?', 'is there a shape like this?', 'this isn't looks like a heart to me, it looks like a goat' and many else that made her pissed.

Now both of them were having a break and she was relieved at that. She wanted to be away from him as much as possible. Yup, she needed a break. A long break if she could have it.

"I was watching you a while ago," Jisook muttered as she was wiping the counter with a cloth. "You and Kwangmin are always bickering each other, eh?"

Nami rolled her eyes at the sight of a teasing grin on Jisook's lips. "Please, don't make me remember all of it."

Jisook laughed. "Why can't you too get along?"

"It's his fault." Nami told her with a low volume of her voice, careful not to let Kwangmin hear her every word. "He's so hot-headed. And he's always making fun of my designs. I mean, he said it isn't look like a heart to him. Instead, it's like a goat for him." 

"Poor thing." Jisook laughed even more and Kwangmin cast a glance at them both.

"Ssh, lower your voice unnie." Nami told the older girl. "Seriously, I'm more than willing to be tutored by you. Just not Kwangmin, oh my God. I think my heart will stop beating and I'll die if he's going to tutor me one more time."

Jisook chuckled. "Geez, you're over reacting. Maybe Kwangmin is right. It isn't a heart—"

"Who's side are you on, unnie?"

"Both sides." Jisook beamed.

"But unnie, I just can't with him. I am so done." Nami crossed her arms together. "I mean, my coffee taste great, just the design but I'm working on it. Can't he just at least be patient with me? I'm new and I'm a medium-fast learner. I swear."

"Yes, I know that." Jisook nodded her head in agreement. "But you know Kwangmin. He's hot-headed when it comes to girls whom he unknowingly have a crush on—"

"What?!" Nami looked at her like she had gone two heads. "What the hell are you thinking, unnie? There is no way he has a crush on me. No. Just no. No way." Jisook roared in laughter. "Please stop it unnie or I'll throw up here."

"Here you are again. You're overreacting."

"No, I'm not. It's you who are exaggerating." Nami retorted. Jisook only laughed.



Kwangmin huffed as he looked away from Nami and Jisook. The two girls were surely talking about him, he can tell it because either of them was giving him a glance. He almost rolled his eyes. If only Nami was serious with this job.

Wait, she was serious. He can awfully tell it.

But it's just him being him.

He wasn't usually this hot-headed jerk that would like to snap at a girl most of the time. But with Nami, he was actually like this. And he doesn't effin' know why. He cocked his head as he thought. He wasn't like this with Hayoung. Well

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AlyienShxz #1
Chapter 21: oh my god it's so cut so cute so cute so cuteeeeeeeeeee gah :3
evaheru #2
Chapter 21: AWWWWWWW sho cuteeeeee
Chapter 16: Awwww~ it is called love, Hun.