Confessions and Realizations

He's my oppa, Nichkhun

Eunmi waited patiently back at the dorm for Nichkhun nervously. She had no intention of confessing to him at all, it was just an impulsive thought that suddenly went into her mind to stop him from meeting Victoria. Now, she regreted it badly. She kept pondering over it until in her room without even noticing the time.

" Ahhh, finally back home.. "

" I'm so exhausted I don't feel like bathing and just head to bed "  Chansung and Junho were complaining once they reach home.

Nichkhun don't see Eunmi in the living room so he knocked on her door " Eunmi? are you inside? " 

Eunmi opened the door for him and he enter her room. He stood near the door and asked " So, what is it you wanted to tell me ? "

" oppa, bianne, I was too harsh on my words last night. But, I don't really mean it , you should know .. "

" but why do you look so hurt when you were saying those words? I could see from your eyes when you said those words " Nichkhun interrupted her. Eunmi paused and looked away.

" Are there anything else you wanna tell me? The reason for your sudden outbreak of emotions "  Nichkhun walked to her, standing right in front of her leaving Eunmi no choice but to look at him.

" oppa... "

" nanun... nanun oppa chowahaeyo .. "  she finally said it out, after so many years of keeping it as a secret. However, Eunmi felt a little weird inside her heart. After saying those words out, her heart and her mind seems to be having different thinkings. Nichkhun then place his hands on her shoulder and let out a deep sigh.

" Eunmi, are you very sure of this ? " He looked into her eyes and asked. He can see from her eyes that even she herself is now feeling confused.

" oppa.. I .."

" No, eunmi, listen to me first. Can you differentiate love and pure infactuation ? " Eunmi looked at him confusedly.

" You said you like me, but is that how your heart feels? or what your mind told you ? Eunmi, oppa's not that oblivious towards you. I can see that you like me, but, i realised too, what you feel for me is purely a need for me. Do you still remember the first time you finally talked to anyone of us? it's only after that night when you were having nightmare and I stay by your side the whole night. Since then, you were practically inseperable from me. You followed me anywhere and whenever anyone tried to kept me away from you, you get mad and cries. Eunmi ah, your feelings for me are merely for a brother who had been there for you all along when you just lost the only man in your life which is your father. Do you understand what i'm trying to say? "

Unknowingly, tears started forming in Eunmi's eyes as Nichkhun said those words. That's exactly what her heart has been trying to tell her all along too. She finally realised her feelings for Nichkhun are just merely a need for his attention. Seeing Eunmi tearing up, Nichkhun immediately hugged her.

" Bianne eunmi ah.. I didn't mean to ... "

" aniyo.. oppa.. i should be the one apologising .. " Eunmi break free from his hug and looked at him.

" bianne oppa.. I understand.. I finally realise these.. I thought my feelings for you are what's called love.. I'm too immature to know what's really love.. oppa bianne.. actually this afternoon when I went to Yuri's company, I overheard Victoria calling you and asking you out tonight. Thats why I purposely told you I need to talk to you tonight. I was afraid of losing you. I was afraid, if you've got a girlfriend, you'll not care for me anymore just like before... " Eunmi cried and confessed to him.

" Silly girl. Oppa would always care for you and be by your side no matter what. Even if you have a boyfriend in future, oppa will still by there for you anytime. Eunmi ah, let oppa tell you this. When you truly love someone, you will feel it very naturally. There won't be any confusions between your mind and your heart because both will tell you that you love that person " Nichkhun hugged her back and told her. As much as he really love Eunmi as a girl in his life, not as a sister, he knows very clearly what Eunmi feels for him are not love and he knows there won't be any happy ending for this forbidden relationship too. All he can do is just to protect her and make sure she's always happy and safe.

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strawburies #1
Awwwww. At last I finished reading This already. HOW CUTEEEEE.
awww~ i like this story too...
i like your story..TAECYEON!!!
hellopanda23 #4
awwwwwwwwww sooooo sweeettttt wahhhhhh... this is tooo cutteeee.. i am goign to die because of all the fluffy bunnies swirlign around in my mind... : )
2100gv #5
alelelelel!!!!!!<br />
hahaha!! this chapter is soooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeee!!!!<br />
and SWEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!<br />
I LOVE IT!!!!<br />
updateee!!! :)
Sjlover #6
@strawburies: Hello there, thanks for subscribing! Hope you like the story though :)
strawburies #7
Hello~ NEW READER HERE.<br />
Nice fic! Chapter is very long. I think I can't finish reading this. But I already SUBSCRIBED!<br />
Kekeke ^^
Sjlover #8
@hellopanda23: haha I love lime green color and my bedroom are painted in that color too so yeah.. haha! well, sorry but she will end up with Taecyeon. But i'll be doing a story on Donghae soon. it'll be a yoonhae fanfic, hope you'll still continue liking it then :D
hellopanda23 #9
hmmm...first off lime green for a room...LAME..JK.. why? because my walls are also lime green (not by choice...the paint was on sale and my parents had to have it but tested it on my room and didnt like it ha ha ha)<br />
<br />
Onto your story...YOU CANT KEEP CLUBBING TO GET RID OF YOUR FEELINGS!! NOOO SOOO BADDD...i am glad that he finally told her...gahhhhhh well she really believe him? What about DongHae DUN DUN DUN!! <br />
<br />
You are updating so fast! YEAHHHHHH!! : )
d'awh~ ^^