Sealed with a kiss

He's my oppa, Nichkhun

Next morning, Eunmi asked Yuri out early in the morning to get her furnitures. With Yuri's help, she managed to get all the furnitures that she need. Yuri followed her back to her apartment and helped her in packing her stuffs.

" Oppa, here you go, ice blended coffee " Eunmi passed the drinks to Chansung, Junho and Junsu who were helping her out with the paintings as they had no schedules for the day. There were helpers over there to help out too who Nichkhun hired. Eunmi kindly passed them drinks too. After few hours, Eunmi passed them lunch and told them to have a break before continuing. While the others were all resting and having their lunch, Eunmi went to the unpainted walls and start brushing the paint on the wall. She had always wanted to try this so much.

" Yuri ah, do you wanna try this out? It's so fun! " She shouted to her.

" jinja? yeh arasseo, I wanna try it too! " Yuri then ran to her excitedly and start brushing the walls too.

The two girls were brushing the wall happily and laughing at each other's face, which were smudged with paint on it.

" yah~ leave this kind of job to the guys, girls should just do some lighter works. And look at your faces, Yuri ah, you're an idol, how are you gonna go out later on like this ? " Junsu then come and take over the painting job.

" kwaenchana, can just wash it off later on " Yuri told him.

" Eunmi ah, if Nichkhun hyung finds out that you're doing our job, we'll get killed by him " Chansung said to her and start brushing the walls too.

Looking at each other with a ' whatever ' face, Eunmi and Yuri then leave the job to them and went away. Not even after one hour, the painting of the walls are all done. The walls are all now in lime green, which is one of Eunmi's favorite color. She had always wanted a lime green painted wall since she's young.

" Komawo oppa! " She squealed happily and told them. Just nice, the furnitures had arrived too and the workers were moving it slowly into the apartment, arranging it nicely according to Eunmi's instructions. She then passed them water and thanked them for the help before they leave. Looking at the apartment, Eunmi smiled happily and was very satisfied with it. She then suddenly hugged Yuri and squealed how happy she is.

" yah, look at her, so happy to move out from our apartment. Bet she must have hate staying with us " Junsu then .

" aniya oppa! That's not the case at all ! " She tried to explain but realised they're just teasing her. After the guys left, Yuri and Eunmi wash up too and went out for a movie.

" Eunmi ah, let's catch the midnight timing one, lesser people " Yuri suggested, not wanting to get disturbed later by any fans.

" alright! "

So before that, the two went to have dinner first and when it's about time, they left for the cinema theatre. When they were buying the tickets, Eunmi overheard the staffs murmuring something. Not wanting to eavesdrop, she just turn her head away but she suddenly heard them mentioning Taecyeon's name. Turning her head back at them, the staffs noticed her and Yuri and immediately shut their mouths. When they walked away from the counter, Eunmi was looking around the cinema theatre. Knowing how Eunmi must be feeling, Yuri tried to cheer her up by telling her something random funny that happened to her when she just debuted and she successfully averted her attention and changed her mood. When the movie ended, Eunmi and Yuri waited for the crowd to leave before leaving and when they were walking to the exit, Eunmi suddenly stopped her steps and froze there.

" what's wrong, Eunmi.. " Yuri asked her then looked at the direction she's looking at and " bwoya? " came out from very naturally. 

Taecyeon and Jessica were walking to the exit together. They were even smiling so happily together. After they went out, Yuri nudged Eunmi's hand asking her, " kwaenchana, Eunmi ah? "

Not saying a single word, Eunmi made her way out of the theatre, like a body without a soul.

" Eunmi ah, are you okay? say something? hm? "  Seeing her bestfriend in this state, Yuri was so worried. When they were outside the cinema, Eunmi hailed a taxi

" dda kwaenchana, don't worry. " She said to Yuri then got on the taxi and told the driver to drive off, leaving Yuri there worried to death. Yuri thought for a second then decided to call Jessica. 

"  yeh, yuri, what's up? " Jessica answered the phone.

" yah, jung jessica! I know you're with Taecyeon oppa, get him on the phone, I've very important and urgent matter to tell him! "  Yuri didn't even realised she was talking in a loud voice.

" yebosseyo? " a deep coarse man voice was heard.

" taecyeon oppa! Eunmi.. Eunmi.. aishh.. How should i say ... " Yuri was panicking that she couldn't think of how to tell him.

" Eunmi? what;s wrong with Eunmi? " Taecyeon started to sound worried as he can hear the panick from Yuri's tone.

" we were in the same theatre as you guys just now and we saw you two just now when the movie just ended. Eunmi suddenly got on a taxi and I heard her telling the driver to drive to Hongdae ! "

Taecyeon then immediately got on his car and apologise to Jessica that he can't send her back. Starting the engine, he head straight to Hongdae. On the other side, Eunmi, who was already at Hongdae, walked around aimlessly then suddenly went to a stall selling food and asked for a pair of scissors to cut her dress. She snipped her dress and make it as short as possible and she head for a random club over there. Thank god it was already past midnight so the bouncer did not checked her identity card and she could just go in.

Taecyeon, who reached Hongdae after awhile, tried to call Eunmi but she was already so high in the club dancing around that she couldn't even feel the vibration of her phone, not to mention hearing the phone rang. She drank a lot as usual and got real high that she danced with strangers inside the club. Feeling frustrated, Taecyeon wanted to go in every of the single clubs over there to search for her but he couldn't. He then called one of his friend who's around Hongdae and asked to help him search for Eunmi.

" here, this is the girl " He showed him Eunmi's photo in his phone and asked him to help him search for her.

" got it, don't worry, I've asked some people to lookout for her in the clubs. Wait for my call " His friend told him then went off to search for Eunmi in the clubs.

After awhile, his friend came out and told him someone saw Eunmi in one of the club and he's gonna go and have a look. Just then, Eunmi came out from the club, with a group of guys around her, holding onto her. She was trying to push them away and get rid of them. Taecyeon spotted her and ran to her, pushing the group of guys away.

" who are you? " one of the guy asked him rudely.

" isn't he the idol? 2pm? " another guy then said.

" she's my girlfriend, do not touch her "  Taecyeon said to them but Eunmi pushed him away and shouted,  " aniya~ i'm not your girlfriend! go away from me! "

Taecyeon's friend then asked him to faster leave and so he carried her up on his shoulder and head for his car.

" what the heck? why is her dress so short that people could easily see through inside ! " he realised her super short dress when she was being carried on his shoulder.

" yah~ ibwayo~ ( a kind of rude way of saying hey ) let me down before I shout ! " Eunmi was on his back shouting.

" you're already shouting " Taecyeon said calmly.

" YAH!!!! " She then shouted and bite him on his back causing Taecyeon to nearly dropped her. He hold the pain back and hold onto her tightly and securely, ensuring she wouldn't drop if she were to bite him again.

Eunmi was then reminded back of the piggyback ride he gave her. It was the same shoulder, same wide masculine back. But definitely different atmosphere and feelings compared to back then. Before she even realise, she was already in his car. He got his friend to drive for him so that he could take care of her in the backseat. Throughout the short journey back, Eunmi didn't even stopped struggling for a moment to break free from him and get out of the car. Taecyeon had no choice but to lock her tightly with his arms across her body but Eunmi keep on struggling. Finally, they reached the carpark and Taecyeon thanked his friend and ran to Eunmi who was walking alone towards the lift. Entering the lift, Taecyeon pressed onto 8th floor but Eunmi pressed onto 11th floor.

" why did you pressed that ? "

" that's where I stay! from today onwards! " Eunmi yelled. Taecyeon then remember, that she had moved out this morning from their apartment. When the lift reached 8th floor, Taecyeon didn't went out, instead he pressed for the door to close.

" yah~ why are you not getting out ! "

" I'm gonna send you back " He told her, trying to keep her balance on her toes.

" I don't need you to send me back! Just get away from me! Just the sight of you now irks me! " Eunmi yelled and the lift was now on the 11th floor. Pushing Taecyeon away, she made herself to her door and tried to open with her keys but the keys keep dropping. Taecyeon then picked up her keys and opened the door for her. Realising Taecyeon followed her in, Eunmi turned and tried to push him out by she fell on the floor losing her balance. Closing the door, Taecyeon immediately held her up but got pushed away by her again. 

" I said get away from me! don't you understand! " Eunmi was actually still partially sober. She wanted to get drunk but she just couldn't get real drunk no matter how matter how hard she drank. Her phone was suddenly ringing and the caller identity shows Donghae name. Taecyeon saw it and snatched it away.

" Yah! what are you doing ? Give me back my phone! It's donghae oppa! " She shouted at him.

" Donghae oppa? I get it, it's true, isn't it ? The news on you and him ? " Taecyeon was slowly losing his patience too.

" Deh ! that's right ! It's true, Donghae oppa likes me very much and he even confessed to me! That's why I hugged him! "  Feeling frustrated, Eunmi burst everything out.

" you hugged him? " Taecyeon looked at her with a disappointed look and asked.

" Deh! I hugged him because I like him! What's wrong with it ? Does it even concern you! Clean your own dirty linen of scandals first before minding other people's business ! "

Taecyeon looked at her, couldn't believe what he's hearing and what she's saying.

" Oppa, why don't you just admit it , huh? " She then said to him.

" admit what? "

" admit that you're dating Jessica! Stop the,  ' we are just close friends ' saying.  It's so obvious, oppa. Do you think everyone are stupid to really believe that you two are just friends? " Eunmi finally said it out what she had been holding back.

" we're really just... " Taecyeon tried to explain but Eunmi interrupted him.

" just friends huh? HAH! oppa, I'm not stupid. Everyone knows how close you and Tiffany are, but never once did you have any scandal with her or photo taken together in public shown. Yoona too.. In fact, everyone knows how close 2PM and SNSD are, but there wasn't any rumors of anyone except for two of you. Not to even mention photos revealed on the web! " Eunmi was getting more agitated as she said all these out.

" wait a moment.. why do you care about it so much ... ? " Taecyeon slowly walked towards her, wanting to know much more. 

" I hate it ! I just hate it ! I hate it that you are always having so much scandals! I hate it that you're not even explaining the truth regarding your scandal with Jessica! I hate it when you keep going out with her alone! I HATE IT ! "  Eunmi cried out and fell sat on the floor.

Taecyeon, who was taken aback by what she said, stood there, trying to piece everything she said up and then he finally got it. He went to her, wanting to held her up but Eunmi pushed him away with all her might.

 " Get away from me! " She yelled and pushed him away and fold her arms on her knees and cried like a little kid.

" nan, chowahae? " Taecyeon carefully asked, wanting to confirm what he's thinking in his mind.

" Deh! chowa! neomu neomu chowaehaeyo! Happy ! " Eunmi yelled at him and got up, wanting to run into her room but got stopped by Taecyeon.

He hugged onto her and Eunmi tried to push him away but Taecyeon's strength was too strong for her to resist.

" You hugged Donghae willingly when you don't even like him, but when the person you like hugs you, you resist. What are you thinking ! " Taecyeon hugged onto her from behind tightly and asked.

" what does it even matters ! "

" Of course it does! The girl I like hugged someone else but when it comes to me, she rejects! "

Eunmi stopped her strugglings then said coldly, " kojimal "

Taecyeon then turned her to face him, wiping away the tears on her cheeks and  tell her earnestly, " I'm not lying, it's true..  I like you since two years back when you first came to korea. And the feelings grew even more stronger ever since you move in with us.. I'm not lying.. "

" I don't believe you " Eunmi said then pushed his hands away from her and walked away.

" I've already confessed to you! Can't you see my heart's only for you? "  Taecyeon shouted.

" oppa, how do you expect me to trust that your heart's for me when all I see are just your scandals and you going out alone with Jessica ? " She asked him coldly.

" those are not what you think it is, Eunmi ah " He slowly walked towards her but she moved few steps back when he's nearer and said,

" then what is it ? Tell me, I don't know which is real and which to believe in .... "  Her lips was then sealed with Taecyeon's.

Tears flow down her cheeks as she felt his warm lips against her. The kiss was as if telling her, this is real and she definitely have to believe it. 

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strawburies #1
Awwwww. At last I finished reading This already. HOW CUTEEEEE.
awww~ i like this story too...
i like your story..TAECYEON!!!
hellopanda23 #4
awwwwwwwwww sooooo sweeettttt wahhhhhh... this is tooo cutteeee.. i am goign to die because of all the fluffy bunnies swirlign around in my mind... : )
2100gv #5
alelelelel!!!!!!<br />
hahaha!! this chapter is soooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeee!!!!<br />
and SWEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!<br />
I LOVE IT!!!!<br />
updateee!!! :)
Sjlover #6
@strawburies: Hello there, thanks for subscribing! Hope you like the story though :)
strawburies #7
Hello~ NEW READER HERE.<br />
Nice fic! Chapter is very long. I think I can't finish reading this. But I already SUBSCRIBED!<br />
Kekeke ^^
Sjlover #8
@hellopanda23: haha I love lime green color and my bedroom are painted in that color too so yeah.. haha! well, sorry but she will end up with Taecyeon. But i'll be doing a story on Donghae soon. it'll be a yoonhae fanfic, hope you'll still continue liking it then :D
hellopanda23 #9
hmmm...first off lime green for a room...LAME..JK.. why? because my walls are also lime green (not by choice...the paint was on sale and my parents had to have it but tested it on my room and didnt like it ha ha ha)<br />
<br />
Onto your story...YOU CANT KEEP CLUBBING TO GET RID OF YOUR FEELINGS!! NOOO SOOO BADDD...i am glad that he finally told her...gahhhhhh well she really believe him? What about DongHae DUN DUN DUN!! <br />
<br />
You are updating so fast! YEAHHHHHH!! : )
d'awh~ ^^