Just friend ?

He's my oppa, Nichkhun

Next morning, Eunmi woke up very early to prepare and head to the airport. The members too, woke up very early for schedules.

" Eunmi ah, bianne, I can't send you to the airport, but I've called a taxi for you " Nichkhun wanted to send her to the airport but he had got schedule to go to.

" kwaenchana, you've got schedule, I understand. " Eunmi smiled and pulled the heavy luggage out of her room.

Taecyeon wanted to went to her and helped her with her luggage but Chansung went first, so he retreated his steps back, knowing Eunmi won't accept his help anyway. Knowing that Nichkhun had a talk with her last night, he's intending to ask him later on. He wants to know why is Eunmi acting so indifferently to him. It had been troubling him for so many days.

After Eunmi got on the taxi and left, the guys got in their nanny car too heading for the company. Taecyeon then grabbed the chance to ask Nichkhun.

" Khun ah, do you know why is Eunmi avoiding me these few days? "

Nichkhun hesitated for awhile whether should he tell him about it but he promised Eunmi not to let him know so he lied to him saying he had no idea too. But right in his mind, he's thinking on how should he help Eunmi to find out what Taecyeon is thinking. Then he suddenly asked him back.

" why? she's avoiding you? " Nichkhun pretended to not know anything.

" it's so obvious, hyung. You didn't notice it? " Wooyoung then interrupted.

" yeah, even we noticed it. " Junho said too.

" I find it weird too, she just suddenly stopped talking to me and even avoiding me. I tried talking to her but she always use the excuse of being tired to go back to her room. " Taecyeon frowned his eyebrow.

" So, it had been like, troubling you these few days? that she's not talking to you and avoiding you? " Nichkhun try to dig out his thinkings and feelings.

" .... deh... it had been troubling me.. " Taecyeon slowly answered and the other members were all looking at each other in weird expression.

" she's just like.. a very close little sister to me.. "  he suddenly added which sort of destroyed Nichkhun's small glimpse of hope when he admitted that it had been troubling him.

" Oh, there she is, " Yuri called out to Eunmi waving at her. The airport was crowded with securities and fans. The securities had to help Eunmi get in.

" wa, these fans are here to send you guys off? " Eunmi was overwhelmed by the huge crowd of fans.

" somehow they got to know that we're leaving this morning so here they are.. " Donghae suddenly appear from behind her and told her.

" morning oppa " Eunmi turned and greeted him with a pleasant smile.

" morning, had your breakfast? " Donghae passed her a pack of bread.

" oh, komawo, I was just feeling hungry " Eunmi smiled happily and took the bread.

" I'm very sure, very fast, you'll be hungry again later. But don't worry, there's plenty of food for you to eat " Yuri .

" Yah, I'm not a pig! " Eunmi smacked her and hissed.

After few minutes, they enter the gate and boarded the plane. The whole of business class were occupied by the SM artists. Some of the snsd girls were in the lower deck with the other artists, only Yuri, yoona and Eunmi were on the upper deck together with the superjunior members and TVXQ members. The three girls sat together and beside them was Donghae, eeteuk, eunhyuk and kyuhyun. As this is the first time Eunmi officially  met the other superjunior members, she greeted them formally.

" she's my best friend from elementary school ! Donghae oppa and her are friends too, so please treat her very nice " Yuri said to them.

" oh, Eunmi shii, since you're so close with the girls, don't mind us addressing you just by your name? " Eeteuk then asked her.

" I don't mind. You can just talk to me using informal language too " Eunmi smiled and answer him.

" you're Nichkhun shii's sister, right? "

" deh "

" what? you're Nichkhun's sister? " the other members were all shocked.

" deh... "

" ahh waeyirre.. why are you guys all so shocked ? " Yuri was amused by their reactions.

" aniyo, aniyo. sorry if you find us rude. We're just shocked that Nichkhun's sister is working at our company. " Eeteuk told her.

" kwaenchana, I sort of expected this reaction too " Eunmi smiled and told them.

" Now that we know, hm.. indeed there's some resemblance. Your family genes are really good. " Eunhyuk commented.

After the commotion, everyone got back to their own seat and rest. The three girls were watching movie together while the rest were either sleeping, watching movies too or playing video games. After the 11 hours of flight, they finally arrived LA. It was dawn over there in LA timing, but only ten plus in the night for korea timing. Although it was still dawn, the airport wasalready  filled with screamings from the huge group of fans crowding in the airport. With the help of the securities, everyone managed to got out and board the bus safely. When everyone reached the hotel, they checked in to their rooms to arrange their luggage and stuffs before having their dinner. As requested, Eunmi shared a room together with Yuri.

" Eunmi ah, are you hungry? " Yuri asked her, laying on the comfy king size bed.

" yeah, I'm starving! " Eunmi cried while unpacking her stuffs from her luggage.  " kunde, Yuri ah, aren't you gonna unpack your stuffs from the luggage? "

" ahh.. I shall do it later on at night, I'm feeling so lazy right now.. "

" yah, you'll definitely be more tired at night, come on, do it now.. " Eunmi went to her and pulled her up. Agreeing with Eunmi's words, Yuri start unpacking her stuffs too. Then suddenly their doorbell rang so Eunmi got up and went to open the door.

" you girls done? " It was Donghae.

" oh, oppa. hm, I'm done, but I don't know about Yuri. " She turned to have a look at her and said.

" aniyo, I'm done.. " Yuri lay aside her stuffs and walked to the door.

" are you sure you're done? " Donghae asked her.

" someone's starving~ I can unpack the remaining at night, kwaenchana " Yuri chuckled then prompt for them to leave, " let's go "

Everyone gather at the lobby VIP area for their early buffet breakfast first before heading to the concert hall for rehearsal. Upon looking at the delicious food, everyone felt the hunger in their stomach and immediately start stacking up foods on their plate.

"  my advice will be, eat as much as you can now " Donghae suddenly came beside Eunmi and told her. Eunmi take a look at his plate and was taken aback by the amount of food he had on his plate.

" oppa, are all these just for yourself or for the members? "

" it's wiser to eat as much as we can now, as, it'll be a long day ahead.. " Donghae whispered in her ear.

Eunmi opened her eyes wide and asked, " you mean we're not gonna have lunch and dinner ? "

Donghae chuckled and nearly dropped the food on his plate. Eunmi then realised, he was teasing her.

" ahh oppa! "  she pushed him slightly with her arms and whined.

After getting the food, Eunmi went back to the table and eat together with the snsd girls happily. The girls all treated her like their member too, sharing all the funny things together, laughing together. When everyone was done, they got up and head for the concert hall. Before Eunmi board the bus, Donghae went to her and .

" did you secretly took some food along, just in case? " 

" ahh~ oppa ! " Eunmi turned and hit him on his arms while Donghae tried to escape and kept laughing.

" Oppa, stop bullying Eunmi, if not I'm gonna tell Nichkhun oppa " Yuri then came to her rescue and threatened Donghae.

" arasseo, arasseo ~ " He still can't stop laughing so he faster got up the bus and escaped.

When they reached the concert hall, everyone set aside their playful side and get into serious mode. While the girls were busy with their rehearsal and stuffs, Eunmi wasn't any free too. She was busy discussing with the manager on their costumes for the concert. As she's their designer in charge, all the costumes were placed in her hotel room for her convenience in preparation. So she had basically have to carry the luggage filled with the costumes to the concert hall on their full dress rehearsal day and actual concert day. Everyone was very serious in their rehearsing as tomorrow is their first day for the concert. Eunmi got their costumes all ready for each and every performance in the backstage. After the countless time of rehearsals, they finally call it an end. Everyone was exhuasted from the draining rehearsals. It was already near dinner time so they went back to the hotel to have their dinner then to rest. After having dinner, everyone went back to their room and wash up and rest. 

" Yuri ah.. I haven't told you why did I got so drunk that night, didn't I ? " Eunmi suddenly said.

" bwajo! I was about to ask you too! " Yuri stopped what she's doing and got on the bed and sat beside Eunmi.

Eunmi then told Yuri everything, from the talk she had with Nichkhun, then to realising her feelings for Taecyeon and what she told Nichkhun that night and what he told her about Taecyeon.

" Eunmi ah .. " Yuri looked at her then hugged her.

" dda kwaenchana.. I just, need time, I guess.. " Eunmi said.

" need time for ? " Yuri broke the hug and asked her.

" for.. I don't know.. Nichkhun oppa told me time will solve everything.. Yuri ah, do you know, I felt so glad for this one week in LA.. I just needed this. A short getaway, from Taecyeon oppa, from everything that'll make me feel miserable.. " 

" Kundeh Eunmi ah, you don't even know what Taecyeon oppa's thinking. Who knows it may not be a one sided thing? " Yuri told her.

" I'm pretty sure he just sees me as a little sister... "

" aniya.. just think about it, think about how he treated you. When he specially took you to the park to cheer you up. And you mentioned, he's always the one taking care of you whenever Nichkhun oppa's not around since two years ago, until now.. Do you really think he's purely treating you as a little sister? "

" Maybe, oppa asked him to take care of me for him? So he feel the oligation to take care of me "

" Eunmi ah~ think on the positive side ! "  Yuri held her shoulder and shake her but Eunmi merely let out a sigh. Seeing her best friend being so inferior, Yuri decided to say it out.

" kwaenchana! You have someone else with you even if there's no Taecyeon oppa! "

" someone else ? " Eunmi looked at her with a weird expression.

" someone who's a friend of yours, but definitely want to be more than just friend. "

Eunmi thought for few second and Donghae came into her mind.

" Yuri ah, I've got only two friends and you're of them. Do you think I'm that dumb to not know who you're talking about? "

" Looks like you know who I'm referring to .. " Yuri gave a cheeky smile

" Donghae oppa and me are just friend, aren't you thinking way too much? "

" aniyo.. what are you talking about? I'm just saying, becoming even closer, just like you and me.. what do you think I'm referring to when I said ' more than friend ' ? "  Yuri raised her eyebrow and asked her cheekily.

" yah~ you know what you're.. referring to.. "  Eunmi felt as though she had fell for Yuri's trap.

" I'm just referring to good friend. Wae? You thought I'm referring to... couple? "

" yah! " Eunmi shouted at her embarrassedly.

Yuri laughed then told her, " kundeh, you're a smart girl. I'm sure you'll definitely know if anyone were to like you.. " 

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strawburies #1
Awwwww. At last I finished reading This already. HOW CUTEEEEE.
awww~ i like this story too...
i like your story..TAECYEON!!!
hellopanda23 #4
awwwwwwwwww sooooo sweeettttt wahhhhhh... this is tooo cutteeee.. i am goign to die because of all the fluffy bunnies swirlign around in my mind... : )
2100gv #5
alelelelel!!!!!!<br />
hahaha!! this chapter is soooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeee!!!!<br />
and SWEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!<br />
I LOVE IT!!!!<br />
updateee!!! :)
Sjlover #6
@strawburies: Hello there, thanks for subscribing! Hope you like the story though :)
strawburies #7
Hello~ NEW READER HERE.<br />
Nice fic! Chapter is very long. I think I can't finish reading this. But I already SUBSCRIBED!<br />
Kekeke ^^
Sjlover #8
@hellopanda23: haha I love lime green color and my bedroom are painted in that color too so yeah.. haha! well, sorry but she will end up with Taecyeon. But i'll be doing a story on Donghae soon. it'll be a yoonhae fanfic, hope you'll still continue liking it then :D
hellopanda23 #9
hmmm...first off lime green for a room...LAME..JK.. why? because my walls are also lime green (not by choice...the paint was on sale and my parents had to have it but tested it on my room and didnt like it ha ha ha)<br />
<br />
Onto your story...YOU CANT KEEP CLUBBING TO GET RID OF YOUR FEELINGS!! NOOO SOOO BADDD...i am glad that he finally told her...gahhhhhh well she really believe him? What about DongHae DUN DUN DUN!! <br />
<br />
You are updating so fast! YEAHHHHHH!! : )
d'awh~ ^^