chapter 2

Day by Day


         “Wait, you forgot something?” the high school student reminded.

         “What?” you turn around.

         “Your company.” The high school kid grabbed your arm and made you sit down with him. You look back at Ji young, and see him death glaring the high school student, but you just give a reassuring smile and you turn back to the high school student.

         “Why do you want me here.” You ask politely.

         “Aigoo, Noona, you can speak comfortable with me” He smiles. You just chuckle. “By the way, should I be calling you Noona? Because you look younger than me, you can call me oppa!” he suggests. You laugh.

         “No, I am older than you. I just got out of college.” You corrected.

         “Oh! I am just a couple years younger than you! I am in my last year in high school!”

         “Well, you better be ready to go to college.” You reminded them

         “Yes! But can I ask a question Noona?” you nod, “May I have your name and number?” He asked. You just smiled.

         “I don’t have a cell phone. I have to go now. “ You lied. You see Ji young stand up, but you signal Taeyang to make him sit down. Showing you got the problem yourself.

         “Really?” He says sounding surprised.

         “Yep, but I hope I can see you again though.”

         “Can I at least know your name?” the high school student asks.

         “If we meet again. Sure” You reply, and you get up quickly and say. Well your meal would be 15,000 won. And you bow down. Giving him some time to pay. When they were done you go over to the table and clean up. You see a number written on a napkin.  You read it and there was a note on the bottom. HEY! HOPE WE WILL SEE EACH OTHER SOON! IF NOT, TRY TO GIVE ME A CALL ^^

         You smile at the note. But Ji young is right behind you, and you see him take the note out of your hand and rip it in pieces.

         “YAH! What was that for?” You yell at him.

         “I don’t like the way he talks to you, he is flirting with you when you are taken. He then holds your hand. You laugh at his childish behavior. “Why are you laughing?” he sounded confused.

         “You don’t have to worry about me leaving you.” You wince at that, but you still go on. “I am always yours.” You then go on your tippy toes and kiss him on the cheek.

         “YAH! WHERE IS MY KISS?” Top complained. He then bends his knees to your height level. You just smirk, but you see him still bending his knees. Even though you slightly push him away, he still doesn’t move. You laugh and give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

         “Happy?” you say. Top smiles.

         “WHAT ABOUT ME!” Seungri yelled out. You laugh but ignore him. Ji young got mad at you for kissing Top’s cheek. So you gave him a quick peck on the lips.

         “There. No more!” You say scolding. You guys get up from your table and you go to the ajumma. “Here,” you give her your number, “call me when you need help at the shop. Okay?”

         “I thought you didn’t have a phone.” She asks.

         “I lied. But call me whenever. Okay?”

         “Yes. Ji young better be treating such a great girl right.” The ajumma smiled. You returned the smile and left with bigbang.

         “Aish… Our break ends in 5 minutes” Ji young says.

         “When are you done with work? And will you be able to eat dinner?” You question.

         “Late… but I don’t think we have time to go out again”

         “Okay, I will try to bring over some food for you. You guys have to be eating.” Ji young smiled at your request.


         “Yah! I still didn’t get my kiss!” Seungri complains. But Ji young just grabbed Seungri’s arm and dragged. You smile, as all of you guys walk back to YG building.

         “Okay, I should go home and do my work.” You say to them. As you walk to your car, you feel so stressed on your brain tumor. You get home and decide to make the dinner you promised to bigbang. You decided to put on some music. And you press shuffle on your iPod. You then hear the song ‘haru haru’ play. You thought how funny it was, when you can LITERALLY relate to the song and music video. No, you didn’t find out if your tumor is cancerous or not. You hear a voice in your head, must be your conscience. So you decided to look at the bright side. After you were done with making dinner. You decided to just go over to the YG building already. You drive there, and you see how hard bigbang is working and you didn’t want to disturb them. So you left a note on the dinner, and told one of the YG staff to give the dinner to bigbang. You then go back to your car, and drive home. It was only 7 pm, but you felt so tired and stressed. So you took a shower and immediately went to bed. And you were lying in bed by yourself, you were thinking on how to tell Ji young. But before any ideas came up, you drifted to a sleep.

         “Here you go.” The YG staff said, while giving the dinner you made to bigbang.

         “What is this?” Ji young asked confused.

         “Someone dropped this off before, she didn’t want to disturb you guys.” The YG staff said, and bowed. Bigbang just sat in their rooms, and opened the dinner you made. And they saw a note,

         Hello! I came by earlier and saw you guys work really hard. Keep up the work! Hwaiting~~^^

         They smiled at the note. And bigbang then opened the dinner you made.

         “Wahhhh. She made this? Dang Ji young, what can’t she do?” Daesung asked. Ji young just smiled. And they dug into the dinner because they were so hungry.

         “She can REALLY cook. Right hyung?” Seungri asked, with a mouthful of food in his mouth. Ji young just smiled and everyone ate in silence, because everyone was too busy eating.


A/N: lol just a short little chapter. i hope all my views on this fanfic ar positive views \ ^_^ /

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xxyrcuxx #1
Chapter 6: Love it <333
Chapter 26: Updaaate needed. ^.^
And all the best for high school. Fighting <3
pinkpinky #3
Chapter 26: Fighting for the high school life !!!!
I can only say " Fate" is trying to play tricks on this lovely couple, hope it is a happy ending!!!
pinkpinky #4
Hey!! Wait for your update hahaa....
Chapter 25: I WAS SO HAPPY WHEN YOU UPDATE BUT THEN..... anyway it's cute. Try to update okay?
pinkpinky #6
Chapter 26: Haha.... So cutie!!!!!
Chapter 25: Come on Ji-ah! Do something! Search for her! Don't repeat your mistakes twice! This is getting interesting.

Hey! Long time no see. I've missed you! <3
pinkpinky #8
Chapter 25: Don't hide yrself! Let's Jiyong be with you! True love can win over everything!
Support! I like yr update hehehe...
xharlowimjessx #9
This story is good !! Can't wait for the rest .
pinkpinky #10
Chapter 24: Finally she remembers everything!
Top oppa is so gentleman ah!
Jiyong ah, just do something you like. Reject eun hee, it is good for you all. I think hahaaha.......