chapter 16

Day by Day

A/N: Hey~ thank you new subscribers \^_^/ and sorry for false update before. so here is to make it up^^

so I forgot to say, dolce vita is a pension owned by gd. It has 11 rooms (blue, VIP, butterfly, this love, haru haru, love song, love dust, tonight, café, and heaven. The 11th room is crayon, and is specifically reserved for gd). This pension was bought by gd when the alive/still alive album were successful, and it was for his parents. This was then opened for the public, but you have to be 18 or older to reserve. The dolce vita is a strict pension, because only each room can hold only 2 people, and 2 people only. Besides the room VIP, it holds 3 people. But the most expensive room is VIP (lol spoiler: no wonder seungri took that one.), and the cheapest are this love and butterfly. You must have looked it up though when I said it in the previous chapter… well I just said this A/N if you didn’t know what dolce vita was. LOL SORRY FOR A LONG A/N


"I will lead ______-ah. This is my pension anyways. Come on let's go." jiyong says and pulls you out of top's grasp. Top couldn't really do anything and make a huge scene, so he let you go.

On the other hand, Eun hee was scoffing at this scene. Did everyone really think Eun hee was stupid, that she couldn't figure out what was between you, top, and jiyong? Eun hee never been here, but she didn't get a personal tour from jiyong.

Daesung looked at Eun hee with pity. He knew jiyong's pension well, so he went up to Eun hee.

"Uhm I know you have never been here. So want a tour?" daesung offered with a nervous laugh. Eun hee just chuckled and stared at daesung with cold eyes.

"I am fine." Eun hee then turned around to go to the main desk and get her room.


Jiyong led you to a garden that was in the back, jiyong would always bring you here whenever you wanted to. It was your and jiyong's special place.

"It is beautiful." you say, admiring how the moonlight looked in the garden. While jiyong was admiring how the moonlight looked on you. 

"Not as beautiful as you." jiyong muttered. You stopped and turned to jiyong in confusion.

"What did you say?" you question, since you couldn't hear clearly. Jiyong realized his stupid mistake on what he said, so he turned all red and didn't have any eye contact with you.

"Uhm nothing… I was just saying how late it is." and jiyong walked ahead with hand in his pockets. You catch up to him and bought jiyong's lie. 

"Oh okay. You know, it feels like a déjà vu. Since I feel like I was here once. I don't know though." you say to jiyong. And his heart just stopped for a moment to process what you just said. Is it possible, that you remembered jiyong in your life?

"Oh, do you remember coming here then? Because you, and I, and the other bigbang members would always come here to get our minds off stuff." jiyong tried to say coolly. But you and jiyong stopped for a second and looked at each other. For a second, you felt a skip in your chest when you looked at jiyong's eyes. You quickly looked away to get rid of that feeling. You don't know what is going on, but you are really confused.

"Uhm I don't remember. I don't remember some memories, but sometimes I get a faint idea of them and when I try to remember them my head hurts." you explain to jiyong. He simply nods, and he feels a spark of hope inside of him.

Maybe, just maybe… Jiyong kept thinking to himself. "Come on. Let's go and pick our rooms!" jiyong grabs your hand and drags you to the main desk. You see top was waiting for you and jiyong to return. He saw you and jiyong's hands together, you saw what top was giving a dark glare at and you immediately dropped your hand.

Jiyong's heart sunk at your action, but his sadness was replaced by anger when he saw top glaring at him. Jiyong almost wanted to scoff at his hyung. But he didn't say a word.

"So what room you want?" top asked trying to get rid of the tense atmosphere.

"Uhm... I don't know. What rooms are they?"

"Well I have tonight, daesung has cafe, seungri has VIP, taeyang has love dust, and Eun hee seems to have the room blue." top explained. “And what are left are love song, heaven, butterfly, this love, and haru haru.” Top says the last one and you instantly smiled. But you wanted to have whatever was the cheapest room.

“Which one is the cheapest?” you ask. And Jiyong almost wanted to laugh, because that was one of the cutest but stupidest questions he heard.

“I own this pension. For all of you, it is free.” Jiyong said with a smile and you gave a sheepish smile.

“Oh yea… I forgot…” you say in a shy tone. Jiyong thought you looked so cute that he wanted to pinch your cheeks, but Jiyong saw Top do it for him.

“Aigoo, you are such a silly girl.” Top says and pinches one of your cheeks and ruffles your hair.

“Oppa, stop!” you say and try to fix your screwed up hair, but it didn’t help so all you could do was just blow a piece of hair out of your face and give top a death glare while he smiles at you like a 5 year old.

        “So what room?” Ji yong repeated; he hated how top was so happy with you. Jiyong knew how selfish he was being, but he couldn’t help this jealousy.

        “Hmmm… I will have haru haru then.” You say with a smile, you felt strangely connected to that song. So why not choose the room named after that song.

        Everyone slightly flinched at that, only if you could remember… everyone thought.

        “Well, it is late. We should get ready to sleep. Right?” you recommend with a smile and everyone just nods grabbing their stuff.

        “Okay, good night!” everyone says in unison besides Eun hee, she just averted her attention on Jiyong.

He will be mine… Eun hee smirked to herself.


Taeyang immediately fell asleep, because he was so tired from driving the whole way. Everyone else was so tired but you. You couldn’t get used to the expensive bed, because you were afraid that you would break the bed if you tried to move. You stared at the ceiling and observed how well detailed this room is.

“How much money do these guys make?” you mutter under your breath, and you stand up from your bed.

You wonder around the pension, exploring the whole place. You were in awe at how well this pension was made, and you smiled at each adventure you came across in each room.

You then stumble upon a room; it was very small and had a grand piano in it. You smiled like a child on Christmas day opening a present.

“Wow…” is all you are able to say. You hurriedly walk over to the piano and sit down on the bench. You softly glide your hand over the keys. You didn’t know piano that well, besides a couple songs. You put both your hands on the piano and your hands automatically moved on its own.

Jiyong observed where the piano was coming from. He was outside of the room and saw you sitting on the piano playing a melody that Jiyong recognized. It was the first piano song he taught you.


        “Jiyong-ah, I don’t know how to play piano though!” you complained, you were at the studio with Jiyong and you were bored out of your mind. And Jiyong suggested playing piano.

        “It isn’t that hard! I can teach you something easy.” Jiyong argued.

        “But it takes so much work.” You groaned, and Jiyong laughed at your childishness.

        “Come on, I will teach you.” Jiyong says and he smiles at you. He drags you to the small portable piano in the recording studio. He puts your hands on the keys, and he puts is next to his. “Just repeat after me. Okay?” Jiyong says, and you nod.

        Jiyong plays the first key, then another, and later it started to become a song.

        “Finally I realize that I am nothing without you. I was so wrong, forgive me.” Jiyong says, and he stops playing haru haru.

        “Why did you stop?’ you say in confusion, you rather be listening to Jiyong play than yourself.

        “So you can learn. So let’s try together, okay?” Jiyong suggested and guided you step by step till you got it.

*End of Flashback*


        Jiyong smiled at that small memory, and he saw you quietly hum haru haru along with the song. At least you still remembered that song, after Jiyong hammering the song into your head. At least you had a faint memory of me. Jiyong thought to himself.

“Don’t look back and leave. Don’t find me again and live. I don’t have any regrets loving you, so take only the good memories. Somehow I will bear it; somehow I will stand it you should be happy even if we are like this” Jiyong quietly sang along with your playing. “Day by Day, I am becoming numb.” Jiyong then turned around and left you and the piano by yourselves.

You finished playing, and you suddenly felt like crying. “I guess that is how moving this song is.” You think to yourself. And you stand up and continue to explore the pension with a heavy heart.

You pass by Jiyong’s room and see that the light is still on. You knock on the door, curious if he is still up.

“Jiyong-ah?” you whisper. But you see no response, but you see the door slightly open. You were cautious if you should open the door or not. But you thought why not?

“Jiyong… I am coming in…” you say and slowly open the door and walk in. You were scared that you don’t know what Jiyong could be watching this time

You see that Jiyong isn’t in his room, and you found it strange. You looked around the unique room and thought to yourself how this is so much like jiyong.

“No wonder this is only reserved for Jiyong-ah…” you mutter out loud. You then see a computer with some disks next to it. You walk up to it; you hated the curiosity within you. You couldn’t help it though.

You sat down on the computer and see couple rings to it and look at them. You pick them up, and you realize how familiar they look. Ever since Top gave it to Jiyong at the hospital, Jiyong always brought it everywhere with him. And he made copies of the disks that you gave him, so he would have inspiration of music from his memories.

You pick up the rings to observe them; you were trying to remember how you knew these rings. And it finally hit you on how you knew these rings. It was the ring that you remember giving Top, but why did Jiyong have it. Before you could try to figure things out, you heard someone calling your name behind you.

“_____-ah?” you turned around and saw Eun hee standing there. You immediately dropped the rings on the table and slightly bowed in politeness to Eun hee.

“Ah, anneyong. Why are you here?” you ask, but Eun hee gave you a look as if you were the stupidest person ever.

“The question is why you are here?” she retorts. You stand there a bit dumbfounded by Eun hee’s coldness, and an annoyance started to fill you but you decided to ignore it.

“I am just here because Jiyong’s room was open and I was just curious why Jiyong was up. But clearly he isn’t here.” You explained through gritted teeth. “I saw some couple rings, they might be for you and Jiyong though.” You say and you decided to get out of the room. “Well goodnight. I should sleep.” You leave and Eun hee walks over to where you were standing a couple minutes ago.

“What the…” Eun hee picks up the couple rings, and she sees the CDs next to them. She decided to insert a random disk and immediately she saw a video of you and Jiyong. An evil smile tugged at as she pressed play.

It was the video of Jiyong and your 1st anniversary. And she saw the exchange of the couple rings; she clicked the pause button on the video and picked up to examine the couple rings that she was holding. Suddenly everything started to click together, and she knew exactly how to get rid of you in Jiyong’s life.

Eun hee picked up the rings and put one of them on her finger. “Thank you.” She says with venom dripping in her voice. And she left with a ring in one hand and one ring on the other.

Jiyong came back from his walk around the pension, he realized that his room was still open and he scolded himself for his stupidity. He was happy at least everyone in this pension he knew, and not possibly couldn’t steal his things.

Jiyong walked in his room and immediately fell on his bed. Within seconds of closing his eyes, he was asleep.

*In the morning*

        You woke up with the light shining in through your window. You were annoyed how easily you could wake up, you checked the time and it was 7 am. You groaned in annoyance that you couldn’t go back to sleep now so you decided to get up.

        You put your hair in a messy bun, and quickly put on a sweater. You walked out grabbing your phone, but you received a message that was sent to everyone from Jiyong.

        Breakfast is around 9 am. It is in the kitchen. Hope to see you there^^

        You laugh at the childish text, and you decide to do more exploring at the pension.

        You walk outside, and see the lake outside of the pension. It was really beautiful with the sun in the back, and reflecting off the water. You saw how much inspiration Jiyong could receive at his pension, and you enjoyed it for a while. You decided to skip a couple rocks and it was fun. You kept skipping rocks for a while till you heard something behind you.

        “If you keep doing that, there will be no more rocks on the shore.” Top says coolly, and he holds onto a rock. You turn around and see him with a smile.

        “What are you doing up?” you ask. Top shrugs and skips a rock as well.

        “I just woke up… what about you?” Top asks, without taking his eyes off the rock skimming across the top of the water.

        “I woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep. So I am here.” You explain and Top nods. You guys stand there in silence still skipping rocks, until you felt a small rock lightly hit your head.

        You immediately snap your head to Top, while he just looks away innocently. But you see a mischievous smile on his face.

        “YAH! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?” you yell at Top. He looks at you as if he did nothing.

        “What are you talking about?” Top asks obliviously. You got to admit, he was good at lying.

        “Damn your good acting skills.” You quietly curse, but Top was able to hear.

        “Mwo? I don’t like it when my girlfriend curses, especially if it is me. TAKE IT BACK!” Top teases but you shook your head.

        “No, not until I hear your apology.” You say stubbornly. You close your eyes, and crossed your arms waiting for Top to say sorry. “I am waiting.” You emphasize. Top scoffs and he lightly kisses your lips, and your eyes immediately open.

        “YAH!” you yell, and Top still has that mischievous smile on his face.

        From afar, Jiyong saw everything. He tightened his grip on the window sill trying to contain his anger. He decided to just walk away, hoping he could feel the anger go away. But the anger was still there, even worse it started to grow.

        Jiyong went to his computer and put your and his couple rings with him. But there were nowhere to be found.

        Jiyong blinked his eyes a couple times trying to see if he were having any illusions. But they would not appear.

        “Where are they…?” jiyong worriedly mutters his breath and frantically looks for them.

        “No… What…” Jiyong’s crazed eyes were looking everywhere, as he picked up and threw random things off his desk. He looked under the desk and there were nowhere to be found.

        He looked around and saw the mess he made. This is what his life felt.

        Jiyong depressingly walked into the kitchen, he saw everyone sitting down and had a plate of food in front of them.

        “Yes! Hyung is finally here. Can I eat now?” seungri begged taeyang with hunger.

        “I guess so…” Taeyang said uneasily and Seungri’s eyes lit up and he started to devour his food. “I told Seungri that he couldn’t eat till you got here.” Taeyang explained with a smile. Jiyong just nodded but was not in the mood to smile back.

        Eun hee knew what was up, and she immediately stood up and wrapped her arms around Jiyong’s arm.

        “Jiyong oppa. What is wrong?” Eun hee asked mischievously, Jiyong looked at her in disgust till he saw the ring on her finger.


A/N: LOL WHAT AM I DOING WITH MA LIFE??? Imagine piano lessons from GD… Lol I rather learn from taeyang, because he is like an awesome piano player. But still… haha did you enjoy? If you did, please upvote, comment, or subscribe^^ if you didn’t enjoy, comment and help me improve. Or if you hated it, then leave. LOL I THOUGHT OF HARU HARU WHEN I SAID THAT XD

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xxyrcuxx #1
Chapter 6: Love it <333
Chapter 26: Updaaate needed. ^.^
And all the best for high school. Fighting <3
pinkpinky #3
Chapter 26: Fighting for the high school life !!!!
I can only say " Fate" is trying to play tricks on this lovely couple, hope it is a happy ending!!!
pinkpinky #4
Hey!! Wait for your update hahaa....
Chapter 25: I WAS SO HAPPY WHEN YOU UPDATE BUT THEN..... anyway it's cute. Try to update okay?
pinkpinky #6
Chapter 26: Haha.... So cutie!!!!!
Chapter 25: Come on Ji-ah! Do something! Search for her! Don't repeat your mistakes twice! This is getting interesting.

Hey! Long time no see. I've missed you! <3
pinkpinky #8
Chapter 25: Don't hide yrself! Let's Jiyong be with you! True love can win over everything!
Support! I like yr update hehehe...
xharlowimjessx #9
This story is good !! Can't wait for the rest .
pinkpinky #10
Chapter 24: Finally she remembers everything!
Top oppa is so gentleman ah!
Jiyong ah, just do something you like. Reject eun hee, it is good for you all. I think hahaaha.......