The Kiss

It Started With A Kiss In The Moonlight

Your POV
~Day of masquerade dance~
"Jiwoo! You're so pretty!" I smiled at Jiwoo who walked in our house in her costume.
"Thanks, _____!" she smiled at me. "You're very pretty too." She looked over at Sehun and smiled, "Wow, Sehun. You look pretty handsome as well."
"Thank you." he gave her a warm smile.

"Jagiya." Taemin came into the living room to greet his girlfriend. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead, "You're very beautiful, Jiwoo."
She gave him a shy smile, "Thank you,  Yeobo. You look very handsome too."

Taemin looked at his phone, "Well, it's time to get going. The whole school is going to be there. It's gonna be hard finding a place to park."
"Taemin," Jiwoo chuckled, "My Umma rented us four a limousine for this evening. It will pick us up whenever we need to be picked up. It will also take us home too. This is my present to you. Thank you so much for asking me to be your date this evening." she leaned in and kissed him on the lips.
He smiled, "Jagiya, I love you so much. You're the best present I've ever received. I'm so happy to have you."

After a few minutes of waiting for the limousine to come, Sehun was helping me finish a lesson from school. He cleared his throat, "By the way, I talked to Lu Han last night. He really wishes he could see you. I also have a gift for you this evening. It's for letting me stay with you and Taemin."
I chuckled, "Sehun, you don't have to get me anything. You're always welcomed here."
He shook his head and gave me a shy smile, "You will really like your gift. But there's something I need to know first."
"What is it?" I tilted my head.
"Promise me you won't be afraid tonight?"
My eyes widen. Was he planning on letting me see everyone tonight after the dance!? "S-Sehun, am I-"
"Promise?" he asked again.
I gave him a warm smile and nodded, "I promise."

~At the dance~
I was really surprised that Sehun knew how to dance. I really wish we didn't have to wear masks this evening. I wanted to look at Sehun and show him how much I appreciate him being Taemin's and my protector.

"Hey, _____." an annoying voice came up behind me.
Sehun and I stopped dancing. Sehun felt me tense up and put an arm around my waist. "Relax, _____." he whispered to me.
"Minji." I gave her a fake smile.
"You look so pretty in your dress." she looked me up and down and gave me a fake smile.
"Thanks." I said with an uneasy voice.
"She's very pretty, don't you think, Sihyun?" she looked next to her at Sihyun holding a drink.
Sihyun looked at Sehun and I and sighed, "Indeed. She is, but you are pretty too, Minji." he looked at Minji.

Sehun's arm got tighter around my waist and gently pulled me away from them. I overheard her whispering something to Sihyun.

Minji: Don't worry, Sihyun. You're so much better than that stupid brother of hers.

I gritted my teeth and turned back around walking back to Minji and Sihyun. "_____!" Sehun called for me but I ignored him.
"You're a real , you know that?" I spat at Minji causing Sihyun to looking at me in shock.
"Why would you care?" she folded her arms at me.
"You're just gonna do the same thing to Sihyun like you did to Taemin. I don't want to see my friend hurt." I stepped closer to her.
"_____." Sehun carefully placed his hands on my shoulder and slowly pulled me away from them.
"Sehun," I pulled away, "I'm not finished." I turned back around and went over to Minji.

Yes. I slapped her right across her face causing her mask to fly off and land on the dance floor. "If you dare hurt my friend, I'll do more damage to that face than just a slap." I hissed at her.
"_____-" Sihyun placed a hand on my shoulder as I turned away, but a hand stopped him.
"Don't." hissed Sehun removing Sihyun's hand off of me.

Sehun pulled me away from them and headed towards the drinks. "_____, she's not worth it." he said to me with a soft voice.
I sighed, "I know, but Sihyun is my friend. Minji just uses guys. You saw what happened with Taemin."
Sehun got two drinks and handed one to me. "Just forget about them tonight. Just think about the surprise you're going to get later."
I began thinking about seeing everyone again and I just smiled to myself. "Okay." I looked down at my drink and took a sip.

"Yah!" someone bumped Sehun and got his drink splattered all over his hands. "Damn!" he cursed under his breath.
"Sorry." the guy quickly apologized and continued walking away.
"Sehun, are you all right?" I asked as I handed him some napkins from the table.
I saw his eyes get really dark and he let out a low growl, "That guy will pay for it later."
I nervously laughed, "It's only juice, Sehun."
"I'm all covered in a sugary, sticky mess!" he complained.
I sighed, "Just go wash off in the washroom. You'll be fine."
He sighed in defeat, "Fine. I'll be right back." he headed off to the washroom.

"_____?" said a soft voice.
I turned around and just looked down, "H-Hey, Sihyun."
"Where's you'r date at?" he asked looking around.
"O-Oh," I stuttered, "He's in the washroom right now. Some jerk bumped him and he got juice spilt all over him."
"Oh." said Sihyun still looking around.

"Where's Minji?" I asked looking down at my feet.
"She's off with some friends right now." he gave me a weak smile. He came closer to me and held his hand out, "Would you care to dance?"
I pulled away just a little bit, "I'm sorry, I can't-"
"Just one dance this evening, _____. Please?" he gave me a shy smile.
I sighed in defeat, "All right. Just one."

As we headed to the dance floor, he placed his hands on my waist and I placed my hands on his shoulders. "Do you even like Minji?" I suddenly asked.
He looked down at me and smirked, "Jealous?"
I scoffed, "Absolutely not." My voice went soft, "I just don't want to see you hurt. Minji already hurt Taemin. She's nothing but a dirty cheat. She-"
"Relax, _____." he sighed. "We're just here as friends."

As the song ended, Sihyun took me to dance outside. I kept thinking about Sehun. Did he get lost trying to find his way to the washroom? "_____." Sihyun looked down at me. His hands cupped my face and he slowly began to lean towards me. Was he going to kiss me!? I stood there frozen not showing any response at all. It'd be wrong of me to kiss him. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't. I brought my hand up to his hands to remove them, "Sihyun, I-"

I heard a small growl. I don't think Sihyun heard it though. I looked behind Sihyun and there stood Sehun with his arms folded. "Sehun." I nervously said.
Sihyun turned around and saw Sehun. He sighed as he released me and handed me over to Sehun. "I'll see you, _____." he walked back inside.

"You're still close with him?" he asked with a cold voice.
I let out a scoff, "He just wanted one dance, Sehun. Relax."
"But you're MY date tonight. Besides, I saw what he almost did. Would you get mad if I just tore him apart?" he asked.
I ignored that question and just let out a chuckle.
Sehun wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. A little too closer than usual. I held my arms up and wrapped them his neck. I really don't think Sehun and I have ever been this close to each other. I really hope he doesn't tell Lu Han. -_-

I looked up and saw a full moon. The moon looked so beautiful right now. It was shining down on everyone dancing outside.

~Minutes later~

About three more songs played as Sehun and I continued dancing. I noticed that many of the other people slow dancing headed inside to get photos taken. There was a giant announcement about it earlier, but Sehun and I weren't interested. We were now the only ones dancing outside.

"_____?" asked Sehun looking down at me.
"Hmm?" I looked up at him.
"I-I don't think I've ever said this to anyone before, but I love you." he stuttered.
My heart was beating faster than usual. Sehun loves me? That's impossible. I'm in love with Lu Han. He marked me! I thought I wasn't able to fall in love with any other werewolf.

I stopped dancing and looked up at Sehun, "I-Sehun, I'm in love with Lu Han. I don't love anyone but him. I'm really sorry, Sehun." I lowered my head.
He lifted my chin up with his index finger and looked into my eyes. His eyes are so beautiful-Yah! _____! You can't fall in love with him! You're only Lu Han's!

He released my chin and let out a small chuckle, "I can hear your heart beating. I like the sound."
I blushed at what he said. My heart really was beating fast. I've been with Sehun for a long time now, but why is my heart suddenly beating like this? Is it because we're this close to each other?

I tried looking away, but he brought his hands up and cupped my face. "Sehun, please-" I gently tried turning my head away.
"Shhh, _____." he said with a soft voice. His hands held my head and he placed a soft and gentle kiss on my lips.

My heart was beating super fast right now. For some reason, I gave into the kiss and found myself kissing him back. His lips are so soft and gentle. I slowly reached my shaky hands up and cupped his face. Why am I kissing him back?

"_____, I love you." he smiled into the kiss. "I've missed your touch so much. You're so beautiful in the moonlight."
My eyes widen when he said that. I've missed your touch so much. You're so beautiful in the moonlight. Where have I heard those words...

OMO! That means...

I pulled away from the kiss and looked up. I slowly lifted up Sehun's mask revealing more of his face.

It was Lu Han!

Tears began falling from my face like a waterfall. I was so happy right now. I began breathing heavily. "Lu Han!" A big smile formed on my face. I gently placed my hands on the sides of his face and crashed my lips onto his again. Our kissing got very passionate. It wasn't a make-out session, but it was very passionate.
"_____..." he smiled against my lips.
"Lu Han..." I moaned into the kiss. "I've missed you so much."
He smiled against my lips and pulled me tighter into his arms. "_____, I love you. I've missed you so much too. More than you could ever imagine."
"I love you, Lu Han. I always will." I continued kissing him. I was tightly in his warm embrace and my hands were resting against his chest.

I was so happy that I was in his arms again. Is this real? Where did Sehun go? Was this his gift for me? Where were the other werewolves? I had so many questions, but I just focused on Lu Han right now. The one I love is finally in my arms again after a long time of being apart from each other.

"AH!" Lu Han yelled in pain turning into his werewolf form. He began whimpering.
"LU HAN!" I screamed out and tried catching him before he fell down to the ground.

*Mouth drops down to floor* HOLY SHOOT ANONYMOUS!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!! LU HAN!!!!!!

What did you guys think when you found out it was Lu Han instead of Sehun? ^_^ Also, that's the reason why I made Lu Han destined to you. He and Sehun look so much alike, it worked perfectly for the masquerade dance. (If you understand what I mean.)

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 35: Yay for happy ending :3
Chapter 36: wow i love this
Chapter 35: awwwwww sooo cute. thant for writing this story
ude #4
like it ao much
Chapter 7: I thought Sehun was the one who's sneaking in her room every night. I guess I was wrong.
New reader here ^^ I'll read now
luhanluhan123 #7
Chapter 40: this is so good plz make a sequel if u can hwaiting!
Chapter 35: i wish it would have a sequel
Belikeshaylaxoxo #9
Make a sequel plz I love this story so much plz make a sequel pretty plz with sugar on top *does a puppy face*
cheekylittlechubba #10
Chapter 36: It's really good !!!