-042; Incomplete.

Under The Moonlight

The hunters and wolves were enraged, not afraid of what the outcome will be they will fight to the death.

"Come out wolf.. She can't keep you hidden forever." Woohyun "COME OUT AND FIGHT YOU COWARDS!"

A loud, ground shaking thud came from behind Woohyun. He turned around, "finally.."

It was chaotic, no mercy was shown their opponents. It was a close call, but the hunters were out numbered and some just accepted that they weren't going to come out of this alive.

As the battle came to an end, Hoya stood in front of the wolves exhausted. "This isn't over. There are more dangerous beings out there on the search for her." He stated, "you may think this is over. But it's just beginning."

Kai didn't want to listen to his blabbering and finally got rid of the last hunter.





It went silent the wolves were lost in their thoughts. Kris strayed away from the pack and got home first. The others took their time, knowing that they wouldn't be greeted by your welcome.

Kris clothed himself and stood outside the room you were in. He rested his head against the door "_____.. You always put yourself in front of others and never think about the concequences. Look where it got you.." He whispered

He slowly pushed open the door, with some hope he begged to see you sitting there waiting for him but you still laid there lifelessly. He stared not knowing what to exactly to do. He wanted to move closer to you, but he felt a unknown presence behind him. He spun around and no one was there, but it moved into the room you were in.

Kris looked back, "get away from her."

A hooded man sat next to you. He gently caressed your face. Kris stepped foreward immediatly, but the man rose up his hand and Kris froze in his tracks.

"Why.. Why can't I move?" Kris tried so hard to move, but his body wouldn't listen to him.

The man stood up, Kris couldn't get a good look at him since his hood was covering his face. "What do you want?" Kris asked

The man stood in front of Kris. "If you want to kill me go ahead."

The man placed his index and middle finger on Kris' forehead and a burst of images went through Kris' mind.


"Waaah! Yifan give it back!" You shouted, running after Kris

"Try to get me slow poke!" He teased

"Sweetheart please be careful!" Your mom, Eun Sun, called out, "Yifan be nice! Don't go far into the woods!"

But of course the words your mom spoke went through one ear and out the other and the two of you went off running through the woods.

"What are going to do about those two?" She looked at the man. He sat acrossfrom her and held onto her hand

"Darling, they are kids. Let them have fun." He spoke

"But..." She looked out towards the wooded area

He tilted her head back facing him, "she will be fine. _____ isn't as weak as you think. She may not have all of her powers, but she knows how to be safe." He lifted up her hand and kissed the top, "you've raised our daughter well. Look at her, she saved that boy and he's a good boy. He doesn't leave her side for long, he protects her as well."

Eun Sun nodded. " I know, but what scares me the most is Yifan doesn't know everything and it might put both of them in danger."

"Then we'll just have to tell him don't we."

She shook her head "I don't think he will understand."

"There's no pleasing you is there?" He raised a brow and let out a small chuckle, "you will always find the negitive."

She sat there quiet for a moment, "was it a mistake taking her powers away?"

"If she kept them she would be in more danger than she is now. ____ is living normally, I thought you wanted that for her?" He sighed "She isn't that helpless, she has some powers to help her get out of serious situations."

"But her body can't even take those powers. She passes out everytime she uses one of them." She stood up and took a few steps away to get some air. She stared off into the distance

He came up behind her wrapping his arms around her waist, "I know. _____'s body isn't use to that much power. She won't be able to control herself or be safe if she had all her powers. It's better for her this way, not knowing everything and being how she is now." He paused, "but if it worries you this much.. Do you want me to bring her home with me? I'll teach her everything."

Eun Sun pulled away and headed to one of the drawers in the kitchen. She took out a box, a box that had symbols carved into it.

She looked at her husband and shook her head. "That won't be necessary. _____ is happy, and that's all that matters. Plus there is no immidate threat. " She handed him the box

"Then what's this for?" He questioned

"Take one with you and I'll keep one here. It would be bad if it got into the wrong hands."

He took the box and nodded. "If she misses me, just tell her that I'll always be watching over her. I'll watch over you both." He hugged his wife placing a kiss on her forehead. "You have nothing to worry about. It didn't take long for ____ and Yifan to find each other. Soon the others will show up too."

"Appa!" You pouted walking towards him

He looked down at you. A smile formed on his lips and he bent down, "what's wrong princess?"

You handed him your teddy bead with it's arm ripped off. "Look what Yifan did.." Tears swelled up in your eyes

A small whimper came from behind you, and Kris laid on the ground as a wolf looking sad.


The images stopped running through Kris' mind. The man walked away from Kris and towards you. Kris stumbled foward, seeing that he could move his body once again.

".. Kang Dae-sshi?" Kris said quietly

Your dad looked back at Kris and disappeared

"Wait! Come back!" Kris called

You groaned "Yifan... You're so loud..." You turned away from Kris. He looked down at you with widened eyes. He couldn't believe it, "I'm right here stupid, I'm not going anywhere." You mumbled


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OkSooyeon #1
Chapter 54: I hope hyuna dies and the main character gets back all her powers, update soon
flower99 #2
Chapter 54: d.o use his power!!
Taelin #3
Chapter 54: yaaay , author-nim i love this chapter , D.O got his power , i hope Hyuna will just die in there , gomawoo for the update pls dont let us wait too long , hwaitiing
ude #4
Chapter 53: please update..
bomyesca #5
wow.... new reader here .....
love ur story its owsom.....
cn't wait 4 da next chapter
Taelin #6
Chapter 53: that was daebaak i loved it , and her relation with Kris is just too amazing , this is a really great story gomawoo author-nim , cheer up and hwaitiing
ambi1228 #7
Chapter 53: DAE to the BAK! ^^ <3 this~
Sooyong #8
Chapter 53: Are you kidding me?? This is AWESOME!!
Chapter 53: Wow all of them love her. <3
Chapter 52: EXO(OT12)xOC <3