Chapter 24: Jin


“Namjoon, TaeHyung walked out of the building, can you please go find him while I deal with Jeongkuk.” Jin ordered frantically. “Sure, but what happened?” Namjoon asked. “I don’t know. Just go find him before he gets hurt.” Jin said before making his way to Jeongkuk’s room.

He tried opening the door, but I was locked. He knocked, “Jeongkuk, can you please open the door?” Jin said softly. He got no answer. He pressed ear against the door and could hear Jeongkuk sobbing. Jin closed his eyes and sighed. He saw Jimin walk in and immediately stomped over to him.

“Jimin, you better tell me what the hell happened.” Jin ordered. Jimin just glared at him and pushed past him. Jin grabbed Jimin’s arm and stopped him, “What did you do to him? He won’t say anything. He looked himself in his room and won’t stop sobbing. So you better explain yourself.” Jin growled in a low voice. Jimin huffed and gritted his teeth, “I kissed him, ok?” Jimin yelled.

Jin was shocked but his face was still stern, “And why’d you do that? You know that him and Jeongkuk are together.” Jin said.

“It’s because I’m in love with him!” Jimin confessed, his eyes tearing up again, “He should be with me, not TaeHyung!” Jimin broke down and started crying again. Jin’s face soften and hugged Jimin against his chest. “I know you want him to be with you, but this isn’t right.” Jin said while patting the younger boy’s head, “Do you see how much trouble you’ve made?” Jin said.

Jimin nodded, “I’m sorry.” He said through his tears. Jin held Jimin as he let him finish crying. Once Jimin calmed down enough, Jin loosened his grip. “Jimin, did Jeongkuk kiss you back?” Jin asked. Jimin shook his head, “I wanted to believe that he did.” He answered while wiping away the remaining tears.

Jin sighed and motioned for Jimin to sit on the couch. He sat next to him. “Jimin, tell me which you think it better, letting the one you love be happy and have you hurt or you be happy and the one you love be hurt?” Jin asked. Jimin sat quietly and thought. “Wouldn’t you want Jeongkuk to be happy with TaeHyung and you have all your friends, or be with Jeongkuk but lose all your friends? I want you to think about that.” Jin said before patting Jimin’s back and getting up. “Oh, and I want you to go apologize to Hoseok for what you did earlier.” Jimin said and thought deeply about what Jin said before leaving to go find Hoseok.

“Jeongkuk, please open the door.” Jimin heard Jin pleaded before he left the apartment.      

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peggyw #1
Chapter 30: Cute story; I was in need of such sweet fluff
peggyw #2
Chapter 14: I love the fluff!!
peggyw #3
Chapter 10: Cute!!!
Chapter 31: ARGH! the end T.T -cries- it's beautiful <3
Chapter 29: <3333333333
Chapter 31: Awwwwh~the ending is so cute~
But tell me why I am freaking sad right now!! TT.TT
I'm freaking sad it has ended..

anyway,awsome job author-nim ^^
countless-billions #7
Chapter 31: ;;W;; i'm sad this ended, but at the same time i'm happy because we get a happy ending.
thank you for sharing this lovely story with us <3
Chapter 31: Waaa~ I'm Crying ;_; so beautiful <3
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #10
Chapter 31: Awwwwwww!! It's such a good story!! But I'm kinda sad that it ended!!><