
Living with an annoying jerk ?!


"Care to explain?" Daeyeon hissed and clenched her fist. Luhan gulped alittle but he didnt showed any signs of being scared. "Well?" Daeyeon tapped her foot on the ground angrily. "I saw you last night." Luhan said. She raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms. "You were about to get beaten by guys. And I kinda helped you but after I helped, you out." Luhan puffed his cheeks and Daeyeon sighed and stood up.

"Wait. Where are you going?" Luhan grabbed Daeyeon's wrist, she narrowed her eyebrows and she harshly took her hand back. "None of your business." She hissed and grabbed her blazer. Luhan sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. He could hear the door closed really hard. He rolled his eyes but in the corner of his eyes, he could see something glowing. It's Daeyeon's phone. Luhan thought. He quickly grab her phone and was about to run to bring it back to her but he could see her back really distant.

When he looked at her phone, he saw the name of Daeyeon's father. It had been 10 minutes but Luhan is thinking hard if he will answer it or not. He sighed and answered. "Hello?" Luhan said nervously. "Daeyeon-ah?" His father said with a worried voice. "Mr. Cha, This is not Daeyeon. She left her phone here." Luhan exhaled deeply and closed his eyes tightly. "Where is she then?" His father asked worried. "Well sir.."


"AISH!" Daeyeon hissed as she went to the buss stop. She ruffled her head in confussion. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked through her bag and saw her phone wasnt there. Her eyes widenend alittle and she ruffled her hair in frustration. "Well Miss? Arent you going in?" A very irritated man asked and Daeyeon looked at him with a glare and the man shutted his mouth. She rolled her eyes and just went in. Where could that be? My important keychain is in there. Daeyeon thought and she just bitted her lips.


Luhan kept on looking everywhere but the person he is looking for isnt there. "Yooooooow. Wassup duuude." Xiumin said and put his arms on Luhan's shoulder. "Hey" Luhan said while looking everywhere. "Where are you looking at?" Kris said and looked also where Luhan is looking. "Hyuuuuuuuuung!" Tao hugged Luhan. "Heeeeeeeey errrp" Chen smacked Luhan's head but nothing made Luhan look at them.

"What's his problem?" Lay asked and looked at Kris, he just shrugged and continued on what he was doing. "Hey! What are you doing?" Xiumin poked Luhan's cheeks, but Luhan just nodded his head. Xiumin pouted and just ate silently. "Hey guys, I'll be going to the library." Luhan left without hearing what will they say.  Luhan was already at the library as he sat at this vacant table.

He went to this one section of shelves where the book that he wants is located. He narrowed his eyes as he was trying to find the book. He beamed and took it out at the shelve when he found it and went back on his table. While writing down some notes, he stopped and looked up as he heard some group of girls talking non-stop and loudly.

The girls noticed Luhan and suddenly squealed. "Omo! It's Luhan oppa! He's here!" they said and squealed loudly. He smiled making the girls blushed and squealed more. Luhan scratched his head in confusion as he noticed the girls whispering something. They nodded as they stood up and went to Luhan's table making him blink many times. He saw their grinning faces and wiggled their eyebrows.

"Hi oppa" one of the girls said with a flirty tone. He just awkwardly wave his hand and smiled a bit. "Can we sit beside you? We noticed that you're alone and we talked about... how about we sit next to you so that you won't feel so lonely?" the girl asked while playing her hair. Luhan was about to protest when they already sat next to him.

Their voices can be heard really loud in the whole library as squeals and laughs was surrounding it. "Sshh, keep quiet" the librarian warned with an angry tone. The girls chuckled with a low tone same as Luhan and continued to chat. "Aiiish!" someone said and slammed its hands to the table and lifted its head. They stopped and turned to look at the person.

Luhan finally saw the one he's been looking for the whole time. "C-cha--" the girls stuttered. "Earlier you were talking non-stop. Now that I'm talking to you es, you became silent all of a sudden like you didn't commit a crime" Daeyeon said coldly and sighed. "The librarian already told you that you be quiet. Why are you talking here anyway? You know that talking in this place is prohibited" Daeyeon continued glaring at the girls.

"Why don't you just talk to each other in the club since you're all es and that innocent eye candy deer is your prey?" Daeyeon said harshly and rolled her eyes. "At the count of five, you're out of my sight anymore. 5.....4....3..." Daeyeon counted as they hurriedly grabbed their bags and ran away except Luhan who just stood there still with wide eyes.

"And you deer dude" Daeyeon hissed pointing at Luhan. "I said in five seconds, you're out of my sight!" Daeyeon said and raised a brow. "B-but I've been here first than them." Luhan mumbled and puffed his cheecks. "Do I look like I give a ? Yes, I do but I dont care about your . Why am I wasting my saliva in talking in a deer and about problems. Like I said, Get lost. If you're just flirting or ting here, do it somewhere else." Daeyeon hissed and Luhan gulped` but remained his cool.

"But I need to talk you about.. something." Luhan blurted which made Daeyeon narrowed her eyes. "If your thinking about to tell me something about the other night, dont even bother. AND DONT EVER TELL IT TO YOUR GIRLY ES BECAUSE IF EVER ONE OF THEM OR YOUR OTHER ES KNOWS ABOUT IT, YOUR GOING TO FIND YOUR IN YOUR MOUTH." Daeyeon hissed. "B-but.. It's really important." Luhan gulped. "I dont care." Daeyeon stood up and just walked away and left. 'Gosh! I thought she is going to claw my eyes out! But..' His thoughts was cutted when Daeyeon's phone vibrated.

"Hmmm. Who could this be?" Luhan mumbled and opened her phone. 'Gay lord: Sunwoonieee <3'. Luhan gulped and was hesitant to pick it up. 'Shoul I or should I not?! GOSSSSSSSSSH! HELP MEEE LOOOOOORD!' He look back and hald his last gulp and shakingly grab her phone and picked it up. "MY BABY YEONIEEEE! I MISS YOU SOOOOO MUCH!" Baro said excitedly but silence can be heard. "Yah! Why arent you speaking?! Are you alright?! APPPAAAAA!" Baro called out. "Ugh.. Hey.. This is not Daeyeon.."


So, *AWKWARD SILENCE* How was my update today? Dont worry I'm gonna update more often because I'm like sad and hell yeah I need to find my peace of my so here I am staring at your perfection.. . Why am I singing? Gosh. I really miss updating. -_- I'm gonna be updating like hell yeah because WHAT TIME IS IT? SUMMAA TIME! . XD


Bit of awkward air. K. Bye .

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santa_blur #1
Chapter 18: Luhan and Daeyeon is soo cutee =^.^= please update soon.
santa_blur #2
Chapter 10: Bwo?? Sehun like Daeyeon? How can he easily fall in love like that -,-
santa_blur #3
Chapter 4: Wow. .Daeyeon is really strong.
Hotcakes1800 #4
Chapter 5: The end of this chapter is hilarious xD
Hotcakes1800 #5
Chapter 2: I like this :)
lovestory123 #6
Chapter 6: Please update!!!!
TikTok09 #7
Chapter 4: updateeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 4: UPDATEE PLEASE AUTHOR NIM <3 cant wait already!
Chapter 2: i like your story n don't forget to update soon!
Chapter 1: Update!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this story please continued!