
Living with an annoying jerk ?!


Sehun's side of story~

I'm the new character of this story, maybe some of you are rather confused who am I or what the heck am I doing in my life in this story? Haha. Anyways, I'm Oh Sehun and I in introduction. As you can see, I'm not like my Luhan hyung who had 'flinged' with many girls already and who is a very friendly and everything. I'm the total opposite of my hyung, I'm the mature and the truth is I dont know how to approach a person and also how to make friends with them also.

Half of my life is I've been hidding because both of my parents are politicians and the past years they have tough competitors that can also make things worst. Back to the main point, I'm home schooled and I became anti-social because of it and most of the time, my parents are not around to talk to me but they can provide things for me most of the time. And also, I'm the total opposite of every other guys, Hate to say this but I love watching and reading romcom books. Yes, others can call me gay and all but it's a BIG NO. 

The total explanation of it is that, I can find happiness and answers in my question in just watching and reading okay? But now, I'm already 18 years old already and now, I get to live with my cousin Luhan. Everything became different because of it, I made friends but one person really impressed me. That person is Cha Daeyeon, well if you ask me, she is the girl that is like on every book who is very mysterious and cold. Like seriously, I thought girls like her only can be found in movies and books?!

Maybe some people may call me easy to get but I believe in the saying that if you see someone who can make everything feel slow-mo then he/she is the one for you. Maybe I'm not the manliest person Daeyeon-sshi may not know or the most handsome, maybe I could give it a try in befriending her... There is no harm in trying something right?

End of side~

Luhan went home after talking to Mr. Cha, as he was walking at the neighborhood, he saw a taxi parked on their house and he tilted his head and unconciously bit his lips and made a run. As he arrived, he saw the door open but to see Sehun smiling widely with Luhan's mother. "U-umma?" Luhan stutterdly said and slowly walked to his mother. "Omona! Luhan-ah!~" She ran to her son and hugged him as tight as possible. Luhan broke into his stare to feel his mother's hug. 

Sehun felt alittle sad to remember his parents so he just went to read his books to avoid the sadness. "How is my son hmm? Have you been flirting with those girls again? huh?!" His mother asked as she smacked his head, Luhan pouted and grinned mischeviously. "What if I say yes what would you do?" He teased but his mother glared at him and pulled his ears down. "OWW! Umma! I'm just joking!" He screamed in pain and his mother pulled him and flickered his forehead. "Aish! if you flirt again, I will take you to the hospital to have you in check up and have STD test!" His mother said and smacked him in the head.

After pestering his mother, Luhan eventually grew tired and just went to the living room to see Sehun wearing a reading glass and was reading a small book. Luhan tilted his head and jump on the empty seat next to Sehun. "Yah! What the heck is this?!" Luhan said and jokingly picked the book up. Sehun emotionlessly stood up to grab the book, since he is taller than Luhan, after getting his book, Luhan pouted and crossed his arms in his chest. "Dont brag your height around! Aish! Why are you reading anyways?" Luhan asked curiously to take a peek on the book.

Sehun looked at Luhan with a raised brow. "You? Interested in this kinds of book? Maybe you'll just get bored in it." Sehun said and went back on reading. Luhan nudge Sehun hard, made Sehun fall off the couch. Luhan smirked and took the book and began reading the prologue of the story. Sehun looked at Luhan in wide eyes and hissed as he dusted off the dirt off his pants. As for Luhan, the longer he read the prologue, he is liking the concept of the story and smiled alittle. 

Sehun snatched back the book and looked at Luhan with raised brow. "Why are you reading this?" He asked. "Hey! I'm still reading it! And it's kinda interesting!" Luhan grinned and swinged his legs like a little child. Sehun ruffled his hair and left the room. Luhan pouted and heaved a sigh. He pursed his lips and smirked as he thought about his friends and texted them to hang out in the club for tonight.

Daeyeon was busy in finishing some homewoks, Baro went in with a happy face. "Baby siiiiiis!" Baro sing sanged and pulled Daeyeon off of her work for a while and hugged her. Daeyeon glared at his brother and kicked his legs and Baro immediately released her and bended down to touch his leg. "What do you want?" She said and went back to her sit. "WOW! YOU COULD HAVE JUST SAID 'GET AWAY FROM ME' OR 'STOP RIGHT THERE'" Baro hissed and looked at his sister with a glare. 

"EH? No choice, been saying that to you since day 1. Now, what do you want?" Daeyeon said nonchantly, without looking at his brother. "Let's go out! With appa! Let's have fun!" He said happily and Daeyeon smirked and looked at his brother. "Really? Fun? What about we go to the Lotte world?!" Daeyeon said saracastly and shook his brother. "Yeah! Lets' go there!" Someone said and the 2 of them looked who it was. "A-appa? Really?" Baro asked. "Ne. It will be fun!" their father repeated.

"What about your disguise appa?" Daeyeon asked and looked at his father concerned. "I got it covered!" their appa said and Baro beamed and Daeyeon smiled alittle. 

short update for you guys! :) Happy sunday! :)

Kai. You are one gorgeous man.

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santa_blur #1
Chapter 18: Luhan and Daeyeon is soo cutee =^.^= please update soon.
santa_blur #2
Chapter 10: Bwo?? Sehun like Daeyeon? How can he easily fall in love like that -,-
santa_blur #3
Chapter 4: Wow. .Daeyeon is really strong.
Hotcakes1800 #4
Chapter 5: The end of this chapter is hilarious xD
Hotcakes1800 #5
Chapter 2: I like this :)
lovestory123 #6
Chapter 6: Please update!!!!
TikTok09 #7
Chapter 4: updateeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 4: UPDATEE PLEASE AUTHOR NIM <3 cant wait already!
Chapter 2: i like your story n don't forget to update soon!
Chapter 1: Update!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this story please continued!