
Living with an annoying jerk ?!


"Damn! You are clearly cheating!" Xiumin pointed his index finger to Tao and Tao just stuck out his tongue and called Kris to tell him that Xiumin is 'bullying' him. Kris would facepalmed hiself and glare at the 2 and they would silence up. Currently they skip school again and they are at Luhan's house. Chen was busy reading while Lay was sleeping with earphones bombaring his ears to cancel all voice out of his head. Meanwhile, Luhan is on the balcony while drinking his tea. Kris looked at Luhan with a curious face. "What's that dude problem?" Kris asked Chen but Chen just shrugged and turn the page of his book. Kris rolled his eyes and approached Luhan.

"What are you thinking again? You know you've been overthinking yourself most of the time." Kris sat down next to Luhan and still, He was still unfazed. Kris shrugged and looked at the scenery. It was a beautiful sunset already and he looked at his younger friend. "Really? What the heck are thinking?" Kris crossed his arms and this time Luhan looked at him and blinked. "Oh? When did you arrived?" Luhan blinked and drink his tea and it was no longer hot, his face frowned alittle. Kris sighed and smiled alittle. "What are thinking?" Kris asked and looked at Luhan with an curious face. Luhan just smiled. "Nothing, just... Nothing." He blinked again. Kris stare at his younger friend and shook his head with a smile. "Dont ever think again, You look like a fool." He winked and went in to annoy Chen.

Luhan scratch his head and looked at the sun again. "What the hell is wrong with me?" Luhan mumbled and looked at his watch. He widenend his eyes and stood up. ". I need to pick up mom." He run to the living room. "Guys, I need to go, I need to pick mom." He wore his jacket and Lay blinked when the remote controler fell into his head. "What just happend?" Lay blinked and looked around to saw them looking at him. "Why are you staring? You know that I hate getting stared at." Lay mumbled and stood up to go to the kitchen to eat. Kris rolled his eyes and just went to the bathroom.

Luhan was walking on the way to the bus stop as he saw at the road a very fast car and in the back is a limo. *What the?* Luhan thought and shrug it off and hopped on the bus.


Daeyeon went home because of no apparent reason. All the maids abd butlers were in line near the front door, as she went in, the maids and butlers bowed to her. She cleared like she was signalling them that 'It alright already'. As she did that, They return to their normal routine, Her personal butler, Mr. Han came. "Good day Young lady but the King would like to have a moment with you." With that, Mr. Han bowed again and Daeyeon rolled her eyes. "As I said, I've already many bows today. You should stopp already." Daeyeon blurted and just walk passed Mr. Han. He looked at Daeyeon with a smile and return to his duty, to follow Daeyeon around.

Daeyeon only spoke to her butler and to her father;s butler and she doesn't really like any people touching her stuff because firstly, some of her stuff is really valueble to her and lastly if they did, they can break her stuff. So, she preferred to clean her own room. She sighed as she close the door and her eyes landed on a picture that is worth than any of the things around her right now, It was a picture of her mother and a 7 Year old that is smiling with all her might. Her eyes soften and she sat on her bed. A faint knock was heard and it was Mr. Han. "Young Lady, It's time." He smiled warmly at her and Daeyeon stood up and took a last glance at the picture and left.

Daeyeong didn't even bother herself to knock first and she walked in. She saw her father writing something and when he look up because of the footsteps he blinked when he saw his daughter bowing. "What are you doing? No need to do that." Her father chuckled and Daeyeon awkwardly scratch her head. "Please do sit in here." Her father held his hand out to the front. "So dad, What's wrong?" Daeyeon asked and looked at his father. "It's about your brother." He cleared his throat and smiled alittle, Daeyeon's expression changed into a curious one.

"Your brother will be arriving today." Her father smiled. It's not like Daeyeon hated her brother but she is just concern to him but at the same time, She hated the fact he will going back to their school, It really is a troublesome to have him in the school because Hell is like Daeyeon's everyday life when he was here but she could careless if many people hated the fact that they're siblings and The first priority that Daeyeon has in attending school is not about anything in popularity, she only likes to be treated fairly and normal.


Luhab hopped off the bus and heaved a sigh of relief, he look at his wristwatch and his 30 minutes advence. "I'll just eat first." He mumbled and smiled alittle. As he was walking. his smiled increased as he saw someone. Daeyeon was sitting with patience in her face as she wait for her brother, The bodygusrds crowding ay Daeyeon, as she didnt notice it yet. As Luhan saw many guys surrounding Daeyeon, he started to panick. *Oh my! Maybe they cameback for her for some revenge* Luhan have this bad habbit to bite his lips and not realizing how hard he was bitting his lips.

Hee stoppedand then trains of thoughts sworn over him again. When Daeyeon started to punching and kicking the guards. As She was done, she dusted her skirt and took a deep breath. "Yah! How many times Do I have to tell you don't get too close to me?! Because I cant breath properly if you're blocking my freaking way!" Daeyeon hissed and rolled her eyes. After the outburst, she calm downed alittle but then she narrowed her eyes after seeing a familiar person. *What is this punk doing here?!*  Daeyeon thought as she saw Luhan on his own world.

Luhan was about to storm over by the guards, when he could feel a presence behind him. "What the heck are you doing here? Not until here I could still see you and I even smell you even here too." Daeyeon blurted and crossed her arms. Luhan turn around and his smile widely. "Thank God your safe! Are you alright?" Luhan asked and Daeyeon narrowed her eyes again. "I think I should be the one asking that." She said and looked away. Luhan's facial expression changed into a curious one. "Huh?" He asked and Daeyeon rolled her eyes and she took out something from her blazer, she took out a hankerchief.

She held it into Luhan's lips, He widenend his eyes and he look at Daeyeon. "I gotta go." She grumbled and put the hankerchief on Luhan's hand. When Daeyeon was no longer in sight, He snap out and look at the hankerchief and saw blood. His eyes widenend and look at the clock and run before his late.


Luhan Kept on shouting his mother's name as people around look at him with as if he was crazy but Luhan didn't care. And as people kept on coming out of the departure and later as people kept on coming out of the departure and later Luhan's mother came out. He jump from the barrier and run to his mother. He spun his mother and his mother laugh wholeheartedly and soon Luhan pulled away from the hug. "So, how's my lovely son?" Luhan's mother asked and Luhan carried the bag. "Hmm. I'm alright." He said and his mother gasped loudly, Luhan look at her curiously. "What happend to your lips?! Did you got on a fight?! O-or you just got to hard on gi--" "MOOOOOM! STOP IT! I Just kinda bite." He mumbled and lowered his head out of embarrasment.

Daeyeon glared at her bodyguards and they gulped abd they step away from her. While waiting for her brother, she saw Luhan and his mother, she kinda softened and turn away just to see his brother excitedly run to her. She smirked and walk towards him. "You are in a really big trouble." Daeyeon scoffed and Baro smiled widely and hugged her. "I miss you too sis!" He said and spun her. "Get off or I'll kick you somewhere the sunshine glows." She growled and Baro cleared his throat and step away from Daeyeon. "So, what now?" Baro asked and looked at her. "Wanna go to the amusement park?" She shrugged and smirked. "What are you like 5? EWW!" Baro cringed and Daeyeon's expression changed 180 degree. "What are you gay? Man up moron." She smirked and pulled the back collar and throw him in the limo and She went to her own car.

HEYYYYY GUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUYS! Sorry for not updating! XD MEHEHE. I have been enjoying the suspended classes and HOW MUCH I LOOOOOVE TOOOOO SLEEEEP ! XD

Actually, I dont really know what to do on this chapter because.... I DIDN'T PLAN THIS! TT______TT And by the way, BORING CHAPTER.


The question of today's chapter: What happend to Daeyeon's mother?

Please do comment some suggestion for me on the next chapter! I BEEEEEEEEEEEG YOOOOOOOOOOOOU! //le cries


Arent they just HANDSOME?!


Doe a deer, the LUHAN DEER ! XD Okay. I'm a lame lama. PISH POSH!

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santa_blur #1
Chapter 18: Luhan and Daeyeon is soo cutee =^.^= please update soon.
santa_blur #2
Chapter 10: Bwo?? Sehun like Daeyeon? How can he easily fall in love like that -,-
santa_blur #3
Chapter 4: Wow. .Daeyeon is really strong.
Hotcakes1800 #4
Chapter 5: The end of this chapter is hilarious xD
Hotcakes1800 #5
Chapter 2: I like this :)
lovestory123 #6
Chapter 6: Please update!!!!
TikTok09 #7
Chapter 4: updateeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 4: UPDATEE PLEASE AUTHOR NIM <3 cant wait already!
Chapter 2: i like your story n don't forget to update soon!
Chapter 1: Update!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this story please continued!