
Hidden Feelings

Amber POV:

    After the confession Henry and Kris didn’t want to leave me by myself alone in the apartment. They took me out to eat and promised to stay with me until it was time to pick Krystal up.

    “Thanks guys,” I said as we walked to the park to pass the time.

    “No problem Amber,” Kris said as he jumped on the swing set.

    “Yeah we want to make sure you are ok,” Henry chimed in patting my back. I grinned and followed my friends.

    “Wait, Henry,” I called to him making him turn around. “What do you shift into?” I asked. To think of it I had never seen him shift or heard him talk about it. Kris on the other hand I knew was a wolf.

    “Why does it matter?” He questioned playfully. Kris smirked and came up behind me.

    “Yeah why should it matter?” Kris said knowing they were both just messing with me.

    “Come on bro! please?” I asked trying to be cute.

    “Ew, Fine fine just stop that face alright?” Henry said as he ran into the grass with Kris. It was dark and late enough that no one would be here so I followed them excited about seeing my friends other forms. Kris was first and shifted into his wolf form. I was next and let the feelings take over again. It felt amazing to be back in this form after months. I playfully pounced on Kris and rolled him over. He growed as we playfully started to wrestle. Suddenly he stopped and stiffened as we felt Henry shift. We both looked over and saw a fox looking back at us.

    “Henry?” I questioned. The fox nodded and walked over to Kris and sat by his side. I smiled and shifted back into human form and waited for the boys to do the same. Once we were all in our human forms we laughed and walked away from the park. For a moment they took my mind off her. For a moment I forgot what my girlfriend was doing with some guy I will never know. I finally could forget what she had to do and that I had to let her. I could forget that I couldn’t protect her. I could just forget.

Krystal POV:

    “K-Kai, what are you doing here?” I asked pulling up the blanket to cover my exposed skin.

    “I found out why you quit. Why you had to leave.” He said sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Why are you here though Kai?”

“Well I figured that since your time was for sale I’d buy some of it.” He said motioning for  me to sit with him. I couldn’t refuse. He was the customer and I had to listen to him. If people found out that I refused, I would not only be out of a job, I could be kicked out of Nox and the wrong people could be notified. I slowly next to him.

“How did you find out?” I asked. Who else knew about me? Who else could be looking

for me. Amber. What if they find her? What if they get to her to get to me?

    “I know some people,” Kai stated staring at me.

    “Kai please what do you want?”

    “Why her? Why couldn’t it be anyone else?” I looked back at him confused. He never seemed to have a problem with Amber.

    “I don’t understand.”

    “Why did you have to fall in love with her Krystal? Why couldn’t you find another monster to spend your life with?”

    “I don’t know what you mean.”

    “Don’t try to lie or pretend you don’t know. I knew what she was from the moment she stepped into the bakery.” He said harshly. He stood up and loomed over me as he continued almost yelling. “Why did it have to be her? Why couldn’t you just stay alone like before? Like with Sulli.” I couldn’t speak or find my words. How? How could he have known about Sulli.

    “How do you know about Sulli,” I asked. Kai just glared at me.

    “She was my friend. She was normal. The only normal person who understood me. I backed off because I knew she was happy with you. I was the one who protected her and because I wanted her to be happy I let you protect her for me. I was the one who buried her after you killed her. I was the one who had to explain and lie to her mother about what happened to her. I had to watch all the people who loved her mourn her and lie to them what happened. I had to pretend I didn’t know what happened to her. To protect you! You who couldn’t control yourself and took her from all of us.” Kai said shaking. I stared at him in disbelief and I felt the old memories rush back to me. Him.

    “You. Youre the one Sulli always talked about. The one who kept her secrets about me. The one she wanted me to meet.” I whispered. Kai nodded and sat back down beside me.

    “I promised to protect you. She asked me that if anything happened to her that i would protect you. At first when Sulli was found dead I didn’t want to keep my promise. At first I wanted to kill you and leave her like you left her, but once I met you that all changed. I saw why she fell for you. I saw the good in you. After working with you at the bakery I knew you never would hurt Sulli on purpose. So I decided I needed to keep my promise.” Kai said as he clenched his fists. We sat like that for a while unable to speak. Kai eventually turned away and threw his jacket to me from the edge of the bed. I put it on to cover my exposed skin.

    “T-Thank you,” I muttered softly. “What does this have to do with Amber though?”

    “She is a threat. She puts you in danger every day.” Kai stated simply.

    “How would you know?”

    “She can’t control herself. She is an accident waiting to happen. And she isn’t just a harmless human. She could kill you.” he said firmly.

    “She wouldn’t hurt me.”

    “You don’t know that. You put yourself in danger every time you go home with her. Every time you fall asleep with her. Every time you leave yourself defenseless you are in danger. Let me protect you Krystal. Let me help you escape from Nox.” I looked up at Kai and chuckled.

    “You? An average human protect me from the people after me? I doubt you could take on one vampire let alone hundreds.” I stood up and turned away from him. “I am safer and happier with Amber.” Kai chuckled and stood next to me.

    “I am not as helpless as I look.” he took my hand and pulled me out of bed. “Get dressed.” I noticed my shift was over and I nodded. I slipped away to the bathroom and quickly got dressed still thinking about Sulli. Once I was done Kai took my hand and pulled me out of the room and led me into the lobby. The guards let us pass and smirked at the sight of us holding hands. He paused for a moment at the front desk and was handed a bag that he comfortably slung over his shoulder. As usual the girls bowed to him as he lefter the hotel. I rolled my eyes at the snickers that followed us leaving the dreaded hotel.

    “Where are we going?” I said looking around for Amber. She was no where to be seen. Kai looked down at me while studying my expressions. She wasn’t in her normal spot. I stopped in place and checked my phone to see if she was going to be late. Nothing. No messages.

    “She is late isn’t she?” Kai asked looking around with me.

    “It’s ok, she will be here.” I said yanking my hand out of his. I walked over to Amber’s spot and sat on the small brick planter wall and took out my phone still waiting for messages.

    “Anyone could have come and attacked you by now.” Kai said sitting next to me. “Where is your hero now?” I shuffled uncomfortably in my seat. He was right. Where was Amber? Did she get hurt? What happened?

Amber POV:

    Damn. I was late. I was so busy with Henry and Kris that I was late to picking Krystal up. I told them I was going to go ahead and they could meet me there. I ran to the hotel to our usual spot and was shocked to see Kai sitting next to her. What was he doing here? I walked up to Krystal and Kai wanting to know what was happening. Krystal greeted me with a smile and rushed to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I pulled her waist close and buried my nose into her hair to inhale her scent.

    “Hey Princess,” I said softly as I kissed her cheek. She just held me tighter and nuzzled into my neck. I looked up at Kai to see him tense. He glared at me as Krystal pulled away.

    “Kai stop it.” She said harshly. Kai just rolled his eyes and stepped closer to Krystal.

    “So what are you doing here?” I asked looking over at Kai who kept staring at Krystal.

    “Doing your job.”

    “Excuse me?”

    “I am protecting her, something that you have failed to do.” He said simply. I felt my muscles tense and eyes glow. Kai just chuckled. “See you can’t even control your emotions. How can you expect to protect Krystal from anything?” I couldn’t speak. I felt Krystals grip on my arm tighten and I looked over at her. She kissed my cheek and nuzzled into my neck and whispered into my ear.

    “I know you are protecting me Amber. I know you care. Please don’t prove Kai right.” Her voice echoed through my mind and calmed me down. I gripped onto Krystal and held her tight still glaring at Kai but through human eyes.  “Cut it out Kai. What do you expect if you attack her?”

    “She should be able to handle it if she wants the responsibility of your life Krystal.”

    “Who are you to judge who is capable of protecting me? You claim to be able to keep me safe but you are just human.” Krystal said as she stepped slightly in front of me.  

    “Who said I was average?” Kai said simply. I stared at him carefully watching his every move. He started to inch away towards the park. It was late  and everything was dark. Krystal and I carefully followed him. Krystal kept wanting to follow him, we were both curious on what Kai meant. As we walked up to the grass Henry and Kris caught up with us. They sensed something was wrong and followed us silently. We walked into the center of the park and watched Kai slowly take out two swords still fully sheathed. He smirked and quickly unsheathed the swords to reveal she gleam of sharp silver. Krystal stepped back slightly at the sight of the inscriptions on the blades.

    “I told you. I am not just a weak human who is prepared to die and roll over for the other monsters that inhabit this earth.” Kai said as he held them firmly by his side.

    “You are a hunter.” Krystal said simply. “How many have you killed?” Kai just smirked and pulled back his shirt to reveal the small black tick marks marked along his collar-bone.

    “What do you want?” I asked loudly as Henry and Kris closed in and surrounded Krystal.

“I want to teach you.” Kai said taking a step forward. I growled to warn him to stay away and let my eyes glow and teeth sharpen.

“Kai. Don’t.” Krystal said sternly. Kai just smiled and lunged forward. I didn’t think. Henry Kris and I shifted. Kris let a snarl rip through the air as he advanced to stop Kai from coming.

“Amber, run.” Krystal said before Kai swung his sword at Krystal. She thankfully ducked and I gave myself over to the monster inside.

HEY GUYS! Sorry for being away so long!

PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT!! it helps me write and they make me super happy :D

ALSO I NEED SOME HELP!!! do you guys want to see Kai as bad or good? happy or sad ending? >:D

For those of you who care i got a girlfriend who is the most amazing person ever <3

PLEASE FOLLOW ME ON TUMBLR!!! (if anyone knows how to insert a link pleaseeeee help me outttt) 

Fun fact: ITS MY BIRTHDAY :D (i am so old...) 

Thank you all for reading and supporting me <3 you guys are the best! 


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Chapter 23: yea, really enjoy this. remind me of twilight but a better version with panther, fox and wolf and human hunter. this is gd. update pali...
Chapter 22: I hope you feel better and I liked this update even though it was short ^^
Chapter 22: Can't wait for next chapter XD ... Author shii fighting!!!!.. I'll make sure to check all your stories ... ^^ keep writing your a good writer... All the best!!! ^^
Chapter 22: Hehehe smuuttt please!!!

Oh god, I miss this story!
Chapter 21: Yay thank you for updating!
kryberlove24 #6
Chapter 21: More fluff and ! HEHEHEHE I don't want angst please... Kryber must be tgt in the end!!
Chapter 21: I don't trust Kai... >:( ...
Chapter 21: God, hurry up and become strong stupid llama...uhm I mean panter... anyway, whatever! So you can protect your princess!!!!
Chapter 20: Man I knew kai was wayy too nice in this story
kryberlove24 #10
Chapter 20: kai. But thank god he didnt touch princess... HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUTHORSHI! HAPPY ENDING PLEASE!