Mini Date

That Man

*High score*

Yes! Wait til he sees this. I'm sure he'll snap. Kekeke..

"Mira-shi?!" Kyuhyun barged into the room, and search for me as soon as he walked in. He has been barging in and shouting my name as if I was not there. 

"I'm here.." I waved to him as I sat on the lounge chair. "And I have been here throughout your fourth time changing costumes, have I not?" I said pouting and stood up to help him take the layers of his pilot costume off. He must be feeling super warm under these layers of clothes. He must be, I can see pearls of sweat under the bangs of his hair. Being the ever dedicated stylist, I quickly grabbed two pieces of tissue and wiped his forehead. He seemed stunned by my spontaneous action, but he didn't look at me. So I asked him if it was okay that I helped him like that. 

"ne.." he said and stood there as still as a statue. 

"Kyuhyun in 5," shouted the stage manager from somewhere. 

"Ah, ppalli ppalli.. put on this last costume" I said and shoved the last costume to him. 

He got dressed and I helped him buttoned the jacket he was wearing. "Mira-shi?" he suddenly said. "Do you want to watch the last bit of the play?" My eyes brighten underneath my glasses and I guess he could see that because he smiled and said, "great. Go to the box seats and sit with the guys. But please make sure you get back here before I return from the stage.. "

I gave him a super grin. "Komapseumnida, Kyuhyun-shi!" I chirped and tugged the sleeves of his jacket. Yah! Why did I do that again?! Since when did I develop this habit of tugging people's sleeves? 

"Are you thaaaat happy?" he asked and tilted his head down to reach the level of my eyes. After a 3 second of silence, we moved back from each other and he coughed a little. "I should get going now," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. 

"Yeah.. and me.. too.. " I stammered. And the both of us left the room. He left for the stage and I left for the box seats. 


As I walked to the seats, I couldn’t shake the thought of why Kyuhyun changed his mind. He didn’t allow me to watch the play in the beginning, and now that the play is almost ending, he changed his mind. I walked slowly as I was beginning to feel tired. It has been almost 12 hours since I left home at 8 this morning. I swing my arms in a circular motion to ease the tiredness.

Maybe he felt sorry for me.. Must be.

I soon arrived at the seats for reserved guests and true enough as what Jay had said, there was an empty seat right next to him. He was slouching and kept a straight face, while the other guys and the rest of the audience were laughing at a scene from the play.

“What’s so funny?” I whispered to him as I slipped into the empty seat.

He turned his head around and sat up straight as soon as he saw me, “ey, you made it.” His dead serious expression gone now, replaced by an eye smiling face.

Looking at his smiling face made me all smiley too, “yeah, I made it” and let out a small laugh. I looked at the stage and saw Kyuhyun. He really does look perfect. Oh no, he is starting to sing. I’m going to melt.

“He is really good, isn’t he?” Jay leaned in a bit closer and whispered. I kept my head straight but my eyes lurk to the corners and saw him right next to my shoulders.

“He is. Especially in singing, I just love..” my voice faded away as I looked at the already pouting Jay Park. “Wae gurae, Jaybum-shi,” I asked, pretending I didn’t understand why he is sulking like that. Are you jealous that I’m complementing Kyu and not you?

“You like ballads? And please, just call me Jay” he asked again.

I really didn’t want him to feel butthurt about me LOVING Kyu’s voice. I mean, can anybody really top off Kyu’s singing voice? “I.. I actually like all kind of music, Jay-shi.. I’m an all rounder, “ I said, laughing a little and let out a small sigh unintentionally.

“You sound like you’re tired,” he said, now facing the stage. “Has Kyuhyun been working you up?”

“Ani. It’s just that today’s my first day. I haven’t really gotten the hang of things just yet. But I’m also enjoying my work as it goes,” I told him. Why should I not feel enjoy when I’m clearly working with a star, plus I get to meet some other famous people. And now I’m even conversing with Jay Park as if I’ve known him for years. But I really feel like I want to go home. Now.

Audience are now clapping and doing a standing ovation initiating that the play has ended.

“Gosh, I have to get back to the dressing room,” I hurriedly said and got up when Jay’s hand grabbed mine.

“Let’s take a selfie. It’s selfie Tuesday,” he said with his once again eye smiling face.

“It is?” I asked, puzzled and he place his phone in front of us and snapped a selfie. I wasn’t sure if I was smiling or not because it all happened in like 5 seconds.

“I’ll see you later,” he said and pushed me to get me going. Thanks for the momentum, Jay Park. I really needed that. I ran a little towards the dressing room. Praying that Kyuhyun didn’t get there before me. Oh God, please, no..

I slammed the door opened and found out that the room was full of other people. Who are these people? Some were busy walking around and talking at the same time and some were congratulating Kyuhyun. Oh Lord, please don’t let him scold me in front of all these people, please..

I took a deep breath and walked calmly towards him. I start loosening the buttons of his jacket and shirt. Part of my job as a personal stylist, you see? Lucky? I hope so..

He turned to me and asked in a monotonous voice, “had a good time..” I was about to answer when he continued, “..with Jay?” What the..

“Ne..” I answered and nodded in a cool way. “I had a good time watching that last bit of your play,” I said, avoiding his eyes. I made sure I said the words ‘last bit’ with some extra stress on it.

“Good,” he said.

“Good,” I said. I reached a pair of his checkered shirt and cream-coloured khakis.



“Put this on,” I said with a straight face. “You have to go to the restaurant with your friends after this.” I really don’t understand why we’re both sulking and talking in monotonous tones now. But something just doesn’t feel right. I really just wanna go home..

As soon as he got dressed, in came his friends, “ka-ja! I’m so hungry!” Sungmin said. I was busy packing my stuff and heard them.

“Ka ka ka ka ka.. ppalli!” said Yesung. He must be really hungry. And so am i..

“You coming, Mira-shi?” I heard Jay asking from a distance. “Come and follow us eat, please,” he said.

I turned to them and saw they had hopeful faces on them, hoping I was able to join them. Oh boy, how do I put this..

I walked to them saying, “kamsahamnida guys, but i ..”

“She’ll be coming,” Kyuhyun cut me off and looked at me. “Right?” he stared right through my eyes and I felt as if I was hypnotized. I gave him a bitter smile. Fine..!!

The guys left the theatre in their own vehicles, while Kyuhyun and I got into the company’s black SUV. He sat right next to me and I placed my black tote bag between us. I looked outside the window as it started to rain.

“Are you hungry?” Kyu asked me, breaking the silence. I just gave him a simple nod, not even facing him. Of course I am! I dont even remember when was the last time I ate!

“Are you angry at me?” he slowly asked and this time, I faced him. Am I angry? Am I angry? I, for one, just wanted to go home and call my best buddy and tell her what a loooong day it has been for me. Can't you see that my face is incredibly tired and looks horrible?!

We were both quiet for like 5 seconds, before I answered him, “no” and looked back to the window. Of course I didn't have the guts to tell him all that. What if he suddenly crushed my hand like the last time he did in the dressing room? I felt something touching the skin of my hands. *Gasps* Dont tell me Kyuhyun is holding my hands. Kyaa~ 

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Check out my new Kyuhyun ff, y'all. The title is [aegis]. See you there!


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Chapter 33: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh daebakkkkkk!!!!!! Iloveit!!!!!!! Perfect!!!!!!!!83)3';(;7;8:):): mmmuah!!!!
Chapter 32: Love in the airrrrrrr
Chapter 25: Oh my silly mira she should have just tell kyu the truth
Chapter 24: My god iakqndycoaLGdycoekemsmdycuduhdhdhdhdhdhd they kissed!!! Fireworks!!!!!!!
Chapter 22: Eeeepp someone pls confess!!haha
Chapter 21: Shupó kyu to the rescue!!!!
Chapter 20: My feelings when u fall in love is all mixed up. Hurt, insult, melts, whatever haha
Chapter 18: Noooo kyu must be heartbroken!!!!
Chapter 17: Poor mira i hate guessing game relationship