
30 Day Challenge

Day 9 July 15th


Does Kyu love me or gaming?

It would seem games, but the little things he does

Shows to me how much he does truly care.

Often times it’s the small smiles he gives me,

And yet other times homemade gifts find me.

But Kyu does truly love me more than games.


His head might be filled with all of his games,

But nothing can truly stop his gaming,

Except for the calling that comes from me;

Sweet relief that helps calm down and does,

Put his mind on something else that is me.

In these times it shows how he truly cares.


Others complain that he does not show care,

But all they see is his mask of his games.

Though Kyu is actually sweet to me,

Through the eyes of others it’s all gaming,

But I can see through what Kyuhyun’s mask does.

Deep in the back of his mind is all me.


Gaming is a passion of his but me,

I’m a precious person that calls for care.

All throughout the day, all this person does

Is think of strategies for all his games,

And thus he is magistrate of gaming.

But I know that deeply he thinks of me.


When alone, the two of us, him and me,

Is a time I cherish, for he loves me.

Nevermind all those spent on gaming,

Our time alone is a time for his care,

And he forgets for a time all his games,

Unconditional love is all he does.


Then when it goes back to the games he does,

In some small part, all his sweet love for me,

And smiles during the times of his games,

The small silences that he shares with me.

Hidden smiles and gestures to show care,

Before he is lost again to gaming.


Does Kyuhyun really care so deep for me?

Me and my mind say yes, that he does care!

Games he loves, but I before gaming.





Ok guys, so I was tired of just the same old story and so decided on a poem. I took an English class this past summer and part of the class was poetry. I wrote a couple, and one was a form called a sestina, and I enjoyed it a bit more than other forms. So here is a Kyumin poem here for you, I hope I didn’t bore you to death! And the meaning behind it is that Sungmin can see the way Kyuhyun show his love for him, even when he seems like the evil maknae(that he is by the way! And only Sungmin’s bad ninja skills can keep his ego from floating to through the rooftops!). Alright, peace, love, a poem about Kyumin, and some cookies and kisses for you!  *chuu~  ^_~

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Chapter 14: I'm crying. This was really beautiful.

I just adore how the story progressed, how it was beautiful from beginning to end. This was really fantastic. You should have posted this as a one-shot. Jsjdidhdkdhfkhd I'm going to read it again.
Chapter 5: Lol, sneaky Dongwoo!
Chapter 3: Omo! The eunhae was too cute! <3
Lol at fishy Hae. How can he just run off like that? Hyuk wasn't done with u, fish! XD
*off to read the rest*
Chapter 29: Author-nim I love all of these storys but I felt like killing you when I read this chapter.... I wanted some sunggyuXwoohyun action :( ahhhh your lucky you're awesome !
Chapter 19: Oh, that's very sweet! XD
Chapter 13: What the heck?
Chapter 6: Joon managed to feed Godongyi and even fot fascinated by him.. which earned him a well deserved reward'^^