Car Ride

30 Day Challenge

Day 16 July 22nd


Sitting in the car was Love, Despair, Hope, and Surprise. Love was at the wheel, but had pulled over when he figured he was lost.


“It should have just been a straight shot to the head…” Love mumbled as he looked at the road map.


“Hyung what if we are lost? What if we never find our way there? What if-“


“We’ll get there, don’t worry,” Hope said cutting off Despairs ranting, “We just have to find the right road, or else we might wander around forever and then run out of gas.”


“We could run out of gas?!” Despair yelled, making everyone but Love jump, “But then we’d never make it, and it’s our job to make it! What happens to us if we never make it! I don’t want to die!”


‘God, there he goes again. Can never get a word in edgewise around this guy, always so scared we won’t accomplish our task,’ thought Hope as he just sat back and waited for Love to find the right road.


“Aha!” shouted Love, “I got it!”


“Great then let’s get this show on the road, I want to make it there before this guy get all depressed on us!” Hope said and pointed his thumb at Despair.


The next few minutes were spent in silence, Love beaming, and Hope trusting Love with the directions, Despair muttering under his breath about all his worries, and Surprise lying in wait.


All of a sudden, BANG! A tire blew and Surprise was thrown into a slight spazz as he tried to put as much distance between himself and the noise that resonated in his ears.


“I knew it! We’re gonna die! And we are going to finish our mission, and then-“


“We are not going to die! We are going to finish this mission, and would you stop your worrying?” Hope yelled cutting off Despair’s wails.


“All it is, is a busted tire, I have a change in the trunk, just need help with this to get the old one off and the new one on.” Hope volunteered to help, since he knew Despair and Surprise would probably just make the tire changing even longer, and soon they were back on the road again, new tire and new spirit. Well except for Despair and Surprise.


A few more hours and then Love spoke up, “Uh we are running out of gas, we need to find a gas station soon.” Surprise hated when things like this were just sprung on him and thus curled up into as small a ball as he could be trying to close out the long string of sentences about them failing from Despair.


Luckily enough, they surprisingly found a gas station, and Surprise was once again surprised, but in a good way this time. Coming out of his ball a bit, he started to take in the lovely scenery that passed by as they drove.


Despair had finally calmed enough to fall asleep, and thus Hope and Love were happy again, and the car ride was much smoother now.


Then they finally saw it. The gates to heaven they were told about. Surprise had his finally shock of his life, and Despair cowered wondering if they were going to be let in.


Hope sat confidently as Love drove them right up to the gates before they opened, and the car swiftly entered.


And that’s when Soohyun finally saw it, what was there all along. He loved Dongho as a whole. No matter what baggage it came with, or what surprises their life might hold in store. The hope behind the love he saw as he stared into Dongho’s eyes at that moment was pure and unconditional. And as they shared their first kiss, Soohyun felt all those emotions fade, until all that was left was Love.





Hi guys! I hope that wasn’t too confusing, but basically, I was trying to describe how when people fall in love all these emotions are usually used, but I tried to put it in perspective of the emotions. So the trip was from the heart (where the love had grown, but Soohyun didn’t know it yet) to the brain (where Soohyun was finally conscious of what he was feeling). If you need me to clarify anything else feel free to ask. Alright peace, kittens, puppies with red ribbons for Christmas, Jeff Dunham and Gang to be at your next birthday party, and they and improved emotion scanner! So you can see exactly what emotions other people are having!  *chuu~    ^_~

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Chapter 14: I'm crying. This was really beautiful.

I just adore how the story progressed, how it was beautiful from beginning to end. This was really fantastic. You should have posted this as a one-shot. Jsjdidhdkdhfkhd I'm going to read it again.
Chapter 5: Lol, sneaky Dongwoo!
Chapter 3: Omo! The eunhae was too cute! <3
Lol at fishy Hae. How can he just run off like that? Hyuk wasn't done with u, fish! XD
*off to read the rest*
Chapter 29: Author-nim I love all of these storys but I felt like killing you when I read this chapter.... I wanted some sunggyuXwoohyun action :( ahhhh your lucky you're awesome !
Chapter 19: Oh, that's very sweet! XD
Chapter 13: What the heck?
Chapter 6: Joon managed to feed Godongyi and even fot fascinated by him.. which earned him a well deserved reward'^^