Creeper Junhyung

The Friendly and The Mean

            The two walked around, looking at the different stores as they went. Yoseob ran over to a shoe store and stared at all the shoes that were on display. None of them caught his interest so he returned to Doojoon. After another while of walking, he charged over to the Forever 21 store. Doojoon called over to him.

            “Hey! Slow down!” Yoseob completely ignored him and looked through random clothing. He pulled out a pair of jeans, a jacket, and a shirt. Doojoon came over and stared at the outfit the blonde was holding. “You trying them on?”

            “Yes, obviously, hyung!”

            “Okay, no need for that attitude.” He patted the younger one’s head. Yoseob ran off to the dressing room and changed. He came out and jumped in front of Doojoon’s face.

            “How do I look?” He smiled brightly and span around in circles to let Doojoon see the outfit.

            “I don’t like it.”

            “What? Why not?” Yoseob frowned at the tall figure and walked back to the dressing room. He changed back into his clothes and left the room.

            “I don’t like the shirt. You’d look better if you wear this.” He handed Yoseob the shirt he was looking at. “And change that jacket to this vest.” He passed over the vest that was in his hand. Yoseob skipped back to the dressing room and came back out in the new outfit.

            “How about now?” He span around some more in front of Doojoon, making the hyung laugh. “O-Oop!” He tripped over his own feet and fell forwards. Before hitting the floor, Doojoon caught the boy in his arms. Yoseob looked up, face turning pink.

            “You alright?”

            “N-Neh. Thank you!” Yoseob stood up and brushed himself off. Embarrassed, he ran back in to change out of the outfit. “We should continue our walk now!”

            “Haha, okay. And you looked really cute in that outfit.” Doojoon smiled, slightly blushing. Yoseob’s face began to turn pink but he smiled quickly went to put back the clothes. “Why don’t you buy it?”

            “Eh, I want to save my money.” He began to leave the store. Doojoon watched for a bit and grabbed the clothes again. He went over to the cash register and paid without Yoseob’s notice. On the other hand, Yoseob continued to walk off, not noticing the hyung’s absence. The older one quickly caught up, the clothes in his backpack. The two walked off and headed in the direction of the food court.


            What…happened back there? Junhyung sat at a table in the food court, thinking about the moment Doojoon was holding Yoseob in his arms. The moment Yoseob tripped, Junhyung had walked into the store. Junhyung ran his hand through his hair and sighed. He got out of his seat and went to order some food. He got in line for some McDonalds and looked back at his empty table. There were two empty seats, one for him and the other was empty. I’ll have you one day, Doojoon-hyung. When he finished ordering, he went back to save his seat and laid his head down onto his hands. Sigh…It was probably just an accident. I shouldn’t be jealous of it. The jealousy built up inside of him the more it came back into his mind. He sat up and pounded his fist on the table, sending a loud thump through the area. Everyone turned and looked at him, turning him red with embarrassment.

            “Ahh, mianhe! Please, resume eating, ignore me,” he convinced. The bully looked around to make sure if the people turned away. He dropped his face flat onto the table and groaned. Yoseob, you are going to get it if I see anything else happening between you two. Soon, Junhyung was spaced out.

            “…Order…! …number…! …Order…27!” Junhyung’s mind was clouded, but he snapped out of his hypnotic state.


            “Order number 27, please!” Junhyung got up and walked speedily to the counter as he realized it was his number being called. “Is this your order, sir?” He looked at the food that was being shown to him and nodded. “Here you go! Thank you for coming, and enjoy your meal!”

            “Thank you.” He bowed at the female worker and took off to his seat with the food in possession. His stomach growled and he felt a sharp pain in it. “So hungry…” As he looked up to his table, he realized the couple who sat the table next to him was gone. Their spots were taken up by Doojoon and Yoseob. Panicking on a decision, Junhyung chose to find a new place to sit, somewhere distant from the pair. His eyes were transfixed on the two as he sat down, observing their actions. The ‘couple’ were just talking and laughing with each other as they waited for their food. Letting out another deep sigh, the boy looked down at his food. Hopefully the food will get them out of my mind. Unwrapping the first burger, he took a bite into its warm, crispiness and enjoyed the taste that flowed through his taste buds.


            Yoseob played around with his fingers and rocked back and forth in his chair as he waited for the food to come. Doojoon watched the boy contently and smiled at him.

            “Doojoon! I’m so hungry, hyung!” The blonde puffed up his cheeks and wrinkled up his face to look frustrated. “I don’t want to wait anymore!” He held his tummy as it growled loudly.

            “Be patient, Yoseob. I’m hungry, also.” The older one looked around and watched as all the people ate and waited. Several tables over, he noticed Junhyung eating alone. Doojoon turned back to the boy in front of him and pretended to not see anything. “I think our food should be here soon.”

            “Yay! Finally! If it isn’t, I will die of this terrible hunger. Arrghh.” Yoseob wrapped his arms around his stomach and put his head on the table. Doojoon ruffled his hair and motioned him to sit up. “Okay…” The younger one lifted his head and smiled like a maniac when he heard what he wanted to hear.

            “Order number 32! Order number 32!” By instinct, Yoseob ran over to the McDonalds counter and jumped up and down with joy. Doojoon chuckled at the sight and came over. “Is this your order, sir?” Doojoon nodded with certainty. “Enjoy your meal and thank you for coming!” The lady smiled and handed over the tray of food. Doojoon reached forward but Yoseob’s hands were already gripped onto the tray. The boy zoomed back to the table with the tray of food and started eating away joyfully.

            “Doojoon! Hurry and eat while it’s still warm!”

            “Yoseob! Slow down! You’re gonna choke!” The hyung ran over and sat down. As he began to eat, he looked up at Yoseob, who was already halfway finished with his first burger and still chomping. “Yoseob! Don’t choke now! I don’t know CPR.”

            “CPR? But if I’m choking on food, you’re supposed to do the Heimlich maneuver!” Yoseob said through his food. He paused for a bit, and grinned to himself. As Doojoon took a bite into his own sandwich, Yoseob pretended to start choking. Stunned and terrified, Doojoon stared with wide eyes. Instead of helping the boy, he sat there and stared.

            “I told you to slow down! I don’t know how to help you! Yoseob! Stop choking! You better not die on me! What do I do…YOSEOB, HANG IN THERE.” Doojoon continued to eat his burger but at a faster pace. Finally deciding that Doojoon was never going to help him in time, Yoseob stopped the coughing and stared at the older one with a disappointed face.

            “Hyung! What if I was really choking and suffocating? That is not how you save someone. I need to teach you!”

            “Teach me later. I’m eating right now.” The reply was blunt, but it didn’t bother Yoseob. He resumed eating his food and watched as Doojoon finished his. Doojoon looked back and gave a puzzled expression. “Do you need anything?”

            “Oh, aniyo. I just felt like watching you eat. I don’t know why.” Yoseob laughed. “Well actually, you look funny eating. DON’T KILL ME.” Doojoon glared back for a moment and started laughing himself. He grabbed a napkin and wiped up the mess that was on his face.

            “Have you seen yourself eat? You’re not any better.” Yoseob looked down and pouted at the retort. “Haha, it’s okay, though. I find it kind of cute.” The older one ruffled the younger one’s hair again.

            “Ahh! Your hand is oily! Don’t touch my hair with your oily hand!” Yoseob’s face was pink from the compliment. He swatted the hyung’s hand away and returned to his food.

            “Mmm, mianhe, Yoseob.” Doojoon took another bite of his food and glanced over at Junhyung. He noticed that Junhyung was looking over to them, but quickly turned away when Doojoon’s eyes came into contact with his. The hyung thought for a moment, wondering if he should go talk to the lone guy or not.

            “…hyung! Doojoon…! HEY! I’M TALKING TO YOU!” The thoughts were interrupted when Yoseob’s voice was heard.

            “Huh? Oh. What?”

            “While you were daydreaming or whatever, I went to buy some ice cream! Would you like some?” Yoseob held up a bowl full of ice cream. The different colors complimented each other nicely and the cherries on top made it look even more appealing. On either side was a spoon.

            “Oh, thanks. I’d love some!” They each grabbed a spoon and started gulping down the sweet, icy treat. In the middle of their meal, Yoseob dropped his spoon. It hit the floor with a loud CLANG! He picked it up and placed it on the table, too lazy to go get another one. “You need another spoon?” Doojoon offered. The boy shook his head and let his hyung have the rest of the bowl. “There’s too much for me to finish, and I don’t wanna feel selfish. I’ll get you another spoon if you want.” He then thought of something else to offer and unwarily turned a soft shade of red. “O-Or you can also use mine if you want.”

            “It’s okay! Really! I don’t want to bother you. Just eat it!” Yoseob stood up and was about to walk off to get another spoon when Doojoon grabbed his arm and held him back. He held up a spoonful of ice cream to Yoseob’s face.

            “It’s fine! Just have some, Yoseob. Don’t need to walk all the way over there to get another spoon.” Yoseob frowned at Doojoon, but gave in after a short time. He opened up his mouth, went “Ahhhhh”, and waited for the spoon to make it into his mouth. Surprised, Doojoon smiled and fed the boy the spoonful of ice cream. “See, now you don’t have to get up.” Yoseob smiled and waited for another spoonful after Doojoon ate his.

            “Kamsahamnida, Doojoon-hyung!” He took in another gulp of ice cream. Doojoon laughed as he a bit of the ice cream had missed Yoseob’s mouth and was covering a bit of his upper lip and nose. Glancing up again, he saw Junhyung storming off. He gave the spoon to Yoseob and began to get up.

             “Hey, Yoseob. I’ll be back in a bit, I have to go use the restroom. Finish as much of the ice cream as you can, alright?” The boy nodded and began scooping up some more of the treat. Doojoon smiled, left his bag on his seat, and ran off to follow Junhyung. Junhyung?  

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Yuki_IS #1
Chapter 28: The storylines was DAEBAK!!!!
Itzme_b2uty #2
This story is so good!! Please update soon!! >_<
sparks_ys #3
Chapter 26: also love the chatter when they played games...hahahaha.. laughed while rolling on the floor.... n the ashley, brian-mop and connie part... what's with??? LOL... enjoyed it especially dongni ppongni's 4D head.... XD
sparks_ys #4
Chapter 20: hohoho.... the 4D one in the fic goes to... sonNamShin!!! whoa~ luved how he knew about the fic comments... lol
PikaKyuLove #5
ROFL! Godwoon owns all! That was so funny! XD
LOL. At first I thought Dongwoon was the girll .. xD <br />
Update please :p
straightcut #7
dongwoon!!! so naughty!
Lol~ nice chapter ^^
MllKAA #9
wooow! hillarious! xD
-yoseob #10
ok lubz yew bbyqurl good luck on ur next chapter stop procrastinating i know where you live.............. w8 nvm u know where i live BUT STILL LOLOLOLASKDFHJGSDJFKH shut up. it aint funny. update soon. i be watchin u polaris.