We Should Start On The Assignment...

The Friendly and The Mean

            “Junhyung, stop it! Let me go!”

            Mr. Kim was off to pick up some papers for the class and Junhyung had Yoseob pinned down on his desk. Searching through his bag for stuff and finding nothing interesting, he dropped all the stuff on the floor with the bag and went back to his seat. Yoseob quickly picked up all the stuff and put it in his bag, occasionally rubbing his sore arms. Doojoon watched from his desk and turned over to Junhyung.

            “What was that for?”

            “Eh, I was bored. Wondered if he had any spare money, anything interesting. I found nothing, though.” Junhyung shrugged. Doojoon rubbed his forehead and looked up at the door when Mr. Kim came back.

            “I’m sorry I took so long! It turns out the papers weren’t copied yet, so I had to make the copies.” The teacher passed out the papers to each row of students. “This will be your assignment for the rest of the period, make sure you get them to my desk before you leave today. Come up to me if you have any questions.” He went over to his desk and began typing on his computer.

            “Doojoon-hyung, I don’t understand this question. I don’t want to walk up to the desk to ask the question, can you help me?” Yoseob showed the question to the older one and gave a puzzled face.

            “Me? Help you?” Doojoon laughed. “Do you think I know how to do any of this?” Yoseob pouted in attempt to change his mind. “Haha, well, I can try.”

            “Yay, thank you!” Yoseob smiled and gave the paper and pencil to Doojoon. He watched over Doojoon’s shoulder intently and listened for whatever Doojoon could tell him. After a few minutes, Doojoon finally came up with the answer.

            “…and that is how you do it. Or at least I think so. If it’s not, that’s too bad. Your fault for asking me in the first place.”

            “It’s ok, it’s ok! I don’t mind. Thank you for your help! Kamsahamnida!” Yoseob bowed a few times and went back to his seat. Time in the class passed slowly. The room was quiet. The only sounds that could be heard were the click-click-clicks of the teacher’s keyboard, the scribble-scribble-scribble of all the moving pencils, and the constant “This class is so boring…” of the rebellious Junhyung. After another few moments of quiet, Yoseob heard Doojoon talking to Junhyung.

            “This class is so boring. I want to get out already.”

            “Doojoon, I know. I have complained about that for the past how long, now?”

            “Haha, and I want to restate it. How much time do we have left?”

            “Eh, only a few more minutes. I’m starving! I can’t wait to get home and grab some food.”

            “Ah, I’m hungry, too!”

            Yoseob continued to listen and laughed to himself. If only Junhyung was like that to everyone. He shook his head and resumed working. The bell rang in a little while and Yoseob packed up his stuff. As he headed out the door, he gave Mr. Kim the paper.

            “Ah, Yoseob!” Yoseob heard the teacher’s voice and returned to the class.

            “Yes, Mr. Kim?” The blonde peeked his head in through the doorway.

            “Have you seen the email I sent you?”

            “Ah, yes, I did, sir. Umm, Mr. Kim?”

            “Hmm? What is it, Yoseob?”

            “Well…Junhyung doesn’t want to do any work for the project. And I’m stuck with almost all of it. Can you make him do his own project, or something along those lines?”

            “Are you sure he’s not joking with you? I, honestly, don’t want to grade an extra assignment; keeping it you three will be easiest for me.”

            “Joking? Mr. Kim, it’s Junhyung. He doesn’t joke.” Yoseob was blunt.

            “Ah, well. I’ll see about that. Remember, the assignment is due in two days!”

            “Okay, then. Kamsahamnida, Mr. Kim!” Yoseob bowed and zipped out of the doorway. He bumped into a large figure halfway through the hall. The boy began to apologize before he looked up to see who it was. “J-Junhyung? Mianhe! Mianhe! I didn’t say anything about you to Mr. Kim! It’s nothing! I’m sorry! Mianhe!” He was bowing at a speed where it tired him out. The figure reached out its hand and placed it on Yoseob’s shoulder. Yoseob winced and froze, afraid of what was going to happen next. “Mianhe! Mianhe! Don’t hurt me! I’m sorry, Junhyung!” His voice was shaky from fear.

            “What? Yoseob, what’re you apologizing for?” the familiar voice said. Yoseob lifted his face up and stared at the figure’s face with a bewildered look. Blood rushed up to his face and soon he was as burning red.

            “Ah! Mianhe! It’s nothing! Haha! Nothing, nothing! I’m just talking to myself!” He nervously laughed and bowed at the lost Doojoon.

            “Haha, okay, then. Let’s go, we need to start working on that project.”

            “Where at?” He’s actually gonna do some work! Yoseob smiled cheerily.

            “Is your house okay? Or should we go to mine?”

            “I’m fine with anything! You make the decision!”

            “Let’s go to your house, then!” Doojoon ruffled the jumping boy’s hair and laughed. They both headed out of the hall and in the direction of Yoseob’s house.

            “Hyung, I don’t know what to do for the project. Should we do a poster?”

            “Well, I don’t really care, as long as we get this project done.”

            “Mmm, poster it is, then!” The blonde’s house was near. He dashed to the door and unlocked it. He turned around and saw the hyung still walking. “Hurry up, you slowpoke! I want to get this assignment done!” The hyung chuckled and picked up his pace a bit.

            “Do you really want me to go back to bullying you sooner?”

            “I…” Yoseob started but shut his mouth to think again. “No…Aniyo, I don’t! But why do you have to?” The two stepped into the house.

            “If I don’t bully you, Junhyung wouldn’t want to be around me anymore. I don’t want that happening. What a cozy little house you have.”

            “Then…Why don’t you leave him and become a better person? I’m sure he’ll decide to change, too, once you do. And thank you!” Yoseob dragged Doojoon along to show him around. “This is my room! The bathroom is over there. Here’s the guest room. I don’t know why I have it. No one ever stays over. Unless you’d like to stay over sometime!”

            “Ah, I probably won’t. Well, maybe. Just maybe.” Doojoon peeked around and ran into the kitchen. He opened Yoseob’s fridge and searched for food. “It’s okay if I take anything?”

            “Neh! Take anything! And you still haven’t answered my question!”

            “Huh? What question?”

            “Why don’t you leave Junhyung and become a better person?”

            “Well, we’ve been friends since elementary. I never expected him to become such a malicious person, but that’s how he is now. There’s nothing I can do to change him and I’ve become quite a bully myself, but only to stay with him. He doesn’t really have any other friends anymore, so I don’t want to leave him alone like that. It’ll hurt him a lot if I leave him, and I don’t want that, because it’ll hurt me also.”

            “Oh…” Yoseob frowned at the floor, feeling pity for Junhyung. “Why did he become such a meanie?”

            “I’m not sure. I think there was something with his family or something. But he never told me, really.”

            “Oh…I’m sorry to hear that.”

            “Hah, it’s fine. If only there was something to make him a better person. I’m sure there is! I just don’t know what it is. Come on, we need to start on that assignment.” Doojoon smiled and Yoseob nodded in response.

            “Right! Let me get some paper!” Yoseob ran into his room and came out with a large sheet of paper. He ran back in and came out again. “Hmm, I don’t know what we need for this project. Aigoo, we are so doomed!” He plopped onto the floor.

            “Haha, I don’t really know either. I guess we can skip a day and do it last minute. We’ll ask Mr. Kim tomorrow.” Doojoon shrugged and began eating the sandwich he was making in the past five minutes.

            “I guess you’re right. Why do I have to do this! Doojoon-hyung, why did you and Junhyung have to start such an incident?!” Yoseob pouted and complained and kicked his legs around. The older one laughed at how cute the boy looked when he complained. “Why are you laughing?! I don’t want to have to do any of this!”

            “Mmm, it’s nothing. Mianhe, Yoseob. Well, since we don’t know what to do for the project, what should we do for the rest of the day?” Doojoon cleaned up the table and washed his hands at the kitchen sink.

            “Let’s go walk around in the mall!” Yoseob grabbed his money, took Doojoon by the wrist, and was immediately out the door.

            Coming down the street from a store, Junhyung looked up and saw Yoseob and Doojoon running in a direction. Yoseob was smiling happily and charging through the streets like a little kid with the father being dragged along. They didn’t notice Junhyung and disappeared through the entrance of the large building. Watching with a heavy heart, Junhyung decided to follow along and watch the two. 


I think I put too much dialogue. Thank you for suscribing/reading/commenting! ^^

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Yuki_IS #1
Chapter 28: The storylines was DAEBAK!!!!
Itzme_b2uty #2
This story is so good!! Please update soon!! >_<
sparks_ys #3
Chapter 26: also love the chatter when they played games...hahahaha.. laughed while rolling on the floor.... n the ashley, brian-mop and connie part... what's with??? LOL... enjoyed it especially dongni ppongni's 4D head.... XD
sparks_ys #4
Chapter 20: hohoho.... the 4D one in the fic goes to... sonNamShin!!! whoa~ luved how he knew about the fic comments... lol
PikaKyuLove #5
ROFL! Godwoon owns all! That was so funny! XD
LOL. At first I thought Dongwoon was the girll .. xD <br />
Update please :p
straightcut #7
dongwoon!!! so naughty!
Lol~ nice chapter ^^
MllKAA #9
wooow! hillarious! xD
-yoseob #10
ok lubz yew bbyqurl good luck on ur next chapter stop procrastinating i know where you live.............. w8 nvm u know where i live BUT STILL LOLOLOLASKDFHJGSDJFKH shut up. it aint funny. update soon. i be watchin u polaris.