Seventeenth Encounter

More Than Meets The Eye

Sumin’s POV

The streets seemed really calm today. A little bit too calm. In fact it was so calm, even a normal person would think something was wrong. There was absolutely no wind, and no clouds in sight. No one was walking around the streets, when in fact people should be getting to work around this time. There were no cars on the streets when it should be morning rush hour right now. Even the trees weren’t moving when I ran past them. I started to take more precaution of my surroundings. Suddenly my bracelet rang and startled me, almost making me scream.




The message rolled by the screen and played an alarm tone. I started to dash down the street in the middle of transforming and pulled out my phone, dialing Eunmi’s number.


“Hello?! Eunmi are you awake?! Did you get the alert?” I shouted as I was running with the phone in my hand.


“Yea I’m heading back to base right now. Where are you?”


“A few blocks before reaching base. You?” I switched the phone to my other ear.


“I just left the apartment. Whatever happens, stay calm.”


“I will.” I replied her and hung up.


It was only a few blocks before I reached base, but my eyesight was getting fuzzier and fuzzier. I came to a sudden stop and  my vision became a tinted red color. I felt my blood boil and heartbeat rise rapidly. There was a rapid thumping in my head and I felt like it was going to burst at any second. Suddenly I felt fangs start to grow in my teeth and my demon aura become stronger. The headache multiplied and was driving me insane. Whatever happens, stay calm. Eunmi’s words replayed in my head. I took a few deep breathes before attempting to stand. When I was able to get up, I tried taking a step, but only ended up falling back on the floor. I stayed calm, but it wasn’t helping. In a matter of seconds, the blood rush made it to my brain. Someone ran to my side and supported my head on their legs.


“Sumin! Stay calm, everything will be alright!” It was Daehyun.


“What’s going on?” I managed to mumble, hold my head with one hand and support my body with the other.


“It’s ok, everything will be over soon.” he calmed me, patting my hair.


What will be over soon? What’s going on? The questions were making my head hurt more, and before I knew it, I out in Daehyun’s grasp.


Eunmi’s POV

Today was the day. The day that the Clan Leader has planned to finally take action. I woke up early, but Sumin was already out of bed.


This is not good.


She was suppose to be at home when the seal was suppose to disappear today, so I could take her to Daehyun’s base.


This is really not good.


I paced back and forth the room, waiting for the emergency signal to be sent. Suddenly, as if time stopped, the wind stopped blowing, and the streets were cleared of any human trace. Short seconds after, my bracelet rang, relaying the message.




It was out. I picked up my phone and dialed Daehyun’s number.


Come on pick up! I paced faster and he finally picked up.


“Is it done?” he asked me.


“Raina has casted the spell. Sumin’s seal should break at any moment and time has been frozen for the moment. Start the search now and find her soon. Without a doubt she’s going to faint from the amount of power she’s receiving when the seal breaks. You have to find her before the King sends out people to get her.” I instructed him.


“Right away.” he hung up.


I transformed and went out the front door. I ran down the street behind the frozen shadows, hoping to catch up with Sumin before she collapsed. Then my phone rang, and it was her.


“Hello?! Eunmi are you awake?! Did you get the alert?” she was panting hard and I knew she was running back to base.


“Yea I’m heading back to base right now. Where are you?” I told her.


“A few blocks before reaching base. You?”


“I just left the apartment. Whatever happens, stay calm.” I sensed a strong energy source near me, and it was powerful. Right on point, it was Sumin.


“I will.” she hung up.


Please find her in time. I silently prayed in my mind as I ran as my life depended on it back to base.


Daehyun’s POV

It was the morning of the attack that was planned for tonight. We all waited patiently for Eunmi’s signal to start the search on Sumin’s unconscious body. I suddenly felt the hairs on my arm fall and my senses told me time had just stopped. The DNA chip that was previously obtained by the Clan Leader and Minhee was ringing and flashing red uncontrollably. Shortly after, I had received a call from Eunmi.


“Is it done?” I threw at her.


“Raina has casted the spell. Sumin’s seal should break at any moment and time has been frozen for the moment. Start the search now and find her soon. Without a doubt she’s going to faint from the amount of power she’s receiving when the seal breaks. You have to find her before the King seconds out people to get her.” she told me.


“Right away.” I hung up.


“LET’S MOVE!” Yongguk shouted and the 6 of us dashed out of base. We started with scouting at where I we last tracked her on the CCTVs around town, her running route across town. We split up and looked all over town for her. We were about 5 miles radius of her base, a dangerous distance to be at, when I found her falling on the floor. I ran up to her and kneeled down. Her head was being supported by my legs, and luckily she was still a bit conscious.


“Sumin! Stay calm, everything will be alright!” I tried to calm her.


“What’s going on?” she grumbled an inaudible sentence, but my sharp hearing caught it.


“It’s ok, everything will be over soon.” I whispered to her again, running my fingers through her jet black hair.


After a few seconds, her eyes closed and she fell unconscious, the wolf demon starting to take over her. The boys came right after I picked her up bridal style.


“Clear the area of evidence!” Himchan shouted and the 5 boys dispersed to clean the area.


“Take her back to base.” Yongguk instructed me before running off.


I tightened my hold on Sumin’s light body before starting to dash down the street towards base. In a matter of minutes, I made it back to base and Minhee rushed up to me.


“Is she unconscious?” she asked me.


I nodded my head. “Follow me.” she started taking fast steps down to the underground cell.


“When she awakens, the wolf spirit inside of her will have taken over her soul, and her true powers will have been release.” she explained to me as we walked down the stairs. Sumin was starting to squirm.


“We have to chain her down quickly.” we fastened our pace and made it down to the cell. Minhee assigned her a cell at the end of the row. It was a bright white room, with a tinted glass window that can only see in, not out. I set her down on the bed as Minhee was chaining her arms and legs to the wall and bed. Then finally a metal belt around her waist to keep her down securely. Just as the last bolt was fasten, Sumin woke, eyes a burning crimson red. They were glowing so darkly and could light up the whole cell if it was black not white. She started thrashing around, and screaming. I saw Minhee pull out a needle from a compartment of her belt and jab it into Sumin’s temple. She injected the whole tube of fluid into her body, and Sumin started to calm down.


“Sumin-ah, can you hear me?” Minhee whispered quietly.


“W-what’s going on?” Sumin was dead afraid and confused at why she was chained down.


“What is going to happen, is all depending on you. I want you to calm down in here for the next few days and clear out your mind. Your body is transitioning and the power will be too overwhelming if you go against it.” she instructed her.


“O-ok...” she stuttered. It broke my heart to see Sumin act like this. She was usually a cheerful girl, enjoying her life. But now, she has no clue what’s going on, and that her whole life is in danger at this very moment.


“I’ll leave you here to rest ok? If anything you can just shout and I’ll be here soon got it?” Minhee patted her head.


“M-mm.” Sumin closed her eyes. Minhee successfully lulled her to sleep and we walked out. After we were a safe distance away from the cell, we started talking.


“How did you know about those things Minhee noona?” we sat down in the conference room, waiting for the remaining boys to come back.


“I guess it’s time to tell my you my true identity.” she sighed and stood up, held a fist by her heart and her other arm behind her back.


“Huh?” I was utterly confused.


-quick flashback to list of Cursed Miracles-


1. Seo JoonMin

2. Kim TaeYoung

3. Hwang SoonMi

4. Im SeoKi

5. Choi TaeKyung

6. Lee Sunmi

7. Jung Kyori

8. Song HyoMin

9. Kwon SunYeon

10. Kim MinKi

11. Hwang JunKyu

12. Jung DaeHyun

13. Song EunMi

14. Lee SuMin


-end of flashback-


“My real name is not Minhee, but Lee SunMi, 6th Cursed Miracle.


My jaw dropped at her introduction.


“B-but how are you here then?”


“Same way as you. I was kidnapped in battle and sealed down. My powers are not as strong as you or Eunmi’s, and certainly not Sumin’s, so my powers were easily stored away and won’t be awakening anytime soon.” she explained to me.


“But Eunmi told me that only I was missing from the front lines on their side.”


“Clan Leader sent in someone from the resistance as a decoy in my place. I sacrificed my immortality and part of my powers along with my demon DNA and gave it to her, and then I took on a new identity as Minhee.”


“You’re not joking me right now correct?” I asked her one more time to make sure.


“Last time I checked, yea I’m 100% right.” she smiled at me as the boys came back.


“Where’s Sumin noona?” Zelo looked around curiously.


“We have to lock her in a cell so she doesn’t go out of control, says Minhee noona.” I told him.


“Oh can we go visit her?” Jongup piped up.


“As of now, no.” Minhee smacked his head. I chuckled and turned to the group leader.


“So what happened during the scouting after I left?” I asked him.


“We cleared the area of evidence, and luckily she was just running down a straight path so it was easier to clear her scent and cover it up. We spotted some guards coming out to look for Sumin’s trace, and we left quickly.” Yongguk relayed me to.


“You boys did well.” the Clan Leader walked in and we all saluted him.


“You can sit now.” he told us as he found his seat at the head of the table.


“While Sumin goes through her final transformation preparation, Minhee is in charge of watching over her as she progresses farther into full seal breakage. As of now, only level one has been broken and she’s already in this state. When the remaining 2 levels snap, I will not be able to predict how much conscience she has control over.” he told us.


“What’s going to happen in the next few days?” Youngjae was the first to talk after he came in.


“A war will spark since we have just taken their most powerful child.”


“Can you predict when exactly the war will happen?” Yongguk looked a bit worried.


“It can not be predicted, but I’m hoping it happens after the seal completely breaks, so Sumin can unleash her full power against the Demon King.” he told us.


There was a moment of silence, and we used this time to soak up all the information that was hurled at us.


“War preparation will be commenced immediately. Yongguk and Himchan will be in charge of that while I tend Sumin.” Minhee ordered us.


We stood up and saluted her. “As you wish.” we left the room to prepare for the battle ahead of us.


Eunmi’s POV

I dashed off to base to deliver the message to Father. I was running when Sumin’s presence suddenly disappeared off my radar.


Please take care of Sumin, Daehyun. Please.


I continued running until I reached base. In 2 minutes, I was standing at the entrance of his room, panting and trying to catch my breath. After taking a few huffs I was able to pull myself together and knock on the door.


“Come in.” the voice belonged to him.


“Father I came to report some news.”




“Sumin’s been taken.”


“Send out the emergency alarm immediately. I want you to find her as soon as possible.” he instructed me, eyes full of hatred and anger.


“Yes sir.” I bowed and left. I went to the control room to relay the message and they sent out guards immediately. Right after they left, I headed over to the lab to meet Raina.”


“Did it go well?” she was in the midst of preparing herself for a war that was coming up in a few days.


I nodded my head. “They have her in capacity and under control. The outer seal has just been broken and it’ll take time for the next 2 levels to break and she’ll be set free.”


She froze in place at the last sentence. “But that’s not enough time.”


“Why is that?”


“He wants to fight soon. He’s itching to battle already. I’ve already done everything in my power to set some potions that do the reverse effect of what he wants, but I couldn’t get to the power source of his most powerful weapons. I’m only able to make them weaker, but that will take at least a week to crack down only one level.”


“When did he set the battle for?” I started to panic, but I kept myself together to hear the results.

“Tomorrow night.”


This story is coming to an end soon. -cries- I'm sorry if it wasn't what you expected, but this is my first story so please give mercy on me and check out my other 3 stories that are lined up xD.


already planned out the ending too ^^ please stay tuned for the rest of the story as it will be action packed. 


How do you think the ending will go? Comment your guesses in the area provided below and subscribe to find out soon! ~Sinyeon (a.k.a Sunmi) ^^

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labyrinthines #1
Are you planning to do a sequel? OMYGOSH! I just love it. :3 Thank you for making this, author-nim! :)
Chapter 22: awww its the end already?:(
but its a good story tho(: LUV IT!!!
Chapter 22: Yeay... happy ending. I hope your story be a movie/drama one day. Hwaiting for your next fan fics
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #4
Chapter 21: AWWW!!!>< wait so both Dae and Sumin have no more powers??
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #7
Chapter 18: Come on Sumin!! SHOW THE DEMON KING JUST HOW POWERFUL U ARE!!!><
Chapter 18: Demon king : die. All cursed generAtion: normal human. Sumin&daehyun : a couple.. kekekekke