Sixteenth Encounter

More Than Meets The Eye



I woke up with a start. I’ve been having nightmares lately, but I never found the source of it. My mind would be blank, but it would feel like people were trying to talk to me. The whispers were always incoherent, but this time, the one word was clear as day ‘Soon’. Sometimes images of blood were scattered everywhere. Sometimes there would be images of people talking. None of them made sense in any way. I tried to put them together, but the pieces wouldn’t go together. Sometimes, I would hear screaming in the middle of the night. I sighed and ruffled my hair, trying to see what time it was. 4:00AM. I decided to go for a run to clear my mind. I grabbed my clothes from the closet and went to go change in the bathroom. I left a note for Eunmi saying that I would be back soon. I slipped on my anklet, bracelet, and grabbed my wallet and phone before opening the front door. The cool morning air created goosebumps under the hoodie I was wearing. I did a little bit of stretching before starting to run. I ran throughout the city, not caring who saw me or where I went. I just wanted to clear my mind out.


What’s happening to me?




I encountered B.A.P again during my patrol time with Sumin. I was laying in bed, thinking about how to explain to Sumin. She came in a little later after I got home. I felt her walk into our room, and I faked being asleep. She pulled up my blanket and then went to go take a shower. I sat up again and thought about the first meeting.




“Sumin’s memory barrier is soon crumbling. With the information her parents gave us, we should have already attacked. The info is probably outdated by now.” The Clan Leader looked a little concerned.


“Sir I can assure you that the information hasn’t changed. We’ve been at a stalemate for almost 15 years and the Demon King hasn’t advanced in weaponry yet, nor does he plan to anytime soon. Right now he is focusing on developing Sumin’s power and taking advantage of the fluctuating levels.” I confirmed his thoughts.


“If that’s it, then action must be taken soon. The development must not go on. The seals are disappearing quickly, and when they fall, no one can guarantee anyone's safety. Not even Sumin’s.”


“What should we do?”


“Everything’s already been planned ever since we started exchanging information. Boys come out.”


On his command, 5 boys walked out from the shadows of the meeting room.


“Eunmi, meet my elite squad, B.A.P.”


“ANNYEONGHASEYO! We are B.A.P! We will work hard, yes sir!” They saluted at me.


I was a bit startled by their power and almost jumped out of my seat.


“Boys introduced yourselves.”


“Hello, I am the Leader Bang Yong Guk.” The guy has a deep voice.


“Names Kim Him Chan, second in command of this group.” He has killer looks.


“Nice to meet you. I’m Yoo Young Jae, the mastermind of this group.” Seemed pretty smart.


“Hi... Moon Jong Up-imnida...” He looked a bit shy.


“Hi~!! I’m Choi Jun Hong, but you can call me Zelo!” The last boy beamed at me.


“Any lastly, Eunmi introduce yourself.” the Clan Leader instructed me.


“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Song Eun Mi, 13th Cursed Miracle, Spirit of the Phoenix.”


They seemed amazed to see someone from the Generation up close. The younger ones were staring at me ever since they came in, and it was a bit uncomfortable with their happy personalities.


“Lastly, he’s not here, but Daehyun will also be in this group, but he is currently resting so he is excused from this. Now, before the seals fall, it is best to make it seem quiet for the next couple months. The seals on Daehyun and Sumin will only last about a year before they vanish completely, and we can no longer control them. If they unleash their power, then it will put the both of them in big danger. For now, all we can do is kill off as many of his minions as possible.”


“You see, some of us are in the resistance, especially the Generation of Cursed Miracles, and I’m assuming the Clan Leader knows the reason correct?” I looked over to him, the boys utterly confused at what the reason was.


“In fact I do. The Demon King took over centuries ago, and the most nicest creatures had became traitors, turning into the most ruthless killers possible, in attempt to take over the world. There was a special 15 that were the most powerful spirits of the world, called The Resistance. 14 of them were captured and were ordered to become the new Generation of Cursed Miracles for the Demon King, which is the current generation. The last spirit was able to start a side a form a bigger resistance. When a child is blessed, or shall I saw ‘cursed’ at birth, they are given a soul, and that soul will only provide power. The child chooses which side they want to be on, however, the Demon King only recognizes that they are bad, and do not know that all of them are in the resistance.”


They nodded in understanding and we continued the meeting.


“The only way to tell them apart from everyone else is they won’t put up a fight against you. The real traitors will fight you to the death. If you are unsure, just kill them. The resistance would want to be dead if they were not able to be set free.”


They all nodded again, and Youngjae was taking down notes.


“Alright I think this is enough for now. We don’t want to go too deep into planning just yet, and just lay low the next couple months before taking action. Understand?”


We all nodded.




We all bowed and left.





The next morning, we were called into a meeting. The six of us were lined together and in our uniforms, waiting for the Clan Leader to come. A couple minutes later, the door opened and revealed the Clan Leader and Minhee.


“Welcome boys, today we are going to talk about some important stuff.” We took our seats around the table.


“As you know, a couple days ago, you guys met Eunmi and we talked about taking action in a couple months. Only Daehyun was excluded from the conversation.”


We all nodded.


“I am going to cut that time short and make actions soon. You boys will be kidnapping Sumin and taking her into custody. It will give me time to add additional spells to keep the seal going, as her powers are rapidly growing uncontrollably, and the seal may break in the next week or so.”


“Do you know the reasons for this?” Youngjae spoke up.


“As of now, there are no traces to why her power levels are going up and down. All we can assume now is that the Demon King is trying to speed up the process and go into war quickly.”


“Can we know for sure who is on our team right now?” Yongguk asked.


“As of right now, the whole Generation of Cursed Miracles is on your team, but as they know, it would be too suspicious if all of them countered at the same time. So, only about three of four will help you during battle, and the rest will be trying to counter you, but it will be fake of course. Also, there is also their top scientist, Raina, who planted a tracking device in Sumin and Eunmi’s bracelets, but only she and Eunmi know of this. The rest, is by your judgement, as I’ve only told you about our strongest teammates.”


“Does Sumin know what's going on right now?” Himchan followed in.


“Eunmi has vowed to her parents that she would never know what the Demon King is planning for her, and that she would be freed without knowledge of their plans. So she does not know what is happening, and that we are going into battle soon. To make it clear, Sumin has no idea what's going on, even on her side.”


“Are we going to battle with just us or are we going to have backup?” Jongup asked.


“This is only a small scaled mission as compared what is going to happen in the future, so I will only have you guys and Minhee go to get her. Eunmi already knows what's going on, and so does everyone in the resistance.”


“How are we going to take her? She has incredible senses.” Zelo fidgeted.


“She can’t sense all of you if you distract her somehow. Like for say, the six of you will go into battle, while Minhee knocks her unconscious, and then you guys are good. Or you take her when she’s in her human form, and her skills are less sharp.”


“Lastly, when are we taking action?” I wanted to wrap up the conversation so we could start planning.

“Tomorrow night.”


Sorry for not updating in a couple days D: ive been really busy learning new dances and watching running man xD so heres a short update. im trying to end this story in the next 10-20 chapters or so since im having a hard time writing this story TT_TT im sorry to disappoint you with my shtty story LOL but I hope you enjoyed this little update. What do you think the game plan is? Comment your answers below and subscribe to find out soon!

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labyrinthines #1
Are you planning to do a sequel? OMYGOSH! I just love it. :3 Thank you for making this, author-nim! :)
Chapter 22: awww its the end already?:(
but its a good story tho(: LUV IT!!!
Chapter 22: Yeay... happy ending. I hope your story be a movie/drama one day. Hwaiting for your next fan fics
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #4
Chapter 21: AWWW!!!>< wait so both Dae and Sumin have no more powers??
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #7
Chapter 18: Come on Sumin!! SHOW THE DEMON KING JUST HOW POWERFUL U ARE!!!><
Chapter 18: Demon king : die. All cursed generAtion: normal human. Sumin&daehyun : a couple.. kekekekke