Thirteenth Encounter

More Than Meets The Eye


I tried to take flight as an attempt to escape, but someone shot an arrow through my right wing, causing immense pain as I fell to the ground. My body was slowly starting to shut down from my two injuries, as a women stood above me with a mask covering her face, whispered a chant, and I out instantly, not knowing what was going to happen next...



Everything was clear now. My misunderstanding of my past, how I was able to pick up training so quickly, why I felt a connection on the day of Sumin’s incident. Everything.

My pillow was soaked of tears now, and my face was stained with tears also. I didn’t mind it. I just closed my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep.



I ran out after their base right after he dismissed us, giving Daehyun no time to

comprehend what was going on. I had to find a place to stay for the night, just in case the scent was too strong. I wandered around the streets thinking of different places that I could stay. Just like that I was standing in front of Sumin’s apartment. She wouldn’t kill me for staying here for the night right? I shrugged as I pulled out a spare key from my pocket and opened the door. I slumped onto her bed and drifted into sleep.



I woke up with the sun’s rays shining through my curtains. I slowly got up to see Eunmi not on her bed. I got up and got ready to go see my Father.


“Good morning Father.”


“Good morning Sumin. Come in, I have something great to tell you.”


“What is it Father?”


“We made you a new DNA chip. It is the same as your old one, but with a few additional tweaks in appearance. I sent someone to install it right now.”


“Thank you, and may I ask if you know where Eunmi went?”


“She said she had some business to take care of last night, and didn’t come back yet.”


“Do you know where she went?”


“I do not.”


“Can I go look for her?”


“Not at the moment. Your powers are still fluctuating, and we don’t know the reason behind this yet, so I cannot let you outside.”


“As you wish.” I stepped out and went back to my room.


I opened my door to see one of the scientists, Raina, installing my new DNA chip.


“Hi Raina unnie!” I greet her. She turned back around to greet me.


“Oh why hello Sumin. I was planning to finish this before you came back from visiting your father, but I guess I was a bit slow.” She scratched the back of her neck.


“That’s fine, I don’t have anything to do, and he won’t let me go out today, so I’m stuck here anyways.”


“Well then that’s perfect! I wanted for you to try out your new DNA chip I designed for you and see if you liked it, and if there was anything you wanted me to change.”


“Oh that’s ok. I can’t wait to see what you picked for me!” I smiled as I began taking off my clothes and stepping into the tub.”


“By the way, I tweaked both appearances so you can try out a new style.” Raina winked at me before closing the glass door.


“Also, this transformation is going to take a bit longer, since your DNA and appearances don’t match, so it’s going to have to configure itself.” She shouted at me through the tube as I set my hand on the recognition device.


Configuration in Process












I stepped out of the tube to see what was different. I looked into the mirror to see my hairstyle different. I was a lot longer than before, reaching almost to my mid thighs, and it was no longer just black. It was an even darker shade of black, to frame my milky skin, and the color slowly transitioning from the jet black to snow white at the bottom. My new hair color made me feel like a new person, as my old dull crimson red eyes were now even a darker shade of red, almost to the point where it was black. I felt more fierce, and a stronger person.


“I think this new look boosted my self esteem.” I chuckled.


“I’m glad you like it then! Now we have to try the human DNA.” Raina pushed me back to the clear tube.














I stepped out of the tub and admired my new look. I was a bit taller than my old human appearance. My hair was no longer a plain brown, but it was longer, almost passing mid thighs, and it was now a medium brown, transitioning to a fire red in the middle, and then changing into a platinum blonde at the end. My eyes went from a light brown, to dark chocolate orbs, slightly changing to a grey at the outer end of the circle. Raina had given me a more fierce and y look, where had my old one was more of an pure/innocent type. I was liking the new style, since I was taller and I looked a lot more bold.


“Ooo I am liking this new style. You made me taller, and I like that. Didn’t like being shorter than the average teenage girl back then.”


“Perfect! I’ll report this back to your Father and he should be allowing you to go back to school tomorrow since we set everything back in place. Also, I need your transformation bracelet back for the night to set your new DNA in it.”

I slipped off my bracelet and gave it to her. “Since I’m human now I’m gonna go out to look for Eunmi, could you tell my Father for me?”


“Not a problem sweetheart. I’ll be going now.” She stepped out and closed the door.


I admired my new look a little bit more and giggled before hopping into the shower to clean up. Then I pulled on a t-shirt and sweats before going out to find Eunmi.


“Father I’m going out.”


He eyed me head to toe, looking at my new appearance.


“Raina reported back to me that everyone is ok now, so you may go.” He waved his hand and I bowed before stepping back out.


As I stepped out of boundaries, I let the slight breeze run through my hair. Feels good to be out again!



[(A/N): Sorry if it was a bit confusing, but Sumin’s POV was one day behind. So meaning when Eunmi went to the enemy’s base that night, Sumin’s POV was still during the day, on the same day. If you get what I’m trying to say >_< I’m sorry LOL. But now, we are going to fast forward Sumin’s POV to catch up with everyone elses, and we resume on the same day, midnight.]



I stayed the up the whole night looking for Eunmi, but no luck, I couldn’t find her. I gave up at midnight, going back to my own apartment for the night. I didn’t want to stay at base for the night, being monitored by my Father. Raina will know where I am. I walked into my room to see someone sleeping on my bed. I took cautious steps towards my bed to see who it was. I peeked over to see Eunmi sleeping. I sighed as she rolled over, finding a comfortable position to sleep in. I smiled as I pulled the blanket up higher and went to go take a shower. I dried my hair and hopped into bed next to Eunmi. I drifted off to sleep.


-the next day-


I woke up at the crack of dawn, Eunmi still sleeping next to me. I got out of bed and went to get ready for school. I took a shower, dryed my hair, and pulled my PJs back on before heading to the kitchen to make breakfast. While cooking the waffles, I felt a presence creeping behind me. I spun around to see Eunmi about to attack the sudden stranger. She quickly relaxed, recognizing who I was.


“YAH SUMIN YOU SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME! I thought you were some stranger!” she yelled at me.


“Hehe, sorry!” I smiled at her.


She eyes me up and down, finally realizing I looked different.


“Woah, what happened to you? You look so much different!”


“Raina made me a new DNA chip and she designed it for me.” I told her.




I smiled. “Speak of the devil, I think I know who’s here.”


I opened the door to see Raina standing there with a small bag in her hand.


“I redid the designs for both of your bracelets. I just made a new one for Eunmi since I didn’t have hers last night.” She handed me the bag.


“Thanks unnie! You better go before anyone sees you!” I laughed at her.


“Yea yea yea, I’m going. Tell Eunmi I said morning!” and she dashed off with the wind.


I walked back into the kitchen to see Eunmi finishing our breakfast and setting it on the table. “Who was that?”


“Raina. She re-did our bracelets since the ones we had before were a bit heavy and mine had to be configured again.” I took out the contents in the bag to see 4 things, an anklet, two bracelets, and a note.


Sumin and Eunmi,

Morning! I re-did you two’s bracelets so they look nice and light. Sumin requires two, because of her new DNA, and her power levels are fluctuating a little bit, so one should hold your DNA and the other one should be your power-tamer. I labeled which bracelet was whose so I hope you like them!



I looked at the new bracelets on the table. It was no longer a solid band, but a pattern of swirls connecting each other. One was engraved with Sumin and the other one had Eunmi on it. I handed Eunmi her new transformer bracelet and I put my own two on. She smiled at the new bracelet, and we started eating. We changed and went to school that morning, hooked with each other’s arms. We took our seats in class, when something suddenly fell at my feet. It was a piece of paper. I picked it up and read it.


By the way, I casted a spell to make everyone believe that this is what you looked like before the incident, so you don’t have to worry about anyone questioning your new appearance, but the spell only works on humans. You know who will be able to ask about your sudden change.


I quickly shoved the note back into my bag as Daehyun took his seat next to me. He peered over to see who the new person was, and his eyes almost popped out when he recognized who it was.


“S-sumin? Is that you?” he asked nervously.


“100% Lee Sumin at your service.” I smiled at him.


He looked as if a weight had just been lifted off his shoulders. Then he eyed me head to toe, looking at my new appearance. He knows.

I looked over to Eunmi and she mouthed something so me. He’s one of them.

My eyes widened as she mouthed again. Explain later.

I turned back around to face the board as the teacher came in. I saw Daehyun look at Eunmi and whisper something, but I couldn’t quite catch what he said. Eunmi shook her head and Daehyun turned back around while shuffling in his seat. The bell rang and the teacher began the school day.


“Class we have a new student today.”

To be continued....


Hello everyone! Sorry for not updating yesterday TT_TT I did an unexpectingly large update last night for my other story and it drained me so much, I was brain fried for the night so I couldn't think of what to write. Here is my extra long chapter so please enjoy, and if you do please comment and subscribe! Can anyone guess who the new student is? Also about the confusing POVs, feel free to ask down in the comments below with your answer! ~Sunmi

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labyrinthines #1
Are you planning to do a sequel? OMYGOSH! I just love it. :3 Thank you for making this, author-nim! :)
Chapter 22: awww its the end already?:(
but its a good story tho(: LUV IT!!!
Chapter 22: Yeay... happy ending. I hope your story be a movie/drama one day. Hwaiting for your next fan fics
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #4
Chapter 21: AWWW!!!>< wait so both Dae and Sumin have no more powers??
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #7
Chapter 18: Come on Sumin!! SHOW THE DEMON KING JUST HOW POWERFUL U ARE!!!><
Chapter 18: Demon king : die. All cursed generAtion: normal human. Sumin&daehyun : a couple.. kekekekke