First Encounter

More Than Meets The Eye

In the fall night, the trees rustled as their movements reflected the wind. The only source of light was the moon, shining dully upon them while carrying obtained information to the enemies.


“Did you bring the information?”


“I did. Are you getting close to invading? The Demon King is starting to grow suspicious of our nightly disappearances. He is planning to start our daughter’s training soon. We don’t want for her to learn any of his cruel ways.”


Oh don’t worry sweetheart, I will take care of her my way, and teach her everything she needs to know about being a ruthless killer.”


The demon’s parents eyes widened, recognizing the Demon King’s voice immediately. They were caught trying to slip information to the enemy like that have been for the past few months.


“Also, tell my wife in Hell I said hello for me. She will be very glad she has company now.”  He smirked. “Don’t worry, I will take good care of your daughter.”


Just like that, her parents were killed on the spot, leaving their daughter in the hands of the Demon King.



Blood was everywhere. I had just completed my daily mission of scouting the perimeter of our base. I discovered a group of ninjas trying to discover more about our base. When they spotted me, I killed them on the spot before they could even fight back.



“Remember Sumin, always kill your enemies on the spot, without letting them signal for help,” the Demon King trained me to do.


“Yes master,” I replied in a monotone voice.


“I told you to call me Father, not master remember?”


“As you wish Father.”




I ran back to base to report of the intruders.

“Father, there were ninjas scouted at the borders of base. I cleared them on the spot as you wished for me to do.”

“Next time you find one of them again, call for backup. I do not want my top assassin to be injured.” the Demon King smirked.


“ As you wish Father.” I replied, and left to continue scouting. Before I knew it, it was nightfall already. I headed back of my room to wash up and transform back to my human form. This has been my nightly routine every since my training ended. Report to base after school, transform into my demon form, complete Father’s requests, and then transform back into my human form.  


I stepped into my transformer tube after cleaning up all my blood stains from the fight earlier. I stripped down my clothes, a  jet black, skin tight tube top and combat shorts that only covered my torso and ended right below my . I put my hand on the DNA recognition device and the transformation activated. My demon form features, pointed fox ears, nine tails, slender legs and arms, and blood red colored eyes, long and sleek black hair, tall stature, demon DNA, slowly turned back into more human like features, big brown eyes, fit, slim arms and legs, long brown hair, short stature, and human DNA.   

After the transformation was complete, I changed into regular clothes, a small t-shirt and shorts. I bid my Father and everyone else a good night before walking back to my apartment, where I lived and fed myself. I walked over to my room and fell in my big bed. I closed my eyes and fell asleep instantly.



I was sent on a mission today to scout out the Demon King’s base with a bunch of newbies. What a waste of my time. We were almost done when I sensed a demon near us. As she spotted us, I knew immediately who is was, the Demon King’s top assassin and only daughter.


“Quick, we have to get out of here. She spotted us. Leave now if you want to stay alive,” I warned them and quickly dashed away.


“Huh, what are you talking abou-...,” as one of the trainees tried to speak, but was already killed by the demon assassin.


“Told you to run before she caught you.” I smirked, running back to base.  


Stepping into our headquarters, I reported back to the clan leader.

“Today’s mission was not able to be completed. The Demon King’s daughter spotted us as was able to assassinate everyone on the mission except me.”  I reported.


“Well thats a problem. We just lost our top trainees. You have to be more careful next time. I have a promise to keep to the girl’s parents. In exchange for them giving us information, we have to save their daughter from his curse remember? We can’t afford to lose any more people or else we can never save her,” said the clan leader.


"I know sir, I will be more careful next time. How can I forget the main goal of this clan? My work has been finished today. I will be leaving now,” I bowed and left to my room.


I stripped down my dirty ninja gear, tossed it into my basket, and took a long shower, washing all of the dirt off from today’s mission. After I finished, I put on a shirt and basketball shorts and headed to my apartment, just a few minutes from headquarters.

As I was heading home, I passed by the Demon King’s base and saw a familiar looking girl walk out of the side gate. Huh, she looks familiar. Does she go to our school? What was she doing in the scum bag’s base? I watched her walk down the dark street alone. I didn’t want to think too much about it so I headed home. I guess I'll confirm if it was her tomorrow or not...and drifted off to sleep.

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labyrinthines #1
Are you planning to do a sequel? OMYGOSH! I just love it. :3 Thank you for making this, author-nim! :)
Chapter 22: awww its the end already?:(
but its a good story tho(: LUV IT!!!
Chapter 22: Yeay... happy ending. I hope your story be a movie/drama one day. Hwaiting for your next fan fics
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #4
Chapter 21: AWWW!!!>< wait so both Dae and Sumin have no more powers??
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #7
Chapter 18: Come on Sumin!! SHOW THE DEMON KING JUST HOW POWERFUL U ARE!!!><
Chapter 18: Demon king : die. All cursed generAtion: normal human. Sumin&daehyun : a couple.. kekekekke