Eli's Parents

Dear Diary

When Kevin went home, his mum nearly died of shock. "Omo, is this my son?" she asked as she went around him and looked him over, "Wah, you're so handsome!" Kevin couldn't hold back his happy smile. He ran upstairs and called Eli.

"Eli, thank you! I love you love you love you LOVE you!" Kevin blurted out with a beaming smile on his face. Eli cleared his throat. Kevin bit his lip and tried to think of what he was taught, "I mean... Thanks bro."

Eli laughed and shook his head, "You're... welcome? Yeah, I have to go. Bye." He hung up and walked into his house. Or should I say, mansion. The maid opened the door and greeted him. Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around his waist, "Welcome home, baby."

He turned around and looked at the beautiful woman standing there, "Hey mum. How many times have I told you not to call me 'baby'? I'm not a 3 year old anymore."

"I know," she said amusingly, "Your girlfriend's in your room." For a mother, she's really tolerant. And no, she didn't care about how his friends would come sleep over and how his girlfriend would stay in his room when she came over. She was very caring but strict in a way.

Eli went upstairs to his room. Suddenly, his dad's head popped out from his room. "Wear protection," his dad jokingly whispered across the corridor. Eli rolled his eyes, "Daaad, I'm underage." For a father, he was erted. Too erted. But he means no harm, he just likes to joke... a bit too much.

He went into his room and found Eunhye reading a book. He sneaked up behind her and put his hands on her eyes, "Guess who?" Eunhye sighed, "I don't know. Who else would sneak up on me? Maybe it's my boyfriend, Kiseop. Did I ever tell you about how cute he is? "

Eli dropped his hands, "Aw, you're no fun." He sat down on the bed and wrapped his arms around her, "You would never leave me for Kiseop. I'm too hot." For a guy in grade 10, Eli has heaps of experience in dating and was definitely over confident when it came to relationships.

Eunhye giggled and kissed his cheek, "By the way.. I heard your dad."

"And?" Eli asked as he raised an amused eyebrow, "You want to do it?" Eunhye playfully slapped his shoulder, "Yah, you better be joking."

"I AM joking," Eli said, "Come on, I think dinner's ready." They went downstairs and sat at the dinner table with his parents. The maids set down the delicious food and left. The four of them made comfortable talk and watched TV. Big Bang's parody of Secret Garden was playing. It was the part where TOP was kissing GD. Eli had to admit that G-Dragon looked good as a girl.

Eli's mum looked at Eunhye with a pleased smile, "Baby, I'm glad you have a proper girlfriend."

Oh yes, his mum didn't have tolerance for one thing -- homouals.

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Chapter 22: Update soon please o/
YouDunnoMe #2
Nice fanfic !! Fighting!
Chapter 22: Oh update soon i love your fic please :D
kim_park #4
Chapter 22: Hi..new reader here and i read it in one go..but it stuck here.. i need some updates heree...hehe
so curious about the elvin feeling n the future relationship..what will happen for them when they know each other feeling?*emm,anyway?does eli really have a feeling for sweet kevin?curiouscuriouscurious....
update soon pleasee~~~
Akwaaba #5
Chapter 22: Oh please update soon ! This fic is so good !
Chapter 22: Please please please pretty-please-with-a-cherry-on-T.O.P don't forget about this fic! I know it's been over a year since you've updated but I really hope you will come back to it sometime ^_^ I am loving is so far and really want to know what happens next.
ShipJongkey #7
Chapter 22: Can you update pretty pretty please??????? I love this fic!!! I'm dying to know what happens next!
XOLovinExoWolvesXO #8
Chapter 3: For some reason almost every ukiss fanfic I read dongho is the bully o.o
Chapter 22: I love this fic<3 I just read the whole thing! Update soon pls^^
ShipJongkey #10